Episode 238- From Officiating to Fame: When a Wedding Guest Recognizes You

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In this lively episode of the “More Love Podcast,” Rebecca and Erin share more of their crazy antics. From unexpected health revelations and quirky wedding officiating experiences to the challenges of creating engaging video content, the conversation is filled (like usual) with laughter and relatable moments. A weekend trip to the Renaissance Festival has Erin wondering if they should hire a talent agent to elevate their podcast… she knows just the guy. Tune in for a fun-filled session that showcases the unique chemistry and wit of the “More Love Podcast” team.

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;30;20
Hey, it’s me Erin. Thanks for joining us on the Moor Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;30;21 – 00;00;55;01
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what our life, our life is. Best friends who are more like sisters. Yay! I love this, and I can’t wait to share our stories with the world, especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay.
00;00;55;04 – 00;01;14;03
Finally happened, you guys. What are you saying? Oh, wow. No, no, not that one. That was a good one. Okay, finally, a fun game finally happened to you guys. Fill in the blank. What do you think it was? You won your lawsuit. Oh, no. Oh, that would have been great. Oh, that would have been great. Okay, you’re finally getting paid for jobs.
00;01;14;03 – 00;01;33;00
You’re doing. No, no. Okay, okay. Still free. So free. You had fun. You had a weekend getaway with your family and didn’t kill each other. But kind of. Oh, that was like this one. Oh, okay. Yeah, that happened last week. Okay. Yeah, that was a three day successful trip. Yeah. Do you swear off? I know, only time I know.
00;01;33;01 – 00;01;55;01
Well, we did go with Nina and Laura, so I feel like there was a massive, you know, and they’re very conscientious. So they’re very like, oh, okay. Care take. But you haven’t passed the test of the threesome. Yeah. No, I don’t think we’re doing that. No, I like I think that with that. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Let me think of something else.
00;01;55;03 – 00;02;15;15
If I only have. Oh, this is so fun. I finally happened, guys. You got me. Think, Scott, you had a solid bowel movement. Oh, we already weirdly did that. Oh, where are you, Ben? Oh, you see, he’s not patched. Did I did you say that? Oh, yeah. He heard three. Simon. Cameron. Becca. That was my first guest.
00;02;15;17 – 00;02;38;25
You took a poop. This impacts. I can wear a bra from a normal department store. Oh, yeah, that that is true. It impacts all of us. It has something to do with the possible impacts and impacts. All of. Oh, that’s a that’s a very different hand. Yeah. Sorry. That was my next stop. We hit a level on our downloads.
00;02;38;29 – 00;03;02;26
Really really great sponsorship. Oh you got an email from a listener. I don’t think we’re there yet. Oh, okay. We’re getting close. Okay, okay. Somebody recognized you at the goodwill store. Oh, but it was on public. Oh, it wasn’t public shy. Stop it. It was not at the goodwill. I can’t wait. This happened to, twice. That happened twice.
00;03;02;28 – 00;03;29;12
Okay, so I was at a wedding this weekend. Okay, here I am, just eating my chicken. What up? Chicken? France. Chicken is chicken wedding chicken. Chicken. Stop eating my wedding chicken. Okay, where was the wedding? I’m like, that’s. Where was the wedding? Hilton. Okay. Okay, so not in your stomping grounds, but. Okay, so that makes you even out in your stomping grounds.
00;03;29;12 – 00;03;53;09
Either out and or is when. Who is a wedding, darling? Oh, damn. We’ve got Meredith. Yep, yep. Charlene got married, I officiated, and I came out of retirement. Get married. Ever. Yeah. Darlene’s that one. So wait a minute. You came out of retirement? I came out of retirement. Okay. To officiate their wedding, and. Okay. Now, based on who officiated a wedding.
00;03;53;11 – 00;04;14;22
Yeah, she’s a she did a bunch of officiated a bunch of weddings. Then I went into retirement in too much in demand that too much. And it’s like it’s just becoming a part time job. Yeah. Right. And so that was like, I’m. I’m in a retirement. I’m not doing it anymore. Power invested. Invested now vested in me by the state of New York and the State of New York podcast and the More Love podcast.
00;04;14;23 – 00;04;41;15
Just it just I was funny. Side note I didn’t realize. I didn’t realize that she was not officiating, Nina and Laura’s wedding. And did I put in our cruise Amazon shopping cart? The outfit from Princess Bride, the clergy out. You know. Wedge. Yeah. You know, what is this? I go, aren’t you officiating the wedding? She’s like, no, I’m standing up as their like witness.
00;04;41;15 – 00;05;03;26
I’m like, oh, you can’t wait. Not if I was like, you. Imagine if I had their hat. You wouldn’t do that. Yeah. So they’re anyway so. Okay. So that’s why we’re I’m I’m deducting I’m letting our public understand. So. Da da. No, I have Darnell on my mind. Darlene. And you worked together many years ago at Brockport. Yes.
00;05;03;26 – 00;05;21;00
And so the likelihood that you’re still in contact with many of the same people. Oh, yeah. Would be. I mean, this is years ago. This is 20, 15, 20. So I’m trying to paint a picture of this isn’t like a reunion of all your good friends. First they would recognize you. There’s who I knew at the wedding.
00;05;21;00 – 00;05;43;26
Okay, Darlene and Ken, we’re getting married. The bride and groom? Yeah. Darlene’s three children. Oh, yeah. Okay. Who are like. Yep. Young adults? Yep, yep. Young 20 ish. You know, adults. And Mark. Oh, it’s a little wedding date. Yeah. And, I’m pretty sure that’s it okay. Yeah. Those should make it okay. So the pretty sure that’s it.
00;05;43;26 – 00;05;59;09
The people in the room and there was about 90 people there. Okay. So small okay. All right. So there we go. Okay. So you’re eating your wedding. My wedding chicken okay. Got to have my wedding chicken poop. Poop. You know what I was? It was the voice of the officiating that somebody went. I know that voice. I mean, that probably could have been it.
00;05;59;09 – 00;06;19;17
I know that voice. I know the cadence. I know the tone first. That was the first woman came up to me first because this happened twice. Okay? She came up to me and she said, you one of the co-hosts of the More Love podcast, stop it right now. Stop it. This is Mark. Mark’s like, wait a minute, does and does I know Darlene, I’m not even there.
00;06;19;17 – 00;06;39;00
But I know Darlene’s on Facebook, but I don’t think has she like said, hey guys, listen to this note how I mean, I’m sure she’s told her friends, right? But like, maybe I don’t know okay. She’s never might even attend a wedding in Hilton without people bother. Yeah. You guys, I don’t want you to be jealous. This is why I’m bringing you in on it.
00;06;39;00 – 00;06;58;28
Because. So you’re mid chicken sitting out of your assigned seat? No, not a sign. I got to pick my seat. Oh, yeah, I pick my seat. Mid chicken shovel in okay. And she says are you one of the hosts of the More Love podcast. Did you spit my chicken out? I mean, were you like, I’m like, oh my god.
00;06;58;28 – 00;07;24;07
Yeah. She’s like, I freaking love you guys. Stop. Love you guys. I listen to every show as session. Yeah yeah yeah yeah session a character. You mean session. And she’s like, you guys are hilarious. I absolutely love your show. Keep doing what you’re doing. It is hilarious. I absolutely love it. It’s like a pick me up during the.
00;07;24;08 – 00;07;45;07
Okay. How many have you told about the show? Right. But that’s what somebody said the other day. They’re like, don’t listen to this to try to go to bed. Oh my God, Sharonda! Sharonda says to me, is she the air lady? No, she is, unique. She is. She runs. Do you NYC scenic. So she says to me, I got a testimonial for you.
00;07;45;08 – 00;08;12;11
Yes she is. Here’s your quote for your Google review. Do not listen to this podcast before you’re going to bed. And then I’m like, oh no, I got here. I’m thinking, oh, because we talked about some pretty intense things, right? Yeah, because sometimes we really get into it. Right. And she’s like for two reasons. Number one, you guys talk about things that make me think a lot about, oh, how does that relate to my life?
00;08;12;11 – 00;08;36;22
Or, you know, how does that impact different things that are going on? For me, she’s like, but number two, she said, I will be turned away from my partner in bed right? Like my right ear on the pillow. And I have you guys under the pillow on my on my little app. Yeah. And she’s like, and then I start laughing and all I have is like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom boom.
00;08;36;22 – 00;08;54;22
You know, like of my head hitting on the pillow and then I’m laughing. So the whole bed is moving. And then my partner is like, what is happening over there? Shake it, shake it in the other room. Sorry. That’s she’s like I yeah, just laugh too much. I cannot stop myself from laughing a great sideline. I know her love.
00;08;54;22 – 00;09;19;03
Don’t listen to us in bed. Yeah. Hahaha hahaha. So that was the first thing that happened. Okay, okay, talk to her every time I would see her. Then after she’d be like, oh, you don’t like celebrities? But you didn’t think to say, how did you recognize? Now I need to know. Mark was losing his mind and I was like, I don’t care.
00;09;19;06 – 00;09;47;05
I finally met Mark. You did? Oh, okay. That came over. He was doing a video shoot for me in my living room. That sounded weird, but. And then my friend, we let Mark in and then Mark came out. So he really like. He really. Matt. Mark. Oh. Yeah. Okay. Because now that we’re talking about the, oh, man, go ahead and continue, continue, continue.
00;09;47;05 – 00;10;08;07
Affirm. You’re going to show the picture because salary is so hilarious okay. So every time Mark was beside himself, Mark was like, I cannot believe you. We don’t know her. I said, we don’t. We don’t know her. He’s like, she knows you though. She knows you from the podcast, apparently. I said, I know, I know. And he’s like, this is incredible.
00;10;08;13 – 00;10;29;06
So there we are. You know, now we’re after the chicken. Now maybe we’re under the cake. All right, I’m going to eat some cream, see her. Have you move. Same seat. Okay, okay. Someone else comes up to me, okay? Because we all know you ain’t dancing, do I? Yeah. Right. Yeah. Where am I know the floor. Every time someone tried to get me to dance, I pulled up my glass of wine like, oh, just finishing this first you.
00;10;29;10 – 00;10;48;23
But, you know, I never finished a glass. Never. So I’m sitting there. Never, ever. No. But if I was there, we’d be leading the, conga line. Oh, yeah. Right. All day, like. True. Yeah. I just like to sit back, watch, observe. You know, that’s a great song. Has great moves. That’s really great. Yeah, I it’s not enough to keep it.
00;10;48;26 – 00;11;12;14
Keep it up. Great, guys. Yeah. Right right right. Yeah, yeah. So here I am. Mint cake. Okay. Come in. Comes over. Different woman. Completely different what I need to know what kind of cake. Oh is delicious. This white cake from Wegmans. Oh. White with white. It’s probably my favorite one. The ultimate cake. Yeah it is. That is my favorite cake of all time.
00;11;12;18 – 00;11;35;25
Do I buy it and decorate it? Yeah. No, you just eat it. I just eat it yourself. Yeah. That’s fine. So here I am. Made cake bite this time. Okay. Woman comes over and she’s like, I don’t want to admit this, but I’ve been on your website during the, reception part of the wedding, and I’ve had to stop or website the time line.
00;11;35;25 – 00;12;00;22
Oh, our, our podcast, where I had to stop reading the time line because I am losing. I’m losing my mind. The timeline is really racking up and it’s all true. Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to tell Rebecca she wants everyone to read the timeline. She loves the timeline. The only thing she cares about that website is the timeline.
00;12;00;22 – 00;12;22;10
And she’s like the part about the colonized copy. And then I start off and here’s Mark again. Like I Mark is I don’t even know if Mark knows that real Mark because mom wasn’t around. No, he no, he said, what about the colon? He doesn’t because he wasn’t involved in our lives. But but we just talked about it.
00;12;22;10 – 00;12;42;11
I know we did some podcasts. Right, right. So now they’ll know the whole story. But she is like, I had to stop reading it because I was laughing so hard at inappropriate times in the wedding that I had to stop. She’s like, it’s hilarious. It’s fascinating to me is that if Mark wants to learn more about his wife, he can listen to.
00;12;42;13 – 00;13;04;23
That’s right. That’s funny. Yeah, it’s that simple. That’s true. That’s 100% true. Then again, here’s the deal with Mark. The difference between work and up mark is all about gossip details like he’s oh yeah, he loves that. So if Aaron and I are together, Mark’s ass is right there. Oh, yeah, he is right there. He’s. Because he’s here.
00;13;04;23 – 00;13;21;17
He. Stop right here. He is honest. He’s out. Is. He is not pretending. Pretending like he’s not paying attention. And then we are we are in the well for a week. And I are in the wall and all of this stuff. And that mark occasionally will pop up with like, wait, oh wait, quick clarification question. So right, right.
00;13;21;22 – 00;13;37;21
Like I didn’t even know Mark was until his next door. Oh there. His parents. Yeah. Every time he could give two shits about what we were doing doesn’t care. And he is all in. What? John wants to talk to John and Allen all day. So we’re talking to John for our. We’re like, Philip, can we pop the Christmas tree?
00;13;37;21 – 00;13;57;27
It’s like, I’ll be over in a minute, right? 45 minutes later. All right. So, let’s go back to the video shoot where we were at your house doing a video shoot for, And we’re doing the video shoot a second time. The second time because. Because Colt hated my first take. He had to go. We interviewed. Yeah.
00;13;58;00 – 00;14;15;19
I don’t like when I say, hey, Ted, you don’t like him? No, I don’t like him because he doesn’t like anything that she does. And it pisses me off because I think she was fine. Well, she did have a really bad marketing idea, but that’s okay. I was just for the first time. What do you mean it? This was me in the video.
00;14;15;21 – 00;14;34;09
Hey there. Like, yeah. Your website. No, it’s not true. Yeah, that’s how you’re perceiving it. But I think you did a great job. I’ll show you. One that we did at your house was even better. Now, the one we did at our house. I will have to disagree with Colton. That’s. That’s the best I got. I don’t I don’t have anything than what I did.
00;14;34;10 – 00;14;55;15
I’m like, okay, what does he want you to. It’s like, hey, I want you to go out there and. And this is for your figure skating. Now, this is for the For Concern center. Oh, yeah. It’s like a commercial. Yeah, but we did get class video for Dance class out of the park. Oh, wait wait wait wait. I’m thinking in my mind, why is Colt judging the classroom videos?
00;14;55;21 – 00;15;15;02
That’s what I’m. That’s what I’m thinking. I’m like, you had him review. It was your class on video. We’ve talked about this. We are doing 30% work right on this. Right. See, you’re like, we’ve talked about this. What are you doing as anyone judging anything. Right? Right. Like, yeah, it’s not okay. So this was this is work for fact.
00;15;15;06 – 00;15;33;21
Yeah. This is, this one was a concern center okay. So okay. So he didn’t like it. So it wasn’t he didn’t like the first one. Here’s a shot of Aaron doing it I saw that online. That’s hilarious I can see it. That’s it’s kind of like a little blurred. So what. So when I saw that I actually tapped the dog so you could see the dog.
00;15;33;23 – 00;15;55;21
And then I got a close up. There’s an actual like. But he could actually see the poop coming out. That is really funny. I mean, listen, you know, I live on over an acre of land and that thing had to do it right there. I live on an over an acre of land, and she perfectly framed herself right in that picture window.
00;15;55;21 – 00;16;18;23
Mid right. Just called Philly complete. Let me take a massive dog. Why yes, that’s how she feels about the sitch. Yeah. She’s like, excuse me. Yeah. You’re still here. You’re your dutiful parents. Go out with the bag and pick it up. Oh you get a picture of them because we were busy. Probably within 30s of it happening. Oh, absolutely.
00;16;18;23 – 00;16;37;28
Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. And so I didn’t absolutely wasn’t resting by the time they were out this door like I suppose Ellen wasn’t there with a pie plate just kept. Yeah, I’m right, I’m on steam. Hadn’t even come on that idea. And she like in here. Right. It’s almost like she’s got a detector on her watch. That’s like dogs in the yard.
00;16;37;28 – 00;16;57;00
Dogs in the yard, dogs outside. Being near or near? Near. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. So cool. I hate it too much. He hated the first one because of what you said, what you look like, how you deliver my delivery. Who was my delivery? Okay, now, to be fair, you and I would have both said not your best performance. Okay, okay, okay.
00;16;57;00 – 00;17;12;23
But then Cara Soft got their hands on it because I had sent it to them because they’re doing some video work for me. And then the whole thing came back, and it just wasn’t it just a whole thing, wasn’t it? Okay, so then I show it to cool, cool. It’s like that in it. Okay. He’s that other couple other choice things.
00;17;12;26 – 00;17;32;26
Okay. But mostly he was like, I don’t want an actor anywhere near this brand because nothing that you do is inauthentic. He’s like, but what happens to you when you get on camera is that you just freeze? And like, I can’t recite things. I get too much in my head. Well, that’s why this has always been a problem.
00;17;32;26 – 00;17;57;24
But that’s why I usually I’ll sit on the other side and we just have a you just talk to me and I respond with my facial expressions. Then you read off of us and I’m like solutely. And so what do you think he said after the second one that was dead? I said, he said, Get Rebecca and me at your house and I’m going to interview you, and I’m going to ask you the questions, and you’re just going to respond in a natural because it’s natural.
00;17;57;24 – 00;18;17;15
So yeah, that’s what I said to do. So it’s a one take scenario. And I had to do that. You tell us, I said who was going to do the interview. Doesn’t matter who does the interview, as long as someone’s asking you the questions and you’re answering, why can’t I ask you the question now, whatever you’re most comfortable with talking to.
00;18;17;17 – 00;18;32;00
But doing it after this, can we do it right here? Dude, I was kind to do it again. I don’t know if I can do it a third time. Oh, we got to do it again. Yeah, he did it a first time, and then the second time he’s like, let’s just give you a retake. That’s all right. It’s fine.
00;18;32;00 – 00;18;53;14
Just come on in. We’ll give you a retake. Oh. Now as far as I’m concerned, I’m using that one that we did with with Scott because I actually really like it. I think it was. Well, if you like. Good. You’re the most judgy. I am the worst. So you’re saying. Yeah. Will we do another one? Yeah, sure. We’ll do a separate one for a whole different video, and we’ll do that one as like a back and forth.
00;18;53;14 – 00;19;19;07
Right. But well now you know the secret sauce, right? Apparently it’s not just me being on camera ever. And that’s okay. Right. Because we all have strengths and acting would never have been one of mine ever. Nor just being on camera was not great. Why can I do this. Because I’m talking to you. That’s a conversation I’m not I’m not being like hey thank you so much.
00;19;19;08 – 00;19;39;29
And it’s like and then I’m like that sounds like an airplane stewardess. Yeah. Right. Like I can’t I can’t tell. The other thing that you have to keep in mind is that. So you’re, you’re viewing this from coming from a position of knowing you. Okay. Just like anyone else who knows you. It’s watching this and saying, oh, my God, that’s so not Erin.
00;19;40;03 – 00;20;03;15
Someone who doesn’t know you is going to watch that and go, okay, that’s well, true. That is true. You know, however, she is your own brand. No, I get it, I get it, you know, the very different thing, like working for someone else and doing, you know, where does the lower rate of concern center in the podcast and my Instagram and whatever is that Erin is Erin.
00;20;03;15 – 00;20;33;07
That’s right, that’s right. And so when Erin is just a person who’s reading a script and, and seems delightful and fine and easy to get along with, that’s great. But part of what makes the Magic of Concern Center and the podcast and the Instagram and my Brockport classes and whatever is the personal that comes in to that. And I think that’s what Cole has said all along, is you are the brand of these things people buy into you, right?
00;20;33;07 – 00;20;56;11
They don’t buy into I love Concern Center. He’s like, you care if you never talk about concern center ever. That’s why John Roman’s groups are always right. So successful because he is. It doesn’t matter what the brand is telling the road. That’s right. Can be selling a charity. It does not matter. It’s the. I just need. I need to learn and hear more and be a part of whatever you’re doing.
00;20;56;11 – 00;21;16;19
Yeah, right. Yeah, but I want to go back to your wedding recognition. So I didn’t think that now that you told that story, this is sort of like that. So last weekend, soccer ended and we had all the parties. And what’s so funny is I never go to any of Taylor’s games because I’m always at Sawyer’s. So I show up and people are probably like, oh, Taylor, you have a mom.
00;21;16;26 – 00;21;38;00
Oh, number one, because it’s usually Philip who’s bring. He’s like, they’re like, wow, you have a mom then? So we’re all all the parents are sitting in a circle, you know, eating, drinking beers, whatever. And I’m just being me. Yeah. Which is borderline. Yeah. And one of the guys who I’ve known for a little while who I don’t see often, he’s like, you still got that podcast in this other rando goes, you got a podcast?
00;21;38;02 – 00;22;02;23
And I go, yeah, people bust out their phones, stop. Welcome to our new listeners from the soccer team. Thank you. Thanks for being here. It was so funny. And then, yeah, it’s just really interesting to me when people bring up things, I’m like, oh, oh, okay. Yeah. I mean, not that they were not the same type of recognition, but you know, what about what about my post about your Brockport videos?
00;22;02;23 – 00;22;26;13
What did Todd Youngman say? Todd Young, we don’t know. It’s right. We don’t know. He’s a fan. And he said about my Brockport classes and I quote, so Scott was like, Erin’s coming in to do her asynchronous, oh, this is this was a from Scott. Yeah. To promote Rock. Yes. Oh. He was like, if you’re a professor and you’re doing any asynchronous online classes, come in.
00;22;26;13 – 00;22;47;13
We have a set up for you. You know, it’s really easy. I did what, 6 or 7, classes, Scott and probably an hour and a half. Yeah. I mean, it was washed. Now, to be fair, I spent a ton of time prepping program in advance. Well, it didn’t it didn’t, you know, whatever. But yeah. So Scott had posted that on the Rock Vox site and then also shared it personally.
00;22;47;13 – 00;23;04;06
And it was like Aaron came in and she did these classes for asynchronous. And if you’re a professor who needs any whatever, blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah. It’s got got this picture of me, which just so we’re clear, looks like I’m in the wax museum for sure. I have never in my life look like I’m more in a wax museum than this picture it was.
00;23;04;06 – 00;23;26;28
I zoomed in on it and I’m like, that is full on Madame Tussauds. Is that what her name is? Madam? Whatever. Yes. Know museum. Okay, okay. Ripley’s Believe it or Not is all I know anyway. Okay, okay. And all of a sudden under that Todd Young man, Todd Young, we don’t know him. Okay? Todd says, oh, but is it as funny as her podcast?
00;23;26;28 – 00;23;46;08
Stop it. You know what? Do you know where Todd Youngman works? Comedy at the Carlson. What’s that? Oh stop it. Oh my gosh, listen to me. We’re going to do stand up. I mean, we’re just gonna slow down. So I know we’re doing stand up. The podcast. Why do you ask me? Why am I here at the comedy club?
00;23;46;15 – 00;24;08;16
Oh, we could do. We could totally do that. We totally get it. I think we should do that. I mean, that’s not. That’s my type of thing. That’s not. This is, like, so random. Okay. Random Wednesday. Okay. Well, make sure it’s not just definitely needs to be that Tuesday. Maybe next Tuesday. No because that’s what did you because it’s a working comedy club, you’re never going to be able to get a Friday or Saturday.
00;24;08;16 – 00;24;29;16
That’s where the big names come in. I’m sorry, Scott, I don’t know what type of podcast you think you’re playing in here. We’re like, that’s what’s got we got Friday, it’s 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Scott. Hey, I’m I’m all for goals. I’m all for goals. Well, let’s make that happen. So does the then Todd. We’ve never met Todd I know, Todd thanks for frickin fun.
00;24;29;17 – 00;24;41;11
Oh, thanks. Todd mentioned it to me quite a few times thanks to his, he said, what does he say? Like, who are those two blond girls that are always laughing?
00;24;41;13 – 00;25;05;02
Tweedledee into it? Yeah, right. Yes. Well, I am guilty. And they’ll do. I might be one, but Tweedle doo and tweedle do freak and not. Haha. So I might be one step closer to getting us there thanks to the Renaissance Festival. Oh, what’d you do to that yesterday? Okay, so that’s a oh, no, no a wench. Yeah okay, okay.
00;25;05;03 – 00;25;27;24
Not a hoe. Oh yeah. Okay. Because you don’t have any boobs. My, I, he can’t do it anywhere here. I just, I gotta do the push up and people are like, oh, okay. No. So here I am. They had some new shows at the Renaissance Festival. One of them can’t wait. This really great juggler. Oh, juggling. Jeff.
00;25;27;25 – 00;25;50;24
Okay, okay. What are the also spun plates? Okay, okay. So because he had asked all these kids to come up on stage, he had had them all spinning plates and he didn’t tell them what to do with that. They just essentially he was going to teach them how to do certain things with these plates. Okay. Well, the girl who was first in line had other plans.
00;25;50;26 – 00;26;08;06
Oh, so he is spinning this plate on her thing, and he goes off to do something else, and she turns to the kid next to him, and she passes him the plate. Oh God. Was he, like taken off? No piece like this. And then it next to that, she he takes it, hands it to this kid. So this was nonverbal.
00;26;08;06 – 00;26;27;16
Like we’re just doing it just did the man juggle. And he turns around and he’s like, what are these kids? Do it. You skip the freaking pass the plate down the line. Right. It’s pretty good. This is this is incredible. Okay, so they pass it down. There’s this little, this little girl Juna or something was her name, and she’s holding the sword.
00;26;27;23 – 00;26;46;27
Oh, okay. So they get this. She’s got to be, like, four years old. She’s holding the sword that she’s holding her turn to get the plate. So everyone’s like, okay, okay, all right, we got this picture, which is not even part of the point. No, none of us. None of us had this in the plan at all. Okay, so the the kid passes the plate to her and she gets it.
00;26;46;29 – 00;27;09;16
Crowd goes freaking wild. It’s like, yes, you know, whatever. Yeah. This man is like, what is happening right now? He’s like, this is incredible. You know? He’s got a whole new in his mind. It’s like, I cannot believe that this is happening right now. Right? He is losing his mind, okay? He’s very like new age in terms of his conversations and the types of things he’s saying.
00;27;09;16 – 00;27;23;06
So he’s saying things like, you know, I’m going to help you kids at the very end learn how to do this. And the first thing that I’m going to do is ask for consent. Is it okay for me to touch your hands? Is it okay for me to touch your shoulder? Is that okay for. Right. And it’s really important that we.
00;27;23;06 – 00;27;41;19
Right. So he’s throwing in those kind of like newer things that people are talking about just very seamlessly, you know, into the show, which is really great. So because he was so impressed by these kids, you know, and he really very heartfelt was like, this is incredible. I think I’m going to, you know, have this be a part of our show.
00;27;41;19 – 00;28;00;15
Moving on. Yeah. I’m so touched by magic that these kids just took it upon themselves to do it. Like, I love that. It also goes to show that kids can do more than we think they can. Oh yeah, and that they have their own minds right there. Could do what they have their own minds. Oh well. And they can do things.
00;28;00;17 – 00;28;22;12
Oh yeah, a lot of things. And so he then says, because he was so excited about this happening that we all got a free postcard. So at the Renaissance Festival, because they’re all artists and artisans and some way of their craft, sometimes people give out signature buttons, sometimes people give out signature, make a little token. Yeah. Whatever is pertinent on time.
00;28;22;13 – 00;28;43;18
Yeah. You know, like, no one’s handing out a QR code for something, right? Because it’s the Renaissance. So he stands out. But then again, he did talk about consent. Intro. All right. So that was not happening. I’m sure he could have had the QR code and no one would have said it’s not happening during the Renaissance at all.
00;28;43;20 – 00;29;09;03
So he hands out these postcards and Aria and Carter went up. They got them. They brought it back. Aria put it in front of me, and I was looking at it. And on the back of this postcard it talks about him being a talent manager. Stop it. You e-mailed that shit? I did, sure I should, I typed there is.
00;29;09;03 – 00;29;44;20
Oh, here it is right here. Okay. Jeff Marsh juggler. Magician. Yes, you Punto, but you in. Juggler. Magician. Puppeteer. Clown. Yeah, that’s exactly who you want. Representing your consultation and talent agent act consultation. Like he reviews your act and then gives you a feedback? Maybe. Oh, okay. Here’s a picture of him balancing a broom with a chair with a wash bin on top of it.
00;29;44;21 – 00;30;07;00
Because that from his website or life. Nope. He did this life. Oh okay. Okay. This is one of the things that he did. Okay, okay. And so, I have the phone number here, the email and the dot. Okay, okay, okay, okay. And I thought to myself, I’m 100% going to reach out to Jeff, okay. And I’m going to say, excuse me, talent manager.
00;30;07;03 – 00;30;33;25
I was at the show where the kids took over. Angel agent I was absolutely at the show where the kids took over your show. And I’m curious, I got this podcast and I was just wondering what does someone who is a ted, a said talent agent do for people. So this has opened up a whole big can of worms for me, right.
00;30;33;27 – 00;30;56;16
Because of I’m writing it today when I get home. You heard our assistant, Marianne. Well, Marianne. Okay. Got it. Right. Okay. Yeah. Marianne is getting ready to just start. Yeah. I’m going to tell Marianne. Here’s what I need it to be. And then Marianne. So do it. I’m sorry to derail for just two seconds. But speaking of the timeline, how many times I’ve tried to copy it and put it into Marianne.
00;30;56;17 – 00;31;14;03
Oh, give it to Marianne. That sounds really bad. Okay. You trying to give it to Mary? I need, I need, I need to give it to Marianne to do something. Do you have that written in any other format that I can copy it now? I did it all in the website. Okay. You can’t. Can you send pictures to Marianne images?
00;31;14;03 – 00;31;32;04
Great question. Screenshots line, but I’m flattered. That’s a good okay. That’s a good alternative. Other thing I was going to ask you to wait. Pause for a minute. I don’t really know. I actually thought of something that was outside that was really warm. That was really good. The other thing I was thinking I was going to email your web guy and say, can you pull it from the back?
00;31;32;06 – 00;32;02;02
Oh yeah, and just give it to Alex. I’ll probably be able to do that. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. Okay, back to you. Here’s my thought. Love to get your thoughts on there. Scott. I don’t know what a talent manager is because I’ve never had a talent that anyone gave a shit about. And so I’m wondering if people who are in talent management are essentially people who find talent, and then they go in for that talent, and it’s like a PR rep to whomever might be interested in said talent.
00;32;02;07 – 00;32;25;17
That’s pretty accurate. I mean, depending on I don’t know if juggling Jeff is the right, fit. I mean, if you want to start with your life podcasts at Renaissance festivals, that might be your guy. He does 400 shows a year at the Renaissance. Nope. All over. Yeah. I mean, jugglers and guys like that, you know, they they keep working.
00;32;25;20 – 00;32;49;27
Well, they do like, you know, when you’re in Quincy Market and the guy is rando like. Yeah. But when you say, you know, you’re a talent manager or talent whatever, in my mind, you know, some people who might know some people, but it depends like a lot of times he like, he’s a clown. So he might be it.
00;32;50;00 – 00;33;06;27
His specialty might be like jugglers and clowns and stuff like that. So yeah, he’s a talent manager, so he’s if you’re a clown, you say, I need a manager and they go, yeah, I know, let me hook you up. But I mean, do we fin do we fit in at Barnum and Bailey and you go, yeah, absolutely. Just this clown and managers.
00;33;07;00 – 00;33;30;20
Now this is a question that is not going to come off correctly okay? This is not going to come off right. Okay. So these are my favorite ones. So when someone is talent managing a clown. Okay. Well where are we going. Well the first video I want to see in the repertoire is can you fit into the clown car.
00;33;30;20 – 00;33;58;15
Right. I mean there has to be in those shoes. Right, right. How what your face look like. Are you looking like that wing guy. The what. The guy in the murderer. The murderer? If he were just John Wayne Gacy. Do you look like him? Yeah. Right. Like or. Right? Yeah. Or. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I’ll give you feedback on your look, but like when, when we’re hiring out the clown talent.
00;33;58;21 – 00;34;22;17
Like what? Where does that go. You know, like what are the. So I think birthday parties I think right. But like is that we really need that to be managed by a talent manager. Think of it. Let’s say you had an event and you’re like, you know, it would be great. Let’s get a clown. How the hell do we get a clown if we Google need a clown for my kid’s birthday party?
00;34;22;18 – 00;34;46;00
And then there’s a lot of times it’s a service. So they have clowns, they have magicians, they have do card tricks and all that kind of stuff. So this man, Jeff the Juggler, certainly has some type of promotional skills. Now, here’s the thing. If I were to ask him, tell me about your talent management. How do you do it?
00;34;46;00 – 00;35;05;01
And then tell me how you’ve been successful. Like, show me some numbers of how you’ve been successful. Yeah, that’s how you would interview someone before you hired them to be his card. In what order is talent manager listed in this? Absolutely. Okay. The 100%. So it’s actually two after clip. So.
00;35;05;03 – 00;35;26;12
Not being an expert on the subject, I would say if he was a really successful talent manager, he would have that first. Oh excuse me. It says talent agent. Oh talent agent. Yeah. That’s maybe different. You know, that’s actually more accurate. That’s actually he is definitely out getting gigs for people as opposed to a manager who a manager will offer him some, yeah.
00;35;26;12 – 00;35;50;08
Right. Oftentimes, he’s like, let me, let me do these gigs for Aaron and Rebecca. What looks like I got a podcast now. I can’t hear it. I can’t see a picture. I got I back in June, so. Okay, so maybe it’s not juggling Jeff, I don’t know, I’m going to contact him. I liked his personality. I thought maybe he’d be a person to talk to.
00;35;50;09 – 00;36;23;28
Right? Never know. However, what I do think is that this concept in theory of a talent agent is incredibly important because where we are at in this point of the podcast is we’ve brought the talent, now it needs promotion and connection integration into someone with the vision for right, all of these whatever, of which I have 0.00 relationships or experience knowing where that goes from there.
00;36;24;00 – 00;36;48;08
And my understanding from Elvis is that when you work with a talent agent who’s Elvis like, oh, I listen to Elvis Duran. And I just went to that. I’m like, you know him? No, why the fuck are we on the radio right? Okay. I’ll go. Elvis the King. Yeah. Okay. Okay. The king. Okay. His talent agent basically just made money off of.
00;36;48;09 – 00;37;09;04
Yes. The gigs. Now, to be fair, he also drove Elvis right into the damn crowd because he didn’t care about Elvis’s mental health. Physical health. And he drug me. Elvis got. He got, like, 50%. What was the deal he made with Elvis? Oh, it was it was ridiculous. It was at least 50%. Yeah, it was, it was crazy.
00;37;09;04 – 00;37;38;02
At like 15. Yeah. Right. Sure. They get a portion. Yeah, sure. But or, you know, this is where business Aaron comes in, you can get an increased percentages based on how much you book in terms of revenue. It should be bonuses here. Right. So you know we can develop that kind of structure. But the concept was interesting because of juggling, Jeff, that a talent agent for me feels like the next step in trying to understand, does this go anywhere, does it not?
00;37;38;02 – 00;37;53;20
What opportunities are out there that we don’t have to expend any time or attention on, because we have many relationships in this area, and then we don’t have to pay this person outright. They can just get paid based on if they want an opportunity, come at a percentage of a budget. So then it just becomes finding the right.
00;37;53;23 – 00;38;16;20
You ask him how many clients he’s juggling. The ha ha ha ha. That’s face to face. Yeah. You funny. But in seriousness, the thing that he’s doing like for a podcast, how would you I mean, what kind of paying gigs is a podcast get? Unless he’s the kind of talent agent that can go out and get you sponsors.
00;38;16;22 – 00;38;38;02
You know, I mean, it’s kind of, that’s a great point. So is a talent agent someone that gets you sponsors is a talent agent, someone who gets you on certain podcasts that are going to increase people’s awareness of, you. See, that’s a talent agent, that’s marketing that sales. Right, is there’s the talent agent, someone who gets you on whatever morning show.
00;38;38;02 – 00;39;14;06
Do they happen to know people in the radio industry who might be interested in trying you out on a Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. Collins show, right. Like, these are things so far, so far out of my realm of understanding. Because this isn’t what does this Marcum like? Whatever that says is and not at all. But from a marketing publication standpoint, it just seems like it has to be someone who’s internal to the industry and connected, and then also someone who can get behind and really believes in what you’re doing.
00;39;14;08 – 00;39;35;27
Right. And then finding that person for me is figuring out maybe what happens next, because neither you nor I have the time, nor the ability or the knowledge to figure out where we would, even if you’re our closest connection, Scott. But you’ve also been out of radio for a very long time, so I don’t think four years is a long time.
00;39;35;29 – 00;39;53;26
Oh, I thought it was a much longer than that. I left in 2020. I technically I’m still in radio, but just in Lake Placid, which doesn’t count here. But I have all of my friends are still in radio, like I’m friends with all of the management of these radio stations. So what are you doing, Scott? I told you, I’m trying.
00;39;53;29 – 00;40;21;02
People. People get what? They don’t like us. It’s not that. It’s a radio. Is full of people who are really afraid to take risks. And you have to, like, keep at it and keep at it. So it’s like, so, for instance, not to get too off the subject, but my other organization that I work with, Sobriety sounds, we’re doing a documentary about sobriety sounds, and one of the people that we want to get to interview is Jelly Roll.
00;40;21;02 – 00;40;42;17
You know, Jelly Roll is sure didn’t grow up and be like me, did he? Yeah, he grew up where? I grew up in Baldwinsville. Yeah, I grew up in Syracuse. I guess he lived a few doors down from my husband for a certain period of time. I know that well. Anyway, so the idea was we really wanted to get him, you know, because he’s sober and all that kind of stuff.
00;40;42;20 – 00;40;58;16
And, so I put it out there, and what do you know? One of my friends in radio said, hey, I’m really tight with his label because it was real. The hard part was getting the message to him, how do you get a message to someone, you know, I, I’m dude, I was the worst crooner for a very long time.
00;40;58;16 – 00;41;20;02
I’m very clear right about how hard it is to get anything right. Yeah, yeah. Very good word out to someone who needs something at a certain period of time, right, right, right. And, you know, just from that, I got another email from my cousin who has a, foundation down in Florida, and she was like, hey, do you need are you looking for financial support for your documentary?
00;41;20;02 – 00;41;43;01
And, and I have a connection to Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20. So I was like, whoa. And then there’s a couple of other people that I know that I never even realize or never even thought about being a connection just because I’ve known him for so long. And then I’m like, oh, crap. So it’s like, I have to go back and really look at my list of connections and see what more I can do.
00;41;43;03 – 00;42;05;00
It’s there. I’m telling you the story of my life with with being a screener. It’s all about connections. It’s about who can I talk to? That’s how it was all this time that nothing’s happening for us. You’re getting better at the craft. You’re getting better at the show. The shows is is you. I want you to keep telling her 20 minutes of the things that she’s doing right there.
00;42;05;02 – 00;42;30;26
She loves that song. I just want to do a promo because I it felt like I said, okay, let’s take our next. Our next promo is we’re going to reenacted the ghost movie, and you’re going to be behind me with the with the Clay to the molding. Haha. That’s it. That’s our next. Oh yeah, we’re getting better. Oh, that’s so good.
00;42;30;29 – 00;42;49;29
We’re just going to put getting better at our craft. That’s frickin hilarious. We have to do that. We have to. Do you know, how come I got to be in the back of the man every time? You’re the man in the damn back? Why in the pottery? How can you even imagine a scenario where I’m the one in the.
00;42;50;02 – 00;43;15;12
The pottery has to be a bust of me, though. That’s right. It’s his face. And she’s got the bottom half. Does your sister have a matching a pottery wheel? You can’t think, right? It does. Your sister on the wheel? Yeah. No, she has a kiln. No, the kiln. We can fire Scott’s molds, at the end. Get used to two.
00;43;15;19 – 00;43;33;15
Oh. Good guy. Oh, yeah. Good. We need that. Or a little back scratch right there. Getting better at our scratch up. Oh my God, oh my God. See, this is this is exactly why we’re successful. We don’t need time to plan. We just come up with shit on the spot. Nail this. All right. Oh. Are we going to, like, talk about empathy?
00;43;33;15 – 00;43;51;23
I don’t know, it’s already, I don’t know, ten minutes, I don’t know, I thought you wanted to do a video or is that next session? That’s next session. I’ll do that one. All right. We’ll talk about something else next. We could do some hippie boom. But I’m Burning Man. He left it out. You didn’t have that. I do want to get a new hippie view deck.
00;43;51;26 – 00;44;14;04
We, you know. Oh. Guess what? I figured out my ice situation. Remember how I can’t see far away, but. Yeah. And so. And they told me I needed readers. Yeah. Hey, I went to a different doctor. He’s like, you don’t need readers. You need to have prescription game changer. What does that mean? So he said, he said, you see perfectly fine up close.
00;44;14;07 – 00;44;35;06
Oh, yeah. And I with my correct prescription to see far away. Yeah. But when I can’t see the computer because not mold. Yeah I put my distance glasses. Yeah. And it makes me sick and he’s like yeah that’s because you need the no bifocals. No. He said no. He said you just need a half prescription. And so he did a whole thing and he put a book up in front of, you know, and when you’re on the, the glasses thing.
00;44;35;06 – 00;45;01;07
Yeah. Getting hit that thing. Right. But he put up, he put a book up and he goes, this is how far a computer screen would be. So read game changer. I got my new glasses. I still don’t understand what half prescription means. So instead of my full distance prescription it’s cut in half. So no distance. No I don’t wear I can’t I wear my distance prescription only to drive in to watch TV.
00;45;01;07 – 00;45;26;25
Okay. And then I wear nothing far from the TV. And then you wear nothing. When I wear, I wear nothing if I’m reading or usually when I’m on the computer. But now the computer is blurry, but the computer is not like a book. Do you look at your computer screen like here? So you he still gave you a separate half prescription, a half prescription to where reading the computer is happening with the bifocals?
00;45;26;27 – 00;45;43;17
There was too close. I don’t have bifocals. What do you mean, bifocals? He the reading glasses. Oh, my God, it was like a magnifying glass. I mean, so close it was. I don’t need a prescription to see God up close of what this, gun reader would make it big, but you still have to get two pairs of glasses.
00;45;43;17 – 00;46;04;17
I have 16,000 pairs, but now I have two pairs. One for the computer. Okay. Game changer. Okay. Game changer. But now when I’m on the computer, I wear glasses. Okay? They tried to get me at one point to do that. No line bifocals. That’s what fell pass and needs to get. I could not even walk out of the store because you were so sick.
00;46;04;17 – 00;46;22;06
Because, you know, my motion sickness is so bad. I was on a boat, and the whole entire time I said, I am sorry, I’m legit going to vom in the in the trash can. I know you need to do something. And he said, he said I could do that, but he’s like, it’s not worth it. It’s going to drive me crazy.
00;46;22;06 – 00;46;38;20
Now I will tell you a story. Philip, where is readers? He’s officially old. Old? You mean he’s way older than I? Yeah. Did I walk in the other day to say goodbye to him? He was in his bathroom. Yeah. Did I walk in on him to say goodbye? Yeah. Was he wearing his readers to shave his ballsack?
00;46;38;20 – 00;46;56;02
Okay, 100%. Okay, okay. Hundred percent. Okay, I go, what are you doing here? Yeah. He turns to me. He’s got him down like this. Oh, yeah? Yeah. And he’s got his foot up on the toilet. I go, what are you doing? He’s like shaving my balls. Yeah. I’m like, with your readers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotta have those magnifiers on.
00;46;56;05 – 00;47;19;15
You gotta see you can’t get you can’t make it. You can’t make it. Yeah, I guess you dying. And I told I see his face right now don’t you? This moment like where he is looking like this. Schrader sat down, looking up. Yeah, I should have said. When in Rome. Yeah. Wrong, sir. Headroom. Boy, that room, baby. Gotta go.
00;47;19;17 – 00;47;55;14
I loved that me too. It is an empathy. Amazing. Well we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this empathy stuff. That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are. Oh, God, I love you. I love you, too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to More Love the Power of Empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts. See you next time.

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