Episode 233- Spoiler Alert: Erin and Rebecca’s Review of The Perfect Wife

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Rebecca’s got big plans for Erin to accompany on her a return rodeo after the show, but Erin’s more concerned about Rebecca’s “bush” and the addition of “Meta Al” to the Herzog’s family. How do they get from bees, bushes, and My Girl to Erin sharing her awe-struck review of The Perfect Wife? Who knows! But we’d love for you to join us for the discussion, share your thoughts, and weigh in on the More Love FaceBook page or on Even More Love!

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;31;05
Hey, it’s me Erin. Thanks for joining us on the More Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;31;05 – 00;00;56;03
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what? Our life, our life is. Best friends who are more like sisters. hey, I love us, and I can’t wait to share our stories with the world. Especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay. I know why people like our show.
00;00;56;06 – 00;01;21;06
Why? I have the answer. What is it? I saw Mimi amenorrhea the other day, and the Mimi said, what’s with all the podcasts about best friends? I’d rather see a podcast with two arch enemies across the table from each other talking about things. And in that moment, I thought, that’s us. We’re archenemy, best friends, and completely opposite. And it’s true.
00;01;21;07 – 00;01;42;02
Do not agree. And a good majority of things see the world from completely different perspectives. So we’re like the perfect type of arch enemies that love each other. And they’re like frenemies. Yeah. Front of me. Right. Keep your enemies closer. Right. So we’re not like that nice podcast that’s like, oh, my God, two best friends, and we’re going to have coffee and we’re going to talk about what’s going on in the world.
00;01;42;02 – 00;01;59;03
Instead, we’re like, we are going to have coffee and we’re going to talk about what’s going on in the world from someone who cares a lot, and one person who doesn’t give a shit. Thanks for coming to more laughs. I mean, I do give a shit about some things, right? Yes. Animals. Period. No. Not. Period. Oh, okay. Soccer.
00;01;59;03 – 00;02;37;12
And so hey. But yeah. So I found that out. That’s what’s happening. Oh. So we got, we have some very important news to update you on, and. No, it’s not about doing 30,000. You’re not about your pool. Damn. It’s the noises that Rebecca’s cat was making, a couple weeks ago. You’ll remember that we talked at length about the fact that her cat meows excessively outside of the door, and Rebecca very clearly knew the reason why this was happening.
00;02;37;12 – 00;02;59;19
You’ll remember, Scott, was because her husband was going to, work early. And Tice wanted to make sure that Taylor knew it was time for her to wake up to go to school. Yes. Okay, so we have an update on said saga after Rebecca returns from a very long weekend in Pennsylvania. So why don’t you fill us all in?
00;02;59;19 – 00;03;22;20
Yeah. So I come home to my beloved cat, not looking too good, and I think something’s up. Something’s up with this cat. And our cat sitter texted Philip and said, something’s up with your cat. So do I call the emergency vet office? Sure do. Do I take him in? Sure do. Does he have the diabetes? Sure does. Wilford Brimley, my cat.
00;03;22;21 – 00;03;46;01
Oh, he’s got the diet, has diabetes. He’s got the diabetes, the cat. Oatmeal. He is my cat, not the cat. Oh, what? Oh, here we go. Here we go. Nice. So he now has to go on a. Well, I had to I had to research what it meant to have a diabetic cat. I had to make a treatment plan for him.
00;03;46;03 – 00;04;12;01
Which option one was insulin shots. Twice a day. Yeah. Every two hours. Oh my god. And monitor the blood glucose. Blood blood glucose glucose not the blood glucose. The glucose levels in his, in his blood blood sugar whatever. Or I can do a up and coming pill. Up and coming pill. That’s a once a day option.
00;04;12;01 – 00;04;37;16
Oh you didn’t tell me we were in clinical trials. No. We’re out of the clinical trials but it’s definitely I had to have multiple verbal conversations with the vet that they understood what was going on with this medication. Then I had to sign all these things. Oh yeah. It’s like it’s like a thing. So, he now has to go into this medication that is once a day, but I still have to, try to stick this thing under his urine stream.
00;04;37;19 – 00;04;59;23
And monitor his ketones. Oh, good. Because if he goes into ketosis, we are in a bad, bad place. Yeah. He can’t do the keto diet. Yeah. We can’t do the keto diet kins. No no no he has, he has. And so he has to go on high carb or no high protein no carb diet. And he gets so soft food he’s supposed to use our food, but he won’t eat it.
00;04;59;25 – 00;05;19;01
I’ve tried. He will not do it. So he isn’t gonna lose a lot of weight. Now he’s got to eat this food he’s not going to like, but. Oh, well. And, Yeah. So. So that’s where we’re. I ordered the I ordered the, pills yesterday. Ironically, they’re called Beck’s the cat. when she said that to me, I almost died.
00;05;19;01 – 00;05;37;20
Beck’s a cat died. My name is X-Box. And so when I read that, I’m like, is this a fucking sign? Like what? So it’s so funny. So, Yeah, we have the diabetic cat. I had to have him have an IV. He’s like a different cat now. Oh, well, how did he show up when? After I got, he was like, oh, does he.
00;05;37;23 – 00;05;57;01
He was so puffed out and fat. My husband’s like, what’s wrong with him? I go, they just pumped him full of fluids. The poor thing, he’s great. So of course he goes. I think they got it wrong. Well, I guess that’s okay, because now he’s not literally. He’s great. I go full up. They did blood. The numbers don’t lie.
00;05;57;01 – 00;06;19;24
He’s like, he’s fine. I’m like, so of course when the vet calls I’m like, I just need to clarify something. Oh my gosh, he’s great. And they’re like, yeah, that’s what the fluids do. What those were off he goes right back. He was drinking dirty dishwater. Yeah, the poor thing he was. So basically what happened was he was starving and super thirsty because his pancreas wasn’t working correctly.
00;06;19;24 – 00;06;37;16
And when he would intake the food in the water, it would just bypass every cell in his body and it would just excrete. He was 18.5 pounds. He’s now 14. Yeah, yeah, the poor little being. I mean, so much to unpack, care about. I’ll taste this journey. I know she calls me and she’s like, you’re never going to believe what happened.
00;06;37;16 – 00;06;58;05
And I came home and this is what was going on with Tyson. It turns out he has the diabetes that got all diabetes. And, what do I say? Time to go. I now sort of take them out. Phelps said the same thing. Come out. We’re not doing that. That’s too much. Which I mean, for someone who has a tremendous amount of empathy, I’m also incredibly practical.
00;06;58;05 – 00;07;20;05
So in my mind, I’m thinking we’re doing the blood sugar. Nothing. Constantly. We’re doing this, we’re doing that. We’re spending ridiculous amounts of money. We got this cat on Karen monitors or whatever the heck is going on, which really is how the first option was sounding. And I’m like, sorry, we love our pets very much. But once we get into the thousands and thousands of dollars a month, not a lot.
00;07;20;07 – 00;07;43;06
We really need to make some clear decisions about how much of a member of the family they are. Right? And so that’s really hard. I know, I know, I know, I went through the same thing because my my wife’s mom, my in-laws, they always have a dog that has some like rare thing like I’m like, oh, they just got this German Shepherd.
00;07;43;06 – 00;08;03;08
And his hips are bad. Even though, like before they got him, he was fine. And every time they get a dog, their dog has some kind of a weird thing. And they’ve got to go through all these hoops to take care of the dog. Like, yeah, my mother in law had to cook an entire turkey every week because the dog would only eat turkey.
00;08;03;10 – 00;08;27;04
Yeah, I know, I mean it’s so of course. And what I appreciated about the emergency vet is that they literally it, I appreciated it. Other people may not. Probably you. Yeah. They said he’s officially diabetic. Here’s some websites. Here’s some websites. Go home and read about it. She did not. But she was like, if I say anything to you, it’s going to be beyond overwhelming.
00;08;27;09 – 00;08;42;06
And I don’t want to imply one way better than the other, whatever, whatever. So I appreciate that. I appreciated that because because of course, when I get home, my husband’s like, well, what’s the plan? I go, I don’t know, we gotta figure it out. He’s like, what do you mean? They should just tell you? Yeah. And I said, but the problem is there’s options.
00;08;42;08 – 00;09;08;23
The good thing, which is why I’m optimistic. Hey, we caught it relatively early, she said, according to his numbers, you probably are in a he’s called a happy diabetic. You’re probably in a good, time frame because most she said, most people just assume the cat’s just off and maybe they eat something or whatever, right? Until they’re, like, debilitated because they’re, like deteriorating.
00;09;08;23 – 00;09;28;22
Right? Then they can no longer walk like it’s a whole thing. She’s like, you really are in a good place. She goes, number two, animals can go into remission. People cannot go into remission from diabetes. But animals can. And she said, you have a really high chance of doing that. If you choose the treatments. She’s like, you can choose to do nothing.
00;09;28;24 – 00;09;50;00
He’ll just deteriorate and die. He goes, but this is a this is a quote unquote livable, incurable potential. So just doing something and I go, can I get away without doing the insulin? Can I just do the cat food like the the protein? And she’s like, not with his numbers. Some cats you can. So of course do I join all the Facebook groups.
00;09;50;02 – 00;10;11;07
Oh yes. Okay. All the Facebook groups. Okay. Are you in? Are you in the backseat? Cat I’m in the back of the cat. Back. So yeah, because I decided ultimately that’s what I got it. There’s Facebook groups for diabetic cats. Sure. I love that people are. And I am right down the rabbit hole. And I have a lot of hope because people are saying like, anywhere from two weeks to two months, their cats have gone into remission.
00;10;11;13 – 00;10;27;08
Okay. So and then what happens when they go into remission? They just remain on the the diet or the diabetic cat food? Okay. You just don’t need to give them their numbers and then you monitor their numbers. That’s and it’s really easy to do. It’s not as complicated as you think you can get. You use a people monitor.
00;10;27;10 – 00;10;40;15
you just prick the cat’s ear, which they don’t give a shit about. And you test their blood every once in a while, and you just make sure their numbers are within range and that they’re acting normal. And that’s pretty much it. Now, when we first started this, there was an option that you were going to have to shave his butt.
00;10;40;15 – 00;10;58;24
Yes. And then put and there’s a monitoring. There is a monitor there. It’s there’s a monitor into his. Yeah. Cat scan. Yes. There’s a thing that you can do. You like people have. Yeah. That Dexcom the cat can wear Dexcom. But the challenge with that is, cats go under pads and they run around and. Oh, yeah.
00;10;58;29 – 00;11;12;06
Yeah. They don’t like it. Yeah, I’m not doing that right. I’m not sure who came up with that technology. Maybe there’s some better options out there. So where do you think this the question is will he take the pill I don’t know, am I going to shove it down his throat? 100%? Give it to him for some cheese.
00;11;12;06 – 00;11;30;01
He’ll take it then. No, he won’t eat any of that. He doesn’t like. He doesn’t like human food. New? How about tuna? Nope. I tried, I’ve been trying because he’s supposed to eat the Westland. So cats are supposed to eat wet food because it’s, moisture and all this stuff, right? Occasionally they’re not supposed to live off of what they are supposed to live off of.
00;11;30;01 – 00;11;48;05
What? No, they’re not supposed to. Yeah, okay. Okay. I own a diabetic group, and they are sorry. Okay, so maybe diabetic cats have to live off of wet food. Other cats do not live off of wet. Well, that’s why I never have the crunch. And if you don’t have the crunch, then they get teeth. Tartar with the crunch is that there are unnecessary.
00;11;48;13 – 00;12;11;11
Cats are, carnivores. They’re only supposed to eat meat, which is soft. I can’t so. Well, we have a vet here in the studio here today, so I don’t have a diabetic cat. So now we don’t license at the same time. So when they eat this hard food, it’s all filled with carbohydrates, which our cats are not supposed to have, which is why we are having a issue in the world of cats.
00;12;11;11 – 00;12;29;07
Are we are we okay? We have an city problem. World of cats. Oh, this is great. This is an absolutely excellent episode. Tell us more about the fat cats of the world. So yeah, I’m sorry, not the fans. The ones who are eating their wings and not all fat cats are diabetic. And not all not people are diabetic.
00;12;29;11 – 00;12;49;09
That’s right. So anyway, we’re on a journey and he won’t eat the wet food. So I want to be really clear that I will be posting some links in the Facebook group about how cats are supposed to have a combination of wet food and dry food, because it’s very important to me that we provide correct information on the More or Less podcast.
00;12;49;09 – 00;13;07;19
I know that you think your way is the only way, but okay, well Scott Knight two against one. Okay, I’m just going to read some of those in the More Love, podcast group. I’m sure you’re going to counteract it with all of the, you know, new found links that you found in a ten minute search, no conspiracy websites for cat food, no excuse.
00;13;07;20 – 00;13;32;16
No Scott. She’s on some Facebook groups now. Excuse me. These people. Extraordinaire. And that may be true I do I know I don’t have a diabetic cat. Right. So it may be true that diabetic cats have to have wet fluid exclusively for whatever reason. But I do know it’s the preferred method of keeping them in their sugar level.
00;13;32;22 – 00;13;58;20
What I heard you say was every single cat needs to not have dry food prior. And that has said to me, you do not want to give your cat just wet food because then they’re not using their molars and whatever and that that can cause other problems. I’m not denying that, but what I’m saying is not that originally I did not deny that back what I said.
00;13;58;22 – 00;14;15;06
No, what I said was, well, first of all, not all vets agree on all things, just like doctors. Very true. So you can choose whatever vet you want. You can choose whatever, whatever you do, at least get it to where nine out of ten agree. Because that’s I think you would be hard pressed for at a five. I mean, that would be great.
00;14;15;06 – 00;14;43;06
But people don’t do that. People. People tend to go with what they feel most comfortable with, whether whatever that may be, as long as you’re in a group of a bunch of people saying exactly what you want to hear. Exactly. That’s exactly what it is. So I’m dying right now. Like I feel fire through my whole body. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t wait to read this, listen to this back.
00;14;43;09 – 00;15;02;13
So, anyway, back to my diabetic cat issue. Yes. yes. Yeah. I just I think it’s funny because and then of course, you have the cat preferences, right? But my cats only grew up on hard food because nobody got time for pet food, and that’s gross. And it smells weird and it’s expensive and it’s gross. So that’s probably why he doesn’t eat it.
00;15;02;13 – 00;15;21;01
But he doesn’t like human food. He about other food too, which is interesting. Yes. He’s never he’s never liked a human food. He just cats like that too. Yeah. She he’s just both cats. Both of my cats are like that. But, you know, but we were also free feeding house, like, you just put the food in the bowl and they eat whenever they want.
00;15;21;03 – 00;15;45;12
so she said that has to change. So I have since purchased a electronic distributor. We have that of the food because now he can only eat certain times a day. But, I had to order the food that he’s supposed to eat because obviously these are too hard and high in carbs. So the new food is coming today, and we are going to start with the, you know, you have to like, mix it up and try to get it.
00;15;45;12 – 00;16;00;08
He’s going to pick them all out because he’s that kind of cat. And then eventually he’ll just have to suck it up and deal and everything I’m reading says that the other cat should just eat the diabetic food, because it’s just better for them anyway. So that’s what we’re doing. And it’s not. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not it’s not diabetic food.
00;16;00;11 – 00;16;18;17
I’m not getting like, you’re such a dick. Now look what I got. I know she’s tiny. She’s really tiny. Like, whatever. Wait. I want to be clear. I’m not doing the prescription diabetic food. I’m just doing high protein, low carb food. I’m not doing. Thank you for clarifying that. I bet a lot of listeners were really worried if you were about to drop some extra on the prescription.
00;16;18;20 – 00;16;35;23
Definitely not doing that. No. Go and buy mice and feed them my ratings that are really important to this story that we have today. So first of all, you know how I feel about Rebecca’s hippie vu stuff. and I would like to point out that her original thought that the cat was meowing because it was a human alarm.
00;16;35;25 – 00;16;57;13
So does he still does, more related to the fact that he was slowly dying of the diabetes, as opposed to the alarm system? No, I understand that she has a different point of view. This is why we’re the frenemies podcast from here forward, and whatever she wants to say is, is fine, whatever. That’s fine. So that’s an important thing to, notice there was something else I was going to say.
00;16;57;13 – 00;17;19;14
Now, I can’t remember what it was because you completely threw me off with the dry food, and I can’t wait to get home and look up my my links, but I’m. Oh, my god. Or what that was. But yeah, so that’s happening here, in the Herzog household report. But we had a similar problem with our dog that passed away not too long before we got Lexie.
00;17;19;16 – 00;17;42;04
Dexter had Addison’s disease. Oh, yeah, a friend of mine’s had a dog. Has that? We had to give him a shot of Z quartile every month, and he was on, prednisone, and he was on some other kind of, thyroid medication. I know, I know, I was the guy who said, look, if we get a dog that gets all kinds of medical problems, the shit starts constant money.
00;17;42;07 – 00;18;07;27
Got to go. I know, but put him down. and I couldn’t, I know, like, yeah, I wanted to do everything I can to save. And then he. Then he went crazy and we had to put him down anyway. But I do think because of all that medication with crazy. Yeah. You know, it is it is in my mind, more financial and life altering decision making than it is emotional.
00;18;07;29 – 00;18;33;08
So I understand it’s hard to separate that emotion part. But you hear these stories about people who go 10 to 20 to $30,000. Now we have a debt, right? So every family has a limit, right? But at the same time, yeah, you might go over well if it’s 1200 instead of a thousand, you know, where are we? Yeah, it’s definitely not easy by any means to make these types of decisions based on outcome.
00;18;33;10 – 00;18;50;07
Like right now, how they we could do this, we could do the surgery, but there’s a 10% chance they’re going to survive it, right? Right. You know for also quality of life after my mom has always focused for all of our animals. Even when I was growing up on quality of life. Yes. And that’s why it’s going to be after the fact.
00;18;50;07 – 00;19;11;18
That’s why we chose to do it. Not right. Because diabetes is not a death sentence, right? Cancer different story. Right? Like and the fact that his prognosis is so good and that he could go into remission and that feels really good. And you know, this can be a month by month decision. Yeah. You know, but you know, well, we think he’s on the right path and he’s doing what he needs to do.
00;19;11;18 – 00;19;29;12
Right. That’s great. Sounds great. I would love if you could maybe do an out and about around town while you’re taking a keto stick and putting it under your cat’s ass while it’s in the in the in the in the toilet. Yeah, I feel like maybe that’s good show how that’s done. Absolutely. That’s a good one. Absolutely. All right.
00;19;29;12 – 00;19;54;03
You pulled a card for us today? Yes. The hierophant, the Hierophant inside drop. Hierophant. What are you laughing about? Kind of word here often. We didn’t know how to say it. Oh, yes. This orderly fellow has arrived to lay down the law, pin up the rules, and probably lecture you about his color coded chore wheel. But before you scream, you’re not the boss of me and run out the door.
00;19;54;05 – 00;20;18;21
Get honest for a second and see if you could actually benefit from a little more discipline. This card may be echoing some sort of literal structured hierarchy in your life school, the military, having Aaron as a best friend. Oops, that one wasn’t in here. Brand new job with a shiny new cubicle. Or just be a friendly reminder to listen to your best friend oops sorry elders and get your shit together.
00;20;18;23 – 00;20;47;14
Whatever the case, those dishes aren’t going to do themselves. So yeah, I aspire to be more like Aaron. Oops, sorry. I aspire to be the best I can be right now. That means order over chaos, wisdom over brain garbage, and working over shirking. What working over shirking did you the word brain garbage love is my new favorite. Good.
00;20;47;14 – 00;21;13;25
Instead is the word that I associate with you and your wet food talk. It’s brain garbage. Garbage. I I’m sorry that we’re officially using the term brain garbage from here forward, right? And it’s like fake news comes up. Yeah, it’s. Yeah, that’s brain garbage. That’s a lot of garbage. That’s funny. That’s. No, I had the reason I had you read that is because when I skimmed it I’m like, oh, this is she’s going to love to show this.
00;21;13;28 – 00;21;31;11
I mean, could this one be any more perfect timing wise for what we just talked about? I know, I know, and my whole life, I mean, oh my God, I forgot to tell you this. So someone commented on our YouTube video. We don’t know this person. Wow. She new person. All right. What do they want me to tell you what it was.
00;21;31;14 – 00;21;53;12
I’m gonna tell you why they did it, but, the man or woman, was it a link to buy a t shirt or something? No, no, it was on the, YouTube video. Sense of self at work. Oh, or so either we had a video about that. It was the one where Nina was on. Okay. And we were talking about what it was the video of me where I was like, just because you’re my supervisor doesn’t mean I’m listening to what you’re saying.
00;21;53;12 – 00;22;12;18
Oh, is it the short that I uploaded? Yes, I think so. I uploaded, yeah, I uploaded that stuff. No, as a as a short to see how the shorts are getting. If they’re getting views. Somebody made a comment. It performed. Scott what is it. We don’t know. All right. Ready. Wait. How do you know? We don’t know. What was her name?
00;22;12;18 – 00;22;32;16
I see her picture in there and we don’t. What if I know her? You don’t? Oh, yeah. Okay, okay. Very positive that you do not. Oh, okay. Okay okay, okay. I don’t know if I understand this, right, but if it’s work related, of course your supervisor is in a position to criticize you. They can have feedback about you.
00;22;32;18 – 00;22;55;15
Feedback is one way you can get promoted or demoted. It can help you be better at handling your workload. If you don’t take feedback and criticism from your boss slash supervisor, why are you working there? Just be your own boss. Even people in the same position often ask for feedback for improvement. Oh wow I got 535 views job.
00;22;55;16 – 00;23;23;24
It got it looks like we’re putting more shorts up. Oh guys love that. Oh so I did that yesterday. Stop it. Yeah this is great. Anyway that was brain garbage. What she just put on there. It says complete brain garbage. But, listen, I do understand what this person is saying, okay? So what they’re saying is, if you’re going to work in a place, then you go ahead and make sure that you are in a supervisory relationship where someone can give you feedback.
00;23;23;24 – 00;23;40;03
And you know what? I agree with that. You’re welcome to give feedback at any time if you desire to take the feedback right that the entire short was about. However, I’m really happy that you commented on our post because someone cared enough to comment. I mean, I think that’s great. Isn’t this awesome? I think it’s great of that brain garbage off the page.
00;23;40;03 – 00;24;01;24
All right, so anyway, speaking of brain garbage, this is what we’re talking about today, okay? He never started the timer. So are you going to be able to reel it in? Oh, yeah, I got it 23 minutes I started pretty positive. I knew that. I just know you and you need it. So I told you, you’re supposed to tell me if the if the timer doesn’t start.
00;24;01;24 – 00;24;36;17
Oh, timer didn’t start. Okay. Thanks. Thank you. Helpful. 2324 helpful. And okay, here’s the question. How do you spot a hoax? How do you spot a hoax? And this is what is propelling this discussion today. I can’t wait. So Mark and I watch a whole bunch of stuff on TV at night. In this last thing we were watching the other day was about a man who got married to this woman and then basically lied to her the entire time they were together.
00;24;36;17 – 00;25;00;27
About every single part about his relationship, his business, how much money he made, even his life, his entire life. Okay. Everything he lied about. Wow. And then nice guy convince her that he used to be in some branch of the military, and he was a CIA agent, and he took out a person. And now the government related with that was coming after him.
00;25;00;27 – 00;25;38;17
I feel like I saw that. Me too. And that. Did he kill someone? He. No. Oh, okay. Then he needed to fake his own death. Oh. Oh. In order to keep her and the family safe. They had now they could show or these were kids from past marriage or whatever, the Brady family, if he could show that he was dead through this death certificate, then the government would end up leaving them alone and, you know, not be following them.
00;25;38;17 – 00;26;11;29
And he somehow convinced this woman that he was flying to Argentina, that he was, which really apparently was true. He assigned to Argentina. Okay. He got someone from the crematorium to scoop up like ashes off of the floor and put them in a box sent back to her to then for her to show the make a caveat. I don’t think the crematorium has ashes on the floor, and if they do, we got to go and investigate that it wasn’t from the floor.
00;26;11;29 – 00;26;29;26
That’s the problem. There’s like a maybe they took half of other people that might be okay. But if but if you’re just into mass tourism it is messy. Maybe not on the floor, but you’re thinking as an issue of public safety, I think it’s time. That’s what’s going on there. I think it’s a matter I think it’s an issue with a it’s an employee problem.
00;26;29;26 – 00;26;46;08
And that supervisor needs to give some feedback. Well the crematorium hands not interested. So that’s why you run into some problem okay. Keep going. But okay. So anyway, took some ashes from who knows where. Could have been a damn tree outside. I don’t know, but they took these ashes. Put them in a box, send it to this woman.
00;26;46;08 – 00;27;07;02
This woman then goes and shows the family. You know she’s in on it. Dad’s dead. Well, so in on it is an interesting phrase because she believes she’s doing it because she needs to keep everyone safe. Right? So she. No, she’s taking his dad, faking his death, but she think he has a very legitimate reason to be thinking about death, right?
00;27;07;03 – 00;27;30;27
Yep. And so she shows them that the son has a memorial service for him. They sign the death certificate. She has. He has a doctor sign the death certificate with a notary stamp. He, you know, goes through all of these lengths. Well, the reason that he’s doing this is because he wants to collect the life insurance policies of close to $8 million in cash on himself, or have his wife, his wife will collect it.
00;27;31;00 – 00;27;49;14
Yeah, whatever. So anyway, I could tell you all the different details to watch. I guess it was it was quite fascinating. What was this on? Because I think I saw this is part of it. Oh my God. Mark always picks it. So I don’t really know if it was Netflix or it could have been next. One of the murder shows.
00;27;49;16 – 00;28;14;06
Yeah yeah yeah that’s all we watched. Host yeah. Oh my gosh. We just watched a ton of them. But it it was fascinating. And then this woman is this. He ends up getting caught. Yeah. He’s going to jail for pretty much the rest of his life. She ends up getting caught and being in a conspiracy situation where she’s a part of that.
00;28;14;06 – 00;28;38;07
She now has this ankle bracelet and also had to go to jail for 17 months. Yeah, this was a woman like you and I who just means well, she was like a she was like in, community service organizations. Like, she was just like this decent, normal, wonderful, kind human being. Right? And he takes her on this ride and she thinks that she is benefiting the family.
00;28;38;07 – 00;28;53;24
And she’s holding up the the story, even to the cops. The cops are like, I’m gonna give you one more chance to tell me. And she’s like, well, I can’t tell him because he told me that they were going to ask me this and whatever. And she’s crying the entire time. I don’t know how long it’s been since this has happened.
00;28;53;24 – 00;29;16;14
And my heart just ached for this woman, that she was so vulnerable to this man and thought she was doing the right thing and ended up getting skirt. Yeah, yeah. Ended up in this situation. And I think that happens a lot now. Right. Stream. Right. But I think it happens a lot. That’s when I say, how do you spot a hoax?
00;29;16;17 – 00;29;39;17
so the other example we have of this is Scott, you shared with us. And, did you ever watch that? I listened to it. You listened to it, right? Yeah. You shared with us an audio clip of your prior podcast. Yep. That was of this man who I’ll link it in the in the description because it’s like a 20 minute conversation.
00;29;39;17 – 00;30;05;21
I listened to it twice. I then showed it to Mark. I couldn’t stop listening to it. I was fascinated by it. Yeah. Where this man essentially is getting completely raked over the coals by this company that thinks he’s talking to this woman that he’s going to save, who’s going into human trafficking. And there’s no way, there’s no way, as you’re listening to this, that you’re like, that’s this is not it.
00;30;05;21 – 00;30;25;24
He had spent thousands and thousands of dollars. Right. So all of this you got the man is faking his own death. You got, Scott situate that Scott did a phenomenal job on this podcast being like, good dude, I think you didn’t duped here. I, you know, I hope that you’re not. I hope that even Mark was like, Scott nailed that there.
00;30;25;25 – 00;30;55;24
If you got a great job, I’m like, I know. He really kept his composure. It was really great. And then said something as stupid as Nina and Laura, we’re looking for new couches and on the friends and family Fairport Facebook group, there was a post, four images of what looked like absolutely brand new. Two couches, a three seater and like a two seater all recliner, zero gravity, perfect color.
00;30;55;24 – 00;31;16;29
Absolutely beautiful in someone’s home. And it said we’re selling both of these for $350 total. Because we are moving out of state, we can’t take it with us and we just want to get it out of here. So I immediately I’m like, hey, you know, very interested. Let me know. I reach out to Nina and Laura. I’m like, hey, is this something that you would be interested in?
00;31;16;29 – 00;31;37;01
You know, I think these are exactly what you’ve described to me and Nina or Laura. One of them was like, are you sure that that’s real? And I’m like, I am sure that it’s real. I said, this stuff happens in this community all the time. It’s not a cheap community. They usually have really nice stuff. They usually do give it away because they have the money to be able to buy new things, like there’s stuff on the free groups.
00;31;37;01 – 00;32;00;16
All. Yeah, this is a new marketplace. No. Yes is literally in the Friends and Family Affair support group. So I reach out and this person responds back to me and says, I’m really sorry. I’ve been at work all day. I’ve not been able to get back in touch with you. but yes, they are still available. We then go through a very pretty normal conversation until it starts to get to the point where I’m like, I’m so excited, this is great.
00;32;00;16 – 00;32;25;06
You know, when can we come pick them up? And do you have delivery available? Well, yes, they do have delivery available. Okay. Well, how much would delivery be? Well, I think it would be fair if we did $100 delivery. and, you know, the cost of the thing for, for a $350. And she’s like, what I would ask to hold them is that you send me the $100 delivery fee, and then we will bring it out tomorrow.
00;32;25;08 – 00;32;41;27
It was at that point that I started to be like, something about this doesn’t feel right, right? So I start to ask more questions like, well, where are you located? And can I come to your house and see the couches and give you, you know, the, the whatever? So then it all started to go downhill and crumble from there.
00;32;41;27 – 00;33;03;17
Because these people, unless you’re a super con like these, you know, other people that we were talking about are they can’t keep up the charade. And that’s exactly what happened. So then I start to see in the Facebook pace that everyone starts to write under the picture, this is a scam. Don’t talk to this person. Right? So I then reach out to Kelly up the street and I’m like, can you write to this person and tell them you’re interested in couches?
00;33;03;17 – 00;33;18;28
And let’s see how this parallel conversation goes. So Kelly up the street reaches out, she’s texting me all the stuff that she’s sending to this person. And you can tell immediately it’s a scam. And then we report it to administrators and whatever. So something small like that with these couches, thank God no money was exchanged you know.
00;33;18;28 – 00;33;39;20
But all they needed was the delivery fee from five people. You’ve just made yourself 500 bucks. Right, right. And they’re doing anything with it. Yep. That is in a friends and family affair puts Fairport Facebook group that has a list on it that you have to answer. One of the questions is what is your favorite, you know, thing about Fairport?
00;33;39;20 – 00;33;56;22
You know, give us a landmark, give us a whatever. I’d like to try and really clarify that you’re from the area. Right. So this person answered all of those questions, somehow got in the group and then was doing this type of scam. People do it all the time with, animals. Yeah. They, they are like here’s a purebred Maltese whatever.
00;33;56;22 – 00;34;25;09
And then they take deposits and then either they get a dog or they get interesting, they get screwed. Yeah. Wow. Well there’s also something similar to that where people will say this dog is missing or this cat is missing, and they and people share it and for whatever reason, there’s some way that the the scammers are able to get your personal information from you, clicking on the link for the, you know, for the lost animal or whatever.
00;34;25;13 – 00;34;47;10
Yeah. And I’m telling you, people are people are nuts. And I just say this right. So I work in a tech company, so I’m hypersensitive to these tech related scams that go on all of the time. And it’s not a week that goes by that I’m not sending a message to one of my employees that is like, I don’t understand why people can’t spend their time doing something else.
00;34;47;13 – 00;35;09;05
This is terrible to do to people, right? Because people fall for. And that’s more and more convincer time. And I can’t tell you how much money the credit card companies lose. Hey, just regular basis. I just got an email from Verizon sent to all the people on our account saying your account didn’t go through or your, monthly payment.
00;35;09;05 – 00;35;31;04
I can go through what all of a sudden this week out of the 20 years we’ve been with you. Yeah. And that was a scam, right? Oh, yeah, I was I was this morning from QuickBooks saying something like that. And you look at it and, you know, you have to kind of you have to determine. Yeah, you have to you have to look at the address and be like, wait a second.
00;35;31;07 – 00;35;53;24
Because they write it in such a way that it almost looks right. It’s identical. But then you if you tap like the arrow so that you see the whole email, it’s just one letter off it. Yeah, yeah. The email address. Yeah. Right. Because the email address is like e JV 7689 ten whatever at Verizon. Get those all the time where it says thank you for your thank you for your pain.
00;35;53;25 – 00;36;08;25
Thank you for your payment to the Geek Squad or. Yeah. And you’re like, I didn’t make that payment. Right. And you start to get nervous. This is an error. Call this number. Yeah. Right. Right. And you know who’s fallen for it? Old people. Old people I know they’re falling for it. They’re paying the money. They’re doing all the things.
00;36;08;25 – 00;36;32;10
And you know, it’s sad. And not only that, I mean, there’s just there’s so many people. So whether it’s like the email scam or all the way up to that crazy con artist there, I just I can’t wrap my mind around why we’re using our powers for bad, why we are choosing. In that case, I understand that man’s a sociopath.
00;36;32;17 – 00;36;57;22
In the case of that faking your own death, right? You’re willing to go. You’re a con man. I actually would verge on saying you don’t have the capacity to care about anyone, right? but I just wonder about this human component associated with, like, is there any part of you that felt bad that you took this poor woman for a ride, or was she just absolutely a pawn?
00;36;57;22 – 00;37;27;03
And you have 0.00 feelings about it now? People like that, they’re like, I hate to make this connection, but they’re like Hitler, Hitler. Hitler believed in survival of the fittest. So at the end of World War two, when Germany was losing, he came up with this policy, the scorched earth policy, saying that he wanted his people to start, blowing up all of the infrastructure in Germany because the Germans were too weak.
00;37;27;03 – 00;37;44;17
They couldn’t win the war, so they didn’t deserve it anyway, like, the Germans didn’t deserve to live. And there are some people who are like that where they say if they if people fall for this, they deserve to lose. I was just going to say they it’s like the mindset, if you’re stupid, you’re stupid, you’re centered. And I’m just, hey, I’m just making a buck, right?
00;37;44;20 – 00;38;12;16
it’s exactly what I was using, I think my tools to make a buck. Right? And you know what? If you don’t fall for it, it’s fine. I’ll move on to somebody who will. Yeah, yeah. No, I think that that’s true. I think that that is 100% true. I do think that the extreme examples, I also think, like other examples, where you’ve gotten away with it for a little like, let’s say tax fraud or any sort of like fraudulent thing that you, you might not have intentionally done, you were like was stealing from Paul to pay Peter whatever that concept.
00;38;12;16 – 00;38;32;16
And if you get away with it long enough, it’s like, oh, okay, I’ll keep going or I haven’t filed my taxes in four years and nothing’s happened, so I’m going to keep going. Do you believe in karma if I do, Erin, do you believe in karma in any way? Or do you just have a certain moral code that you that you live by?
00;38;32;23 – 00;38;54;18
because that’s what you believe in, but not not any kind of, you know, it’s more that it’s more it’s more integrity and moral code for myself, which is really strong. and then that’s what makes me confused. But I don’t I do I will catch myself saying, it’s all right. I don’t need to handle that. The universe will take care of that.
00;38;54;18 – 00;39;14;11
So I don’t know if that’s karma, right. If I the same concept, but like, I just had a client overpay me by like $700 an a direct deposit that I didn’t catch until two weeks later. and a part of me was like, well, just be quiet about that. And then I was like, no, I can’t do that.
00;39;14;13 – 00;39;35;09
That’s just no way you could do that. Because one, you’re eventually going to get found out, but it’s not the right thing to do, right? It’s like my wife Kelly and I, we’re we’re big fans of that because early on in her marriage, there were times where we would go shopping and be like, oh, I forgot, I forgot to pay for this fact.
00;39;35;11 – 00;39;51;11
no. And now it’s like, I’ll drive back and I’ll go and pay for and say, hey, I, I walked out with this and I didn’t pay for it. Oh yeah, I’m keeping that free. People laugh at me. People that, well, that’s not free shit. That’s stolen shit. If you want to get caught up in that stuff right, right.
00;39;51;12 – 00;40;26;27
But people laugh at me in that for now. And now I’m like, you intentionally steal it? Or was it your wife or guy that this was in the bottom of the car? It was in my pocket, like when I was buying a bunch of stuff. It never, never intentionally anything like that. But we believe so much in that if you do stuff that’s that’s, you know, how how were you classify it morally wrong or just goes against the universe and what the universe feels is right that yes, at some point might not be now, might not be ten years from now, but at one point that’s going to come back to you and it’s going
00;40;26;27 – 00;40;42;28
to come back to you even stronger than what you did. Whatever wrong that you pulled. And there’s those people like the guy in the, in the show that you’re talking about where they get a lot, they get away with it for a long time. Yeah a long time. But when it comes back it comes back like with a vengeance.
00;40;42;28 – 00;41;07;02
And it might be 20 years after you do something, but eventually that comes back and you’re like, I have a very hard time. So we’ve heard me talk a million times about the lawsuit that we have open right now with the home builder of our home, and, still has not come to a resolution. It’s fine. Hopefully we’re a little closer than than we were.
00;41;07;02 – 00;41;31;20
I know we’re a little closer than we were when we started this thing, but one of the things I have said to our attorney is I can’t live in a world that doesn’t have clear bounds around justice because I, I don’t I don’t know how to operate in an environment that’s might be part of my, you know, very black and white thinking sometimes.
00;41;31;22 – 00;42;03;17
But I can’t live in a world that is not clear about behavior that is wrong, incorrect or unfair to other people. And I know that the reality is there have been things that have happened to people. I’m not talking things like death. Right. And the untimely passing. Right. I’m talking more like there was an action that was taken against me, and it shouldn’t have worked out that way.
00;42;03;17 – 00;42;43;16
I know there are people that are in that situation. Yeah, but I can’t think of many times in my life where I have been a part of a situation that was blatant, totally wrong or clearly unfair. That has not worked itself out in the right way within a reasonable amount of time. So I think that that’s what allows me to work from this moral compass place, is that I know I’m in charge of what I do every single day.
00;42;43;23 – 00;43;02;07
I always am kind and honest and give my best every single day. When I’m not. I address that, and I’m the first one to be like, I’m really sorry that this happened. If I didn’t realize it, I hope you’ll bring it up to me and then I will determine whether or not you know what? What malfunctioned there. You know what happened.
00;43;02;09 – 00;43;31;07
But it’s just so interesting to me to think about people who were in these unjust situations for ridiculously long amounts of time, and then didn’t have that sense of justice at the end. I can’t I can’t typically referring to the woman who had to go to jail because there or, or any, any situation. But then but then you use that excuse of you don’t know what you don’t know, right?
00;43;31;07 – 00;43;51;09
And then it’s like, so because of you don’t know what you don’t know, that means you get away with it. She was part of that scenario whether she was coerced or not. No it’s true. And then and so doesn’t the government does not give a crack to you. Don’t you know it’s like it’s like if you have a husband and wife it’s the same scenario.
00;43;51;09 – 00;44;09;04
You have a husband and wife and then the wife is just, well you take care of all the finances, right. And because I’m legally married to you, I’m bound to the decisions that he makes. Right? Or if he’s not filing taxes, but lying to you and saying, yes, whatever you’re going to get in trouble to. And you can’t go to the government be like, well I didn’t know.
00;44;09;04 – 00;44;30;04
Well then then you didn’t uphold your marriage contract. It’s the concept of I have a concealed carry gun permit. There’s rules associated with that in New York. I can’t just carry my gun anywhere in the country right now. I don’t have a gun. But I’m just saying I can’t drive into Pennsylvania or whatever. And I can’t use the excuse of.
00;44;30;04 – 00;44;49;00
Well, I didn’t know that. Well, you should know that because you have a license, you should know all the rules. You should ask those questions. You should do X, Y, and Z, right? Do you have any feelings, though, for this woman who got duped? Sure. Of course. But yes, but you got to pay the price of it. Yeah.
00;44;49;00 – 00;45;12;06
Okay. So you still think she needs to to pay the price? Yeah. It’s up for it. It sucks. That sucks really bad. And I wish I wish that you had asked more questions. I wish that, Yeah. I mean, I don’t see that’s the thing. It’s like I don’t. What what did she end up? She ended up 17 months and or 15 months or something in jail and then not the, the ankle.
00;45;12;06 – 00;45;33;21
She got off like she did. What happened? But I agree with you, Erin. I know that that’s, like, it’s just not fair that someone can be taken advantage of like that and then have to pay the price. It’s just the unfair reality of life is that there’s rules for a reason. It’s like you can’t you can’t pick and choose when the rules are upheld based on emotions, based on.
00;45;33;21 – 00;45;55;11
Oh, well, I didn’t know. Oh, okay. It’s like you can’t have it both ways. Yeah. I didn’t know that I was supposed to pay for that, right. I didn’t I didn’t know that I had to fight. You didn’t know that. But you’re supposed to. So now I’m going to right charge you or whatever. I think what I over identify with this is over the past year, more last year than in this year.
00;45;55;13 – 00;46;27;13
I was a part of a situation where I got taken for a ride by someone that I really, genuinely trusted, had my best interest at heart. Yeah, and I thought for sure I was doing the right thing, and I was following the footsteps and I was asking questions and I was really like, try. I was genuinely doing the best that I possibly could to make sure that that wouldn’t happen, and that it all came to a head in an almost ruined me or ruined everything.
00;46;27;13 – 00;46;52;05
Yeah, right. So my over identification with this topic was I can relate with that woman in the sense that she was doing the best she could with the information that she had available, and was asking the questions that she thought she was supposed to be asking, and she was trusting, and she was trying to give the benefit of the doubt.
00;46;52;05 – 00;47;12;12
And when she did have questions about things, she would ask further questions about that. And in my case, it wasn’t a manipulative con artist to me, and it was someone who didn’t have the skill set that he needed to have, but projected that he did have. Right. In her case, it’s a con artist who’s intentionally manipulating her, and it’s her husband, right?
00;47;12;12 – 00;47;27;19
And it’s someone she’s married to. When you’re in that relationship, of course you’re going to. Right, quote unquote, trust everything you’re being right. I mean, yeah, right. You trust the church, you trust the school, you trust the doctor. I trust the doctor. But what are they there? Are they giving me the correct information? Not about the bad food.
00;47;27;20 – 00;47;50;14
I mean, okay, it’s not a question. You’re not a it’s like anything else, but right about that. Right. That’s exactly what I mean is. So she’s even more in hook, line and sinker than even I was because I wasn’t married to this person I know. And then when, when push came to shove in that situation, we had to fix it real quick, figured out what needed to happen.
00;47;50;14 – 00;48;09;25
Okay, we’re moving on. We’re doing things differently. Whatever. but I spent a lot of time, which I imagine this woman is as well, being like, what did I miss? What did I not calculate, what questions didn’t I ask? And ultimately it came down for me too. You don’t know what you don’t know, which is exactly what you just said.
00;48;09;27 – 00;48;29;01
I didn’t know, and I really sought the expertise in not just one channel. We’re talking in five different channels, and none of those channels brought up to me the things that needed to be brought up. In her case, she’s trusting her husband. Not a good choice. Maybe she should have been talking to a best friend about it who would have been like, oh, this ain’t great, right?
00;48;29;03 – 00;48;59;27
But to then think at the end of this, which was a possibility that had we not gotten our shit together, that there could have been a responsibility component. Now what? I have served jail time. Hell no. Right. That’s not what you’re talking about. No, I know, but there there would could have been a consequence to that. The double whammy of that, the left right hook of like, oh my God, you’re such a kind, caring, compassionate person who’s trusting people and asking the right questions and doing all the things right, and you still got screwed over.
00;49;00;06 – 00;49;23;09
Oh, and by the way, we’re going to now kick you while you’re down. Is I just it’s just feels so unfair to me. Yeah, I get the practicality of it. Right I get that. Well, it still happened. Whether we wanted it to or not. It still happened. But I also think it’s. And I’m not well versed in like government and US politics versus other countries or whatever.
00;49;23;09 – 00;49;46;22
But I also think it’s the, judicial system that we are our societal judicial system. Right. Because there’s other countries that are either black and white or whatever. So like let’s say that that particular example of the woman and her husband went to, went to, trial right now, she could have it’s a jury of your peers, right.
00;49;46;25 – 00;50;10;20
And so obviously, that’s that’s the whole manipulation of our of our system is that you have you have the choice, if you can afford it, to hire someone who might be able to manipulate a jury. Yeah, right. You know, there’s all of these. Depends what state you’re in. Correct. Right. So there’s all these levels of. Flexibility and decision making and justice system.
00;50;10;20 – 00;50;26;05
It’s not black and white right. Not a black and white system. It can’t. It’s based on how much can you pay. How much are you willing to right. How much are you willing to do this. That’s right. And at the end of the day, that’s right. Justice is not just as clear as. Was that right? Or was that wrong?
00;50;26;05 – 00;50;42;06
No. It’s like wasn’t right or was it was it wrong based in right these factors where do you live? What are the laws of those lands? What country do you live in? Right, right. What? All of those things. Whereas in my mind, it’s just so clear that’s either something that you do morally or something that you don’t do morally.
00;50;42;10 – 00;51;04;25
However, I remember Melissa Kelly once having a conversation with Jack, who’s now like going on to college here, salary is going to be a senior this year, so I cannot believe he’s that old. But I remember at one point she was trying to teach him about right and wrong. And they went to the grocery store and Melissa grabbed a grape and ate the grape to see if the grapes were good and if she should take the entire bunch.
00;51;04;25 – 00;51;29;19
And he was like, mom, you stole that. Great. You didn’t pay for that, right? And she was like, it was such a hard conversation for me to have about the nuances of right and wrong and okay and not okay. Like would five grapes have been okay with ten grapes have been okay. Could you have eaten the entire cookie?
00;51;29;22 – 00;51;50;01
Did you get the cookie and eat the entire cookie and then just have the napkin and be like, oh wow, that didn’t really happen while you were walking around the store. You know, like at what point, even in some scenario like that, that’s where that I guess, moral compass comes in, or where that, you know, what is your threshold of what you are okay with and that is going to differ from person to person, a person.
00;51;50;01 – 00;52;06;15
Some people might think that that one grape you owe a half of a cent to Danny Wegman. Right. Oh, why is it okay to test the grapes? But you don’t take a bite out of the apple, right? Why? Because it’s an open right. Why do you not wrap a piece of the bread off? Make sure that’s fresh. Like, why is it right?
00;52;06;15 – 00;52;23;14
Why are we picking and choosing what food is acceptable. Right. It’s either it’s either all or nothing. Right. Is it. It. Well, that’s to your point. Justice is not just as clearly black and white. Right? Right. Same thing. I was having a conversation and you’re saying it says it test, test the grapes. Go ahead to take a little sample.
00;52;23;14 – 00;52;44;29
Because what if everyone tested the grapes, right. And every single person who came into Wegmans every single week tested the grapes? It sounds like it sounds like a packaging issue. Maybe we need to package them differently. Sounds like we can maybe manage this a little bit differently. This is how the businesses start. Okay, I want to be really clear that this is how all of our best ideas have started.
00;52;44;29 – 00;53;05;01
You just said it’s like, speak to me more about that. We have some connections with our I.T packaging sites who may be able to get in on this. I got some connections I may be able to help. This is how all the best businesses I start with a philosophical issue, right? You tell me the answer and then you tell me that really, the real problem here is not about the grapes, it’s about this other component.
00;53;05;01 – 00;53;34;27
And then by the way, we should start an LLC associated with the packaging of whatever. And then now we do that. Now we do that. And I say we do that now, I’m not the one taking over all the damn packaging requirements. But think about that. You’re like, that was great. Think about that. Right? I mean, maybe and maybe that’s how some of the systems are put in place, because you have to if there’s a crack or there’s a potential like, oh, I can see both ways, then how do we manipulate it to make it go the direction?
00;53;34;29 – 00;53;55;06
You know what we do? We make the packaging so absolutely ridiculous that not everyone can access it because we had to change it. We had to change the whole system for the for people that were stealing the grapes. Right. And that gets a bad rap too, right? Right. If I’m not allowed to have time off policies that mar us because Rebecca doesn’t come to work.
00;53;55;06 – 00;54;10;23
Right, you know. Great. Well, you got this. So for your packaging, I’m in the Walmarts in the produce section, and there’s one woman who was pissed because you know, how they put. Well, I don’t know if you know, because you. But whatever. I can’t wait to hear what your covers are now in a sleep. Asleep. Yeah, right.
00;54;10;28 – 00;54;34;09
And she says, what the hell? These are two reds and an orange. Oh, this should be tri colored. Yeah, absolutely. And I demand that. Does she not open it? Open every single one. And then take the blue one and stick them right in? Oh, yeah. Different brands try to make the same thing over here. She’s I’m like and thinking to myself that’s a different brand and that’s that okay.
00;54;34;09 – 00;54;51;02
Wait is that okay. Those are sold by wait. These are already pre weeded. Yep. And those were the those were the ones from the field that no one wanted. That’s why you got the three the three yellows. Yeah. In my mind I’m like your desire is just by the, by the sleeve and then by the extra yellow. Yeah.
00;54;51;02 – 00;55;09;29
Like what the hell. So I tried to take pictures yourself with the grocery store, with your favorite items that you are trying and put it in the Facebook page. That’s what we’re going to start. We’re going to start the trend. What could be our hashtag? So, speaking of the grocery store, that more also Taylor and I were in the the targets and it was in between her soccer game and it was in Pennsylvania.
00;55;09;29 – 00;55;27;25
It was hot as hell. And so all she wanted was an AC bowl, you know, whatever. Yeah, whatever those are. But it’s frozen. Yeah. Right. And she’s like, mom, I only have I only have 20 minutes. And I said, okay, take it out of the sleeve. Take it out the it came in a sleeve and I go take it out of the sleeve, go to the car, put it in front of the heater and then eat it.
00;55;27;28 – 00;55;40;25
So I can I have the sleeve with me. So I go to the checkout and I’m like. And I hand heard the empty sleeve with nothing in it. She’s like, what is that garbage? I go, no, no, no, my daughter took the food. I just need to pay for it. She’s like, what do you mean she took the food?
00;55;40;28 – 00;55;59;07
I said, well, you’re taking a long ass time in this line. Taken one by one scanning and she. We have somewhere to be. So I let her take the food and she goes, she left the store with it. I said, yeah, ma’am, like everyone else does, because apparently we don’t stop people on their way out. We pass. And I said, you’re lucky I’m still paying for this.
00;55;59;09 – 00;56;14;16
Right. Thank you. Right. Because I if I got home, I could have been like, oh, she got out the door. Great. So this like, ma’am, I think we have some other problems here to worry about tonight. She asked, well, how do I know this is what she really bought? Oh my God, stop yourself, I know, then don’t scan it.
00;56;14;16 – 00;56;31;03
And you know, said that, you know, when I, you know I made that up. She damn Snickers bar. Have a good day. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t with people. I gave her an empty Gatorade bottle. I go scan this because she drank it. Because you were taking too long. Oh, yeah. I don’t that either. No. Okay, I said then scan them twice.
00;56;31;03 – 00;56;47;14
I’ll pay for it twice. Yeah, you will not. But yeah, not. That’s not okay. I wasn’t trying to get away with it. I was trying to manage multiple things happening in one time. And anyway. Yeah. And you kept up with your moral code shirt and shirt and not. No. Tell me when to stop my affirmation card. And now.
00;56;47;14 – 00;57;10;22
Right now. Oh, here’s a good one. I know that money flows to me freely when I pursue my passions. I am abundance. It’s just like, just take one. Take what you want. Take what you like. Do you put it in the cart? I loved that. Me too. Isn’t empathy amazing? Well we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this sympathy stuff.
00;57;10;29 – 00;57;38;29
That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are. Oh, God, I love you. I love you too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to more. Love the power of Empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts. See you next time.

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