Episode 231-Duped: The Relationship Between Empathy, Trust, and Deception

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Turns out Rebecca’s cat’s dishwater-drinking was for a reason! The poor thing has diabetes. After discussing his treatment plan and special diet, the girls dive into the complexities of trust and deception, sharing personal anecdotes and discussing a shocking story of a woman duped by her con artist husband. They also touch on everyday scams, from online marketplace frauds to email phishing attempts, and the moral dilemmas we face in our daily lives. With humor and heart, Erin and Rebecca navigate these challenging topics, reminding us of the importance of empathy and integrity in a world full of uncertainties.

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;32;13
Hey, it’s me Erin, Thanks for joining us on the Moor Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;32;14 – 00;00;58;23
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what? Our life. Our life is. Best friends who are more like sisters. Oh, yay, I love us, and I can’t wait to share our stories of the world, especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay. Listen, I hope you have nothing to do right after this.
00;00;58;25 – 00;01;14;05
Away we go. The goodwill. No. Oh, no. I got I got six different returns to do in the back of my truck. Oh, can I need some help? Okay. I can’t carry on. Hold on. I gotta go to the hobby labs. Okay, I gotta go to the UPS. Okay. Gotta go to the calls. Okay. Gotta go to the Walmarts.
00;01;14;05 – 00;01;31;02
Okay. Gotta go to the TJ Maxx. Wow. Okay. We’re all within our return window for all of you at target. Oh, okay. There are no windows. Oh, well, there is for Amazon. Oh, yeah. Let me just look at my sequential return. Okay. I’m free till two. Oh, good. I’m free til two. We’re good. All right. We’re good.
00;01;31;07 – 00;01;51;05
I push that back to those bitches. Pushed me off for a long time. I can be, like, so busy. Sorry. Hey, you know who we meet with tomorrow? Oh, funeral for the wrong guy. Yeah. He may be a guest trying to convince me to be a guy. To guys who are just like. I need to speak with you before you answer me.
00;01;51;09 – 00;02;06;04
We want to. Do you meet every guest. And he’s like, I think we should have a pre-meeting. Yeah, I mean, I know do we have pre-meeting? No, not this guy meeting ever. This guy though. He’s like, I’d like to have a pre-meeting just before the show to determine if I’d like to come on the show. I mean, he should be here to talk about.
00;02;06;04 – 00;02;28;22
He should be scared. By the way, you’re going to be on the show. Does it really matter? You’re gonna be on the show. So if you want to see that interview. Oh, yeah. This guy got to subscribe is a normal funeral director. This guy is a production person. Yeah. New to age funerals. Yeah, yeah. New age funerals. Yeah.
00;02;28;26 – 00;02;48;12
Which is right up our. Damn. Oh, absolutely. Right up. We’re trying to work. I’m going to have a funeral director. Come on. Yes, sir. And in fact, we’re trying to get Rebecca job. Hahaha! You know, if you need planning funeral style. Yeah, yeah, I mean, come on. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, this is going to be perfect. We can’t be.
00;02;48;15 – 00;03;03;12
Is he dating one of our friends? Yeah. It’s fine. Yeah. It’s fine. That’s fine. It’s probably. You know that. That’s why he needed that. I mean, I pre-meeting, I think so. I think he’s like, what I want to do right by you, right? That’s what I think. No one. You know, I don’t care. I mean, make it up as we go along.
00;03;03;13 – 00;03;25;03
I mean, okay, here’s the thing about paper straws. Terrible idea. Absolutely terrible idea. Right? You go somewhere else. It’s the worst invention I know. They just disintegrate unless you drink it all right away. Correct. Do you have any plastic straws, Scott? Just take. Here’s an idea. I don’t take the straw out. Take the top off and just drink it like a normal cup of that.
00;03;25;05 – 00;03;45;10
I know it’s a lot. I know. God forbid your brain. Think of something like that. Try it. But it’s. I mean, isn’t Joe working today, Joe? Come on. Hey! Blast Joe from my channel. Oh, damn. Whoa! Wait, wait. Do you have a coffee stirrer? Yeah, with a hole in it. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Bring that to her little tiny straw.
00;03;45;10 – 00;04;07;26
That’s fine. Joe, can Joe hear us? No. Oh, good. Good. Actually, for one hand. Oh my God, really good. So you brought up something right before we went on the lives. I know, you know. Guys, listen, my cat might be drinking water out of weird places, and now I’m paranoid. He’s got the diabetes. It’s too hot. Listen, I bring him in, I have.
00;04;07;26 – 00;04;27;05
What do I do to say you gotta check him for the diabetes. Well, I don’t know if they’re going to do that right away, but, I mean, I had symptoms I just said is something’s wrong with my cat. I thought it was a urinary tract infection or bladder or kidney. And then when I gave the symptoms, they were like, oh, you said dirty dishwater, right?
00;04;27;07 – 00;04;49;05
That was that was what put me over the edge. But he’s always been a weirdo, remember? He you know, if you were aware. Yeah. If you if if you have a cup of water near you, he is sticking his paws on it and drinking it. If he spills water on his fountain on the floor, he’s drinking it. Yeah, he did not go up to like when you’re brushing your teeth or in the shower previous to the diabetes.
00;04;49;06 – 00;05;07;06
Okay? He was not going near those things. Then he started to do that. And that got weird. Why did your cats ever jump into the into the shower and just stare at the drain for hours at a time? Oh, you mean when it’s not on? Yeah. Yes. That started that started happening. Sullivan’s been doing that. Sullivan cats was doing that for years.
00;05;07;07 – 00;05;27;18
He’s got the diabetes to Scott and my my cats hair. That’s a big he’s a chunker. So, yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he’s got the diabetes. I caught him eating the dog’s food the other day. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Bastard. So here’s the weird water places for us. It’s not. It’s not, the dirty dishwater.
00;05;27;18 – 00;05;44;14
Yeah, but he will go into the shower after I have gone into the shower and lick the shower water. He will drink water out of the dog’s bowl. You know, that gives me an idea. But is it an entrepreneurial idea? I think so, does it have to do with machine? You’re going to go back. I’ll make you a logo.
00;05;44;14 – 00;06;07;13
What is that? Well, I just think if you know, this show starts to pick up, we can sell your shower water bottles. Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah, yeah. Just like, just like once. You know what? Rebecca’s just so we’re clear now. She’s had our every day. Has that. Okay? It’s full of self-tanner and some weird ass crystal deodorant. She decided to use that day.
00;06;07;15 – 00;06;27;10
So not to mention Aaron’s seat is going to be worth a fortune while. That’s right. Oh, my God, do you know how much someone would pay for this? Oh my God, oh my God. An unreal amounts of money. So gross. Yeah. How much do you think people pay for your, office chair? Oh, my office chairs got all sorts of things on it.
00;06;27;11 – 00;06;50;27
That’s right, that’s right. We got a lot of shit to sell. This thing takes off. So. Yeah. You’re all set. Oh, gross. Guys, listen, here’s my public service announcement for today. Do not get over the age of 40 and then garden. Pie. Period. Because it’s not okay the next day. Oh, I gardening all weekend. I’m fine. How are you?
00;06;50;27 – 00;07;18;28
Yeah. I’m not, I am not I had just have that garden in the front of my house like my front landscaping. That’s. You have frickin. I have a park. Fields of of lavender. Oh. In your backyard to tame my roses. You literally have a state park in your backyard? Yeah. How much? On purpose? Yes, yes. Correct. I have just my front area, so I cut back my lavender bushes.
00;07;19;00 – 00;07;41;09
I cut back my salvia. I, I pulled out three tall grasses that I did not plant there. I don’t know how they got there, but I did not like how they looked. So I pulled those out. They like migrated. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Okay. And then because I had so much overgrown lavender because lavender is a beast.
00;07;41;09 – 00;08;04;20
Right. But it’s right there and it smells delicious. So, so amazing. I then have a bunch. I’m not kidding. This bag of lavender that I spent, I was sat on my front step, and I just cut the bottoms off of all of it so that I now have a ton of lavender. So I then go to stand up and I’m like, wow, I feel great.
00;08;04;22 – 00;08;28;10
This is awesome. Until the night starts to progress. And then I’m like, I am like quasi modal. I like I got one over of Notre Dame over here, and then Carter’s like, can we put together, my Minecraft such and such and my, my bedroom. And I’m like, I am sorry, I don’t think I can get out of bed.
00;08;28;10 – 00;08;52;14
He’s like, what? You’re not okay? I said, I’m not okay. I it’s not great. So now today I go to stand up or sit down or whatever and do this like I have, I got rocked. It is not okay. The only thing I have to relate that to is the fact that I’m over 40. Yeah I mean I had to so I have I think eight rose bushes around my pool.
00;08;52;27 – 00;09;15;15
And one was so top heavy it was going to snap. Oh yeah. Snap. It’s so far. Plus it was up above the pool. And if the kids like jump too far they’d be you know shred shred to pieces. Yeah. Because of the thorns. Yes. Yes. Yeah. So I decided okay I’m gonna, I’m gonna, you know, trim a bush.
00;09;15;17 – 00;09;36;04
Oh, okay. I’m. And a trimmer bush. Yes. And so I cut off all the tops and rounded it. Made it real pretty. Okay. And then I made a bunch of bouquets. Oh, my. I posted one. Thank you for bringing one for me today. No, I was going to, but then the winds happened yesterday and blew them over. To be fair, I was going to bring you a bundle of lavender.
00;09;36;04 – 00;10;01;11
I didn’t do that either. Do you? Okay. Because I decided to cut this together for a promo. Just so everybody know she’s actually talking about plants. Hahahahahahaha. So then I shaped the top, but then the bottom part. Yeah, was too sloppy. It was too defensive floppy. Your bush was too floppy. Fuck I did that gives me that reminds me of what I gave Phillip for his first Father’s Day gift.
00;10;01;11 – 00;10;19;10
The Chad clown came and I planted his dick and balls cactus. And it is the funniest thing. I should have brought it. Okay, I’m bringing it next week or whenever we come back. Anyway, so anyway, back to your floppy bush. Floppy? My floppy bush. I had to put stakes and wined it all up. Yeah, I’ll tell you what.
00;10;19;10 – 00;10;40;24
Those motherfuckers are prickly. Yeah. This prickly. Holy shit. Yeah. Okay. Go out carefully. Yeah. Be careful of there. Yeah. I hacked back my really wild bush. Went really wild. But she was there with stealing. It was even more. Why? Oh, yeah. Like cereal was all over my my, pool deck, and I’m like, that’s gotta be hacked back.
00;10;40;24 – 00;10;59;21
I’m pretty sure I killed it. I don’t I don’t care, actually. I got it back. You killed it, killed it, killed it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Wow. When people start dating you, the first thing you hand them is a machete. Here, this is for later. Yep. Yeah. Oh good I know you got, you got all your bush under control.
00;10;59;24 – 00;11;16;02
I got my bush. Good. You tamed it. It’s good. It’s in line with where it’s supposed to be. Good. Yeah. I’m really happy about that. Yeah. Well I was worried if you put chemicals on your bush to keep away the, the bugs. Yes. And they’re they’re. I think that’s why they’re so big and heavy this year.
00;11;16;08 – 00;11;40;08
Why? Because as you spray, you spread your bush down. Well, Phelps sprayed the bush. Phillip sprayed the bush. And it’s as it has been shining. It is stunning. Oh, now, speaking of bushes Phillips bush on his face. He cracks me up. He I so I got an Amazon package. Okay. The other day I didn’t I didn’t think I ordered this and I thought yeah, apparently it was a bunch of, eyeliners.
00;11;40;09 – 00;11;58;14
Okay. It was eyeliner, okay. And I’m like, what the hell is it like a pack of eyeliners? Okay. I’m like, what is this? No, it was right. It. Oh, white. It was white. I’m not sure. Yeah. So I say, Phillip, what is this? He’s like, oh it’s to it’s to mark out my beard. Oh he marks out his beard.
00;11;58;21 – 00;12;22;17
So he’s got lines okay. And then he does whatever he does. Oh before the trim. Yeah. Somehow with this eyeliner. And he had to ask me for my eyeliner sharpener. Sharpener? You know, like that’s next level. Yeah. There. Wow. So for Father’s Day we go to or while we were in Pennsylvania and I got him the clown with the dick and balls.
00;12;22;21 – 00;12;45;12
But then I also got him. Wait. We need to explain that I didn’t so I thought I explained it last time. Did she. Did you notice we need photos? Okay. I’m still. It’s still too abstract for me. Oh, okay. Thank you. When I get how I can help you with us. Yeah. I’d like you to imagine that she’s supposed to be in a meeting with me, and instead I get a, text message that says, hey, I’m going to be late.
00;12;45;15 – 00;13;07;27
And the only picture associated with that is this picture of a cactus that comes up big like this. And then there’s too many cactuses right here next to the big bulbous cactus. So, so all I have in my text messages, hey, I’m going to be late to the meeting. Can we push it back by 30 minutes? And then there’s a dick and bulky access in the picture.
00;13;07;29 – 00;13;31;28
And so we then later get on the other side. We’re on zoom, and she’s a can you believe I found that for Phillip for Father’s Day I did. I took on a client, I took this level and I went onto the eBay and I looked up naughty antique planters. Planters. And I found a sad clown. This clown is looking down and his pants are open.
00;13;31;28 – 00;13;51;01
Yeah. Out. Yeah. And he’s looking down, holding his pants up. No, his hands are just down to the side. Yeah, he said that plants planter out. And then I put the dick and ball cactus in there. So I found this just huge. Yeah. Great. That’s excellent. So you I’ll show you the real number. You. It’s number two. It’s number two bending.
00;13;51;01 – 00;14;06;09
Yeah. And it’s, it’s bending to the left. And not only that, but the clown thing I bought, I didn’t pay attention to the dimensions. It’s only like this big. And so the, the cactus is gigantic. Good. It’s actually even better. Yes. Even better. And so I say to him yesterday, I’m like, do you want to bring this to work?
00;14;06;09 – 00;14;22;26
Put it on your desk. Yeah, right. He’s like, you got a new desk. He’s got put this on your cherry desk. He goes, no, I want it in my man room. I said, okay, be way better. And I work right. That’s right. You know where we’re going to bring it on the podcast. For me, it’s going to go right next to the mermaid.
00;14;22;28 – 00;14;43;22
So I’m going to bring it next time she go over Aaron’s left shoulder. No you’re right. It’s smaller than the candle. It’s small. Yeah. That’s exactly what I want over my left shoulder. So the other component of his father’s naked ball cactus. Yeah. The other component was. I don’t know if you saw this on Shark Tank, but it’s, a guy who invented a beard cutting system where he had a cape.
00;14;43;24 – 00;15;00;27
You put a cape on, like, to get your haircut. Okay, except it’s got suction cups, and so you put it on, and then you suction cup it to the mirror. Okay? So when you’re trimming, it goes into there and you know, so it’s obsessed with being clean. Yeah. So I get him that. Yeah. And he says nothing like it was a joke.
00;15;00;27 – 00;15;17;00
It was from the dollar store. Whatever. He says nothing about the dick and balls cap us. Yeah. It’s just like, what? What’s that piece of shit I’m never going to use? Oh, wow. And I’m like, wow. Fell out. Wow, wow. Okay, whatever. We’re on the way home. Guess what he said about the Dick Campbell cactus? No. What about the about the beard area?
00;15;17;02 – 00;15;33;29
The beard cape thing? He’s like, that is the stupidest thing. I’m throwing it away. Yeah, we’re on the way home. And you know how he is in the car? Yeah. He can’t. I mean, first of all, to my brand new car. Yeah. He’s like, no one will eat or drink in here, right? And we’re never stopping. And I’m pissed off because we’re putting all these miles on the car.
00;15;33;29 – 00;15;52;02
Right. Do I open a bag of chips? 100%. Does he look at me and say, get out that beard cape? That’s right. Stick it. He made you better shield the nature of the beard. Hey, so you’re eating your chips like this with the beard. The carpet to the to the windshield? Yeah. See, it’s like I. If I see if I see one crumb.
00;15;52;02 – 00;16;09;26
Yeah, right. One fair is fair. One. Here he goes. You remember how you had that car for like, 15 minutes, and all of a sudden he’s got this, you know, like double sided tape thing. That cat that you use on furniture. So cats don’t scratch it. And I’m like, what is all of this. This looks horrendous. And you’re like, don’t take it off.
00;16;09;27 – 00;16;33;24
Phillip will lose his mind. I know he’s got to have that stupid. I put that all over any place that a foot or a purse or something might be plastic. Yeah. It I my car looks like bubble wrap so it does it’s not okay. And he’s like we got to keep it nice. Yeah. He’s the guy who would have plastic covers on the goddamn couch for sure.
00;16;33;26 – 00;16;50;28
I think he would rather live in a completely separate house from the three of you. I agree, and he’d keep it just absolutely pristine. He might come over to visit your house, right? You couldn’t go over it. I guess I know the amount of anxiety man has. Yeah, yeah. It’s unreal. I think one of my favorite stories. Mark’s going to appreciate that I tell this story.
00;16;50;28 – 00;17;07;03
One of our favorite stories about Philip was I don’t even remember what the hell we were talking about, but whatever we were talking about did not warrant him to say what I’m about to say. And so it was it was like we were talking about, I don’t I don’t even know. I do not even know. But it was something completely unrelated.
00;17;07;10 – 00;17;29;29
And all of a sudden Philip goes, well, when in Rome and every he says it all the time and it makes a person in the room looks at him like, what? What? That did not make any sense. So now my favorite thing is that whenever we’re together, maybe it’s our Christmas tradition that we do randomly over playing board games.
00;17;29;29 – 00;17;49;23
Like we’ll be doing the most random shit and someone Marco go when in Rome and so. But I still had no idea. Yes, he has no idea. Oh my God, to this day he you, Philip is funny. He can laugh at himself just like I can. But my God, some of the things I’m like this. Remember? Remember what I called you, what I’m like.
00;17;49;29 – 00;18;11;11
And here’s the newest one. And it was not just the memory he he thought a and, Mimi, the meme was called Mimi. He’s like Taylor. For real? For real. He’s like, Taylor, look at this, mami. And she’s like, what? What what? She’s like, what’s a meme? It’s a meme, dad. Yeah, dad. So the newest is now on Facebook, you know, up at the top where you do the search.
00;18;11;11 – 00;18;40;16
He’s like. He’s like like toast. Meta. Al and I go, what? He’s like, who’s meta al? Is that like, someone trying to friend me? I’m like, it’s called I like yeah, I yeah, my God, not al who’s, who’s al D.J. meta out. Who’s al. Why is he on my page. No matter how well does much better than the fact that Rebecca and I, we love ChatGPT.
00;18;40;22 – 00;19;01;15
I actually love ChatGPT so much that we have decided we’ve hired a ChatGPT and we’ve named her. Her name is Marianne. Marianne. I’m like Aaron asked Marianne. You turn and ask Marianne. Big question to tip. Give us some ideas of topic, what I can include for whatever. And then I’m like, yeah, Marianne. And then I’ll type it into the chat.
00;19;01;15 – 00;19;16;06
GPT she’s our best worker. Oh my God. Marianne is our absolute best for she comes up with the best ideas. She really gets us started. She gets us started, but then we take it too. No, you don’t take what Marianne has to say. In fact. For in fact, I forgot to do what I was going to do again.
00;19;16;11 – 00;19;35;23
I know, I know, I know style, Scott. You might get to actually see the work of Marianne at one of our, one of our upcoming shows. Because we have a little something for you, Marianne. Together, we’re working on a Marianne. Our favorite thing for you. Yeah. For you. Very good present. Frightened. You should be in Marianne.
00;19;35;28 – 00;19;56;18
Should be. You should be. Because the good dying diet. But. Yeah. So meta. Al has joined the family and better. Al. Yeah, yeah. Well, you got a hippie come, right? Dude, this is a this is a new one. Have we had this? It looks like, really angry. But look at their faces. They’re real angry. Pissed off? King of witch.
00;19;56;18 – 00;20;15;10
Five of one. When I think of insects, I was outside, sitting on my back porch, working on some stuff for one of the classes I teach, and there’s bees all over the place. I’m like, what the heck is going on? I look up, there’s a hi, if that has sound in this thing. Is is the size of this front the top of this cup.
00;20;15;13 – 00;20;35;26
Right. So of course I’m thinking to myself, we need to save these bees. Bees are, you know, going extinct. Are the bees this. Do you know for a fact that these. Stop it. Why does everyone always. Because there’s different kinds. Like they can be. I have that predictable about what I’m going to say because. No, they’re not be Scott.
00;20;35;26 – 00;20;52;13
They’re wasp. What what what what is it about the way I tell stories? Because you do this shit all the time. To me, you’re always like, oh, did what? And then you give the cliffhanger, like, I’m just trying to tell it to you. I’m sorry. And then you go, what is it? Is it me? Should we cut that out?
00;20;52;14 – 00;21;15;09
You start over the processing for me. You are. You get it so quick. It’s very easy. I don’t know whatever. In my mind, it wasn’t that easy. Scott’s like. Oh, it was a wasp. It wasn’t a bee. Next. Well, well, I have that. This is a conversation I’ve had many times with many people. Oh, because I two know about the problems with the bees.
00;21;15;12 – 00;21;33;04
Yeah. And so I want to save the bees. Yes. And people I got to be. And it’s like, no, it’s not a frickin bee, it’s a yellow jacket. Okay. And it’s like they use the term bee for like every yellow flying in every flying insect. Yeah, yeah. Wasps. It doesn’t matter. It’s a bee. Well I was convinced it was a bee.
00;21;33;07 – 00;21;52;05
Yeah. Lots of bees. And so I say to my mom I got a bee snatched out here. You know, we need to call an exterminator wing. But spleen is one of those people that comes over in, like, three homes of bees or whatever. So then I go upstairs to go lay down because. Because I keep getting a migraine.
00;21;52;05 – 00;22;10;27
Probably because I’m so worried about the bees. And she comes up into my bedroom. Mom, my mom comes into my bedroom. Yeah. And she goes, they’re not bees. They’re wasps. We can just call them. And I’m like, what? You. How do you know that? There’s just like we used to have those all the time over on Pansy drive where we used to live.
00;22;10;27 – 00;22;33;22
Right. Like it’s it’s it’s not a certain kind of hive if it’s a, it’s a paper hive or like, they started like, oh, this, that’s what this was. It was like this. It’s just a real young hive or whatever. So anyway, she, she tells Mark what the problem is. Mark needs to go handle it. She gets Mark this raid spray kind of stuff that can spray from, you know, the front of our house to the back of our house.
00;22;33;24 – 00;23;02;17
And, Mark chooses not to use that. He wants to use a claw grip that he has that we got from the Thunder deals. So he wants to go up and grab, that’s why. See, the knife, the paper hive. Okay. My girl. What? Okay. My, that’s what I said. I my poor Thomas Jay does the job. I swear to God.
00;23;02;19 – 00;23;21;16
I just know you hate my girl. So, Mark, standing next to this screen door, my mom stand in there. My mom’s like, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Whatever I said, listen to me. You’re an adult. Whatever you choose to do is on you. First, you need to make sure that the glass door is closed while you do this.
00;23;21;16 – 00;23;42;17
And second, what I have to say to you is MJ needs is glass. He needs his glasses. He can’t see without his glasses. Hey, at least he’s not one of those guys that takes, you know, like a Lysol can or WD 40 and tries to burn them like a like a flamethrower. What did he want to do, Scott?
00;23;42;18 – 00;24;00;08
He wanted to take. He wanted to take a fishbowl and fill it with gasoline and then put it up and hold it up to the top because it’s on our, like, the canopy part of our porch. And he said, all I have to do is cover the thing. And then the fumes from the gasoline basically kills all of the wasps that are in it.
00;24;00;08 – 00;24;20;05
And then the thing just falls in the gasoline and I’m like, listen to me. What the fuck? If our house catches on fire, that is the most convoluted way. It’s I can’t, I said, I’m going back upstairs because I have a migraine. But MJ master’s class, I can’t I can’t dance class is to say is in the frickin casket.
00;24;20;10 – 00;24;38;21
Can’t say without his glasses dying. Oh my God, do you love that? My rendition of that story, that girl must be like 85 because that was that. Oh, she was little. No, but the way up Monday lost glasses from ski and I got. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Skier I God. Anyway, you were on the hippie route, but I was that’s what happened.
00;24;38;22 – 00;24;52;09
I was damn BS. Yeah. I don’t empathy for what was going to happen to Marc when he was going to make those decisions about how to get rid of the BS. At the end of the day. Well, they weren’t BS. They were awesome. Thank you. Yeah, we was at the end of the day, he used the damn raid.
00;24;52;11 – 00;25;10;13
Oh yeah. Because that’s where she and all was completely fine. Right. And he loved how far it shot. So, you know, he had a million different comments that I’m sure you do. Right. Because he was in the dining room. Could you imagine him and Philip doing it? I can’t, but I said I’d be upstairs taking a nap. That’s what’s so funny.
00;25;10;13 – 00;25;30;00
The difference between Mark and Philip. Philip has done this shit every day of his life forever. This is a novelty for Mark, right? Because he doesn’t do shit right? So you know when when it’s, like, exciting for him. Oh, yeah. Where everything’s brand new. Right? For Mark. Right. You have to change the seat on your bike. Right? Novel.
00;25;30;02 – 00;25;48;05
Right. You gotta work some of his hands and does the shit right all day since he was. Yeah. 18. Right. So right to him, it’s just common sense. It’s like a normal day. Take it down. Yeah, right. Rocks. Like, what do I shoot this thing with? Right. This is exciting. Hilarious, hilarious. So this is the Five of Wands.
00;25;48;05 – 00;26;08;22
Okay. I don’t think we’ve had this. It says it seems are I’m embroiled in some sort of mental tug of war where conflict, competition and pointless bickering may be pulling you to pieces regardless of who started it. And it was obviously definitely everyone else who started it. You can do your part. End it by opening your ear balls.
00;26;08;24 – 00;26;26;24
What’s an ear ball? That’s disgusting. I don’t even want to hear your balls and listening without judgment, then doing your best to move gracefully past the moment in other words, drop the rope and everyone’s a winner. It’s all right. If I’m not right, I’d rather move on without a fight. Don’t now get me. I know you love these card.
00;26;26;24 – 00;26;49;03
Don’t look at me like that’s hilarious. I mean, this one for you. It could be. I think it is for you. I don’t know, you would think it was for me because of my inability to. To drop the tug of war. Right, but I don’t. I always drop the tug of war. That’s right. But but it’s almost like you’re trying on something new for size, right?
00;26;49;03 – 00;27;09;09
And you’re like, no, I’m going to stick to my crowns on this. I really am going to feel, I’m really going to do this the way that I want to do it right now. But then I would tell the card it was wrong, because I actually have been trying very hard to get you to stick your ground for a very long time and to stop just giving in when someone else has something to say about it.
00;27;09;23 – 00;27;30;26
So, I have to contemplate that. That’s an interesting one. I do think it’s funny that the dragonflies are very angry. They are. Yeah. I look at the face, maybe someone kicked them in their ear balls. Yeah. Where’s in the earbuds. Yeah. Does the dragonfly have an ear ball. I thought it, I thought it’s so good but can’t even say that I can’t even see your, your balls.
00;27;30;28 – 00;27;57;27
You they’re like just hang like really. Do your ear balls hang loose. Do they wobble to and fro you? That’s. Look, I got scratched from the damn process. Are you the perfect wife? Hell, yeah. Yeah, 100%. Scott, do you have the perfect wife? No. He’ll genuinely say yes. Oh, I don’t have the perfect wife. Oh, yeah. Mark does.
00;27;58;03 – 00;28;20;10
I, I listen, listen, I watched this documentary called Perfect Wife yesterday. Okay, Scott, you watched it. I got to watch it tonight. You watched it? Scott. Yeah. I can’t wait to talk about this. And I have not. We have to wait for her to watch. You know, we we talked about this. Oh we don’t no, no, we do not.
00;28;20;12 – 00;28;41;07
Well, I watch it after and then I’ll call her. All right. Here. Okay. It doesn’t matter. Let’s let me just tell you this about Rebecca. If you tell her that she needs to watch something, she will start watching it. And while she has it on the TV, she will start googling the ending of what happened. And then she has to fill in the rest of the details about what exactly happened.
00;28;41;09 – 00;28;54;07
I avoid watching it, and you’re just so good with your storytelling. I just call you and you give me the rundown. Or apparently I just start telling a story and you already know the ending. They get caught on the way. Yeah, that’s why we’re busted by babies. Because I just know right now. Listen, I got this wrong and busted by baby.
00;28;54;08 – 00;29;17;05
Oh, I got this wrong. Okay? All right, all right, go ahead. Okay. So synopsis. Okay. So busted by babes. As you all know, Rebecca and I, on the side are, we are private investigators where we watch documentaries and we can tell you within a very short amount of time. Who it. That’s cute. And, are we right?
00;29;17;05 – 00;29;43;22
A majority of the time? Absolutely. Oh, almost always. Yes. It’s very rare that it’s been a it’s also very rare that it’s within ten minutes of watching the documentary that we don’t our favorite one that we know is that woman who got lost on her way to North Carolina or New Hampshire. It was New Hampshire. Do I think about that situation at least once?
00;29;43;25 – 00;30;02;23
She didn’t get lost. You’re talking about the fact that you’re talking about the, the bus driver I’m talking about. So this woman, she was well, she was a woman, but she was a college student, and she went off the rails and. Yeah, we it was a six part, documentary series that I already watched once, and I invited her over.
00;30;02;23 – 00;30;20;03
I said, you sit your ass down and I’m going to. We’re we have to have rules. Yeah. There has. We have to call them. Oh, shit. I know that one. I know it’s I know I’m going to look at how we’re going to look at it because listen, Scott, this was still unsolved, but we it’s still unsolved. But I’m telling you, you know what?
00;30;20;03 – 00;30;37;15
I woke up in the middle of the night, like last week, and I immediately knew where she was. She’s in the basement of that guy’s house. But here’s the best part is we have these rules before we can watch certain things, because a I talk a lot and have a lot of feelings, and I’m very clear about what it is, how I watch.
00;30;37;19 – 00;30;52;15
And she can’t be surprised. She can’t. But we always come to the same conclusion. But this particular one, I just looked at her and we had to pause it, and I said, on the count of three, we’re going to say what we think happen, and we both said it. Yeah, she’s the count of three who did it.
00;30;52;17 – 00;31;13;14
And we were like, not even, not even a majority of the way through this thing. And then you passed and then you count to say and we both said the bus driver that’s a river. And then we went in and then every time is a the documentary as they started to be like and then such and such, they thought maybe such and stuff were like, no, fast forward, it’s not that.
00;31;13;14 – 00;31;33;10
No, it’s not very strong. Right? They were so clear, they even brought in of that man’s house under the concrete. And now he is dead. And his wife is dead. It went right to the frickin grave, right? But I’m telling you, my ass woke up in the middle of the night, and I am like a Mara. Mara, Mara something.
00;31;33;10 – 00;31;50;09
Mara. She was. She was a student. This was in the early 2000. Sorry. Anyway. And she was totally off on a tangent. I know, but man, oh, man. But listen, we were busted by babes, and so we watched these things, and then we determine, you know, who exactly did it. And then we we’re we’re, available for hire.
00;31;50;09 – 00;32;13;13
And that’s on me and anything, taken care of. We’ll tell you exactly what happened. In fact, that’s going to be our second career we’ve already done. Oh, yeah. Right, right. Yeah, yeah, we’re close with and we’re in like five, seven years. Maura. Murray. Yes. Yes. Scott. Yeah. So that’s good. Google right there. Yes there is. There is tons of podcasts about her because it’s not solved technically because they don’t know.
00;32;13;15 – 00;32;32;20
Right. It did she walk off into the woods. Did she get picked up by some. There’s many people that walk past. Did she get hit by the bus driver on accident? Oh, I’m sorry, we felt it. Oh, go with that theory. Because they didn’t. They fully think that that he was a nice he’s a nice man. Everybody loves him.
00;32;32;20 – 00;32;51;09
He’s the last one that saw her alive. Right? Oh I’m sorry. The dog sniffer stops right in front of his house and couldn’t catch. And why is that? Because we went so far as to say that that damn small bus backed itself into the driveway. It sure did. Well, they dead body. That’s right. Oh, we know, we I know, we know, we know.
00;32;51;16 – 00;33;08;03
But oh my God, talk about empathy. The empathy I have for her dad because her dad won’t cry. Oh, he her dad won’t quit. I know her dad won’t quit. And then they they accused him of being sexually abusive. Like, oh yeah I know. Yeah yeah yeah. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a major story that has still has not been solved.
00;33;08;03 – 00;33;24;12
And it’s one that been solved by other people. Yeah. But we’re very. Yeah. We and at this point it’s I know. Yeah it’s going to be cold forever right. But work so. Oh yeah. But we know it’s it was an accident. We’ve made peace when it was an accident. Hundred percent an accident. This was not. This was an accident.
00;33;24;12 – 00;33;43;28
That just. Yeah. Not good. Yeah. So that’s what we do in our spare time. And so last night, I’m watching. I’m okay. This is what I did last night. Don’t tell anyone. I decided I wanted an ice cream cone. And so I asked Mark if he wanted to go get an ice cream cone. And he’s like, no, I’m full.
00;33;43;28 – 00;34;03;03
You know, I just had dinner or whatever. So I’m like, Bernard, you want to go get an ice cream cone? Now? I’m tired, so I’m going to go by myself. So I went by myself. Ice cream shop got myself two scoops and, in a, waffle cone, and then I’m just licking it in my car on the way back in the garden.
00;34;03;03 – 00;34;22;08
I’m eating it. I’m like, I’m going to go watch a murder mystery. So I just sat in my bed, eat my own ice cream cone, and watch this murder mystery. Great. So I know it’s. Yeah, I put on perfect wife. It’s new aunt. Is it on Hulu? Yes. Hulu. Okay, okay.
00;34;22;10 – 00;34;42;09
I don’t know how much to tell the listeners about this who haven’t seen it yet, but spoiler alert. Can you give the premise. Yes. Okay, so they don’t think they spent enough time in the beginning of the documentary really talking about the childhood trauma that she had experienced. They touch upon it, but it’s definitely glazed over. Yeah.
00;34;42;10 – 00;35;13;28
As you get to the end, there’s no doubt that this young woman experienced a tremendous amount of physical abuse, mental abuse. She ends up leaving her house at the age of 16 and like living alone in couchsurfing for a very long time. Right? The borderline personality disorder is a live and, well, incredibly, which borderline personality disorder tends to have a past history and some type of trauma, abuse, neglect, very unstable relationships.
00;35;13;28 – 00;35;51;03
Right. So that part didn’t surprise me at all. The level that she went to in this documentary as a result is is a bit unreal. So, basically they the husband comes home from work and his children are not there. And his wife is not there. Okay. And he starts to get worried because that’s odd. And he tracks her phone and finds her phone at the end of like this driveway road area next to all of these mailboxes.
00;35;51;03 – 00;36;10;01
And her earbuds are in and her phone is there. And looks like a hair that has been like strands of hair that have been ripped out of her head are there. And so this starts. Is this near their house? Yes. Oh, okay. So it’s not like far away had been running. She had been running in there the mailboxes okay.
00;36;10;05 – 00;36;38;22
Up by these mailboxes. You know, like if you’re in a complex but your mailboxes aren’t next to your house, they’re like mailboxes somewhere else. It was like that kind of situation. Okay. So she ends up, they end up doing this search that gets very big national attention is this way ends up getting involved. 2021 okay, okay. So not not too far away okay.
00;36;38;22 – 00;37;04;09
2016 is when she 2016 is when she disappeared okay. Oh yeah. That’s right. It was a five year saga after that. So 2016 is when she disappeared. Thank you Scott okay. So they end up launching this very big national search and a national media information, right, about what had happened to her, what the pieces of the information were.
00;37;04;10 – 00;37;28;24
Whatever. She ends up being gone for 22 days, which everyone at that point thinks that she’s dead. Sure. I mean, so just based on statistics and all the things. Okay, so where are the kids with her? They were left at daycare. Okay. So the kids weren’t with her? No. Okay. They were at daycare. He had to go. The father had to go pick them up at daycare.
00;37;28;24 – 00;37;48;05
Okay, so the odd part was normally she’s home. Yes. With the kids? Yes. The kids are still a daycare. That’s not normal. Okay. So they’re little. Okay. Got it. Yep. So they were at daycare. He picked them up from daycare 22 days. She ends up being gone now. Busted by base. Has determined it’s the husband. Oh, okay. Okay.
00;37;48;08 – 00;38;08;06
Because he did it. He did it. Oh, okay. Yeah. And they definitely added it in such a way that it starts to make him look a little questionable. He was, he’s very emotional. He’s very, like, a little bit over the top emotional, which I don’t know how you’re over the top emotional, but when when you’re. Well, he appears to be act on right.
00;38;08;06 – 00;38;25;15
Does it feel something about it didn’t feel right. Okay. Or you felt like he was in on it. And then you start to find out that they had had a challenging relationship, and then there might have been some degree of physical abuse involved in the relationship, or that she would get really mad at him about certain things. Right?
00;38;25;15 – 00;38;49;23
So that level of dysfunction starts to come out. There was some thoughts that maybe she was seeing people on the side or maintaining relationships with past people, again, from a borderline personality disorder trait, then I don’t think they ever talked about borderline. This is just my own deduction, my own psychology. It’s interesting. They never really went into any mental illness.
00;38;49;23 – 00;39;10;23
Yeah. Any any of the psychological aspects of this, they never called it out, which is interesting. But every therapist watching that show is like, that’s 100, 100% borderline. And one of the reasons that people with borderline personality disorder will continue to have those relationships with past lovers or past relationships. Is that that you just can’t love them enough?
00;39;10;25 – 00;39;31;16
They have such insecure attachments from such an early age that they will constantly question the people that they are with, and if those people genuinely love them. If I do this, will you still love me? Well, if I do that, will you still love me? Well, what if I push to this extent? Right? Will you still love me?
00;39;31;16 – 00;39;51;25
And so by keeping these past lovers on the back burner, you can get love from multiple places, right? You can do like I would imagine that the high that you would feel from a cheating scenario where you can get that attention from that particular person and then come home to your regular life, and then also, right, do whatever it is.
00;39;51;28 – 00;40;19;13
It feeds this very strong emotional need to feel connected and loved and cared for. Okay. Right. So after 21 days you hear A911 call to I’m sorry 22 days you hear A911 call from this man who has found her on the side of the road. So busted by babes had said she’s dead and busted by babes. Okay.
00;40;19;14 – 00;40;43;24
Amy had said that it was the husband. Okay, so when they found her alive, busted by babes. Got real confused. Okay. What do you mean? She was just, like, passed out? No, she was. She had a chain around her waist. She escaped. She had a train on her w oh, she was beaten beyond belief. Oh, she had branding on her back.
00;40;43;27 – 00;41;11;24
She was an absolute disaster. She had a broken nose. She had scars and bruises all over her body. And so this man had found her and had called nine, nine, 11. He’d been like, this woman is telling me that she, you know, doesn’t know what’s happened to her, but she’s out here. And it that is what started. They ended up picking her up and bringing her to the hospital.
00;41;11;27 – 00;41;38;00
And it was at that point that you could not take your eyes away from this documentary. Okay. All right. Now I’m watching. It was intense. Did she end up recalling things? So she ends up. Scott, I need your guidance here. I want to tell the whole story. I want to tell the whole story. But, like, do we just need to preface that this is an absolutely like B like if you if you don’t want to pause here, caution.
00;41;38;01 – 00;41;56;26
Hey everyone. Spoilers. My thoughts right here. I see the time. You pause if you need to go watch The Perfect Wife. If you need to watch The Perfect Wife, how do I get it on this side? There we go. If you need to pause and watch The Perfect Wife on your own before you get the spoiler alert, then please stop this video here.
00;41;57;00 – 00;42;17;23
Yes. And then pick us back up when you’re when you’re done. Is this a one and done documentary like a one on one? It’s not a series. No. Okay. So you got I think that was the episodes of a limited series. Yeah. But it’s not like okay. Yes. So everyone please pause. Pause. If you if you don’t care or you’d love to hear our recounting of it and then go back, which is 100% words Rebecca’s doing.
00;42;17;23 – 00;42;35;11
Then stick with us. Hey, what I have to because if we didn’t do this, I know the whole thing. And then I have to know that I know, I know what if we just, cut this out and make it only available to our subscribers on TV? Oh, is that is that bad? Is that bad form? No. That’s great.
00;42;35;11 – 00;42;51;11
Only on the video. Visionaries. Yeah. It’s right, that’s right. Only in the movies. They’re always right back, as always, for the visitors to live for the food. That’s a really good. That’s a really good. All right. We’re going to cut out the meat and potatoes and then. Yeah. And then you’ll fast forward us to the end where we’re all like oh my god.
00;42;51;13 – 00;43;12;26
Yeah. All right. So crazy. So we put you ready? I need to know. And now if you skip one day, I’m not going to miss one. Damn. What time is it? Oh, okay. We got time. We got time. We got 20 minutes to talk about that. Okay. Ready? So they go to the hospital. Who’s that? The police. The police?
00;43;12;29 – 00;43;34;15
And what’s her name? What’s she got? Sherry. Sherry? She’s the victim. Sherry? Sherry Papini. Sherry Papini is the victim. She is there. She look. Her hair has been cut. She looks a mess. She looks like she’s been in an abusive, abusive, massively abusive situation for a very long time. All she’s saying over and over again, I want my husband.
00;43;34;15 – 00;43;56;10
I want my husband. All I want is my husband. I don’t trust any of you. I’m not talking to any of you. All I want is my husband. So now busted by Babes Israel confused because I’m like, well, if he’s in on it, right? Like, does she not know? Did they staged this together? What? Like, I’m I’m so confused because it’s very statistically again, random shit doesn’t generally happen.
00;43;56;10 – 00;44;31;26
No, because everything’s connected somehow. They had given the the husband a polygraph test. Completely fine. Okay. They had they had, for all intents and purposes, said he was not involved in any of this. So then they were like, okay, we only have two choices here. It’s a stranger situation which is feeling in the middle of the day, in the middle of this area where there’s all these houses, right where she she was a known person that, like, had ill intent or she created the scenario like gone girl, bump, bump, bump.
00;44;31;29 – 00;44;56;29
Okay, so busted my babies are still stolen. I know who your what early. They’re okay. Okay. Yeah. You’re getting. Have you watched it though? You probably not. You based on what you’re saying. So she’s psychologically. Psychologically not well. Yeah. Clearly. So yeah. And that’s not something that you figure out until. Well my guess is my guess is that shocking episode or something like oh okay okay.
00;44;57;02 – 00;45;30;11
Yeah. That she’s mentally Coco for. Oh yeah. She’s really not. Well okay. So basically they’re going through this entire thing and she will not leave her husband’s side. She will not let him go to work. She will when I say she has a trauma response, I’m going to say the typical trauma response that you would see from a person who had experienced this would have been probably a seven out of ten with the things that you would expect.
00;45;30;11 – 00;45;49;15
She was a 12 at ten, okay. It was intense. It was everywhere you turn, which was a red flag for me as a as a psychologist, because you know for sure that when someone has gone through this level of trauma, they’re going to have PTSD. Oh, sure. Right. There’s no doubt. But it was everything. She couldn’t go to the bathroom by herself.
00;45;49;15 – 00;46;10;17
She couldn’t handle the click of the door locking. She couldn’t handle a door being shut because she couldn’t handle that. That noise making, she could not be by herself. She could not be out in public. She could. She could not, could not, could not hear everything. And I remember thinking, that’s the most heightened level trauma response I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
00;46;10;17 – 00;46;35;11
So then I start to give her the benefit of the doubt. And I think, well, I imagine that that was a really horrendous situation. Right? So, you know, so the husband is trying his best, along with the FBI, to try and figure out who these people are. And she ends up saying that they’re two Hispanic women, one young and one old, and that she never really saw their faces because their faces were always covered by masks.
00;46;35;14 – 00;46;54;08
But these women that did this, it was two women that she didn’t end up not pulling her into this SUV, okay? They end up putting her on the floor of the SUV. She’s talking about the smell of the laundry detergent that she can smell on the pillow, that her face is on. The case. That was a pillow case.
00;46;54;08 – 00;47;16;17
Oh, yeah. Sorry for her. It was over her head. Okay. Yeah. Okay. They start talking about how she refused to eat black beans for a really long time because all they fed her was black beans, and they are, from the can, and that they were drugging her while they were giving her these, these black beans. She could remember what the closet look like.
00;47;16;17 – 00;47;49;29
She could remember the table that they had, but other than that, they just beat her and did all of this terrible stuff to her. And she didn’t know why, and she didn’t know why she had been taken. And she just starts to recall very short, you know, stints of what had happened to her. Side note, the investigator who was getting the information from her used a psychological technique that we use often called disassociation, that I absolutely loved, she said, you know what?
00;47;49;29 – 00;48;05;00
It might be really hard for you to recall what happened to you. So let’s not be you. Let’s be a blue bird or a red bird, or any bird you can imagine and pretend that you’re perched on a tree. Tell me what that bird is seeing. You know. What direction was the car going in if you were the bird?
00;48;05;00 – 00;48;25;20
You know those types of things. And I’m like, that’s beautiful. You would do that with a trauma survivor, right? So that they didn’t have to. They could have relive it. Yeah. Yeah. That’s what they were doing. So I really appreciated that. So anyway a couple of years go on and the husband is doing the best he possibly can to try and piece pieces of information together.
00;48;25;20 – 00;48;46;03
He ends up going online and basically finding an exact replica of the type of table that she tells him was in this house that he found on, like Wayfair or something. He had done a search and a search and a search and a search and finally found this this table, which ended up being a big piece of quote unquote evidence later on.
00;48;46;03 – 00;49;11;07
And so he is giving the police all of this information, and she starts to get a little bit better, and the kids start to, you know, come back around, but you can see the psychological damage this has taken on the children, because at one point she goes to take some hot sauce, like put some hot sauce on a case of idea and oh, you rainiest little bit you can possibly imagine and puts it in her mouth and like she starts to like pretend choke, right?
00;49;11;07 – 00;49;28;21
Like, oh my God, it’s so hot, it’s so hot, so hot in this poor little boy who has got to be seven, eight years old. It is so bad. It was terrible. He was he was like, man. Yeah. Like he was off right side himself. Are you not okay? You’re not okay, right. And in this moment, that part I will never forget Scott.
00;49;28;21 – 00;49;47;00
Because now knowing what I know about the end and what she’d put those children through and how she hugged to that poor child in that moment, but to know that she had intentionally created all of this ridiculousness and that her kids had been through that. You want to talk about empathy, right? I’d really like to have some empathy for that.
00;49;47;00 – 00;50;18;23
But it crossed over into this space where this poor child was. He was outside of his self because he was so fearful something was going to happen to her as a result of her eating this tiny little bite of hot sauce, you could see the trauma response, the secondary trauma. So anyway, they end up going through quite a few years of therapy, going to couples counseling together, starting to get back on the right foot.
00;50;18;25 – 00;50;48;12
And the FBI continues the search. And she had had some DNA on her clothes. I mean everything about this situation led you to believe, oh, these are real people. Like this is this is a real that sketch artist do the sketches of the women she had sketch artists do sketches. Yes. So what ended up happening was familial DNA, and they ended up using the DNA that they found to do the familial search, where they would find what family group the DNA was from.
00;50;48;14 – 00;51;14;14
And that’s what broke the case wide open, because it ended up going back to her ex-boyfriend, James. So the DNA was from her ex-boyfriend. So they go over to James’s house. Now, Scott, you’ll have to fill in the details here, because I missed this part. Did some bird end up under a car? How did that happen? When the cops went there to talk to him, it was only a recording.
00;51;14;14 – 00;51;29;24
It was probably like a chest cam or something. That was just an audio recording. Yeah. And when they went to talk to him, the guy had a new bird or something, and it got out and it flew under the car. So he said the cops were like, they split up. One of them was kind of trying to help him get the bird back, and the other one was kind of hanging back.
00;51;29;24 – 00;51;56;13
And he’s like, you know, I’m helpful, but I ain’t climbing in under a car to get a bird for you. Yeah, but that was. And and the hard part about this is that they actually you find out later and either in that episode of the final episode that they actually went to his house the very beginning. From the very beginning, the husband, the husband gathered his friends and they did their own sleuthing.
00;51;56;13 – 00;52;15;27
They did their own investigation, and they she he he automatically was saying ex-boyfriends, this ex-boyfriend, that ex-boyfriend, the hockey player, he was abusive or whatever. So go check them out. And they went to the house and they went to the house was really there. It was like, oh my God, they never knocked on the door and they never.
00;52;15;27 – 00;52;36;06
Right. And so now in hindsight, they were like, we were at this man’s house from the very beginning because we had really thought that maybe he was involved in some way. And she was there. If she was there, it was no one knew because no one knocked on the door, no one whatever. Okay, so so while they’re looking for this bird under a car, the other police officer is walking around the inside of the house.
00;52;36;06 – 00;52;57;03
And what do they see? The table. The table. Okay. And the closet is exactly the way that she described it, was that she had described. And there were boards over the window as she had described. Okay. Right. Okay. So then they were like, it’s this guy, it’s this guy. This guy took her. This is like an ex-boyfriend. This is not an okay situation.
00;52;57;03 – 00;53;24;11
But at this point, they think she still had no idea that he was involved. But they’re like, it’s not a woman. It’s not two women. They’re not Hispanic, you know? Where is where is that part coming from? So then they move into looking into that further, and they call her and her husband into the FBI office. And they all but say to her, we know who was involved.
00;53;24;13 – 00;53;52;25
We know his name. It is not two Hispanic women. We know that you know this person, and you now have an opportunity to come clean about what really happened here. And they leave the husband and the wife in the room together intentionally because they want to see what they’re going to talk about. Because in my mind, this is the time where the husband is either going to be like, either I’m in on it, we’re screwed, or but what are you talking about?
00;53;53;03 – 00;54;23;08
And he gives the what the fuck are we talking about? You can see. Did you remember when he moved his chair away, Scott? Yeah. He moves his chair away from her like I’m feeling it in my whole body right now. You can see in this moment he’s coming into the reality that she that she concocted this entire thing and that he was involved in it, but he was involved that that James Guy was involved in it, but he was involved because she had coerced him into being involved in this poor man.
00;54;23;08 – 00;54;43;17
And his children have been going through this whole scenario for all of these years. And the whole time it’s been concocted, and this poor man does not know in this moment what is up, what is down, what is left and what is right. And throughout this whole time, as it cuts back and forth, you see, you know, comments from social media where at first they’re like, it’s the husband, it’s the husband.
00;54;43;19 – 00;55;04;06
And then, you know, going back and forth like, there’s the blog, there’s these independent, you know, bloggers who are looking into this and they’re picking out little things that seem inconsistent, like the one guy went to the area and he’s like, there’s no way someone got abducted from this spot. They’re in. I picked Eileen from like three different houses in the middle of the day.
00;55;04;06 – 00;55;22;18
No one’s going to like someone’s going to see that. And and he also said in this video, you see her running without any change. Yeah. And then all of a sudden, you see that she has a chain around her waist and the chain on her arm. But like, when did that happen? So she was just running freely. Yeah.
00;55;22;19 – 00;55;43;06
You know, in this one video. So like, little things that these people were picking up on him. So you see this poor man, you want to talk about empathy in this moment. The investigator said, I wish I could have pulled him inside and said, your life is going to be ruined at this, at this moment. So he said, but I couldn’t because it’s an investigation, right?
00;55;43;06 – 00;55;57;16
And I couldn’t say anything to him. And so this man hence ends up having to leave the room. And the investigator. Nope. The, the the husband, did he like, did he say to her, I got to go. I got to go stand in the hall and he’s at he’s pacing back and forth in the hall. So she, she at this point has said nothing.
00;55;57;17 – 00;56;15;29
Right. But she does she have a look on her face like, I’m honest, you need to tell me what’s going on here. What do you know? This is not making sense. Sherri. What is going on at this time? She’s also has come up with this story that there was the older woman and the younger woman at the younger woman let her go.
00;56;16;06 – 00;56;34;12
And so she’s playing like she doesn’t want the younger woman to get in trouble. She’s like trying to protect me. I’m not going to turn in my captor because she let her go and she’s like, she saved my life. I’m not going to be a part of her being arrested. And she says so convincingly, she’s the only one who allowed me to be reunited with my children.
00;56;34;12 – 00;56;55;17
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there was no woman. There was no woman. There was no woman. So who beat her? The guy. Wait. Okay, I got a lot of questions. I got this a and Q&A. Now wait. Okay. Keep going. So then she she says to her husband, I’m telling you, I didn’t do this. I don’t know what they’re talking about.
00;56;55;17 – 00;57;14;12
If James was involved, I don’t know anything about that. I’m swear to you. Right. And so the poor, the poor husband is like, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know who’s telling me the truth, who’s not right. So he ends up talking to, I think it was one of the investigators or someone close to him and was like, I don’t know what to do.
00;57;14;12 – 00;57;40;24
I can’t live in the same house as her. I can’t like, I don’t know, I don’t know if it’s her or if it’s him or what happened. And that investigator, whoever it was, ended up saying, are you okay being wrong? So if she if she really was taken, if she really was beaten and in this was none of her doing, are you okay with the fact that you have pushed her away and not believed her and not supported her during this time?
00;57;40;24 – 00;57;58;19
And he’s like. And at that point it was very clear to me I was not okay with that. Right. So he said I allowed her back into the house and we had many, many conversations. And he was like basically on edge the whole time trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Well, then the FBI never arrested her because they didn’t have enough grounds to do it.
00;57;58;19 – 00;58;12;08
They were hoping that she was going to say, this is exactly what happened. And she doubled. She doubled down and was like, that did not happen. And I don’t know if the he did have something to do with it. You’re going to have to talk to him. But I don’t know anything about that. And, you know, all this stuff.
00;58;13;00 – 00;58;35;29
So how many years went by Scott? Another three years. It was like some like that years went by. And they continued to, you know, build their marriage and work on things. And she continued to get better and you know, all this stuff at this moment she had collected about $30,000 worth from a victim victim assistance account.
00;58;35;29 – 00;58;57;06
So there’s a victim assistance account that you can pull money from if you’ve been the victim of some type of crime. So she’s pulled about $30,000 from this victim assistance secretly or the husband knows. No, no, no, they they’re paying her the assistance as a state. Oh. Okay. But the husband knows this is happening, okay? She’s not, like, secretly, she’s receiving victim assistance payments.
00;58;57;21 – 00;59;24;23
You know, she’s going to therapy. They’re going to therapy twice a week. They’re doing trauma therapy. I feel like the timeline is a little bit screwy as we’re recounting it. I don’t know if we’re 100% accurate on that, because when when they went and interviewed Reyez, what was his name? The, James. So. James. Yeah. When they went in, he he actually spelled it in that, in that when they went and found him, they did.
00;59;24;23 – 00;59;43;12
He got him. They got him to explain, like what he did and what his part was. What did he say. So I think because I think the DNA took a long time, it was when they finally got the DNA that it all happened really quickly, but they were like putting everything together. It’s kind of hard to remember. They didn’t they couldn’t arrest her right away.
00;59;43;13 – 01;00;01;18
So there was something that from a linchpin perspective that they needed, you know, in order. Did they arrest information? No. So they said to him, like a dupe, we we know that you they called him a burnout, right? He’s like, I don’t want to be rude, but this guy was basically a burnout. Like, just like you see this picture of him, he’s got like, crazy ass hair and whatever.
01;00;01;20 – 01;00;25;12
So when they talked to him, he was very honest, right? He was like, I’ll tell you exactly what happened. And then he’s like, what is done is done, you know? So he basically says he picked her up. He, she, she was in communication with him and said, I need you to pick me up. Here’s a rental car, get the rental car and pick me up next to these mailboxes or phones with burner phone, of course.
01;00;25;12 – 01;00;48;08
Willingly got into the car, got into the car and drove to his house, which was like 6 to 8 hours away. Ended up being in his house. And throughout the course of these 22 days, she said to him things like, he was a hockey player, so take that hockey puck and hit it really hard from across the room into my leg.
01;00;48;11 – 01;01;04;14
Then she would say, hold the hockey puck like this. I’m going to run from one end of the room, hockey stick from one end of the room to the other end of the room, and she would jam her face into the hockey stick and break her nose. Okay. Then she’s like, cross, check me into the wall. Right?
01;01;04;14 – 01;01;32;26
So this is where she’s getting all of the bruises. Then she said that they had bought in cash a wood burning kit. And she had him burn the, the wood burning the exodus whatever word into her I never got what it was. What did it say. I think I said Exodus. Yeah. So he said that he would never do anything that she was not telling him to do, but he would go to work for 8 to 10 hours, come back.
01;01;32;26 – 01;01;56;11
And she had inflicted all of these other wounds. She had cleaned his entire house with cleaning products and had used the cleaning products all over her body so that she was getting this crazy rash. Sure, she would have like burn holes in her like she was sexually harming herself and where she wasn’t harming herself, he was harming her per her request.
01;01;56;11 – 01;02;17;17
But what did she have on him that he agreed to this? He was. He was still shit and he was in love with her. Oh, he thought they were going to be together. So she was using that as where I’m going to get the money from whatever, whatever. I’m probably playing him, whatever it is he said. She said she never had sex with him while she was there, so he wasn’t getting any of that, but it was just that he was helping out a friend.
01;02;17;18 – 01;02;35;14
Yes. And he was just like, I was just doing what I was told, right? And I knew that I might possibly be in trouble for this, but I cared about her and, you know, wanted to deal with her. She probably told him that she was being abused. And that’s what other stories like. Yeah, I need this to get out of my relationship and whatever.
01;02;35;14 – 01;02;51;22
Yeah. So then after 22 days on Thanksgiving, she decides I’m all done with this. And she said, I’m going to let’s get in your car and I need you to go drop me off, she said. He said that she got in the car. Didn’t even say goodbye. Thank you. You know? Hey, you know, I’ll be in touch.
01;02;51;26 – 01;03;09;26
Just gets out of the car, runs away. He’s never talked to her again. And at that point, when she’s running away is when she then throws herself on the side of the road and chains herself up. Yeah. So at this point, you know pretty much what really happened in the situation. But this woman is still playing at the end of the day.
01;03;09;26 – 01;03;31;06
Like none of this has ever happened in this poor husband is like, like has no clue what is true, what is not true. Whatever. Finally, and I don’t remember what the actual linchpin was, but the FBI had enough that they could convict her or put her in jail. So she’s with her kids. She’s going to drop them off at a music camp.
01;03;31;08 – 01;03;48;07
The FBI woman goes in and is like, oh, I’m sorry, ma’am, but do you drive a black key or whatever? I think it just got hit in the parking lot. She tries to get the mother away so that she can be arrested again by the FBI. The kids come with her, and so they have to separate them all.
01;03;48;07 – 01;04;02;13
So the music woman has to call the husband to come pick up the kids, and then they they take her off to jail. She hands the car keys in the phone to her youngest son. And it’s just like, call your father. And so the music person ends up calling you back. You need to come and you need to take your kids.
01;04;02;13 – 01;04;24;03
They they just they just got your wife, right. They end up taking her, and she ends up accepting a plea deal, which she thought was just going to be three months or six months with an ankle bracelet. Turns out her conviction was 18 months in jail, of which she served ten months in jail. Oh, and they had to make sure that the husband was not involved.
01;04;24;03 – 01;04;47;25
He was not involved at all. And basically when it got to the end, this poor husband is like she ended up admitting to it and admitting that this is what actually had happened, that she just couldn’t be loved enough from her husband and that she wanted to. Because one of the things she said to him, remember this part, Scott?
01;04;47;27 – 01;05;11;05
They were like, you know, on their farm or doing whatever the hell they were doing. And she moved a wheelbarrow like one foot and then was all exasperated because it was so hard for her to move that wheelbarrow, because her trauma was so much that she just it was too much for her. And the husband ends up saying to her, can we go one day without just out having to relive, you know, this past trauma?
01;05;11;05 – 01;05;27;26
And he said she she looked him straight in the eye and said, I have to live the rest of my life knowing that you didn’t find me. Yeah. Oh my God, that was, that was had had that was it. All right. Oh my God, are you kidding me? That is the most evil thing that you can say that guy evil.
01;05;28;03 – 01;05;53;14
And then it turns out that she was at this guy’s house watching on her phone while everybody worked for her. Yeah, for 22 days. Yeah. Getting off on getting off on it. Just loving the fact that this this happened and there’s there’s so much more that they go into with all this. Like, remember the blog like she had posted some blog when she was like in college or something or high school and it was very anti.
01;05;53;14 – 01;06;10;24
It was very racist. It was very anti anti-hispanic or something. Yeah. And you know, and I never wrote that. I never wrote that somewhere someone else wrote that some bully was playing a joke on me and decided to post that, you know, under my name or whatever, but that had come back out, that had come out in like 2006 or something like that.
01;06;10;24 – 01;06;29;03
It happens, you know, so much before she only served ten months. She served ten months. But here’s here’s the the next level. Crazy. So the husband obviously has full custody over these children. They don’t see their mom at all. They don’t want to see their mom at all. Well, now they’re older, now they’re a little bit older. They’re still young.
01;06;29;08 – 01;06;48;24
I mean, they were babies when this was going on. Yeah. This part Scott just threw me for a loop. Yeah. So the father’s putting the daughter to bed at night and he, like me, who has trouble with gardening, you know, goes to get up off of his knees after saying good night to her. And it’s like, oh, you know, like, oh my God.
01;06;48;25 – 01;07;08;00
Like that was. And he said, she said, what’s the matter? Daddy is like, I’m just a little sore. And she’s like, well, why don’t you do what mommy does? He’s like, well, what is mommy doing? So she had the little girl, takes him into the bathroom and takes a washcloth and drenches it, drenches it with rubbing alcohol. Says, here, smell this, what’s smelling this?
01;07;08;02 – 01;07;35;01
And then he later found out that she has got frickin Munchausen by proxy. Yeah. So she was getting them to be ill by by sniffing all of this rubbing alcohol so that she could bring them to the doctor. And she was taking the rubbing alcohol, soaked washcloth, putting it in a Ziploc bag and attaching it around their neck so that they would all day have to smell these fumes, and she would be telling them to.
01;07;35;03 – 01;07;53;11
That’s what would make them feel better. Oh my God. On top of this all, she’s got frickin borderline personality and Munchausen by proxy in the dad. The dad is basically at the end. He says not so many words. I’ll never trust another human being. I know I can tell her, like, oh, and you feel so bad for him.
01;07;53;13 – 01;08;18;10
And they’re they’re intercutting like pictures of her with all the inmates in jail. Like, you know, she’s like, yeah, with all the with all the women, with all the women prisoners that look like some rough bitches. Oh, he’s like, she’s got a she got her blond ponytail and her big blue eyes and she is like, so pretty. And, you know, all of that stuff is she’s like, oh, you know, she got out, she’s continuing to go to therapy and whatever.
01;08;18;12 – 01;08;40;24
It is a frickin true story. This poor man and those poor children, he he is he is screwed up for the rest of his life. I thought to myself, I’m like having an over identification moment where I’m watching this and I’m like, would I ever be able to trust anyone ever again? I don’t think so. I don’t think I’d be able to trust anyone ever again.
01;08;40;27 – 01;09;06;20
She he’s like, I can’t get over the fact that she was watching in that bedroom for 22 days while we looked for her, and we all thought that she was dead now, and she’s sitting in there, no one. She was completely fine beating herself up or having him beat her up on purpose because she so desperately wanted her husband to be able to show he could not love her enough.
01;09;06;26 – 01;09;30;14
Wow. So one other thing that they did is, is where she lived. There was also a girl who was taken randomly who from the same high school at the same time. She looks the same too. So yeah, so they they figured out that she took that story along with the premise of Gone On. Yeah. And and and what other what was the other.
01;09;30;14 – 01;09;47;24
And there was one other. The woman. I can never remember her name. The one that was oh, Elizabeth smart. Elizabeth smart. So the whole being captive. Yeah. Okay. So three stories, she just kind of grabbed it all and made it her own. And that was her. That was her, her premise. So I get to the end of this documentary.
01;09;47;24 – 01;10;09;27
I’m sitting in my bed. I’ve now finished my ice cream. I’m looking out the window, and I think to myself, could I ever stage my own disappearance? I, I couldn’t get past step one, which would be, how are you going to go? Like, how are you going to be taken to have the level of con in your brain?
01;10;10;00 – 01;10;30;08
Well, you’re a you have to be a sociopath. Oh, I mean, how is that like how all of disassociation that she has to have in order to, to like, separate herself from all of that to complete that is just which. This is where I find myself. She was successful. Oh, yeah, for years. But this is where I get myself in trouble because that trauma doesn’t just start at birth.
01;10;30;13 – 01;11;05;20
No, right. You don’t just come out with this level of sociopath. Right? So yes, I hope not. She has she has had this, this terrible life in these terrible experiences, but has an in and it’s coming out of this place of not being loved enough. Yeah. And and wanting someone to love her so much that she’s willing to stage her own, disappear so that when she says, I have to live with the rest of my life, that you didn’t find me right, that that level of savior is what it’s still that wouldn’t have been enough.
01;11;05;20 – 01;11;28;23
That’s what we know about borderline personality disorder, right? Is it just doesn’t matter. You’ll never scratch that itch because it’s so you can’t do enough. But in her mind, it was Will. If he finds me, then that means he loves me enough. And so in her mind, she transposed that into he is not a good enough man, or he doesn’t care enough, or he doesn’t love me enough.
01;11;28;23 – 01;11;49;01
Oh, and he totally found her too. That’s the part that gets me is. It’s such a great point, Scott. No, but he did find her. That’s right. He knew he knew her well enough. Right. And he knew and her history enough. Yeah. That that he was able to go back and say I mean he had a whole like white board with a timeline with axes.
01;11;49;01 – 01;12;07;00
And you know this one pretty much said hockey player, abusive, abusive. And they went to his house. That’s a perfect kills me. He’s like, they were freaking right I know. Yeah. So he knows he did meet that. And here’s the irony. So what if he had found her, right. Oh yeah. Right, right. That would that would a really.
01;12;07;00 – 01;12;22;28
So if he, if he had found her then then now that turns into a very different scenario for that man. Right as well. That man is now in jail for life because she is headed on him. Yeah. Because she would turn around, be like, I can’t believe you do I need to get out of here? Oh my God, I can’t believe this happened.
01;12;22;28 – 01;12;38;08
He’s like, no, no, no, this isn’t what happened. No, no. Yeah. No, they didn’t believe him. And and she had done such a great job of not having a paper trail of anything. Everything was burner phone. They bought the wood burning kit. Sure. They did see that on her Pinterest account. She had saved some word. But word burning cats.
01;12;38;08 – 01;12;59;16
But again, that’s not evidence enough to prove right that I just bought you that. A bunch of wood burning like. Right. But this is the old the old, sentence. Her people hurt people. It’s just at such, a grave degree. Had her childhood been different than. Doesn’t the childhood of these children and of this man be different?
01;12;59;18 – 01;13;21;16
But because it wasn’t. Look at the impact that these poor children and this man, I just. I, felt compelled. I wanted to reach out to them and be like, this is unreal. What has what has happened? And what about her sister? Her sister seemed to turn out okay. Yeah. And her sister went along with now, is her sister older?
01;13;21;18 – 01;13;40;00
Was she the older one? I couldn’t I don’t remember. Yeah. There was she was like we’re 22 months apart. Yeah. I’m like just say two years. But yeah, right. We’re still counting. And I didn’t know if she was 22 months ahead or behind. I didn’t really pick that up. But her sister seemed to be, you know, at least from the interviews and what it looked like was pretty well together.
01;13;40;00 – 01;14;00;12
She was very involved in the search when they were out doing the the skirmish line stuff, everyone was involved. So she was like, I can’t believe, of course I still love my sister. She’s my sister. But right, she’s like, you always left family, but you know, definitely side just how many people she had duped. His aunt got duped in this process.
01;14;00;12 – 01;14;23;08
All of her friends got duped in this process. And here she is. She’s served ten months in jail, right? And now she’s out. She’s out. And she, living. She did whatever comment she should give. She was she was asked for comment, did not comment, and is apparently working on herself. Right. But she’ll be married soon. It just it was some guy who busted for me.
01;14;23;11 – 01;14;47;17
Yeah. Does it help? Hulu. Yeah. Yeah it does. Begs the question for me. Is there a place that is just too far gone for rehabilitation? Or is there a place where just you’ve done so much damage that you just have to chalk it up to? Oh, that’s a wrap. You know, we don’t get to love again. We don’t get to be right.
01;14;47;17 – 01;15;10;21
They won’t. She’ll still go out and do the same thing over and over again. Right. Like but because she is mentally disability that she should just be a prostitute or, or pass rehabilitation. That’s not going to do it for her new I don’t know, prostitute is just she wants a lot. She wants some devotion. She wants to be served treated as a goddess anyway.
01;15;10;22 – 01;15;30;07
Really high class, high end prostitute, right? Escort escorts. Yeah. As far as service. Yeah. Still won’t do I find that. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not I don’t know. My guess is it’s not even about money. It’s like oh no devotion and and worshiping. I mean that was that whole the whole thing that she got out of this whole, escapade was that she was important.
01;15;30;07 – 01;15;49;19
She had the right the feeling of importance. Everybody cared about her. Everything is showing how much care do you care? Do you love me? Yeah, right. Do you. How much would you care? How far would you go? When would you give up? Which is why she did that to her son. Yes. Because if he didn’t have that reaction, then we have a problem.
01;15;49;21 – 01;16;13;10
And that’s when, you know, that’s fucked up. That’s when you talk about, that, that, that there’s something seriously wrong emotionally, mentally. Because when it comes to your kids, come on, that’s usually the dividing line. That’s like, I’ll do all this stuff and be really screwy person or whatever. But when it comes to my kids, no, but she was all in, oh, she’s your no kids didn’t matter because in her mind it doesn’t matter.
01;16;13;10 – 01;16;42;09
But again, this is what’s fascinating. I’m not positive that’s intentional. I think that that’s a change. The brain chemistry issue. I think that’s a mental illness. I think that’s when we talk about borderline personality disorder. I’m not saying that people with borderline personality disorder do these types of things to their children, but when you have this deeply ingrained need to be loved and to never feel like you could ever be loved enough, these are the types of things that that people never, I mean, rarely to this level.
01;16;42;09 – 01;17;01;03
That’s why. Well, this is national attention extreme, of course. But people do things testing. I know, I guess. Right. Testing, checking in. You know the the again having multiple but a person with.
01;17;01;05 – 01;17;19;23
Skills what’s the word like rational rationalization. Whatever can can make decisions like sure you can test. You can push the boundaries a little bit not to that extreme. Oh yeah. Should be a limit involved right. Yeah. But then that’s where you as a human being have to decide, okay, is this enough for me or not? That’s right. Wow.
01;17;19;25 – 01;17;46;02
Crazy. I can’t wait to watch it. Let me end an affirmation card for y’all and let this one says don’t get married. Wow. The documentary for this one. Actually, this is a shout out to you here. Sherry. Sherry bikini. This one’s for you. Okay. It’s called I am true to myself. I know that pure joy is the result of being in alignment with my soul.
01;17;46;06 – 01;18;13;08
You get there. Me, I get there, I loved that. Me too. It is an empathy. Amazing. Well we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this empathy stuff. That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are. Oh, God, I love you. I love you too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to More Love the Power of Empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
01;18;13;15 – 01;18;25;20
See you next time.

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