Episode 235- Parenting, Politics, and Empathy: A Candid Chat with Erin and Rebecca

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This session features candid conversations about the complexities of parenting, and the challenges of navigating political and social issues. With curiosity, sadness, humor and honesty, they explore how empathy shapes their perspectives and relationships, even when discussing heavy topics like school shootings and societal fears. Tune in for a heartfelt and thought-provoking discussion that underscores the importance of understanding and connection in today’s world.

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;31;05
Hey, it’s me Erin. Thanks for joining us on the Moor Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;31;05 – 00;00;59;09
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what? Our life. Our life as best friends who are more like sisters. Oh, yay, I love this, and I can’t wait to share our stories with the world. Especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay. I have less chin hair than I used to.
00;00;59;12 – 00;01;17;20
Might get a new mirror in your car. Yeah. No, I have less chin hair, so I used to be a chin hair mess. When I say chin, I mean this under part right here. Your beard, my beard, your goiter. What do they call that turkey thing? My goblet. Yeah, yeah. The giblet. The Googler. I don’t think it’s clean.
00;01;17;22 – 00;01;31;13
I don’t think it’s called any of those. Whatever it is, that used to be a major problem for me. So you know that I would stop at all of the stoplights, and then that is the best light. What about the nose hair? Well, that I got a nose hair trimmer, so that hasn’t been a problem. Oh, wow. Okay, okay, okay.
00;01;31;19 – 00;01;51;00
All right. This I think, is hormonally based. Oh, yeah. So it used to be the case that when I would be in my car at a stoplight, I’d pull down the visor, get my tweezers. I have three of them from the, What do you call that? This little thing you pull out. What do you call that? The glove box?
00;01;51;00 – 00;02;14;08
Yeah. The glove compartment. Okay. Or the. Or the. Oh, yeah. Middle console. Yeah. What are you wearing? We’re doing really good with car anatomy today. Or we’re doing really good. that every time I. No joke, I would pluck out at least six, seven, nine different hairs. Wow. But now there’s a lot of very honest. Most of them were, like, dark.
00;02;14;13 – 00;02;33;29
Not not white. Okay, we’ve crossed into that realm. I’ll get to that in a minute. Okay, but isn’t that from plucking? No. Oh, that’s just the natural color of the hairs. Yeah. My only experience with plucking is my toe hair. Okay. That’s the only thing I’ve ever plucked. I feel like that’s something you should wax because it wouldn’t hurt.
00;02;34;01 – 00;02;53;19
It doesn’t hurt when you pluck it. It’s actually very satisfying. Oh, and I only have 3 to 4 hairs in there. That makes me actually a little sick to my stomach. I’m not a very hairy person, so clearly we’ve had the eyebrow. If you seen the thing. My eyebrows. I still have done absolutely nothing. Yeah. So I noticed today, while I was stopped up by brokers and I had a minute.
00;02;53;22 – 00;03;23;20
Of course, I pulled down the visor. Get out my tweezers. And I only had two. Too many hairs. Actually three because you did it the other day. Parasite. You’re like Santa Claus. But I probably I what I’ve chalked it up to is, I have a much more imbalanced cortisol level and my hormones and my stress and like, everything is so much better balanced.
00;03;23;20 – 00;03;44;16
Oh, it’s balanced now. Yes. Oh, and so I am. It’s to the point now where I will pull down my visor and then I’ll be like, oh man. Oh, here. Discipline. Not really anything to wear because it’s like when you get a pimple this little, this little spot right here on my chin. Always, always grows a hair.
00;03;44;19 – 00;04;04;12
Now I haven’t had one in months. Well I love to pick that. I don’t get this. So I don’t have that satisfaction on myself. However when Taylor hit puberty all day. Come on. Yeah. Now Sawyer is about to hit puberty and she, she also has chicken skin. So we have to determine is it the chicken skin or is it the pimples?
00;04;04;12 – 00;04;20;01
And the other day I looked at her, I go, oh, you’re coming up, girl. Yeah, you’re coming up. You don’t want her. She’s like, you’re not going to do what you do to Taylor, to me. I go, oh yes, I absolutely yeah, I’m going to hold you down on the bed. Yeah I love that. Love it. Remember that one time with Darnell.
00;04;20;04 – 00;04;38;03
That was great. That was actually next level that that was a full on goiter and that what I want now I want to throw up thinking you made me video it and it was not okay in the Voodoo Visionary subscription. Yeah. That was, that was that should have been on doctor doctor pimple popper. Yeah. Oh I know it was her.
00;04;38;08 – 00;04;59;19
That was not great. But anyway, All right. Congratulations. One of the benefits of my lack of hairiness is more hormonal balance. And one of the negatives is that I feel less satisfied at stoplights. Well, so let’s start plucking your toe here. Yeah, right in the car. No, not to the car. How can I do that? It in the car.
00;04;59;20 – 00;05;16;12
That is not really good today because I’m wearing a dress. Yeah. So let me get that put up there on the dash. On the right, on the dash. Is this my skin? Not okay now. All right. Okay. What you got first today. You got to I see that’s someone’s wound. We’ve got to do that. Or do you want to?
00;05;16;12 – 00;05;30;22
I don’t know if I discuss this with you, but I watched, I think it was Hulu. I don’t remember what, but thanks for giving me your Netflix password, because I’m all. I’m all in on certain things. I’m not gun charged yet for the duplicate account. No, they will, so they won’t charge you. They’ll kick me out of it.
00;05;30;25 – 00;05;49;23
This is what’s going to happen. Okay, eventually, one of these. I told you that you need to kick it out. Yeah. If it impacts my ability to watch stuff. No, it will, it will. Somebody else give me theirs, and then it’ll eventually kick me out. But right now, we’re we’re all in. But I don’t think this was a Netflix on, but, we were talking about it last night at the at the soccer party.
00;05;49;26 – 00;06;12;09
the documentary about the parents that were convicted for the school shooting. Oh, yeah. Holy crap. Talk about empty and empty. I have watched that. But I know you’re sad to watch that because I really want to get your take on. I mean, I know how your take is going to be, but I thought it was a really interesting,
00;06;12;11 – 00;06;42;17
Shift in school shooting. what is the word? It was the first time a prosecutor said, we’re going after the parents philosophy. We’re going after the parents. And it was, oh, I don’t know if this is the reason. Maybe there was a woman prosecutor who had children the same age. I don’t know, but she based on the evidence, it was real clear these parents were borderline negligent in the sense of not taking anything seriously.
00;06;42;23 – 00;07;02;18
And in this day and age, I cannot understand. Is it are you just in so denial about your own child? Like, are people in denial about their own kids and their their abilities, their their experiences, their I mean, I literally look at certain people and they talk about their kid like they’re a certain thing. And I’m like, are you looking at the same kid?
00;07;02;18 – 00;07;51;26
I am, because that ain’t it. That ain’t it. Princess can do no wrong. Princess can do no wrong. Yet everything they do is questionable. Right or borderline or I’m like, Queen and King can do no wrong. But I don’t feel that way about my kids. I’m very clear when it’s not at of course, would you to to the point where you would be willing to be held responsible for something that Taylor or Sawyer did at school if if so, what happened was, like most hindsight, school shootings, the kid had a math test and drew a specific gun on it and basically the plan and handed it in.
00;07;52;04 – 00;08;19;19
And they called the parents. And we’re like, let’s talk about this from the parents. Like, oh, it’s no big deal. What? Why are we calling the parents? The kid asked numerous times, I need help, I need the parents. Bought him the gun, took him to the shooting range. The kid got caught looking up ammo and different gun in the library because it’s, like, all monitored.
00;08;19;22 – 00;08;40;01
And he got the parents got called. The mom immediately texted him and said, you need to be smarter and hide that shit. You can’t be doing that in public. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. What? I don’t know, it’s so much more complicated, I disagree. It’s not just as easy as. Okay, well, we contacted the parents and the parents said no.
00;08;40;01 – 00;08;56;18
And so all of a sudden, it’s the parents fault that they didn’t do this again? It goes so much further. Well, you had to prove the case, of course, but the kid was like I had been begging basically a court. He’s like, I had been begging for help. I told I basically showcased what my whole plan was, that the parents problem, because the parents did nothing.
00;08;56;18 – 00;09;22;29
But the school has no culpability with that whatsoever. They found the school to have done everything they were supposed to do in there. Once I called there, responsibility. What is that called? When? When you have to follow certain due diligence? Yes. Due diligence. I’ll have to watch it. You have to. You have to. They can’t process like you do where the in the like it was last episode or whatever.
00;09;23;05 – 00;09;47;03
We did the perfect wife you’re like and then what? And then what? And then what I am like I got to watch it for myself because I gotta. I have to determine myself. Did these people do everything that they are supposed to do? And they did. They nothing in my for the parents. Both. Oh, yeah. Nothing in my mind is that clear cut.
00;09;47;06 – 00;10;06;18
And also, I think you’re on a slippery slope right there if you want to start. They set a precedent asking parents, hey, I want a bowl for what it is that their children do. Oh, yeah. In a school environment. Oh, yeah. Is a very slippery slope. They proved that, part of their case was the wife was having an affair.
00;10;06;18 – 00;10;26;02
Therefore, she was more interested in having her affair than she was being a parent. They proved that the dad, the dad was unemployed and not willing to look for a job. Therefore, he was lazy and not interested in neglecting his kid like they. Yeah, it’s mind blowing, but I think the part for me that that was just a clear cut.
00;10;26;04 – 00;10;50;03
The the parents bought the gun and left it on the bed, not locked up. Not. Okay. Right. Right. There is negligence now do they deserve life in prison for that. I’m not sure. But if it led to the death of dead people then. Yeah he, he picked up that little guy. But, but that act buying a gun and leaving it out.
00;10;50;06 – 00;11;15;24
It is not. Oh God. This is this is political. All right. Right. People should have their their gun rights or whatever. Sure. Leaving that gun out on a bed is not what caused the death of those those children. No. It provided access to somebody who was mentally unstable and clearly indicated that was very interested. I mean, his whole room was all the when they would go to the shooting range, he would bring it home.
00;11;15;24 – 00;11;33;22
And it was, like feces, not feces, like target the target. And it was all kill shots and it was all plastered in his room. I’m sorry, I have these are conversation. I’d have questions or not. Oh, I have a lot of questions as well. He did not go to therapy in any way, and it was great. The parents were like, he’s mental health.
00;11;33;24 – 00;11;55;24
I’m it’s no big deal. Well, all these boys solved. Did anyone call that might not be. That might be the schools that the school. That’s not the schools. policies. maybe it should be, that’s not the school’s policy, but the school’s responsibility at the end of the day, is to keep all of those children safe. Right?
00;11;55;27 – 00;12;14;26
So just because it’s not in your policies doesn’t mean that you now are, again, off the hook for keeping my child safe. so. Yeah. Where does it stop? Right, right. That’s what I heard, is that I know that you have to like they didn’t this particular documentary, excuse me, did not go into significant detail about what the school did.
00;12;14;29 – 00;12;44;00
They just said that when the counselor and the principal or whomever was on the stand and tried or whatever they were deemed, they did everything they were supposed to do. I also I’m having some strong feelings about that because, I’ve seen a minor minor view into the inner workings of K-12 school districts right now. Minor. When I say minor, I say very, very minor.
00;12;44;00 – 00;13;00;15
And I don’t believe that at all. But think about it is a general that keeps going on. Yeah, it’s my daughter. Can you tell her year and I did. I told her what is why did she calling. Because she’s nervous about the, the the birthday party. Come on. What about the birthday party that she’s not going to make it.
00;13;00;15 – 00;13;17;17
Yeah, she’s nervous about. She even wants to make sure when she’s ready, when she needs to be ready, and when I’m going to pick her up, because I told her we got a tight timeframe here. How how long has this birthday party been? known about? Just a day. A day, yeah. So. And who let you know a day in a day.
00;13;17;19 – 00;13;33;00
This is your daughter that now sprung it on. You know, it was. It was the. It was an invite. It was an invite. Yeah. So she’s just anxious because I would be I was sorry we can’t go. Or if you want to go, you’re going to go after. I’m done with all of my response I know. Yeah. Yeah.
00;13;33;03 – 00;13;54;11
Great. That’s just me I yeah, I know, that’s crazy. Having boundaries is not crazy. There’s there’s out there’s a lot there’s a lot in my my kids do that to me all the time. They’re like, oh I’ve got this. And I’m like, well, you should have told me last week. Yeah, well tell me your fault. So I know, but it’s you kind of teaching them like that.
00;13;54;14 – 00;14;08;03
Okay? We’re not going to go there. Okay? There’s a, there’s a lot more involved that we’re not going to discuss on here. But anyway, so as long as she just stops texting you that would be a really great I have a hard time. I don’t care if she wants to talk about what type of cereal she’s about to eat.
00;14;08;03 – 00;14;27;26
I’m having a real hard time focusing on gun violence when it’s Sawyer’s blowing up the phone every 30s good violence. Speaking of gun violence, these are. You’re literally texting her right now. Yeah. So I’m saying, oh, hey, guys, no big deal. Just we’ll just. If you could please hold for a minute. Rebecca, honey, you told me to stop saying her daughter will be back with you in a moment.
00;14;27;26 – 00;14;47;14
I’d like to be able to hack into her phone and just have the screening. Come on. Do so every time there’s a text, we can bring it up to you. Can. She’s very sweet. I think back to our regularly scheduled programing the school like so in any most I shouldn’t say at any or all, but in most circumstances, policy doesn’t change until someone dies.
00;14;47;16 – 00;15;04;28
Even though we have a lot in the world going on that we should all be looking at our policies and what we’re doing. It doesn’t even need to be a policy. How about we use some common sense? I can’t, I don’t I don’t think that that’s why we use some common sense. We say, this is an interesting situation unfolding.
00;15;04;28 – 00;15;32;16
We have a young man who doesn’t seem to come from a parental support environment that is supporting him. It looks like we have a student that has been expressing some of the very stereotypical behaviors we see in active shooters. Looks like he’s not engaged in any type of support situation. And let’s play this out. Just, you know, hypothetically what this could potentially look like, what would we be doing differently in any one of these particular scenarios.
00;15;32;22 – 00;15;53;13
That is a case conference. That is a group of people coming together that is a bringing together of the parents. And if the parents don’t show up, maybe it’s a CPS call, right? Like there’s a whole million other things that come together. And so then decide to see all of these things from multiple perspectives as opposed to just the fact, oh, well, we had a policy and I checked my frickin check box.
00;15;53;13 – 00;16;07;24
But, you know, the climate is at the end of the day, it’s those parents. But that’s the question. So, well, maybe the parents check their check boxes on their policies as well, and maybe it didn’t fit the bill, but it looks like they covered their bounds from what they thought was appropriate. Right. Well, the law decided it wasn’t true.
00;16;07;24 – 00;16;24;21
And now they in jail, they didn’t win their cases. Interesting. They didn’t win their case. Interesting. There, there. again, this is how our law system works, right? You got a better lawyer who’s able to convince a jury? Yeah, absolutely. Those people were in the wrong. And whatever they needed to do, it might have just been that particular jury.
00;16;24;24 – 00;16;54;17
Maybe do it in, in Florida. Might have been a different situation. Absolutely. the question then becomes as, as that person in that role, that counseling role or whatever, the guidance counselor. So, sure, I don’t know who it was, but are they just not good at their jobs, or are they doing the bare minimum of their job that’s asked of them, or are their hands tied because of certain policies and procedures?
00;16;54;17 – 00;17;10;04
I don’t know, I don’t know. I mean, it’s a documentary. It’s a it’s a no, it’s a when I take all documentaries with a grain of salt because it’s from the director’s point of view, and they’re going to persuade you whatever way they want to persuade you. Right. But what was interesting for me was the precedent that was set, and that was their main goal.
00;17;10;11 – 00;17;30;25
Their main goal is we want to use these people as an example, because from now on we can use this moving forward. And I thought that that part was really interesting. I don’t disagree with that. In theory. I disagree with it in precedent setting. Right. In that we don’t have enough to go off of. Yeah, in order to set that precedent.
00;17;30;29 – 00;17;56;04
And then when you set that precedent, every single lawyer everywhere uses that case as case experience to further justify. And then it just things get much more muddy. So but at what point even school substitute a school shooting with something else that’s bad that could be traced back to the parents. That was minor. Like a sexual assault, right?
00;17;56;08 – 00;18;26;06
Right, right. Like a bullying incident. Right? That led to a fight that led to someone being hospitalized. Yep. Who’s right? It exactly my point, yeah, is how do we now determine what point is parents negligence versus parents being shitty parents versus parents who are trying the best that they possibly can, and they happen to have a kid that is non-responsive to parental guidance, right?
00;18;26;06 – 00;18;48;04
Yeah. How do we make sure that this doesn’t inappropriately disadvantage minority families? Right. And it wasn’t just one parent. They attacked both parents. Are they together? Yes. They’re married. They live together. All three of them. You would have to in order to make that claim. I mean, and they were. What would the opposite of that be, dad was a resounding citizen.
00;18;48;04 – 00;19;06;29
Really great, really supportive. But mom, you know, that’s the linchpin. But that’s the question. Dad was the one that bought the gun. What if mom didn’t know? What if it was like, a secret in the family? But they have footage of her going to the, firing or the firing, but whatever. What is that they call the shooting range?
00;19;07;02 – 00;19;35;05
They have videos of her shooting with him. They have the text messages between him and her saying, oh, you got to be more secretive. I want to be real clear that you if you remove the, idea of gun violence and instead replace anything that any teenager says to their parents that the parent then just assumes either at face value is correct or yeah, I know my child better than anyone or this would never happen to my child.
00;19;35;10 – 00;19;55;28
That is not far off from the experience of every single American with a teenager, right? So again, where does that slippery slope happen when all of a sudden your kid, you’re like, oh, well, you know, I just think my kid’s joking around. I think my kid would never do that. My kid would never have that experience. And then all of a sudden you find out at the end of the day, no, actually, they’ve been lying to you.
00;19;55;28 – 00;20;14;25
Why? Because they’re a teenager now, as a teenagers do. I don’t care how much you know your parent, your kids, how much you think that you know about their every day ins and outs. And no, you fully understand you are in their brain working with it every single day. Then it literally you are their brain. You don’t know.
00;20;14;25 – 00;20;30;17
That is it is a normal. I just had this conversation the other day with, Darlene and she was like, it’s a very appropriate boundary. She was talking about her son. She’s like, I always created an environment where I wanted my son to come and talk to me because I said, this is what I want for Carter. I want him to come and talk to me about everything.
00;20;30;17 – 00;20;58;20
And she’s like, and I forget that is a very normal boundary, that when they enter a certain age, they don’t talk to you about those things. And you know what? That’s appropriate. Right? And she’s like, but then we’ve left them with no one else to talk to. And I said, you’re absolutely right. Except for their friends who are friends or party friends or since they have access to the internet so easily, Google and even Google as like, absolutely.
00;20;58;25 – 00;21;16;04
And that that is something as small as did you steal this from the department store? Right? Right. And so for this mom to be like, oh, he’s just joking around. Oh, I guarantee you, she believed that they probably had had many conversations where he’s like, I don’t know, I’m just saying this stuff, mom, you know, I am pretty stressed or I am pretty.
00;21;16;04 – 00;21;34;06
You know, I just like I like the feel that I get from people when they get roused up about the fact that I talk about these guns. Right. So who’s to say that she didn’t just genuinely believe her child and she assessed it wrong? Then he went out and shot up these people. I mean, that’s that’s a nice that’s a nice sentiment.
00;21;34;09 – 00;21;46;23
That’s not what happened. But I mean, that would be I mean, it’s watch the documentary. It’s pretty clear. But I think that you’re I don’t think.
00;21;46;25 – 00;22;09;18
I don’t know much about the law, but I’m guessing before the prosecutor decided to use this as a tactic, they had to do an investigation to decide if that was even a possibility. Because if if what you’re saying is true and there wasn’t enough evidence to even bring that case forward to have any fighting chance, I don’t think they would have done it.
00;22;09;20 – 00;22;38;05
But because it was blatantly clear and there was enough evidence to support the case, and I didn’t watch the documentary. So I can’t say for sure that these are not just negligent parents. My question then still becomes who is at fault, right? When all of these children have, I’m assuming, died during this tragedy? And this is the conversation we as a country don’t have a clear cut answer on.
00;22;38;05 – 00;22;56;22
I don’t, I don’t think there is that the group. Is that the shooter behind the gun. Is it the parents who raised the shooter. Who’s behind the gun. Is it the bullies who provoked the kid? And worse incessantly wouldn’t make any different? Is it the school who turned their back on it? Is it you know, if this is a community wide problem?
00;22;56;22 – 00;23;12;22
Yeah. And it’s a lot easier for us to just say, you know whose fault it isn’t? Unless those parents. Well, I mean, this is the first time that that’s happened. It’s that it’s the it’s the shooter. This is the first time I got her. At the end of the day. Yeah. Or. Right. You can just cannot look at these things outside of a don’t forget bubble.
00;23;12;22 – 00;23;28;15
Somebody has to be responsible when it comes to stuff like this. There has to be. Now don’t get don’t don’t don’t. Sorry. This kid is being this kid is going to jail for his whole. Sure. Like he was also it was the kid and the parents. It wasn’t like the kid got scot free. And the parent, you know, it was it.
00;23;28;21 – 00;23;45;06
They included the parents in. Now, if he were, if he weren’t a minor, They probably wouldn’t have gone after the parents hundred percent. But because he’s a minor, that’s interesting. They’re like, oh yeah, that’s exactly. Yeah. Two for 1 or 3 for one. Exactly. Because I think you have to be blood. You have to be 18 to buy a gun, right?
00;23;45;06 – 00;24;03;14
In the, in the country. Or is it a state in a state. So guns are state laws. Okay. So that would I think that he was clearly he could not purchase the gun and it was a pistol. It was not a, hunting rifle or whatever. Those guns you can buy at like Walmart. It wasn’t one of those.
00;24;03;14 – 00;24;35;09
It was a specific pistol. I just think overall, so many things in life right now are messy and complicated. And it’s not just as easy as well, you know, here’s your clean cut answer, you know, and I’ve had a lot of conversations with Kelly up the street about this as a K12 educator. And what I appreciate about her take is that she’s she’s really big into history, right?
00;24;35;09 – 00;25;12;19
And she’s like, anytime anything changes in history, it comes with these bouts of very substantial opposition to to different things. Right. But as a as a mental health provider, I find it so hard to break down these types of conversations into anything valuable because there’s just so much of it that is left unknown, that’s out of control, that just goes back so far that you just can never dig into it enough.
00;25;12;22 – 00;25;40;04
And then I feel paralyzed by my ability to even comment on it, because I feel fearful that the minute that you make a claim or a statement on something like, let’s say I very definitively said those parents never in a million years should have ever been held responsible for that. Right? And then some other situation happens that is in a similar vein that either I experienced personally or that I listen to or whatever, and then I feel differently about it.
00;25;40;04 – 00;26;01;26
You’re also not allowed to change your mind on things, so it’s messy. And then in addition to it being messy, you can’t have a definitive decision, because when you do, you’re going to get crucified for the fact that you’re a hypocrite because you thought differently about something at some point. And this is why I think you have a lot of people that are like, oh, I don’t talk about politics.
00;26;02;03 – 00;26;27;21
Oh I don’t talk about, I don’t talk about, I don’t talk about. Right. Because we’re all as a society right now inundated with so much opinions and facts that are facts, but maybe won’t be facts and thoughts on how you’re supposed to manage all of these things. So there’s just so much coming at you all, all at one time.
00;26;27;21 – 00;26;53;18
Well, specifically quote unquote today. I mean, look what happened over the weekend at the rally. And people are there’s two sides of the fence, right? Yeah. And it’s really interesting. Our country is just not in a good place. And I don’t even know if it’s the country or the world, but it’s the world. our country is leading the world in that respect.
00;26;53;20 – 00;27;14;29
And, it’s going to get worse before it gets better, unfortunately. And I don’t know how to find it better. Like, how do you get better when there’s always if this, then that, if that, then when people can have a conversation, when people can discuss things without getting tribal, when people can. I mean, but good luck with that.
00;27;15;01 – 00;27;44;24
Know what he’s teaching anybody, any skills on how to be able to do that? We’re also in a position in the world that we’ve never seen before with with access to information, right, and social media and the echo chamber that it’s almost impossible to control. It is impossible to control now. It’s so one person can go out and say something that’s absolutely 100% correct, and most people will never hear it, but another person will go out and say something completely asinine that’s totally wrong.
00;27;44;29 – 00;28;03;07
And it gets echoed and echoed, and everybody now you say it enough times. People believe it’s true. How do you combat that? How do you combat that? How do how do the how do we reconcile the three of us coming together, talking about something, and Rebecca gets her information from one place and gets her information from another place.
00;28;03;14 – 00;28;24;16
And I get my information from a third place. And neither one of us can agree that any of those places are legitimate. I mean, that’s that’s you can’t. And until you get that’s true and it’s on something, if it’s on something that doesn’t necessarily impact us personally, then add that layer on to it, right? Right, right. So got into the mix and then you’re all screwed.
00;28;24;18 – 00;28;43;22
Yeah. Why don’t you throw God into it then it’s like, how do you how do you sit there? Well, that’s like me trying to convince you that ghosts exist or don’t exist. How am I going to do that? Same with God. You can’t. You cannot say it. Does it at all. Bring comfort to know that this is a normal experience.
00;28;43;22 – 00;29;20;01
When change is on the horizon. It depends on what kind of change we’re talking about. When we think about other periods in history. And I’m the last person to talk about this because I really am not great at history. Me neither. But and I’m a history buff, so. Okay, great. So so you and Kelly up the street would be saying that in all of the many eras of history, there have been many times where we have seen a great divide in how people are thinking their decision on who they want for president, their feel on political issues.
00;29;20;01 – 00;29;48;01
You know, all of that and that somehow we get into this really nasty ditch, at the very bottom where everyone’s experiencing increased riots and you know, negativity and violence and all of these kind of things because it’s so important for them to make sure that their opinion is heard, and then something happens or some number of things happen that gets us to a place where we have, like, neutralized just a tiny little bit.
00;29;48;04 – 00;30;13;06
And then, you know, it happens again. And so, you know, when when Kelly says that for right or for wrong, I always feel a little more comforted because I think, well, this isn’t the first time that the world has seen something like this. Maybe I get nervous that this is the first time that the world has seen something like this with the current players, with the current, like you said, access to information and misinformation.
00;30;13;09 – 00;30;37;22
You know, maybe this is the first time we’ve experienced this in this type of environment. And are we prepared to be able to do that? Yeah. Throughout history, people have usually been very, almost, there’s experts that can easily tell a fake from an authentic, whatever it is, be it a, an identification, be it a news story or whatever.
00;30;37;24 – 00;31;03;27
And now a video goes around of someone doing something that they never did. And it looks like they did because of AI, because of ice. And do that yesterday. Deepfake technology. Now the biggest thing is and I can’t remember who said it, but there’s a quote that that that says that, you know, the first step is to convince people that they don’t believe what they see.
00;31;03;29 – 00;31;27;03
once people can’t believe what they see, then it’s it’s all over. And how do you explain that to someone like Carter, who says to Mark, I watch this video and I just want you to sign up by giving them your email address, because now I can get 10,000 Robux for free, right? And Mark says, you know, I don’t think this is it, buddy.
00;31;27;03 – 00;31;44;27
I haven’t been here for what it is that you’re watching, you know, and he’s like, no, dad, look in the comments, it says, hey, thanks for the Robux. Just got mine. Thanks for the free $10,000 Robux, right? Yeah. So then how do I turn to the nine year old and say to him, none of that is true?
00;31;44;29 – 00;32;06;08
Yeah. How do you say that to the 40 year old. It’s so buys into it fabricated. How do you say it to the 80 year old who’s convinced that the person that just called him that their Social Security number was compromised. Correct. And so to your point, Scott, convincing people that the one old reliable, which was I saw it with my own eyes is no longer valid.
00;32;06;09 – 00;32;33;14
Nope. What does that do to disrupt it? A community, a country, right? Something as small as on Facebook. The other day, I saw that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey got engaged, and I thought, well, this is interesting. I’ve not seen this anywhere. And I would expect that to pop up for me because I’ve been following them like a little swifty.
00;32;33;15 – 00;32;56;03
I’m a big swifty. Yeah. And I’m very interested in that either. So I go and I Google it and five sources that I read said, nope. Not yet. It hasn’t happened. Nope. Hasn’t happened. So I went the extra step to report it as misinformation. Yeah, because I want to play my role, in the misinformation crisis that we’re going in.
00;32;56;06 – 00;33;17;25
That is the stupidest shit ever. Oh yeah. Right. But wants to be first to leak it wants to go all over the internet. It’s not even frickin true now or it’s clickbait. Put it in a presidential debate right now. Put it in. Right. And then you have algorithms that the more you click on clickbait, the more clickbait you’re going to get.
00;33;17;28 – 00;33;40;09
and then you have people who are not well, who are going to buy into conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. And the one thing that the people who get you to drink the Kool-Aid are telling you is that you can’t believe what these other people are telling you about your clickbait, your clickbait. Correct. You got to keep clicking on their clickbait.
00;33;40;09 – 00;34;09;15
Don’t believe those people. These are not non educated adults that don’t have lives. These are CEOs. These are these are absolutely all walks of life. Absolutely. But they go on a quote unquote research track. They got on a line do your research whatever. And but then their response to you will be, oh, I’ve done my research. I have the 20 pages, a thousand articles here to share with you on.
00;34;09;23 – 00;34;32;05
But the research track that you went on right was a dud journey. Right? Right, right. But they don’t know that because they’re convinced this looks professional. This looks I mean, look at it. Look at the I got sucked into the man with a thousand babies. Yes I suck got sucked into that. And I’m like unbelievable. Yeah. These people thought they were doing their research.
00;34;32;06 – 00;34;52;03
These people were like, all of this seemed legitimate. I mean, there’s a lot of questionable things, but. Oh, babies. Yeah. Oh my God, our world. I mean, we’re about to enter into it was the fertility doctor. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Impregnated. No, that wasn’t the story. Did you actually watch it? Yeah. That’s not the story. It was a it was a 20 year old man.
00;34;52;06 – 00;35;22;18
Oh, then now what I’m talking about that just got like 20 dogs here. Dude, this is, that was using his mean. That’s a different that’s a different story. This this is the one on Netflix right now called a man with a Thousand Babies. And what he was doing is a very good looking man. And a lot of these couples in the Netherlands, this is where it started, I believe, obviously wanted a baby and they were like, Holy crap, to go to a fertility fertility clinic is really, really expensive.
00;35;22;24 – 00;35;43;15
So they have these alternative options. Yeah. And so they went down the rabbit hole with these alternative options. It’s borderline Grindr, Swiper, whatever that is. Like Tinder. Okay. So you could meet this man and he he was very engaging and very, you know, whatever. And he would convince these hi. I’ll impregnate your wife. Yes. Hey. He wouldn’t he would incur it and he would.
00;35;43;15 – 00;36;06;03
He was very, quote unquote professional. And he’s like, we can do it however you want. Whatever. And I proposed this way. No, no no no, my usually it was not child. Usually it was not that most of them were lesbians but anyway. Oh really. Oh, they were lesbians that wanted to. I wanted to meet. Yes. And so he just he just he would do it in the cup, didn’t I.
00;36;06;09 – 00;36;22;03
In the public restroom. They would come to their house and do it in a cop. He would do it at their whatever he he would do whatever. But the point is that he would convince them that he was only taking 2 or 3 clients and then if they wanted second babies. Not true. He’s on every registry in the world.
00;36;22;05 – 00;36;48;02
He does private things all around the world. He has a YouTube channel where he goes and visits different countries and showcases different things there. When he’s really impregnating people around the world. And the the concern is these communities have 50, 60, 70, 80 kids in one school district. They’re all related, you know, and they don’t know. And so now there’s all kinds of interbreeding that’s coming.
00;36;48;02 – 00;37;08;07
Are they’re all related. It’s there now there’s this Facebook group that all these these people are like, because he has so many alias names, right? Oh, God. And so this Facebook group is like, I think this guy impregnated me. And let me show you the picture. There’s 1000 children. And I looked at that all look the same.
00;37;08;09 – 00;37;25;23
They’re gorgeous, I gotta go, they’re gorgeous. And the this man was just addicted. I don’t even think he took money for most of it. He just like he was just free. He was addicted for free. And all these moms are sick to their stomach because they’re like, how is my kid? I mean, you got to teach your kid.
00;37;25;23 – 00;37;44;21
Well, you can’t like someone. And then they went into this. I’m only halfway through. They went into this theory of when you meet someone in your instantly attracted to them type of thing, usually just because they look like you and you have this common sense, like there’s just these feelings. And so these people were starting to fall in love as teenagers.
00;37;44;21 – 00;38;02;06
Why go across town? We didn’t go across a whole, but that’s the problem. So then they started mapping out unhinged. Yeah. This was not what you thought it was. Oh, this is unhinged. I gotta go, and this is recent, I gotta go. This is all reset. This is so, like how I feel right now. But think about it.
00;38;02;07 – 00;38;19;09
These people are trying to save a buck. I even the fertility clinic it. So then what happened was once the fertility clinics were tipped off, those doctors, they interview the doctors and the doctors were sick to their stomachs because they had to make all the calls. And now is it the fertility clinics fault? No. You know, is this all in the Netherlands?
00;38;19;11 – 00;38;43;02
Not around the world. I didn’t even in the U.S.. I know whose fault it is. I can’t wait the parents call this weird kid or weirdo guy. It’s the parents of the guy isn’t a cop, man. I mean, I cannot. Yeah, Gary, all around you. His father was a minister or something like that. That’s a good question, I don’t remember, I have to go back and I’m only half, but there’s like a four part series.
00;38;43;09 – 00;39;01;18
But it is messed up now. There’s all these people that are like, I am my own first cousin. You guys have these parents, but these parents who thought they were screwed, I know you, we have to teach our kids. You cannot. You cannot have intimacy until you get a partner. Hey, Carter. Just wanted to let you know you are officially an only child.
00;39;01;21 – 00;39;18;06
I promise you, when Kelly and I went to get our marriage certificate down in Florida. the woman asked us if we were related. I think that’s I think you have to. Yeah, I know where it was in Florida. We always joked around about that. I’m pretty sure they did that in New York, too. I just don’t remember.
00;39;18;08 – 00;39;36;12
Yeah. What? Why? They think someone’s going to be honest about that. I think again, I’m checking the bars. They asked the question, go back and go back in history. I mean, look at FDR married Eleanor. She was his second cousin or third cousin or some shit. you know, you don’t have a lot of choices. Look at the look at the royals, right?
00;39;36;14 – 00;40;07;26
You all does not fork. They’re all inbred. Yeah, not. But the concern that is that is the ultimate concern is that these children need to grow up and it’s going to be an incestuous the society because this man decided not just incestuous but incestuous leads to deformities and all these massive issues. That’s a that’s the concern. Genetic. So these answers are like, there’s a reason we have this, lockdown.
00;40;07;29 – 00;40;23;19
So what? This guy’s a bunch of fake IDs. He just goes in with all these aliases. This is. You can come down now. I assume I didn’t finish the documentary. I gotta finish up. But when you mention the guy that there is a guy, there is a guy who was a doctor who was doing that. That was like in the 70s and 80s or whatever.
00;40;23;19 – 00;40;47;03
Yeah. This guy. No, this is it was a guy in Rochester that did that. Great, great. Good thing I’m not from because I know from a certain person who works in medicine who just recently told me that she met one of the children. Oh my God, gross of this Rochester. doctor who was doing that? Yeah. I feel complete dread.
00;40;47;06 – 00;41;15;23
Yeah, I feel we all said, like I said, it’s going to get worse before it gets. We also. It’s terrible what I will tell you, though, is I got home and my mom said Trump’s been shot. And what I was real pleased with in that moment. You didn’t say, yeah. Was that my my first reaction was, oh no, that’s not okay.
00;41;15;25 – 00;41;44;26
That’s how I felt and anyone should feel. That was a quick little the gut check for me. I’m still alive. I’m still Delta. Okay. I would never, ever condone that. I felt no terrible, terrible. And and the seeing the seeing the crap that’s on social media now I, I ignore all of it because it’s all crap. I had to I had to really back up and be like, I can’t.
00;41;44;29 – 00;42;08;22
Yeah, there was I probably unfollowed about a dozen people yesterday. for, for both reasons, for, for saying too badly missed and for, for sharing pictures of, of Trump with an angel kissing his ear and stuff. I’m like, oh, for fuck’s sake, please stop it. I can’t understand a human being who would be sad that someone wasn’t murdered.
00;42;08;25 – 00;42;35;14
That’s fucked up. I don’t care who it is, I don’t care, I don’t know, I feel really weird about that, and rightly so. I feel really weird about that. That is a that is a huge problem that anyone would would feel good about that. Not not to throw not to throw some jet fuel on the fire here, but I feel the same way about pedophiles.
00;42;35;16 – 00;42;53;14
Do you feel this way? Do you feel the same way about serial killers morally, that if they they just happened to be on a pulpit and someone messed, you know, to think, you know what, maybe it would have been better if that person was dead, right? I’m not putting Trump in there. I was gonna say that feels not aligned.
00;42;53;17 – 00;43;12;17
Well, the statement that was just made by you and Scott was, I don’t know why anyone would ever feel right. This is exactly back to me. I don’t think murder is. You can’t make it. We’re now in this position where you go to make such a broad statement of, I never wish anyone to be dead, ever. I don’t think murder is ever the answer.
00;43;12;17 – 00;43;34;03
Right. And then something personal happens to you or something, you know, and I don’t know, as a as a society, if we feel the same way and then we’re just starting to get into, okay, well, Trump’s life may be better than a pedophiles life, or Trump’s life may be better. Right? And so then again, it’s just certainly I’m not saying this because I believe it.
00;43;34;03 – 00;43;54;21
I’m saying it to prove this point of how nothing is sacred and nothing is safe. It doesn’t matter what you say. I think Rebecca and I were both speaking in the context of assassinating a political person specifically and on live TV with people around a general like, oh, I hope no one ever gets shot or no one deserves to get taken out.
00;43;54;21 – 00;44;17;23
You do believe that some people deserve to be murdered. Trump just wasn’t one of them. That’s a tough question. But yes, I’m going to say yes. I do believe that some people do not deserve to to be alive. Okay, so that that’s exactly what I mean. But what was said was no one ever deserves to be killed. No one ever deserves to be murdered.
00;44;17;26 – 00;44;39;23
Right? And so again, sorry for being the the, autistic one here, but words matter to me. Words matter a lot to me. Right? And I will hear that. And I will think, okay, well, that’s a wide sweeping statement. Is that context in which we were saying that, does the context matter if the statement starts with the word all?
00;44;39;26 – 00;45;16;08
Yeah. Really? Absolutely. Dating say more about that. Well, if we’re talking about I would agree with Scott if we’re talking about, geez, how do I do this? sandwiches. I don’t know, I’m trying to think of a way to to do this, and we’re talking about sandwiches and, Oh, shit. And I say, I would never I would never eat that kind of, I don’t know, I don’t know how to say it, but but for when I’m having a conversation with someone and we’re talking about something and, and we make a statement like that, it’s in my mind, it’s within the context of that conversation.
00;45;16;08 – 00;45;43;17
It’s not globally, you know. Yeah. Not no one should ever be killed. Maybe that’s how you you take it. And it’s a good point that maybe we shouldn’t speak in such generalities without being specific, I guess, or whatever, but but it’s those types of statements that there will be people, the two of you, who will hear that and know immediately in that moment, okay, what we’re talking about political figures who are on a pulpit, you know, no one ever deserves to be just taken out in that way.
00;45;43;24 – 00;45;57;04
And then there’s other people who are going to hear exactly what you just said, and they’re going to heard they’re going to hear what I heard, and they’re going to have contention with it. And they’re going to be like, what do you mean never? Never? We’re we’re making a such a statement about never. I’m not saying that either one of those is right.
00;45;57;06 – 00;46;17;26
I’m just saying that that’s part of the problem of what continues to fuel what we all experience every single day. That I experience this constantly because she speaks off the cuff always. And she will make broad, sweeping statements often, and she will make judgmental, broad, sweeping statements. And I because I am as literal and pinpointed as I am.
00;46;17;26 – 00;46;37;28
We’ll push back on that often and say, well, what about this specific situation? She’d be like, okay, all right, okay, I don’t mean all what I mean is, right. This happens all of the time just because people this time it’s very, very differently. Well, thank God we can talk about that. Well, I go we went to church this weekend for the first time in a long time.
00;46;37;28 – 00;46;58;04
And to prove their point, they were pulling random verses out of the Bible. And I’m like, that’s nice. Sure, you can pull random shit out of a Bible all you want to prove your point, but what is the context? But that was in, that’s where I always go back to that. I’m like, I could pull out a word anywhere.
00;46;58;09 – 00;47;18;03
Like, come on, I don’t know. Here’s the here’s the end result of that. A dissident, neither one of these is correct. Nobody thinks like you, Walsh. More exactly my point. And therefore I just one of them is correct. And that’s what’s important, is that you will fight to the death. You and Scott will fight to the death. Oh, no, I will not.
00;47;18;06 – 00;47;31;03
I’ll just stop discussing the like, okay, that’s part of a problem too. Well, because it’s exhausting and it’s like, agree. If you need to be right, go ahead and be right. Go ahead. No, but this is what happens. I know, I totally agree, I’ll say.

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