In this episode, the hosts engage in a candid discussion about the complexities of empathy, societal norms, and personal boundaries. They delve into how differing perspectives on classroom management, political opinions, and social issues can lead...
In this lively episode of the “More Love Podcast,” Rebecca and Erin share more of their crazy antics. From unexpected health revelations and quirky wedding officiating experiences to the challenges of creating engaging video content, the...
In this episode, Erin and Rebecca dive into a series of hilarious and unexpected conversations, starting with Erin’s quirky empathy for an empty toothpaste tube. The hosts share personal anecdotes, including a memorable trip to Canada...
In this lively episode, Erin and Rebecca share a whirlwind of personal anecdotes, starting with Erin’s chaotic journey to a conference. From dealing with a misdiagnosed eye infection to navigating canceled flights and rental car woes...
This session features candid conversations about the complexities of parenting, and the challenges of navigating political and social issues. With curiosity, sadness, humor and honesty, they explore how empathy shapes their perspectives and...
Rebecca’s got big plans for Erin to accompany on her a return rodeo after the show, but Erin’s more concerned about Rebecca’s “bush” and the addition of “Meta Al” to the Herzog’s family. How do they...