Episode 210 – Declined! No Group Moderator Love for Erin.

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Say goodbye to Erin’s waistline now that Busy Bean Cafe opened up in Penfield. And thank God it did, because Rebecca couldn’t bring herself to walk up the stairs and retrieve her own coffee once she got to the car and required Erin to buy her a new one [eye roll]. Before the girls plan to “cruise” outta here for a little while they discuss Erin’s possessiveness around sharing food and host their first episode of, “Did Rebecca Buy That?” This “session” ends with everyone processing Erin’s denial from a Weird and Wonderful group on FB… war has been waged.

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Hey, it’s me Aaron.
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Thanks for joining us on the Moor
Love podcast.
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Do not tell Rebecca,
but this podcast is about empathy.
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She likes people
to think she’s dead inside.
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But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler
who has truly helped me
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uncover that empathy is my superpower.
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Oh, here she comes.
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Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
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Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast.
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A podcast about what?
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Oh, life.
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Our life as best friends
who are more like sisters.
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Oh, yay. I love that song.
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I can’t wait
to share our stories of the world.
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especially the ones that involve us
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pushing each other right
to be our most authentic selves.
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Oh, man.
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You see how great my waist looks
in these pants?
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Looks like.
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Oh, yeah.
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Sexy time.
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Oh, yeah. Shake it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
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Well, get ready to say goodbye to it,
because busy being coffee
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just landed in Penfield,
and they make my mocha
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iced coffee with strawberry.
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My chocolate covered strawberry latte.
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Oh, the one from leaving been.
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I’ve been there the last three days,
so I’ll
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probably have a relationship
with someone at the cash register I do.
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I didn’t mean to.
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I’ll call you. Never. Me too.
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Listen, I really tried that.
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She was kind of nasty to me today.
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Oh, me? No.
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The lady behind the counter.
Oh, she loved you.
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She did not.
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Yes she did, I don’t know.
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Yes she did. Listen,
this is what happened.
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I walk up there, she’s like,
hey, how are you?
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I don’t know what her name is.
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I mean, after
you already got your stuff and I called.
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Yeah. Oh, okay.
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So I guess I’m getting there, I go
and I said, it’s the usual, right?
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Cause I guess I got the usual all.
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It’s not great.
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cause God forbid we deviate.
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We spend all that money on Weight Watchers
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because that’s about to go
into the lattes.
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It’s fine.
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So, I order that, and she was really nice
and then she was like,
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do you want a breakfast bowl today?
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Because apparently I do that too, right?
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And I was like,
I wasn’t going to get one today, but yeah,
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twist my I’m
gonna I’m going to get a breakfast bowl.
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So then I’m up there, she’s really nice.
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And then you call, first thing I do
is yell at you for not answering the phone
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the first time I called.
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I don’t understand why,
because my phone was silent
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and I didn’t hear it,
and I called the same time every day.
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I know he answered the phone.
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I know I was trying to get out the door.
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So you called and then what did you say?
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I wasn’t getting in the car.
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And I go, oh, I forgot my coffee upstairs.
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You’re still in park.
You’re still in my driveway.
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Yeah, yeah.
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And I said, are you going to go back
inside and get it?
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I said, no, but I didn’t know
you were at the coffee shop.
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I go now, I’ll just get one.
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That’s from Scott.
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That’s Scott Scott’s house,
otherwise known as Rock Fox.
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Right. I’m going to get one of Scott’s.
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I said, listen to me.
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I just want to make sure I understand
what you’re telling me right now.
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You’re not going to walk your thighs
up your stairs to get your coffee.
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Yeah. Is that what I hear you say?
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It was 100.
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Much to take those thighs up those stairs.
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You’re just going to stay in the car?
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And back up.
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And you’re going to get a coffee
when you get to Scott.
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Yeah. Yeah. Right.
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So at that moment
I am taking my first sip of my bevvy.
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And you say, what?
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What is that? What is that?
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I said nothing.
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No. You said, are you at the coffee shop?
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I said, yeah,
you said you had a coffee shop
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and you didn’t offer to buy me a coffee.
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I said, this is what you get
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for not just walking up the stairs
to get your own coffee.
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You want me to spend
six bucks on a coffee for you?
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And you said, yeah, I do, yeah.
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What do I eat? A good one,
I go over and I buy the coffee.
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I know is what I do, I know.
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So that woman, she is really funny.
I said hi. Still here?
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I’m on the phone with my best friend
and she is like my best friend.
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I said, she’s going to need a read.
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I also known as Nut Coffee
and she is going to need.
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And then I’m going
through the whole thing for you.
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What size do you want?
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You know what? That’s.
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And then I say to her, she couldn’t
walk her fat ass up off the stairs.
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It’s true.
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To get her own coffee, she’s diet.
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She’s like, oh my gosh, that’s true.
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And then you said,
did you want the fat bastard large?
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I go, no,
I want the skinny bastard medium.
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That’s what I said to her.
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So I’ll take the skinny bastard medium.
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Yeah. And, that’s then you got that?
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I know it tastes really good.
That’s like you’re really good.
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But then you complain on the way here
because our coffees are identical color,
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and you are like, I swear to God,
if I get a mouthful, I get a mouthful
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and not coffee and spit
it all over the windshield.
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Do you remember that? Scott?
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I did was not good.
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It was not nice.
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Coffee was next level up.
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So gross.
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Hey, guess what? What?
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We’re leaving.
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the plane.
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We don’t know
where the where guys are going.
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Tomorrow we’re gonna be in the sun. Yep.
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So, what did you say?
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Do we pull it here and I turn to you,
and I go,
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how are we getting to the airport
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I don’t know, and then also, you said,
you know what, I don’t care.
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What will you do tomorrow?
We can sit in a parking lot.
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Don’t give a shit.
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That’s some restaurant in Florida
and we don’t care.
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It’s so better than cold ass New York.
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Don’t care, so don’t care until I,
you know, laying on some lawn.
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You don’t care. We don’t care.
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So that’s what we’re doing tomorrow.
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Yeah. We may get bug bedbugs.
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Yeah. Right.
Because hundred percent chance.
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Because I booked the cheapest ass
we could have booked the whole night.
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Joe’s motel.
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I don’t even think we have motel on it.
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Jose’s. We don’t even know.
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I don’t know, I did rent a car
from a place I’ve never heard of.
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It’s like Jocko curse.
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That’s. We’re excellent.
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And I prepaid. Oh, good. Yeah.
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That’s so there.
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Did you put that on your card? Over that?
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I’m like, guys, I’m fine.
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I don’t care that I rent rodeo
and paying fellas, I.
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No you did.
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I know you sent me a PayPal request
for the money.
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Okay. To get the money back.
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And then we’re like, hey, no rush,
except do this in the next 15 minutes.
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could you pay the PayPal?
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Could you send me some money?
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I can’t. Hilarious.
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Well, I’m very excited because
we are going to go and have some fun.
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We’re going to decompress.
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We’re going to reset.
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Phillips like, really hope
you come back a different person.
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I said, I do too, honey.
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I gotta do more than that. Phil I do too.
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I, I really need this, I need I need some,
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you know, I still feel sick.
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Oh, because I’m going to the virgin care.
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It’s fine,
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it’s fine, it’s fine.
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I did take three Covid
tests. It’s not Covid. Okay.
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Yeah. That’s good.
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So I thank God you’re back on your meds
because I’m not sure
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I all of a sudden might have been like,
oh, sorry.
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Got to get a separate room.
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I know, I know, but, you know,
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you’re a little more grounded
now, a little more literally.
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We’re getting we’re getting there.
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I can tell I can feel the difference.
Oh good. Good.
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I can tell a difference.
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Yeah, yeah, it’s good.
We’re we’re still not.
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We’re still not back.
But we’re getting there. Okay.
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That’s good speaking.
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Let’s talk about our,
I don’t I don’t like this.
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It’s it’s that one came up again.
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No, this is an iguana.
That’s pierced. Yeah.
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And it has, it has.
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I’m telling you, my sword energy
pulls the ranks around here.
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It’s the Ten of Swords.
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I don’t think we had that one last time.
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I think it was an alligator holding them.
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But the doorway sauce, it’s
swords are cups.
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That’s it. That’s all we pull.
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I told you,
I’m going to be taking that course.
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Maybe I can start it
when we’re on the ship.
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Oh, why? It’s do it on your own time.
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some of it is.
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Yeah, but you bought the internet package,
so I’ll just log in.
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That’s good, that’s fine, that’s good,
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that’s good, that’s that’s fine,
that’s fine.
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Not only did
I buy you the internet package.
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Yeah, but
when I went to go use the $50 room credit,
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you were, like, my best not to use
using my part of that room credit.
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So I had to use $25 room credit.
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But yeah, you’re still going to buy you
something nice, you know, $25.
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Yeah. Thank you.
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You’re still getting used to my internet.
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Know we’re not bringing that scuba.
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No, that’s scuba mask.
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I just got past my suitcase.
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That thing with,
you know, that thing’s got to go.
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You know what? Did you.
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Of course. You packed already?
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Yeah. I haven’t even done laundry.
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You know, it did show up. What?
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The afros. Oh! Stop it.
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I can’t wait to put that on.
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Wait. This is there in a timeout?
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Yeah. Pause. Yes.
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What’s up everybody pause. What’s.
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You you bought Afro wigs okay.
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So we can only talk about this now because
it’s already it’s going to be here.
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This is me and Aaron.
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We there’s 80s, 1970s night.
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we are not doing the typical outfits. No.
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Are you kidding me?
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We’re not doing what everyone else is
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They’re wearing, 80s and fringe vest.
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There were
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shiny shirts.
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No rest. What not? No. Not doing that. No.
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What did we get?
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What we get for 7070s pink afros.
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We got gigantic pink afros like wigs.
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Huge pink afros,
We got lava lamp dresses that look,
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they’re different color pinks,
and they look like all different types of
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of course, where
I doubt the colors we’re wearing. Exactly.
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What are we wearing on our feet?
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Go-Go boots, white patent leather.
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Go go boom 100%.
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I got mine yesterday. Why not?
Oh yeah, I got mine today.
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Thank God I got the white calf.
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Lots of photos or it didn’t happen.
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Oh yeah. Oh absolutely.
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But they some video
but then the 87 took a little while.
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What is everyone else wearing for the 80s.
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They’re wearing the zipper jackets.
The gloves.
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members only one piece.
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Yeah. Membership page. Yeah.
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one piece jumpsuits.
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You know, the women notes jacket.
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Like, Madonna.
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Look at that outfit.
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Everyone’s bringing a caboodle. Yeah.
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Not us.
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Now, what I hated about the 80s,
what we as.
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I don’t know if this was up here, too,
but down in South Florida, we had the.
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The thing was,
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everyone was wearing these high tops
with these big, fat, colorful laces.
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Oh, yeah.
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00;10;16;01 – 00;10;17;21
And you couldn’t tie them up.
00;10;17;21 – 00;10;19;09
They had to be just barely on your feet.
00;10;19;09 – 00;10;22;20
So when you walked,
they went like flat drag on the ground.
00;10;22;21 – 00;10;23;23
That was the look. Yeah.
00;10;23;23 – 00;10;25;23
Remember the 90s with the pump up.
00;10;25;23 – 00;10;26;29
Oh yeah. The pump. The
00;10;28;03 – 00;10;29;22
high tops on the tongue.
00;10;29;22 – 00;10;31;24
Yeah, yeah.
00;10;31;24 – 00;10;36;04
So we
we really wanted to get 80s prom dresses.
00;10;36;08 – 00;10;36;26
Oh yeah.
00;10;36;26 – 00;10;40;20
That was what we really tried real hard
until no goodwill’s.
00;10;40;20 – 00;10;42;20
They didn’t have all these on the AMA.
00;10;42;20 – 00;10;45;14
We really tried very hard
because we got to return it.
00;10;45;14 – 00;10;46;06
Right. This is.
00;10;46;06 – 00;10;49;01
They try a really hard,
but we waited too long.
00;10;49;01 – 00;10;50;26
Yeah, I know the prime deals weren’t good.
00;10;50;26 – 00;10;52;03
That wasn’t the only problem.
00;10;52;03 – 00;10;56;09
The other problem was
you made me bring the measuring tape
00;10;56;09 – 00;10;59;22
into the office,
and you said, measure your bust.
00;10;59;22 – 00;11;01;08
Yeah, or measure your.
00;11;01;08 – 00;11;03;03
What do you call this, your waist.
00;11;03;03 – 00;11;04;10
Waist area. Yeah.
00;11;04;10 – 00;11;06;12
And so I measured my waist area.
00;11;06;12 – 00;11;08;27
That’s apparently people in
the 80s are children sizes.
00;11;08;27 – 00;11;11;07
Extra, extra extra extra extra large.
00;11;11;07 – 00;11;12;02
I still did it.
00;11;12;02 – 00;11;14;25
The triple X wouldn’t fit over my ribs.
00;11;14;25 – 00;11;16;15
What is cocaine use in the 80s?
00;11;16;15 – 00;11;17;09
That’s right.
00;11;17;09 – 00;11;19;16
So there were multiple problems with that.
00;11;19;16 – 00;11;22;21
There’s also
I mean the dresses are stretchy.
00;11;22;21 – 00;11;24;13
Yeah. So they’ll be fine.
Oh yeah. Those are great.
00;11;24;13 – 00;11;26;15
So what did we end up going with for 80s
00;11;26;15 – 00;11;27;14
Yeah. Take a guess.
00;11;27;14 – 00;11;29;28
Yes Scott they were identical.
00;11;29;28 – 00;11;31;05
We’re coming in. Twins in
00;11;32;27 – 00;11;35;27
I mean he dressed like, Michael
Jackson in the wall.
00;11;35;28 – 00;11;38;18
Wow, wow wow. That was close. Oh, you.
00;11;38;18 – 00;11;39;14
What to that?
00;11;39;14 – 00;11;41;05
Beat it. Wow.
00;11;41;05 – 00;11;42;05
That is for jackets.
00;11;42;05 – 00;11;43;17
Oh, that would have been good too.
00;11;43;17 – 00;11;45;17
I’m actually really impressed with.
00;11;45;17 – 00;11;48;17
Just so we’re clear, Scott,
I wore that jacket at my wedding.
00;11;49;06 – 00;11;49;29
Yeah, I’m not kidding.
00;11;49;29 – 00;11;53;02
If you go to my wedding Facebook page,
you’ll see me wearing the Michael
00;11;53;02 – 00;11;54;21
Jackson jacket. Nice.
00;11;54;21 – 00;11;56;13
Oh, the glove, the sequined glove.
00;11;56;13 – 00;11;58;00
I might have had the glove,
I can’t remember.
00;11;58;00 – 00;12;00;18
Yeah, but I did the thriller dance
at my wedding reception.
00;12;00;18 – 00;12;04;02
You can just invite Corey Feldman along,
and he just rate his wardrobe.
00;12;04;02 – 00;12;04;16
He’s got.
00;12;04;16 – 00;12;05;23
He’s still alive.
00;12;05;23 – 00;12;07;29
Yes. Oh. Oh, I think. Yeah.
00;12;07;29 – 00;12;08;20
I thought he died.
00;12;08;20 – 00;12;09;26
Oh, he was the one that died.
00;12;09;26 – 00;12;12;26
Oh, no. Well,
we’ll give you a little hint.
00;12;13;10 – 00;12;16;05
Do did it, did it did.
00;12;16;05 – 00;12;18;04
You can’t touch it.
00;12;18;04 – 00;12;19;14
You got to pitch it.
00;12;19;14 – 00;12;21;02
You can’t touch it.
00;12;21;02 – 00;12;23;29
Oh you got point Harrigan.
00;12;23;29 – 00;12;27;15
Not only are they hands,
they are go go go go.
00;12;27;15 – 00;12;30;13
Gold hammer. Haiti. Haiti.
00;12;30;13 – 00;12;31;21
My favorite part.
00;12;31;21 – 00;12;35;09
Did we preplan
what we were going to just do right
00;12;35;09 – 00;12;38;12
there, man,
I just said we got a little hint for you.
00;12;38;12 – 00;12;40;01
What are the chances?
00;12;40;01 – 00;12;41;05
What was I going to do?
00;12;41;05 – 00;12;42;19
But you could have been a good touch.
00;12;42;19 – 00;12;44;19
This is not to start with the song.
00;12;44;19 – 00;12;46;10
Oh, you gotta start with this song.
00;12;46;10 – 00;12;48;16
And I started with it
because we always do.
00;12;48;16 – 00;12;49;20
It’s just that’s that,
00;12;50;21 – 00;12;52;22
you know,
you’re lucky I wasn’t a little older.
00;12;52;22 – 00;12;55;20
I might have went, Rick James!
00;12;55;20 – 00;12;56;16
00;12;56;16 – 00;12;57;25
Listen, I got this.
00;12;57;25 – 00;13;00;18
I this is going to it
because you don’t know about this yet.
00;13;00;18 – 00;13;03;15
So we have the hammer pants
that are bright ass gold.
00;13;03;15 – 00;13;06;18
When I say gold, I’m saying this thing
shines like the top of the Chrysler
00;13;06;18 – 00;13;09;04
building, right?
And the crotch is down past.
00;13;09;04 – 00;13;13;10
I’m pretty sure they’re probably made out
of, those cheap ass tablecloths.
00;13;13;10 – 00;13;14;13
Yes they are. Yeah.
00;13;14;13 – 00;13;16;23
So I’m going to sit down.
It it’s going to split.
00;13;16;23 – 00;13;19;07
So I gotta wear some shorts
underneath this time.
00;13;19;07 – 00;13;19;25
And then.
00;13;19;25 – 00;13;23;27
Do you have a tight
black shirt waffle pattern
00;13;25;08 – 00;13;26;23
I know that. Got a little specific.
00;13;26;23 – 00;13;29;23
I need you to know that mine is long
sleeve white.
00;13;29;23 – 00;13;33;26
I have, because it gets a little cold in
the cruise ship because they got the air.
00;13;33;29 – 00;13;36;12
Why don’t you buy me one? Well,
he already had.
00;13;36;12 – 00;13;39;02
It is in my closet.
I got a short sleeve one.
00;13;40;19 – 00;13;41;23
I can’t anyway.
00;13;41;23 – 00;13;44;13
So is this consecutive nights or is it?
00;13;44;13 – 00;13;46;16
Oh, we don’t know.
We have no idea what it is. We just know.
00;13;46;16 – 00;13;48;11
And Scott, we don’t know. We’re 70.
00;13;48;11 – 00;13;51;01
Somebody told us 70. Is it 80? We really?
00;13;51;01 – 00;13;52;02
I don’t even know.
00;13;52;02 – 00;13;54;14
We don’t care.
I’ll still wear it. Listen here.
00;13;54;14 – 00;13;56;25
So then tell him about what
we’re putting on the head.
00;13;56;25 – 00;13;59;19
So we couldn’t just show up at MC
hammer pants?
00;13;59;19 – 00;14;02;22
No, we got we got what?
00;14;02;25 – 00;14;03;09
What are they?
00;14;03;09 – 00;14;04;25
What is it? Banks with mullets.
00;14;04;25 – 00;14;10;14
It is a brown wig that comes down like
this and scoops out at the bottom with.
00;14;11;00 – 00;14;13;29
With bangs. And the bangs go in your eyes.
00;14;13;29 – 00;14;16;11
That’s how long they are.
But it’s a man’s wig.
00;14;16;11 – 00;14;18;12
Yes, it’s a man’s wig.
And we’re wearing mustache.
00;14;18;12 – 00;14;20;07
It comes with aviator glasses.
00;14;20;07 – 00;14;22;07
Yes, a mustache. Yeah.
00;14;22;07 – 00;14;24;19
And I think a gold chain. Great.
00;14;24;19 – 00;14;26;20
Did I up the game?
00;14;26;20 – 00;14;29;17
What did you get? The dollar store? Yes.
Oh, okay.
00;14;29;17 – 00;14;33;05
So I went to the dollar store
and I found the gold beads.
00;14;33;08 – 00;14;35;19
Okay. Because it’s like Mardi Gras time.
00;14;35;19 – 00;14;36;05
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
00;14;36;05 – 00;14;39;23
So they have the gold beads and on
it was a shot glass.
00;14;39;23 – 00;14;41;05
Even better. Okay. Yeah.
00;14;41;05 – 00;14;42;25
Did I remove the shot glass?
00;14;42;25 – 00;14;45;21
No I did, why are you right I sure did.
00;14;45;21 – 00;14;49;28
What did I replace it with
I don’t know, there’s these things
00;14;49;28 – 00;14;53;27
in the aisle at the dollar store
that is for like kids birthday parties.
00;14;53;27 – 00;14;57;01
and there was a pack of six trophies.
00;14;57;01 – 00;14;59;22
Stop it. So I wrote stop it.
00;14;59;22 – 00;15;02;26
Placed the shot glass with a trophy.
00;15;02;26 – 00;15;03;05
00;15;03;05 – 00;15;06;24
And now we each have three trophies. Yes.
00;15;06;24 – 00;15;07;22
00;15;07;22 – 00;15;10;20
Things to wear with the outfit.
00;15;10;20 – 00;15;11;13
I can’t wait to.
00;15;11;13 – 00;15;14;17
And not only that, but we’re going to
walk down that ship with the music.
00;15;14;29 – 00;15;16;18
Oh, like it’s a goddamn intro music.
00;15;16;18 – 00;15;19;02
Yeah, dude, who did it?
00;15;19;02 – 00;15;24;14
Dude, that’s just crazy and just I cannot,
I can’t wait.
00;15;24;14 – 00;15;26;28
It’s incredible. It’s
going to be great and, you know, not wait.
00;15;26;28 – 00;15;31;00
You know, everybody else is going to be
like, hey, what are they doing?
00;15;31;01 – 00;15;33;16
Hey, now I hope that they
don’t know it’s us. I know
00;15;34;25 – 00;15;38;03
this is what I this
is one that’s exactly what it looks like.
00;15;38;03 – 00;15;40;06
It is.
That’s from that from the Beastie Boys.
00;15;40;06 – 00;15;43;04
that’s what it is. Yep. That’s us.
00;15;43;04 – 00;15;44;01
That’s you driving.
00;15;44;01 – 00;15;45;19
You have to keep that.
00;15;45;19 – 00;15;46;00
Yeah, sure.
00;15;46;00 – 00;15;48;05
Because that’s what it is.
00;15;48;05 – 00;15;49;19
That’s us all day long.
00;15;49;19 – 00;15;53;09
Now, if I break out on my mustache
with zits, I know it’s fine.
00;15;53;16 – 00;15;55;18
It is. Yeah. It’s fine, it’s fine.
00;15;55;18 – 00;16;00;06
I had I had a horrible experience with a
with a make up mustache.
00;16;00;22 – 00;16;02;12
I it was made out of makeup.
00;16;02;12 – 00;16;04;17
So, Or it was sticky.
00;16;04;17 – 00;16;07;27
No, we had the spirit gum for the
for the mustache.
00;16;07;27 – 00;16;10;16
That’s what they use in the theater.
00;16;10;16 – 00;16;12;19
to put on things like that.
00;16;12;19 – 00;16;16;02
And it made my whole face break out.
00;16;16;02 – 00;16;21;07
Like I spent the weekend with a a
nasty, dirty herpes whore.
00;16;21;26 – 00;16;22;24
That’s what I looked like.
00;16;22;24 – 00;16;24;23
Okay, I swear to God,
you’re going to have to.
00;16;24;23 – 00;16;26;08
I swear to God for the team.
00;16;26;08 – 00;16;28;11
Listen, if we’re not clear at this point
00;16;28;11 – 00;16;31;14
that you have so much makeup
in your arsenal that he could.
00;16;31;20 – 00;16;36;00
Have you ever seen those TikTok videos of
the woman who is, like, not good looking?
00;16;36;00 – 00;16;37;17
What? She. No.
00;16;38;16 – 00;16;39;28
But she makes it.
00;16;39;28 – 00;16;43;28
She makes like like I said, oh,
that sounds like my hair.
00;16;43;28 – 00;16;45;22
It’s like you’re going on the first date
with boxing.
00;16;45;22 – 00;16;48;08
Better take her swimming. No,
00;16;48;08 – 00;16;49;07
no, no.
00;16;49;07 – 00;16;51;07
Wasn’t that what Philip said?
00;16;51;07 – 00;16;54;09
It looks like that’s why you take a girl
swimming on the first day.
00;16;54;12 – 00;16;56;01
So her makeup comes off.
00;16;56;01 – 00;16;57;13
This girl’s got a fake teeth.
00;16;57;13 – 00;16;57;26
I know
00;16;57;26 – 00;17;00;27
you have enough makeup in that arsenal
that if you get herpes mouth,
00;17;00;27 – 00;17;01;22
we can cover that.
00;17;01;22 – 00;17;04;17
So this is my. This is my,
This is my mustache.
00;17;04;17 – 00;17;05;11
Stop it. That’s you.
00;17;05;11 – 00;17;07;26
Oh, my God, that’s my Roy
Gordon character.
00;17;07;26 – 00;17;10;13
My first,
my first short film. Disingenuousness.
00;17;10;13 – 00;17;13;13
Oh my God, that’s great.
00;17;13;21 – 00;17;15;09
That actually looks real.
00;17;15;09 – 00;17;17;13
I know yours well too.
00;17;20;08 – 00;17;20;21
In fact,
00;17;20;21 – 00;17;23;23
I’m going to take my extensions
and make a beard, which is good.
00;17;23;24 – 00;17;27;29
I’m going to put my halo around
so it’s like a goddamn Santa Claus beard.
00;17;28;18 – 00;17;31;18
I can’t touch this.
00;17;31;23 – 00;17;33;00
Look. Don’t touch this.
00;17;33;00 – 00;17;33;25
00;17;33;25 – 00;17;36;25
Oh my God, please hammer.
00;17;37;00 – 00;17;38;28
Yeah. So lots of pictures will be coming.
00;17;38;28 – 00;17;41;11
We’re really excited about it.
It’s going to be totally fine.
00;17;41;11 – 00;17;43;06
But yeah, we had to take the cake here.
00;17;43;06 – 00;17;46;06
All right,
so you got a hippie view for us.
00;17;47;27 – 00;17;48;21
00;17;48;21 – 00;17;49;13
00;17;49;13 – 00;17;51;19
Can you read it
or you see me to read it? Right, Ken?
00;17;51;19 – 00;17;54;00
So remember,
we’re back to the. The dead lizard.
00;17;54;00 – 00;17;56;27
Yes. Speaks of a spike to a sword. Yes.
00;17;56;27 – 00;17;58;03
Ten of swords.
00;17;58;03 – 00;18;01;26
Welcome to Rock bottom,
home of the world famous.
00;18;01;29 – 00;18;04;05
How the hell did this happen to me?
00;18;04;05 – 00;18;07;27
Pulling the sword from its sheath
is is a dramatic way of saying
00;18;07;27 – 00;18;09;05
things haven’t gone your way.
00;18;09;05 – 00;18;12;04
And now you got to deal with those awful
feelings of pick two.
00;18;12;04 – 00;18;15;02
Betrayal. Failure. Victimhood.
00;18;15;02 – 00;18;17;21
unless you have access to a steam shovel,
00;18;17;21 – 00;18;20;19
the only way forward is up
and thank the universe.
00;18;20;19 – 00;18;22;03
Things should start getting better now
00;18;22;03 – 00;18;24;02
because the ugliest part
has already happened.
00;18;24;02 – 00;18;25;23
Now get now.
00;18;25;23 – 00;18;30;17
Get up now get up the nerve
to get up, to get up so you can get on.
00;18;30;17 – 00;18;31;03
Get him on.
00;18;32;13 – 00;18;33;24
I can’t get a slate.
00;18;33;24 – 00;18;35;15
Let me just swallow that. I’m sorry.
00;18;35;15 – 00;18;36;19
Sorry. Oh.
00;18;36;19 – 00;18;39;18
So here is, our affirmation.
00;18;39;18 – 00;18;40;26
It’s. It’s actually Scott’s car.
00;18;40;26 – 00;18;43;02
Just so we’re clear,
this is not for us, so. Yeah.
00;18;43;02 – 00;18;44;23
Tell us what. Scott’s that for me.
00;18;44;23 – 00;18;48;20
He said I am a bright and shining
cosmic ray of light.
00;18;48;26 – 00;18;51;26
Even when I’m buried under life’s
dogged dumps.
00;18;54;22 – 00;18;55;24
sorry about that, Scott.
00;18;55;24 – 00;18;56;21
That’s for you.
00;18;56;21 – 00;18;59;07
I know for you, that’s not for us.
00;18;59;07 – 00;19;00;18
That’s right.
00;19;00;18 – 00;19;03;03
I’m Scott.
00;19;03;03 – 00;19;04;17
I’m coming.
00;19;04;17 – 00;19;06;18
The dog dumps or something.
00;19;06;18 – 00;19;07;22
I deal with that one.
00;19;07;22 – 00;19;09;16
I’ll make that stop. The music.
00;19;09;16 – 00;19;11;19
I was weird, it was for Scott.
00;19;11;19 – 00;19;13;17
Yeah, that was 100% for Scott.
00;19;13;17 – 00;19;14;06
Oh, this is good.
00;19;14;06 – 00;19;16;11
This is also for me back in June.
00;19;16;11 – 00;19;18;07
But we’re not there anymore.
No, we’re done with that.
00;19;18;07 – 00;19;20;01
Yeah. You’re done. We’re all done. So now.
00;19;20;01 – 00;19;20;28
Now it’s your Scott.
00;19;20;28 – 00;19;22;13
Sorry about that. Haha.
00;19;22;13 – 00;19;25;05
So, this is rock Vox not rock.
00;19;25;05 – 00;19;27;27
That’s right.
Yes, home of the More Love podcast.
00;19;27;27 – 00;19;32;08
Now I will say maybe it’s because
the lizard or what is this thing, iguana?
00;19;32;21 – 00;19;36;02
Yeah, maybe this is
because we’re going to Florida.
00;19;36;09 – 00;19;38;06
Yeah. And there’s iguanas there.
You know what else we’re doing?
00;19;38;06 – 00;19;38;20
Oh, God.
00;19;38;20 – 00;19;41;20
You guys, I’m surprising car a little bit.
00;19;42;00 – 00;19;43;26
What are we already know about it?
00;19;43;26 – 00;19;46;00
I do, yeah,
but I had to talk to you about it
00;19;46;00 – 00;19;50;13
because I know you can’t handle things
that aren’t, you know, discussed prior.
00;19;52;05 – 00;19;55;05
we’re going to go outside of our normal
00;19;55;27 – 00;19;56;15
a little bit.
00;19;56;15 – 00;19;58;20
So when we go to Florida,
we always do the same thing.
00;19;58;20 – 00;20;01;28
I mean, can you tell
we’re just Aaron’s creature of habit?
00;20;01;29 – 00;20;05;26
We always have to do the same thing, but
it’s too expensive to go to Disney World.
00;20;05;26 – 00;20;08;28
So we are going to SeaWorld.
00;20;09;16 – 00;20;11;17
Yep, we’re going to SeaWorld.
00;20;11;17 – 00;20;13;21
And you didn’t even know
what SeaWorld was.
00;20;13;21 – 00;20;15;24
In fact, I think you said,
what the hell is SeaWorld?
00;20;15;24 – 00;20;21;08
Yeah, you guys both talk to me about orca
and some movie and pigeons.
00;20;21;15 – 00;20;24;23
So penguins I have, I have a well, it’s
00;20;24;24 – 00;20;27;24
it’s a scavenger hunt,
but you only have to get one thing.
00;20;27;24 – 00;20;29;04
I want to see if they have these.
00;20;29;04 – 00;20;31;10
So when I was a kid,
we went to because I grew up in Florida.
00;20;31;10 – 00;20;34;19
So we went to SeaWorld and, Disney World
quite a bit.
00;20;34;19 – 00;20;37;04
Like at least once a year, maybe twice.
00;20;37;04 – 00;20;40;04
And in SeaWorld, they used to have
these little machines where you,
00;20;40;06 – 00;20;43;06
you know, put a quarter
and it’s probably 50 bucks now, but yeah,
00;20;43;06 – 00;20;46;28
put a quarter in and it creates
this little figurine made out of wax.
00;20;47;07 – 00;20;47;23
00;20;47;23 – 00;20;51;10
It was like, you can get a manatee,
you can get a seal, you can get well,
00;20;51;11 – 00;20;52;08
what do you want? Yeah.
00;20;52;08 – 00;20;54;12
Which one do you
how do you, surprise me right back.
00;20;54;12 – 00;20;55;21
I’ll get it for you. Yeah.
00;20;55;21 – 00;20;57;22
If they have it, they might not have it.
I bet they do.
00;20;57;22 – 00;21;01;25
So that’s one of my favorite things we do
at Disney World is squish the penny.
00;21;02;03 – 00;21;03;25
Oh, yeah, that’s the penny.
00;21;03;25 – 00;21;07;04
So I have thousands of these stupid
00;21;07;04 – 00;21;07;28
Right. But now.
00;21;07;28 – 00;21;11;07
So of course, when we just went to Disney,
I had a whole container full of quarters
00;21;11;07 – 00;21;13;10
and pennies.
You can’t even use them anymore.
00;21;13;10 – 00;21;15;12
You have to put your credit card
in. Oh, God.
00;21;15;12 – 00;21;16;24
So stupid.
00;21;16;24 – 00;21;19;03
Credit cards. Ten bucks for one.
00;21;19;03 – 00;21;21;07
So, Doris. Penny. That’s good.
00;21;22;06 – 00;21;23;05
Well, anyway, I have one.
00;21;23;05 – 00;21;23;29
We’re going to see world.
00;21;23;29 – 00;21;24;21
What were you might do
00;21;24;21 – 00;21;27;24
if you really want to roll the dice
as we might be getting this pass.
00;21;27;24 – 00;21;33;14
Where are you can get a whole bunch
of like taste things in the passes. $85.
00;21;33;14 – 00;21;38;21
And Rebecca told me that it was, 18,
00;21;38;21 – 00;21;43;05
like 18 different types of tastings
you can have, like, it’s like a sampler.
00;21;43;05 – 00;21;47;23
And, I said, okay,
so we’re each getting our own pass.
00;21;48;00 – 00;21;49;10
She said, why?
00;21;49;10 – 00;21;55;15
And I said, well, I don’t like to share,
and I what if I need 18, 18 samples?
00;21;55;15 – 00;21;55;21
00;21;55;21 – 00;21;58;13
And then I remembered in this moment that
00;21;58;13 – 00;22;01;28
I, I really don’t like to share food
with anyone.
00;22;01;28 – 00;22;03;18
And it’s
not that I don’t like to share food, but
00;22;03;18 – 00;22;07;00
I want to eat what I want to eat first,
and then you can have the leftovers.
00;22;07;07 – 00;22;09;14
And I’m very honest
with people about that.
00;22;09;14 – 00;22;13;07
So, you know, one time
I was in a drive through with Nina
00;22;13;07 – 00;22;16;10
and she was like, can we just get a large
fry and can I have some of them?
00;22;16;10 – 00;22;20;02
And I’m like, yeah, but,
how many you get when I’m done?
00;22;20;12 – 00;22;22;21
Right? You can have just like,
what do you mean?
00;22;22;21 – 00;22;23;27
How many am I going to have?
00;22;23;27 – 00;22;26;00
And I’m like, well,
you can either have three French fries
00;22;26;00 – 00;22;27;16
or you can wait till I’m done
eating. What?
00;22;27;16 – 00;22;30;16
I want to eat you. You are an Nygma.
00;22;30;24 – 00;22;31;14
What does that mean?
00;22;32;24 – 00;22;33;14
You are.
00;22;33;14 – 00;22;35;21
Well, no, that’s not that’s not
that’s not fair.
00;22;35;21 – 00;22;36;28
Because the negatives are hard to see
00;22;36;28 – 00;22;39;29
because everyone else keeps it inside
that they really want more French fries.
00;22;39;29 – 00;22;40;26
No, but.
00;22;40;26 – 00;22;44;08
But the fact that you are so honest
about that
00;22;44;08 – 00;22;47;19
and many,
many people would consider that.
00;22;47;21 – 00;22;49;01
No, she doesn’t say it.
00;22;49;01 – 00;22;51;11
That’s she’s going to say yes, I do.
00;22;51;11 – 00;22;53;21
Yes you do. To your close friends.
00;22;53;21 – 00;22;57;19
You’re not going to I’m not going
through the fries with the rando.
00;22;57;21 – 00;23;00;13
I’m not, I’m not definitely not
sharing my fries with you.
00;23;00;13 – 00;23;01;27
Grub hands.
00;23;01;27 – 00;23;04;11
Nothing. Not with me.
You want. You’re damn.
00;23;04;11 – 00;23;06;23
Thank no. Well, you don’t want.
You don’t want any.
00;23;06;23 – 00;23;08;08
That’s why we’re best friends. Because.
00;23;08;08 – 00;23;10;10
No, I don’t want my McDonald’s
French fries.
00;23;10;10 – 00;23;12;13
And you won’t drink. My Pappy and I don’t.
00;23;12;13 – 00;23;14;00
I don’t eat a whole lot, so I don’t.
00;23;14;00 – 00;23;16;26
I’m like, you can have all the samples.
I don’t need them. That’s fine.
00;23;16;26 – 00;23;18;10
What are you sampling, by the way?
00;23;18;10 – 00;23;20;12
We’re not sure.
We don’t know. We don’t know.
00;23;20;12 – 00;23;23;24
But the fact that there’s, you know,
have you now have you that.
00;23;24;03 – 00;23;26;05
Yeah. I don’t hear the questions.
00;23;26;05 – 00;23;28;14
We don’t know. We heard a theme,
I don’t know.
00;23;28;14 – 00;23;30;08
We got a pass
that we wear around our neck.
00;23;30;08 – 00;23;33;09
We show that shit to some booth
and they’re like, here’s your empanada.
00;23;33;19 – 00;23;34;13
We don’t know.
00;23;34;13 – 00;23;35;01
We have no idea.
00;23;35;01 – 00;23;39;02
I don’t know, I hope it’s like herrings
and shit that they feed the seals.
00;23;39;02 – 00;23;41;10
I oh, I hope I didn’t think about that.
00;23;41;10 – 00;23;43;27
They have that one that thick.
You can have that one.
00;23;43;27 – 00;23;44;15
You guys.
00;23;44;15 – 00;23;45;24
Did you share that.
00;23;45;24 – 00;23;46;09
Oh yeah.
00;23;46;09 – 00;23;47;23
It didn’t tell you what it was.
00;23;47;23 – 00;23;50;29
So my, my brother Listerine tasted it.
00;23;51;14 – 00;23;55;09
Well, he lives in Flint, so I have, a half
brother who lives in Florida.
00;23;55;09 – 00;23;55;29
And he.
00;23;55;29 – 00;23;58;21
Which half wit that? I’m just kidding.
00;23;58;21 – 00;24;01;15
And he, he has,
00;24;01;15 – 00;24;04;08
like, annual passes to SeaWorld
or whatever, and he’s like, let’s go.
00;24;04;08 – 00;24;05;21
I’ll take you to SeaWorld.
00;24;05;21 – 00;24;06;07
I’m like, great.
00;24;06;07 – 00;24;10;21
And so that’s he has this, like, exclusive
thing and I’m like, let’s do this.
00;24;11;07 – 00;24;12;27
I can’t find it anywhere, I don’t know.
00;24;12;27 – 00;24;16;16
But again, in my mind, I each have a pass
and we each eat our share.
00;24;16;18 – 00;24;17;16
Now here’s the best part.
00;24;17;16 – 00;24;20;18
Will I ever in my life eat 18 samples?
00;24;20;18 – 00;24;22;19
No, no, we’re lucky if I eat.
00;24;22;19 – 00;24;25;08
I mean, if there’s one sample I really
like, I’m going to eat the whole thing.
00;24;25;08 – 00;24;27;00
Yeah, but I’m pretty picky.
00;24;27;00 – 00;24;30;00
So there’s a lot of those 18
I’m not going to eat right at all.
00;24;30;00 – 00;24;30;10
00;24;30;10 – 00;24;33;08
So she just knows this and she’s like,
nope, we only need to get one.
00;24;33;08 – 00;24;34;20
And then you know
you’re going to get enough.
00;24;34;20 – 00;24;38;19
But and I also know that if it’s
really great, we’ll just get another one.
00;24;38;19 – 00;24;40;12
And we’re done with the first.
00;24;40;12 – 00;24;42;13
It’s all about somehow
convincing you a person
00;24;42;13 – 00;24;45;15
you are so rigid that you’re like,
if we don’t buy them at the same time,
00;24;45;15 – 00;24;46;27
we can’t do that, right?
00;24;46;27 – 00;24;48;15
Or I can’t go back after the fact,
00;24;48;15 – 00;24;51;19
I get another one because I might be
false, right, if I too far.
00;24;51;20 – 00;24;54;17
But if you don’t know what it is,
how do you know it’s food?
00;24;54;17 – 00;24;57;10
No, it does say that it’s a sample food.
00;24;57;10 – 00;24;58;27
It’s a food. Food and beverage.
00;24;58;27 – 00;25;00;04
Not like edible.
00;25;00;04 – 00;25;02;23
Like it’s like you’re
you a sampler and you’re all.
00;25;02;23 – 00;25;04;09
Oh, right.
You know, when you go around the world.
00;25;04;09 – 00;25;05;25
And so I said,
we’re not going to prepay for it
00;25;05;25 – 00;25;07;15
because we’re gonna ask questions
when we get there.
00;25;07;15 – 00;25;09;29
But, you know, when you go
to, Epcot. Yeah.
00;25;09;29 – 00;25;14;13
And you do the wine, beer, wine festival,
they’re just like the little samples,
00;25;14;13 – 00;25;15;24
but you pay for them individually.
00;25;15;24 – 00;25;19;10
I think this is like a,
you know, almost like a passport book.
00;25;19;14 – 00;25;21;20
That you can go and get different things.
00;25;21;20 – 00;25;22;04
00;25;22;04 – 00;25;24;23
Now, if it was just
you and I, I’d be fine with it.
00;25;24;23 – 00;25;27;20
But I don’t know enough
about half Brother’s eating habits.
00;25;27;20 – 00;25;29;25
I know she did that. She did say,
that’s kind of weird.
00;25;29;25 – 00;25;31;25
Ask him
how many samples he’s going to want.
00;25;31;25 – 00;25;34;22
I’m like, I don’t think so.
00;25;34;22 – 00;25;38;20
And what I also said to him,
hey, it’s really nice to meet you.
00;25;38;25 – 00;25;41;23
How many samples
are you planning on eating out of the 18?
00;25;41;23 – 00;25;43;26
Because I’m not going to want to see,
like some of them.
00;25;43;26 – 00;25;45;21
And three of them.
We’re not even through the gate.
00;25;45;21 – 00;25;47;15
Yeah, yeah. Like,
how are you supposed to do it?
00;25;47;15 – 00;25;49;03
Even if I could buy you your own.
00;25;49;03 – 00;25;51;02
So it could curb my own anxiety.
00;25;51;02 – 00;25;52;26
I’m fine, Rebecca, and I’ll be fine.
00;25;52;26 – 00;25;55;20
But here’s your own path, by the way.
00;25;55;20 – 00;25;58;04
If there’s chocolate lava cake,
that’s mine.
00;25;58;04 – 00;25;58;18
All right?
00;25;58;18 – 00;25;59;22
And you know I hate chocolate.
00;25;59;22 – 00;26;01;26
So it’s all yours. Be my guest.
00;26;01;26 – 00;26;03;12
All right, here’s my little card. Here.
00;26;03;12 – 00;26;08;14
Okay, I know that worrying only blinds me
from the beauty that is all around me.
00;26;08;14 – 00;26;10;15
I am not stressing.
00;26;10;15 – 00;26;12;02
Wow. It’s true.
00;26;12;02 – 00;26;14;12
Okay, that one’s for me.
You picked one for Scott.
00;26;14;12 – 00;26;17;00
That one for both of us.
Did you see my cat paws?
00;26;17;00 – 00;26;19;09
They tap stick
I did. Did I know what that was?
00;26;19;09 – 00;26;21;08
No I didn’t, did you see? You did.
00;26;21;08 – 00;26;24;07
I think it was a mini vibrator.
Yes. Hi, dad.
00;26;24;07 – 00;26;25;18
Did you lose that thing?
00;26;25;18 – 00;26;28;17
See what I found at HomeGoods
the other night? Cat
00;26;29;16 – 00;26;30;07
at HomeGoods.
00;26;30;07 – 00;26;31;23
And with it, I’m with Taylor.
00;26;31;23 – 00;26;33;21
And it was a Taylor. Yeah.
00;26;33;21 – 00;26;37;17
And you’re only know this because Taylor
was texting me the entire time.
00;26;37;17 – 00;26;38;06
So we.
00;26;38;06 – 00;26;39;19
How do I tell her to stop.
00;26;39;19 – 00;26;41;18
How do I tell her she doesn’t need that.
00;26;41;18 – 00;26;42;29
She put it in the car.
00;26;42;29 – 00;26;46;01
She tells me
she’s got to take her cookies out with it.
00;26;46;01 – 00;26;47;20
I’m like, Taylor, take it out.
00;26;47;20 – 00;26;50;20
It was. Yeah, it was this long cat.
00;26;50;21 – 00;26;53;21
Poor stick that had a grip.
00;26;53;28 – 00;26;58;27
And you take out the oven rack
when it’s hot with the cat paw.
00;26;59;07 – 00;27;00;22
And I had to have it.
00;27;00;22 – 00;27;02;03
You did not get it, I did it.
00;27;02;03 – 00;27;03;23
She wouldn’t
let me get it, but I needed it.
00;27;03;23 – 00;27;05;17
I needed it so bad.
But you know what? I did get?
00;27;06;29 – 00;27;07;26
00;27;07;26 – 00;27;10;26
It’s a cat with holes in its head
that you put
00;27;11;11 – 00;27;14;14
that you put, baking soda in
for your fridge.
00;27;14;29 – 00;27;18;03
I can’t a 100%, but that one I can’t.
00;27;18;06 – 00;27;21;08
Scott, this is the perfect segway
00;27;21;20 – 00;27;24;20
into a game
that we’re going to play tonight.
00;27;25;03 – 00;27;27;11
The name, the pause. Nope.
00;27;27;11 – 00;27;32;20
This is the perfect segue
into what we are calling.
00;27;33;21 – 00;27;36;21
Did Rebecca buy that?
00;27;40;00 – 00;27;42;29
Oh my God, are the actual things.
00;27;43;03 – 00;27;48;07
All right,
so I recently on a trip to target
00;27;49;13 – 00;27;51;04
found. My God, I love that.
00;27;51;04 – 00;27;52;24
I found a few items.
00;27;52;24 – 00;27;53;22
Did you buy that?
00;27;53;22 – 00;27;57;12
I wasn’t sure
if you bought it on the trip.
00;27;57;12 – 00;27;58;17
And here’s what happens.
00;27;58;17 – 00;28;02;11
As you know, we always go on the trip
and then you will take some random
00;28;02;11 – 00;28;06;00
ass thing out of your bag,
put it on, and I’ll be like, what is that?
00;28;06;14 – 00;28;09;14
So I was trying to prop myself on my trip
to target,
00;28;09;14 – 00;28;12;21
and I found some items
that I took some pictures of that
00;28;12;21 – 00;28;16;14
I thought these might be things
that Rebecca has
00;28;16;15 – 00;28;19;19
is about to surprise me with,
so I was trying to get ahead of it.
00;28;19;19 – 00;28;21;22
I really, you know, there was like,
00;28;22;24 – 00;28;24;07
oh, it was not.
00;28;24;07 – 00;28;25;07
It’s just this color.
00;28;25;07 – 00;28;31;13
So the first thing we’re looking at here
is a gigantic, puffy, puffy duffle bag.
00;28;31;13 – 00;28;32;22
Yeah. How would you describe that?
00;28;32;22 – 00;28;37;09
Pam gray, quilted puffy quilted puffy bag
00;28;37;09 – 00;28;40;24
that clearly goes on your, suitcase
because it has one of those,
00;28;41;26 – 00;28;43;17
things that you put over your handle.
00;28;43;17 – 00;28;44;16
Oh, that’s the knitting.
00;28;44;16 – 00;28;45;17
I did not know that
00;28;45;17 – 00;28;48;24
that was what that was, but,
yeah, you need to get that one classic.
00;28;48;24 – 00;28;49;07
00;28;49;07 – 00;28;52;13
Oh, I would have bought that thought for
sure that that would have been something.
00;28;52;13 – 00;28;53;20
So did you buy that?
00;28;53;20 – 00;28;55;10
I did not. Oh, but I have one.
00;28;55;10 – 00;28;57;13
So let’s have okay.
00;28;57;13 – 00;28;58;29
Let’s see what else we got.
00;28;58;29 – 00;29;01;10
00;29;01;10 – 00;29;03;26
Oh I know, oh yeah I bet you do.
00;29;03;26 – 00;29;05;22
I bought that when we were in Florida
last time.
00;29;05;22 – 00;29;10;12
Remember, this is the most gigantic slap
hat that you can possibly imagine.
00;29;10;19 – 00;29;13;19
My, my, I think has, sequins that say,
00;29;14;07 – 00;29;17;01
Queen, you know, something about.
00;29;19;08 – 00;29;21;07
Something about beach.
00;29;21;07 – 00;29;23;02
Beach bum or something.
00;29;23;02 – 00;29;23;19
Yeah. Yeah.
00;29;23;19 – 00;29;24;14
I’m. It’s pink.
00;29;24;14 – 00;29;25;01
Good. Yeah.
00;29;25;01 – 00;29;27;23
I’m aware that the bigger the floppy your.
00;29;27;23 – 00;29;29;05
Yeah, the better I was.
00;29;29;05 – 00;29;31;22
There was an absolutely gigantic one
I saw in Florida last.
00;29;31;22 – 00;29;34;27
It was no joke $299
because of how big it was.
00;29;34;27 – 00;29;36;20
But you could have worn
this thing as a dress.
00;29;36;20 – 00;29;38;09
That’s how huge it was.
00;29;38;09 – 00;29;41;09
So I thought, does she have one of these?
00;29;41;29 – 00;29;44;11
Yeah. Not okay. Floppy hat.
00;29;44;11 – 00;29;45;00
All right.
00;29;45;00 – 00;29;45;23
Yeah, okay.
00;29;45;23 – 00;29;47;29
But I did not buy one recently,
I bought one, okay.
00;29;47;29 – 00;29;50;18
Last but were you. All right, well,
I bring one of those. Yep. Okay.
00;29;50;18 – 00;29;53;04
They got okay. Thank you Scott.
00;29;53;04 – 00;29;56;04
Oh my God I love.
00;29;57;19 – 00;29;59;27
Listen this thing, it’s like a red.
00;29;59;27 – 00;30;03;11
Way more bright pink
than you could ever read.
00;30;03;11 – 00;30;04;21
It is ridiculous.
00;30;04;21 – 00;30;06;08
It’s got poof sleeves.
00;30;06;08 – 00;30;07;21
It’s got little spots.
00;30;07;21 – 00;30;08;05
It’s water.
00;30;08;05 – 00;30;10;18
Like baby baby
doll dress with big ass sleeves.
00;30;10;18 – 00;30;13;22
Yes, I know that you would wear that
with your go go boots.
00;30;13;22 – 00;30;15;10
No, I would wear that on the plane.
00;30;15;10 – 00;30;15;27
00;30;15;27 – 00;30;16;18
That’s good.
00;30;16;18 – 00;30;17;08
00;30;17;08 – 00;30;19;27
This thing
I’m telling you is a little cheer.
00;30;19;27 – 00;30;20;16
And even better.
00;30;20;16 – 00;30;22;01
So very, very pink.
00;30;22;01 – 00;30;25;01
So, did Rebecca buy that now? Yeah. Oh.
00;30;25;06 – 00;30;26;17
Oh. What are we doing after this?
00;30;26;17 – 00;30;28;04
I got the target.
00;30;28;04 – 00;30;30;08
Okay, okay. Next.
00;30;30;08 – 00;30;31;22
Oh, yes.
00;30;31;22 – 00;30;33;27
This has a little Hannibal Lecter
flair to it.
00;30;33;27 – 00;30;35;05
No, I don’t like that.
00;30;35;05 – 00;30;38;08
This would absolutely listen,
it’s a jumpsuit.
00;30;38;12 – 00;30;42;07
Now, this would be something
that you would be like.
00;30;42;07 – 00;30;43;04
You know what?
00;30;43;04 – 00;30;47;07
I think I could pull this off
and then you would have it unbuttoned.
00;30;47;25 – 00;30;51;27
It would be,
rolled up into a three quarter sleeve.
00;30;51;27 – 00;30;56;20
You’d have the pants rolled off
with the most blingy, actually,
00;30;56;20 – 00;31;01;07
the shoes that you’re wearing, your,
not so lesbian croc shoes.
00;31;01;07 – 00;31;03;19
Because the lesbians have spoken.
00;31;03;19 – 00;31;04;23
They said, stop
00;31;04;23 – 00;31;09;00
putting those nasty ass shoes on us
because that’s not what we wear.
00;31;09;00 – 00;31;09;10
00;31;09;10 – 00;31;13;08
you’d have some ridiculous hairstyle
going on, you know?
00;31;13;08 – 00;31;15;05
But believe that feather thing.
00;31;15;05 – 00;31;16;11
Oh, yeah. Yeah, probably.
00;31;16;11 – 00;31;17;00
There’s this.
00;31;17;00 – 00;31;20;06
Looks like something
straight up out of jail.
00;31;20;10 – 00;31;23;00
Yeah, yeah, it looks like a jail suit.
But you’re right.
00;31;23;00 – 00;31;24;00
I probably would wear it.
00;31;24;00 – 00;31;26;07
The problem is,
it wouldn’t fit over my thighs.
00;31;26;07 – 00;31;29;06
It’s not your color.
Am is the new orange. Is the new black?
00;31;29;06 – 00;31;30;22
Yeah. If it was white.
00;31;30;22 – 00;31;32;13
If it was baby pink, yeah.
00;31;32;13 – 00;31;34;21
Maybe you’d be in this one.
00;31;34;21 – 00;31;36;07
Oh okay. That’s silver.
00;31;36;07 – 00;31;37;02
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
00;31;37;02 – 00;31;37;27
Silver. Silver.
00;31;37;27 – 00;31;40;18
Oh we’ve done the silver.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
00;31;40;18 – 00;31;41;00
00;31;41;00 – 00;31;43;23
Next up, all day long.
00;31;43;23 – 00;31;45;12
In fact, I had that one.
00;31;45;12 – 00;31;49;21
Not at Christmas time,
except mine had, stars on it.
00;31;49;22 – 00;31;54;02
This is a tool to to pot to pink to
to dress.
00;31;54;14 – 00;31;57;06
are we real clear? That nice a dress?
00;31;57;06 – 00;31;59;01
That’s a skirt. Skirt? Yes.
00;31;59;01 – 00;32;02;03
When I sent you these pictures
that I was real clear
00;32;02;03 – 00;32;04;14
that Rebecca was going to love
every second of that.
00;32;04;14 – 00;32;05;12
Oh, yeah, 100%.
00;32;05;12 – 00;32;08;06
Yeah, we absolutely know. So say yes.
00;32;08;06 – 00;32;11;21
So this is a whole lot of tool
in one place.
00;32;11;21 – 00;32;14;10
It is bright pink.
You would absolutely rock this.
00;32;14;10 – 00;32;16;09
You’d probably put it over
your bathing suit.
00;32;16;09 – 00;32;19;24
Oh all day
I thought for sure. Yeah. yeah.
00;32;19;24 – 00;32;23;21
And I don’t know what you would wear
on the bottom, but that is as hot pink
00;32;23;21 – 00;32;25;25
as it possibly comes. Love it. It’s great.
00;32;26;28 – 00;32;28;18
Oh, she’s cute.
00;32;28;18 – 00;32;29;27
She’s borderline.
00;32;29;27 – 00;32;33;03
That could not be more hideous. It’s okay.
00;32;33;04 – 00;32;34;13
I mean, the boobs are a little.
00;32;34;13 – 00;32;38;18
This is a it’s got lace.
00;32;38;18 – 00;32;39;12
It’s pink.
00;32;39;12 – 00;32;40;13
Yeah. Probably surprised.
00;32;40;13 – 00;32;42;28
It’s got lace sleeves.
00;32;42;28 – 00;32;45;22
the front part looks a bit like a corset.
00;32;45;22 – 00;32;47;28
Yeah. Also, it’s a little crappy, though.
00;32;47;28 – 00;32;50;28
Looks like a Thanksgiving turkey
at the same time.
00;32;50;29 – 00;32;53;06
Can you see that? Let’s see that.
Yes you do.
00;32;53;06 – 00;32;56;13
It gets very pretty in pink Scott C is it.
00;32;56;20 – 00;32;57;01
00;32;57;01 – 00;33;00;06
It’s it’s very something I don’t
I don’t know.
00;33;00;07 – 00;33;04;20
But this thing was in theory I would,
I would like it but it wouldn’t look cute.
00;33;05;02 – 00;33;07;17
It came in white and pink.
00;33;07;17 – 00;33;10;17
I really love where the white
because my, my fake tan.
00;33;10;20 – 00;33;11;17
All right. Yeah.
00;33;11;17 – 00;33;14;09
Your fake fake tan. Oh, rub right off.
00;33;14;09 – 00;33;15;11
It’s not it’s not cute.
00;33;15;11 – 00;33;16;15
Oh. Okay.
00;33;16;15 – 00;33;20;14
Now these are really
these are the worst I wouldn’t I wouldn’t
00;33;20;27 – 00;33;22;12
I wouldn’t wear this.
00;33;22;12 – 00;33;23;12
Those are.
00;33;23;12 – 00;33;25;04
Yes you would I don’t know.
00;33;25;04 – 00;33;27;05
This is you being fashion forward.
00;33;27;05 – 00;33;30;00
You are train conductor pants. Yeah.
00;33;30;00 – 00;33;32;01
I don’t know if I would fall apart
00;33;32;01 – 00;33;35;20
so huge I would wear them
if they didn’t have the cargo.
00;33;35;20 – 00;33;36;09
These are.
00;33;36;09 – 00;33;37;22
These are in the 90s. Yeah.
00;33;37;22 – 00;33;40;20
These are gigantic train
conductor pants that are huge.
00;33;40;20 – 00;33;45;29
And you would wear that with a white top
crop top olive oil in my in my god,
00;33;45;29 – 00;33;51;13
some stupid ass train conductor hat with
your with your sparkly ass high heels.
00;33;51;28 – 00;33;53;27
Did you buy that? No. Okay.
00;33;55;06 – 00;33;56;11
No. Oops.
00;33;56;11 – 00;33;58;03
Oh, we’re going backwards. There’s more.
00;33;58;03 – 00;34;00;18
What is that? Oh. I’m sorry,
is that on clearance?
00;34;00;18 – 00;34;02;03
That the hair clip.
00;34;02;03 – 00;34;04;02
Oh, all day long? Yeah, all day long.
00;34;04;02 – 00;34;06;29
You didn’t buy that for me.
That is horrendous.
00;34;06;29 – 00;34;09;08
I mean nine you get that the dollar store.
00;34;09;08 – 00;34;10;15
Well yes. I’m aware.
00;34;10;15 – 00;34;14;09
Or in someone’s junk drawer at their house
because they didn’t need it anymore.
00;34;14;09 – 00;34;15;15
I would wear that.
00;34;15;15 – 00;34;16;18
What is that?
00;34;16;18 – 00;34;17;27
It’s a flower.
00;34;17;27 – 00;34;19;09
No, I was being facetious.
00;34;19;09 – 00;34;21;09
I’m aware of what it is.
00;34;21;09 – 00;34;23;17
It’s super ugly.
00;34;23;17 – 00;34;26;13
Wasn’t that in Titanic
when she found the like relics?
00;34;26;13 – 00;34;28;19
Oh, yeah. It’s just kind of like.
00;34;28;19 – 00;34;30;25
I haven’t seen this in 85 years.
00;34;30;25 – 00;34;32;04
It is a flower.
00;34;32;04 – 00;34;36;03
A gold flower hair clip
that has pearls on it.
00;34;36;03 – 00;34;37;02
Yeah, I like it.
00;34;37;02 – 00;34;38;14
It is not. Okay.
00;34;38;14 – 00;34;40;18
And why was it on clearance
and why were there eight of them?
00;34;40;18 – 00;34;41;20
Because no one wanted.
00;34;44;02 – 00;34;45;03
And you know, I would wear it.
00;34;45;03 – 00;34;47;08
Don’t worry.
They’re from the scrunchie collection.
00;34;47;08 – 00;34;47;25
Oh, God.
00;34;47;25 – 00;34;50;25
Oh, it goes with my rainbow theme.
00;34;50;26 – 00;34;52;27
I know,
but you won’t let me have any more.
00;34;52;27 – 00;34;56;25
I will not, because you already have 12
suitcases that I found in the attic.
00;34;56;25 – 00;34;59;12
And then I had to really let the shit out.
00;34;59;12 – 00;35;02;14
If you are that suitcases,
go with the vibe of the trip.
00;35;02;14 – 00;35;04;06
No, that’s how that works.
00;35;04;06 – 00;35;05;16
Yes, that’s not how that works.
00;35;05;16 – 00;35;06;22
Yes, I did, but this one.
00;35;06;22 – 00;35;09;26
Had this one been bigger,
he would have gotten this all day.
00;35;09;26 – 00;35;10;07
All day.
00;35;10;07 – 00;35;13;11
This is 100 personally, in the pink
00;35;13;11 – 00;35;16;11
to light pink to yellow to purple to blue.
00;35;16;11 – 00;35;17;06
It’s I’m a rainbow.
00;35;17;06 – 00;35;18;24
I’m a rainbow.
00;35;18;24 – 00;35;20;24
Brass suitcase. Yeah.
00;35;20;24 – 00;35;22;18
Rainbow moonshine.
00;35;22;18 – 00;35;23;16
Oh. Nope.
00;35;23;16 – 00;35;25;18
That that that wasn’t it.
00;35;25;18 – 00;35;28;08
Now we’re down to the last two. Okay.
00;35;28;08 – 00;35;28;26
Thank you.
00;35;30;02 – 00;35;31;13
Oh, did that depends.
00;35;31;13 – 00;35;32;22
Why are they men’s?
00;35;32;22 – 00;35;35;08
Oh, did you buy these for me?
00;35;35;08 – 00;35;36;17
Oh, God.
00;35;36;17 – 00;35;38;08
Oh, God. Oh, God. Yeah.
00;35;38;08 – 00;35;39;15
Yeah, I need those.
00;35;39;15 – 00;35;41;29
Yes. So, I did find the men’s.
00;35;41;29 – 00;35;44;10
first. Wasn’t sure if you bought those.
00;35;44;10 – 00;35;47;12
And then right next door
were the Silhouette Boutique.
00;35;48;05 – 00;35;51;13
they had a little flare on them men’s.
00;35;51;13 – 00;35;53;08
Do you love that too, Scott? Do you?
00;35;53;08 – 00;35;53;26
It’s like.
00;35;53;26 – 00;35;55;21
It’s like we share a brain.
00;35;55;21 – 00;35;59;05
She says,
why didn’t you buy me the women’s boom?
00;35;59;05 – 00;36;02;07
Scott pushes the button,
and there’s the women.
00;36;02;26 – 00;36;03;23
Did you buy them?
00;36;03;23 – 00;36;06;20
I should probably, that is the question.
00;36;06;20 – 00;36;09;09
I do have some. Okay, good.
00;36;09;09 – 00;36;11;27
That’s good. And it’s only because
when I was super sick.
00;36;11;27 – 00;36;13;23
Yeah. And I was coughing all the time.
00;36;13;23 – 00;36;15;21
I needed to be prepared. Okay.
00;36;15;21 – 00;36;17;06
You bought you bought these.
00;36;17;06 – 00;36;19;01
We weren’t using,
like, a pad or something.
00;36;19;01 – 00;36;20;18
We were using the full on. Depends.
00;36;21;16 – 00;36;22;29
Oh, what was that?
00;36;22;29 – 00;36;23;18
That’s fine.
00;36;23;18 – 00;36;24;28
That means you got it right.
00;36;24;28 – 00;36;27;07
Oh that’s what it was.
00;36;27;07 – 00;36;28;07
Yeah. It’s okay. Yeah.
00;36;28;07 – 00;36;30;27
Did you get the cute pink one? I did,
but I did.
00;36;30;27 – 00;36;33;12
That’s good. But I didn’t like them.
And I’ll never wear them again.
00;36;33;12 – 00;36;34;20
Oh okay.
00;36;34;20 – 00;36;35;03
All right.
00;36;35;03 – 00;36;37;02
That’s thank you for disclosing that.
00;36;37;02 – 00;36;40;02
Yeah that is definitely 85 years old.
00;36;40;07 – 00;36;43;27
But that is completely
you know coughing is not good.
00;36;44;06 – 00;36;45;24
Yeah. Coughing is not nice.
00;36;45;24 – 00;36;48;16
Coughing is not
the problem is the bladder issues
00;36;48;16 – 00;36;51;19
that come with the coughing triggers
the bladder issues.
00;36;51;19 – 00;36;52;03
00;36;52;03 – 00;36;55;06
So but now that I’m not coughing
and we’re we’re all good right okay.
00;36;55;21 – 00;36;58;04
So that was our first.
00;36;58;04 – 00;37;00;16
Well there’s more code of wood Rebecca.
00;37;00;16 – 00;37;02;22
By this wood Rebecca by this hour.
00;37;02;22 – 00;37;04;02
Did. Rebecca.
00;37;04;02 – 00;37;06;04
How about the other day
when we were on Amazon
00;37;06;04 – 00;37;08;26
picking her outfits,
and then you went into our shared list
00;37;10;00 – 00;37;11;21
and you’re like, what the hell?
00;37;11;21 – 00;37;14;27
I got rid of the shared list,
and all of a sudden I see this legit
00;37;14;27 – 00;37;17;27
straight up priest outfit,
00;37;18;05 – 00;37;21;00
and I’m like, what the hell is this?
00;37;21;00 – 00;37;24;02
Why is this in the this shared folder?
00;37;24;13 – 00;37;26;24
And you said, oh, I thought maybe
you were going to officiate the wedding.
00;37;26;24 – 00;37;28;00
If you did, you needed to wear this.
00;37;28;00 – 00;37;31;11
I’m like, do you understand
how inappropriate that would be? Why?
00;37;31;12 – 00;37;34;14
I got my clergy pass online for 25 bucks
00;37;34;14 – 00;37;38;05
and here I am on a full on
pull like priest garb.
00;37;38;17 – 00;37;41;17
That is not acceptable.
00;37;41;17 – 00;37;44;09
Wait, that’s not okay.
00;37;44;09 – 00;37;45;20
That’s a funny. But you were.
00;37;45;20 – 00;37;47;09
You were all in on that.
00;37;47;09 – 00;37;48;12
I would have worn it.
00;37;48;12 – 00;37;51;12
Would have ordered guardians. Random.
00;37;51;15 – 00;37;53;02
You would have found, like on Schitt’s
00;37;53;02 – 00;37;56;15
Where she dressed up like crazy thing.
00;37;56;19 – 00;37;59;00
Yeah. That is not
was the only thing on the list.
00;38;01;01 – 00;38;01;05
00;38;01;05 – 00;38;04;04
Well, so what’s that?
00;38;04;13 – 00;38;05;14
The Globes.
00;38;05;14 – 00;38;07;17
I got this other thing.
00;38;07;17 – 00;38;09;06
I got the hat I really want.
00;38;09;06 – 00;38;10;17
I painted burning her.
00;38;10;17 – 00;38;12;27
I want to paint this picture for you.
00;38;12;27 – 00;38;18;08
It is a hat, but it’s like a smaller hat
that has a smaller brim.
00;38;18;08 – 00;38;20;05
And it’s a captain’s order.
00;38;20;05 – 00;38;23;18
Yeah, it’s a captain’s hat with a shorter,
like this part right here.
00;38;24;04 – 00;38;27;01
And it is completely covered in gems.
00;38;27;01 – 00;38;30;07
So if there’s not one part of it
that’s not covered in gems,
00;38;30;18 – 00;38;34;15
and then in the very front here,
right here on the front are goggles
00;38;35;02 – 00;38;37;22
that are attached to that.
00;38;37;22 – 00;38;41;03
And I said, what is was that 70s or 80s.
00;38;41;03 – 00;38;42;08
And you said neither.
00;38;42;08 – 00;38;44;14
I was just going to wear it
on a random day.
00;38;44;14 – 00;38;47;04
I’m like, I delete.
00;38;47;04 – 00;38;51;13
This is exactly what happens
when we go on trips.
00;38;51;20 – 00;38;55;05
You pull something like that out, acting
like it’s not weird at all.
00;38;55;05 – 00;38;55;19
It’s not.
00;38;55;19 – 00;38;58;27
I come out of the shower,
you got that thing on and you’re like,
00;38;58;27 – 00;39;02;02
ready to go to the beach, like I cannot.
00;39;02;07 – 00;39;04;22
Oh, that’s my
that’s my hat. Says beach. Please.
00;39;07;04 – 00;39;10;04
I my I cannot.
00;39;10;19 – 00;39;13;03
So that was our first ever episode of
did Rebecca
00;39;13;03 – 00;39;16;14
buy that because I was 100% confident.
00;39;16;14 – 00;39;19;19
I just start spamming Scott
with all these pictures and he is like,
00;39;19;19 – 00;39;20;12
what are you doing?
00;39;20;12 – 00;39;24;22
I said, can you please have these prepared
for an episode of Did Rebecca buy that?
00;39;24;22 – 00;39;27;01
And he knew immediately and he was like,
I got the jeopardy!
00;39;27;01 – 00;39;29;05
Theme song that I previously purchased.
00;39;29;05 – 00;39;32;05
We all set. So Scott and I are good.
00;39;32;22 – 00;39;34;10
Oh my god, so hilarious.
00;39;34;10 – 00;39;40;15
Well, so onto the the heart of the show
ending with the heart of the show.
00;39;40;17 – 00;39;43;25
Today I have some news to share.
00;39;44;00 – 00;39;44;18
Oh god.
00;39;44;18 – 00;39;47;29
You’ll remember a couple episodes ago.
00;39;48;04 – 00;39;51;04
All I have to say is this one thing
and you and Scott remember.
00;39;51;07 – 00;39;53;15
Okay, hunk, a hunk of burning lamp.
00;39;53;15 – 00;39;55;08
Did it get posted?
00;39;55;08 – 00;39;56;15
Listen to me.
00;39;56;15 – 00;39;58;11
And we’ve been on a journey here.
00;39;58;11 – 00;40;01;22
Okay, so for those of you
who missed that podcast episode,
00;40;01;23 – 00;40;05;06
go back and listen
and I’ll explain it right now.
00;40;07;21 – 00;40;10;05
So full service
00;40;10;05 – 00;40;13;18
is this group on Facebook
called Weird and Wonderful finds
00;40;13;18 – 00;40;18;12
that people find at antique shops or
thrift stores, shops or places like that,
00;40;18;12 – 00;40;21;12
and they go ahead
and post these things online.
00;40;22;21 – 00;40;25;21
So I think to myself, this is my turn.
00;40;25;22 – 00;40;26;26
It’s my turn right?
00;40;26;26 – 00;40;29;05
And you’ll remember that
the one thing I found was
00;40;29;05 – 00;40;32;05
when we were out for my birthday
and I found an Elvis lamp. Yep.
00;40;32;16 – 00;40;36;29
And I wrote a really great, like,
little saying
00;40;36;29 – 00;40;41;05
caption for it that started with honk,
honk a burning lamp.
00;40;41;10 – 00;40;45;21
I found this
and I left it with it’s blue suede shoes
00;40;46;06 – 00;40;49;15
at an antique shop in upstate New York.
00;40;49;15 – 00;40;51;05
And then I ended with, thank you.
00;40;51;05 – 00;40;53;03
Thank you very much. Right.
00;40;53;03 – 00;40;55;19
And I, I you’ll remember. There it is.
00;40;55;19 – 00;40;59;06
I had to there it is. I had to
00;41;00;09 – 00;41;02;19
talk to my sister in law about it
00;41;02;19 – 00;41;06;02
because I was so anxious
about putting it on there.
00;41;06;08 – 00;41;10;05
Okay, well,
here it is on the screen right here.
00;41;10;05 – 00;41;13;09
And I’d like you to see at the very top
00;41;13;10 – 00;41;16;10
what that says.
00;41;16;27 – 00;41;19;27
Or does it say in the very top
00;41;20;07 – 00;41;21;01
00;41;21;01 – 00;41;22;28
It got declined.
00;41;22;28 – 00;41;26;11
It got declined Loonette I know you.
00;41;26;13 – 00;41;29;16
You mean you know I don’t know
weird and wonderful.
00;41;29;16 – 00;41;32;13
Not weird or wonderful.
00;41;32;13 – 00;41;34;08
What do you mean listen.
00;41;34;08 – 00;41;35;19
Let’s hear I know.
00;41;35;19 – 00;41;37;15
Thank you for having a reaction.
00;41;37;15 – 00;41;42;07
Listen you
you remember awesome how I was feeling
00;41;42;07 – 00;41;45;26
about my anxiety
about posting that on there.
00;41;45;26 – 00;41;50;05
And this is you said to me that you’re
what’s wrong with society.
00;41;50;05 – 00;41;51;19
And I said, oh, in what way?
00;41;51;19 – 00;41;56;06
And you said, you’re living out your value
based on what other people think, right?
00;41;56;06 – 00;41;58;07
And I’m like, no, I’m not.
I just thought people are like me.
00;41;58;07 – 00;41;59;28
And you’re like, same thing.
00;41;59;28 – 00;42;02;17
That’s how that whole conversation
went. Okay.
00;42;02;17 – 00;42;05;08
And then you guys laughed
when I said hunka hunka burning lamp.
00;42;05;08 – 00;42;07;29
And I was like,
thanks guys. I really appreciate it.
00;42;07;29 – 00;42;08;17
Thank you.
00;42;08;17 – 00;42;12;23
Yeah, you guys are hilarious post
and that is the most awesome lamp that
00;42;13;00 – 00;42;15;28
I mean I’m surprised who who is the
00;42;15;28 – 00;42;19;02
the fascist that runs this this.
00;42;19;09 – 00;42;19;23
Thank you.
00;42;19;23 – 00;42;21;18
The moderators got to be a fascist.
00;42;21;18 – 00;42;24;01
this is what we got to talk about today.
00;42;24;01 – 00;42;24;21
Clearly not enough.
00;42;24;21 – 00;42;27;04
Did they tell you why it was declined? No.
00;42;27;04 – 00;42;29;25
Now that’s even worse.
Like no explanation.
00;42;29;25 – 00;42;31;09
You guys declined.
00;42;31;09 – 00;42;34;17
I know I am a despot,
and especially someone like me
00;42;34;17 – 00;42;38;19
who I would really like some feedback
as to why this didn’t make the cut.
00;42;39;12 – 00;42;43;27
So a lot of things started to happen
and I thought, because I, I am who I am,
00;42;43;27 – 00;42;47;13
I’m put myself out there one more time
and put myself out there again.
00;42;47;21 – 00;42;50;20
Okay, so what did I post? The torso.
00;42;50;24 – 00;42;54;07
The torso.
Now the story about the torso is
00;42;54;07 – 00;42;56;02
I thought we saw
it when we were in Florida.
00;42;57;06 – 00;42;58;19
We did it.
00;42;58;19 – 00;42;59;17
I knew we didn’t.
00;42;59;17 – 00;43;02;13
We didn’t. You never voiced to me
that you thought it was important.
00;43;02;13 – 00;43;07;16
I’m like, you think it is a random
piece of wood that is painted nude color,
00;43;08;04 – 00;43;11;04
and it is on a stump
00;43;11;18 – 00;43;14;29
and it is randomly,
just like the bulges out there.
00;43;15;01 – 00;43;16;10
00;43;16;10 – 00;43;19;15
And I said, in case
you’re in the market for some torso art,
00;43;20;04 – 00;43;22;18
this is only $139.
00;43;22;18 – 00;43;25;01
That’s a shot there for you, Greg. Okay.
00;43;25;01 – 00;43;26;26
They don’t like you now, please.
00;43;26;26 – 00;43;29;01
They decide not to look at the top.
00;43;29;01 – 00;43;30;09
Yeah, look at that decline.
00;43;30;09 – 00;43;32;09
You know what it is. It’s
because our pictures are.
00;43;32;09 – 00;43;35;09
Or that’s our podcast picture
in your profile.
00;43;36;05 – 00;43;38;25
They don’t like us.
00;43;38;25 – 00;43;43;15
Listen, I don’t know why this is so much.
00;43;43;15 – 00;43;44;28
You know what we need to do?
00;43;44;28 – 00;43;47;14
We need to take a picture
of a little bag of dog shit
00;43;47;14 – 00;43;50;14
and post it on the effect and see, like,
how about this?
00;43;50;15 – 00;43;54;00
Is this good enough for you, my little
I know you guys,
00;43;54;00 – 00;43;57;14
but this is what we need to talk about
for a few reasons, okay?
00;43;57;14 – 00;43;58;13
I’m on fire.
00;43;58;13 – 00;43;59;05
Thank you.
00;43;59;05 – 00;44;02;07
Thank you for the passion
and the love that you guys are showing me.
00;44;02;13 – 00;44;05;21
Now. Am I the only person in the world
has ever felt like this? No.
00;44;05;21 – 00;44;07;22
Am I the only person that’s ever
talked about it?
00;44;07;22 – 00;44;11;10
Probably because other people just sit
with their feelings their entire day.
00;44;11;10 – 00;44;14;10
But to Scott’s point about my McDonald’s
French fries,
00;44;14;13 – 00;44;16;10
I have to talk about this, right?
00;44;16;10 – 00;44;18;04
So I was having all the anxiety about it.
00;44;18;04 – 00;44;21;21
It was the hunka burning lamp,
and I noticed that the anxiety
00;44;21;21 – 00;44;25;26
was coming from the fact that I was 99%
sure that was going to get posted,
00;44;25;26 – 00;44;30;02
because in my mind
you that you don’t deny that, right?
00;44;30;02 – 00;44;32;21
That is funny, King Bast.
00;44;32;21 – 00;44;34;03
That’s funny. Right?
00;44;34;03 – 00;44;35;01
It’s funny. It’s.
00;44;35;01 – 00;44;38;03
And it that’s funny.
That’s not it’s weird.
00;44;38;03 – 00;44;39;06
It’s wonderful.
00;44;39;06 – 00;44;41;02
It was found at an antique shop.
00;44;41;02 – 00;44;43;19
It’s all the things
that you possibly wanted.
00;44;43;19 – 00;44;45;20
But then it got declined.
00;44;45;20 – 00;44;49;10
So then I find myself being like,
why would it get declined?
00;44;49;10 – 00;44;52;10
But here’s the fascinating part
about what happened after that.
00;44;52;26 – 00;44;55;06
Now I’m stalking the page, and every time
00;44;55;06 – 00;44;58;13
something gets posted,
I’m judging the shut out.
00;44;58;15 – 00;45;01;17
Oh yeah, I’m like, that’s so stupid.
00;45;01;17 – 00;45;03;25
I was just going to say that page, right?
00;45;03;25 – 00;45;06;25
I was going to say what, you know,
did you scroll through and look at
00;45;07;02 – 00;45;08;11
is there a theme?
00;45;08;11 – 00;45;12;23
Is there something that you can say,
well, there’s definitely nothing Elvis on.
00;45;12;23 – 00;45;17;09
Maybe the girl hates Elvis Presley,
you know, why are we declining anything?
00;45;18;15 – 00;45;20;02
Who exactly
00;45;20;02 – 00;45;23;06
is there a rubric like we can just snoop?
00;45;23;07 – 00;45;26;26
Oh, I’m sorry, this one only checks
three out of the five boxes.
00;45;26;26 – 00;45;27;29
We have to decline it.
00;45;27;29 – 00;45;31;21
Now, this is a great, great question
because did I read about it on the rules
00;45;31;21 – 00;45;32;20
and regulation page?
00;45;32;20 – 00;45;36;12
Yeah, I spent probably 15 minutes
reading this entire thing.
00;45;36;27 – 00;45;37;28
And then the rules are there.
00;45;37;28 – 00;45;43;24
It talks about why an admin may
or may not delete
00;45;43;28 – 00;45;46;28
and that there’s a little bit ingest,
which tells me like
00;45;46;28 – 00;45;49;12
this is the personality
of the people in the groups. Right.
00;45;49;12 – 00;45;52;17
But it talks about things
like maybe the person’s
00;45;52;17 – 00;45;55;27
having a bad day,
maybe they just don’t think it’s funny.
00;45;55;27 – 00;45;59;13
Maybe they hit the wrong button,
maybe it’s not good
00;45;59;13 – 00;46;02;15
for they’re saying this in the rules.
00;46;02;19 – 00;46;06;16
it’s more like the why did my post
get declined I think section.
00;46;06;22 – 00;46;07;18
00;46;07;18 – 00;46;10;29
And so it’s talking about your post
might be declined
00;46;10;29 – 00;46;12;24
because the admin had a bad day.
00;46;12;24 – 00;46;14;01
That’s what it says it.
00;46;14;01 – 00;46;17;04
And then it gave that
as in a couple examples like, you know,
00;46;17;13 – 00;46;18;17
maybe they had a bad day
00;46;18;17 – 00;46;21;23
or maybe they just didn’t
see what was funny about it or whatever.
00;46;22;10 – 00;46;25;10
Also included in there were things like,
00;46;25;22 – 00;46;29;17
it’s possible that we’ve seen things
like what you’ve posted,
00;46;29;17 – 00;46;33;25
not perform well on the site before,
and you just might not know it.
00;46;34;04 – 00;46;35;27
Okay, interesting.
00;46;35;27 – 00;46;39;29
There was another thing that said, it’s
very possible that the thing
00;46;39;29 – 00;46;44;03
that you’ve posted
is aversive to some people
00;46;44;11 – 00;46;49;08
or groups of people, and you might not
realize that it’s subversive.
00;46;50;12 – 00;46;54;10
There’s things that said, maybe
00;46;54;13 – 00;46;59;05
we’ve had too many of whatever
that type of post is,
00;46;59;05 – 00;47;03;14
and we try to keep it,
you know, more current or with new things.
00;47;03;23 – 00;47;06;26
I read all of it,
and the only thing that made
00;47;06;26 – 00;47;10;08
it all sense to me
was the adverse if part.
00;47;10;19 – 00;47;14;18
And then did
I go into the rabbit hole of Elvis’s life?
00;47;14;18 – 00;47;16;21
Yeah, they did. What would be interesting.
00;47;16;21 – 00;47;19;08
So for the end of his career,
when he was all that druggie
00;47;19;08 – 00;47;22;16
and the end of his career,
it could be his multiple affairs.
00;47;22;16 – 00;47;25;29
It could be the fact
that he was high on Coke most of the time.
00;47;25;29 – 00;47;29;14
I told you people hated Elvis,
but those people hated Elvis.
00;47;29;14 – 00;47;31;21
But Elvis, that wasn’t his fault.
00;47;31;21 – 00;47;34;11
It was. It was the Colonel’s fault.
00;47;34;11 – 00;47;35;10
Yeah, they got him.
00;47;35;10 – 00;47;36;25
He got him into all that straight.
00;47;36;25 – 00;47;41;27
Yeah, I know, I know,
Elvis might be things
00;47;41;27 – 00;47;44;27
that people have feelings about
00;47;45;04 – 00;47;48;08
that would keep this from being posted.
00;47;48;19 – 00;47;51;19
So then I’ve decided for myself,
I love you.
00;47;51;19 – 00;47;52;17
Your eyes are closed right now.
00;47;52;17 – 00;47;55;03
I can’t, I know
because you’re having all these feelings.
00;47;55;03 – 00;47;58;22
So here I am trying to figure out
what’s the algorithm.
00;47;58;22 – 00;48;02;02
how could this not have been accepted?
00;48;02;02 – 00;48;02;16
00;48;03;16 – 00;48;04;02
And then
00;48;04;02 – 00;48;07;02
I go to the second post,
which is the torso.
00;48;07;16 – 00;48;07;29
00;48;07;29 – 00;48;10;15
I think there’s nothing invasive
about that.
00;48;10;15 – 00;48;15;01
I mean, it’s it’s a torso
and it’s on a, log of wood,
00;48;15;16 – 00;48;19;04
but it’s not, it’s not, it’s not a
it’s not a crotch.
00;48;19;04 – 00;48;20;17
It’s just a horse.
00;48;20;17 – 00;48;23;22
So it’s like Barbie a Barbie crotch. Yeah.
00;48;23;23 – 00;48;28;01
Yeah, but it’s a frickin piece of wood
painted to look like a torso.
00;48;28;01 – 00;48;30;24
I know, it’s weird.
It’s hilarious and weird.
00;48;30;24 – 00;48;35;07
So I show it to mark
and I say, well, got my second decline.
00;48;35;22 – 00;48;38;22
And he’s like, oh, that’s because
it looks like a penis on the right leg.
00;48;39;04 – 00;48;41;03
I said, what?
00;48;41;03 – 00;48;43;09
So he what about that?
00;48;43;09 – 00;48;44;14
Looks like a penis.
00;48;44;14 – 00;48;46;14
The bulge is in the wrong
place, is what I said.
00;48;46;14 – 00;48;50;14
Yes. So he thinks it’s that little bump
over there on the right.
00;48;50;25 – 00;48;53;27
Might hanging to the left
and right like a real star.
00;48;53;27 – 00;48;55;08
Right? Like it’s.
00;48;55;08 – 00;48;58;06
It got taken off and put back on.
00;48;58;06 – 00;48;58;19
It’s like.
00;48;58;19 – 00;49;01;04
It’s like Mr. Potato
Head but. Yeah. Right.
00;49;01;04 – 00;49;02;24
Yeah. Exactly.
00;49;02;24 – 00;49;04;06
So I said gone wrong.
00;49;04;06 – 00;49;06;27
Is that why you think that it got denied?
00;49;06;27 – 00;49;09;28
And he was like, you know,
people don’t have a sense of humor or
00;49;09;28 – 00;49;14;00
they don’t see that as weird
and wonderful or whatever.
00;49;14;00 – 00;49;16;09
But he’s like, it’s very possible.
00;49;16;09 – 00;49;18;20
But something magical happened
00;49;18;20 – 00;49;21;14
after I got denied.
00;49;21;14 – 00;49;23;07
Okay, okay, you’re ready for this?
00;49;23;07 – 00;49;25;01
Can’t wait. Somebody reached out to you?
00;49;25;01 – 00;49;26;20
Oh, no no no no.
00;49;26;20 – 00;49;29;04
But that would that’d be
that’d be par for the course. Yeah.
00;49;30;12 – 00;49;31;25
I have shed
00;49;31;25 – 00;49;34;24
the weight of giving a shit
00;49;35;21 – 00;49;36;16
about what?
00;49;36;16 – 00;49;39;16
People are welcome on
00;49;39;23 – 00;49;43;22
the Weird and Wonderful podcast. Wow.
00;49;43;22 – 00;49;44;14
It’s very freeing.
00;49;44;14 – 00;49;47;14
In fact, I might post it
00;49;47;14 – 00;49;50;29
one post every day for three months.
00;49;51;17 – 00;49;56;15
Because you’ve already rejected
my two best offers.
00;49;56;15 – 00;50;00;25
Now I feel absolutely intrigued
00;50;01;05 – 00;50;04;20
by what you think
is good enough for your audience.
00;50;05;19 – 00;50;08;29
So now these people get paid,
they’re becoming troll on. No.
00;50;09;00 – 00;50;10;11
You realize. No.
00;50;10;11 – 00;50;14;00
So that’s what you mean like then I heard
00;50;14;01 – 00;50;16;11
I have your next post
right here in my hand.
00;50;16;11 – 00;50;17;26
What the fuck is that.
00;50;17;26 – 00;50;18;10
What is that?
00;50;18;10 – 00;50;20;18
I’m going to bring it
in. Talk amongst yourselves.
00;50;20;18 – 00;50;22;06
Is that a back scratcher? It is.
00;50;22;06 – 00;50;24;01
I got it a garage
sale. I’m going to bring it out.
00;50;25;09 – 00;50;25;19
00;50;25;19 – 00;50;28;19
What other things was that scratching
00;50;28;29 – 00;50;29;22
00;50;29;22 – 00;50;31;08
I have a lot of questions.
00;50;31;08 – 00;50;32;28
Want me to grab your mouth
with it? Really?
00;50;32;28 – 00;50;34;05
Yeah, please.
00;50;34;05 – 00;50;35;06
How many buttcrack.
00;50;35;06 – 00;50;37;25
How many buttcrack says that seam?
00;50;37;25 – 00;50;39;17
Oh, my God, that’s huge.
00;50;39;17 – 00;50;42;16
That’s one hand. Look at this guy. What?
00;50;42;26 – 00;50;44;09
Okay. That thing.
00;50;44;09 – 00;50;49;14
Me, I fist bump his fist, but that.
00;50;49;24 – 00;50;52;24
That’s hilarious. Watch this. Got.
00;50;52;28 – 00;50;53;20
00;50;53;20 – 00;50;55;19
That’s like the fuck the hook.
00;50;55;19 – 00;50;56;22
Look at this thing.
00;50;56;22 – 00;50;57;10
Oh, wow.
00;50;57;10 – 00;50;58;19
Really fascinating.
00;50;58;19 – 00;51;00;19
Here with this extra the velvet.
00;51;00;19 – 00;51;02;10
It’s it’s like a king hand.
00;51;02;10 – 00;51;03;17
It sure is.
00;51;03;17 – 00;51;05;05
I kind of like that to pimp hand.
00;51;05;05 – 00;51;06;23
Oh that’s nice.
00;51;06;23 – 00;51;07;17
It’s got scratches.
00;51;07;17 – 00;51;10;17
A smaller hand on my shoulder.
00;51;10;22 – 00;51;13;22
So freaking weird, I can’t tell her
00;51;14;06 – 00;51;17;06
you is smelling it
00;51;17;14 – 00;51;18;18
00;51;18;18 – 00;51;19;13
You want to touch it?
00;51;19;13 – 00;51;22;01
No, no. It’s fingernail.
00;51;22;01 – 00;51;24;29
Are you. It’s. I can’t poop.
00;51;30;16 – 00;51;34;05
Off I can I creepy.
00;51;34;05 – 00;51;37;03
I used that yesterday to get a lens cap
that fell behind.
00;51;37;03 – 00;51;38;24
my equipment here. Do you want.
00;51;38;24 – 00;51;40;04
You want me to post it?
00;51;40;04 – 00;51;41;25
Yeah. See if. Yeah, it.
00;51;41;25 – 00;51;43;15
I would love to see what happens.
00;51;43;15 – 00;51;44;15
No no no no.
00;51;44;15 – 00;51;45;22
Definitely not. Shit.
00;51;45;22 – 00;51;48;08
Post it with you.
Whatever you have to say.
00;51;48;08 – 00;51;51;08
And then when his gets accepted.
00;51;51;10 – 00;51;52;04
yeah. Then.
00;51;52;04 – 00;51;54;12
Then we’re raging onshore.
00;51;54;12 – 00;51;57;12
Well, if you’re going to do that,
I should post the Elvis.
00;51;59;22 – 00;52;01;04
Maybe not the torso, I can.
00;52;01;04 – 00;52;03;06
I don’t even think I understand
why the torso.
00;52;03;06 – 00;52;06;12
No, the torso,
the torso, I can understand, but obviously
00;52;06;21 – 00;52;09;27
you can understand the torso
more than the weird.
00;52;09;28 – 00;52;13;04
Well, this doesn’t make any sense
to me at all, because that is, it doesn’t
00;52;13;04 – 00;52;16;12
matter what the moderator thinks
personally of Elvis.
00;52;16;23 – 00;52;19;16
That moderator
has to know that in the group,
00;52;19;16 – 00;52;23;25
because Elvis is known as the King of rock
and roll, there’s got to be some Elvis
00;52;23;25 – 00;52;28;05
fans in the group because, just based
on the population of the United States.
00;52;28;08 – 00;52;29;19
Yeah. Look on the Graceland.
00;52;29;19 – 00;52;33;20
Three millions upon millions of people
visit Graceland every year.
00;52;33;22 – 00;52;34;02
00;52;34;02 – 00;52;37;02
So you’re trying to tell me that
that Elvis is.
00;52;37;13 – 00;52;38;12
There’s something wrong with Elvis?
00;52;38;12 – 00;52;41;18
No, no, no, that’s not
that person had a problem with that.
00;52;41;23 – 00;52;43;08
With that lamp, for some rate.
00;52;43;08 – 00;52;48;10
This is great, because what this means is
that you can be in a community of people
00;52;48;10 – 00;52;52;09
who completely see and understand
and like, are on board with you,
00;52;52;14 – 00;52;55;28
and it still might not be good enough
for someone else’s standards.
00;52;56;04 – 00;52;56;15
00;52;56;15 – 00;52;59;15
And no one cares because I’m not kidding.
00;52;59;24 – 00;53;04;00
I have waged a war on weird
and wonderful everything.
00;53;04;00 – 00;53;07;02
I find that it all speaks to me. Boom.
00;53;07;02 – 00;53;10;02
Posted. Boom. Posted again. Yep. Me again.
00;53;10;09 – 00;53;13;02
When am I going to be good enough
for your paid?
00;53;13;02 – 00;53;16;22
And then when I get on, when they finally
accept me, you know what I’m doing?
00;53;17;08 – 00;53;19;29
Going to the comments section last time,
you know, I’m going to post
00;53;19;29 – 00;53;20;18
on the comments,
00;53;21;22 – 00;53;23;21
the lamp and the torso.
00;53;23;21 – 00;53;25;01
I’m going to include them on there.
00;53;25;01 – 00;53;26;23
And I’m going to say I wanted
these posted really bad
00;53;26;23 – 00;53;27;28
and they never got included in this.
00;53;27;28 – 00;53;29;17
And I’m
putting in the comments on the page
00;53;29;17 – 00;53;29;29
that I’m going
00;53;29;29 – 00;53;32;29
to get kicked out of the group,
and I won’t care because I waged the war,
00;53;33;08 – 00;53;36;11
I wanted to wage all of this.
00;53;36;25 – 00;53;39;25
It’s normal human behavior
and it’s completely fine
00;53;40;03 – 00;53;43;19
to feel these ways and to
then talk about it with your friends.
00;53;43;19 – 00;53;47;14
Oh God, I can’t
00;53;47;29 – 00;53;50;29
I can’t let you or your roommate.
00;53;52;10 – 00;53;55;19
And that folks
that’s a, that’s a rough ship.
00;53;55;19 – 00;53;56;21
00;53;56;21 – 00;54;01;24
You, you are so hoarse I loved that.
00;54;01;27 – 00;54;04;18
Me too. Isn’t empathy amazing.
00;54;04;18 – 00;54;08;06
Well we’re amazing I don’t know
about all that sympathy stuff.
00;54;08;12 – 00;54;09;17
That’s fine.
00;54;09;17 – 00;54;12;17
I accept you wherever you are.
00;54;12;17 – 00;54;15;17
Oh, God, I love you. I love you too.
00;54;16;01 – 00;54;20;00
And if you love us, please
like and subscribe to more Love
00;54;20;01 – 00;54;24;01
the Power of Empathy podcast
wherever you get your podcasts.
00;54;24;08 – 00;54;25;00
See you next time.

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