Episode 227- Jackie the Farting Bird

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Rebecca’s “cat call” is on point as she re-enacts her siamese cat Tyce’s morning alarm. Speaking of cats, what are the top three reels we would see if we stalked your FB and Instagram accounts? One of Erin’s top three is gym spotter videos and quite frankly, she doesn’t think we’re giving these folks enough credit. The girls keep things light this week and play The Empathy Game and talk about Rebecca’s passive aggressive encounters with “Jackie the Farting Bird”.

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;31;05
Hey, it’s me Erin. Thanks for joining us on the Moor Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;31;05 – 00;00;59;15
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what? Oh, life. Our life as best friends. Who are more like sisters. Yay! I love this, and I can’t wait to share our stories with the world. especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay. Why don’t you tell me what your cat sounds like sitting outside of your daughter’s door in the morning?
00;00;59;15 – 00;01;32;29
Every morning? 0000000. Mine does the same thing. So. Great, Still going? Sometimes a turkey got a turkey call. Oh, I can’t even do it. Oh, good. Oh, wow. Oh. It’s terrible. Yeah, just just real upset and terrible. Can you please tell the listeners why you think that Tice is doing this thing? So he has started to do this just last.
00;01;33;00 – 00;01;50;21
Well, it started this week because my husband now has to be at work at 530 in the morning. So he leaves at five and then normally Taylor and him would get up at the same time. And Taylor does not get up that early. So he’s afraid that Taylor’s going to miss the bus. So he stands outside just her door now.
00;01;50;21 – 00;02;05;29
So you’re starting. Cat’s afraid to. Taylor’s going to miss the bus. Yes, yes. And he howls and howls and howls and bangs on the door until she opens it. Yep. I’m not kidding. So we built it out, and I used to be the case that they would wake up at the same time. Correct. And Tice would not do that?
00;02;06;00 – 00;02;25;04
No, never. So now that Phillip’s up an hour early. Right. We’ve deduced straight through and scientific methods that it’s only because at 658, yeah, he is in my face doing the same thing. Okay. And then my alarm goes off and then he. Okay. And then when I open my eyes, he’s like, yeah. He’s like, you’re welcome. And then he goes over to her and starts banging on it.
00;02;25;09 – 00;02;46;10
Okay. I’m not joking, okay? He’s the alarm now. He can’t see worth a shit. No. Okay. So we can sense what time it is. Every single time I go over to her house. Because this this cat is a Siamese, and, it’s it’s cross-eyed, to say the least. To say the least. In fact, that’s going to be the cover of this.
00;02;46;13 – 00;03;10;17
This is a picture of Titus’s face. And, Mark likes to say he’s got blue eyes. One blue. Here are the other blue. They’re so. Oh, that’s a challenger joke. He he’s. Well, he’s a little so. So every time I go over and as soon as I see the cat, I always go, hey, tight, it’s me, buddy. All right.
00;03;10;17 – 00;03;29;26
Over here. All right, over here. Right here, buddy, over here. Can you see me? It’s me. Wrangle time in the girls. Don’t flinch at all anymore. No, they’re just like. Like sometimes they move his head. Sometimes he can’t see a darn thing. I know, I know, boy, that. Do you remember what happened to him? His and Covid? Oh, yeah.
00;03;29;26 – 00;03;43;03
When he got the sequence stuck in his eye. Like, I think I got that. I know one of the one of the show that was him. Yeah. Which didn’t help. No, it’s certainly not the same thing about eyes. So I can look at it. I know I didn’t put face time. Didn’t keep you from calling me on the way there.
00;03;43;03 – 00;04;02;05
Todd. You got to say, got on his eye. I’m like, he’s just like a color contact. It’s okay. It’s all right. Eye color. What’s that? Face down, Phillip? I’m like, can you look at this? I can’t I can’t look at it. I said, cat alarm. Cat alarm Cadillac. No, seriously it is. I’m going to take a video of it tomorrow.
00;04;02;06 – 00;04;21;21
Yeah, I’m going to show you. Good. Yes, we do need that. Thank you. I didn’t appreciate that. Yeah. Remember, he’s so blind that he can’t even lick water of in his bowl. Yes. He has to dip his hands and fingers and his paws. He supports this puppy right in the water. And then, like water, then it. In his paws.
00;04;21;23 – 00;04;46;29
There it is. What’s. Oh my God, you know what I was thinking today? Scott, this is a question for you, too. So, you know, algorithms are what they are in social media. But once you start watching certain things. So remember, for the longest time I had the alligator or crocodile videos. Yeah. If I was to open both of your Facebooks right now for your Instagram, what would be the top three things that I would watch videos on?
00;04;47;01 – 00;05;13;11
Oh, that’s a good I one. For me it would be airplanes, sharks and scantily clad women. Oh okay okay. And honestly, in that order I know what the order changes. It varies, but it’s usually either some kind of World War Two thing or sharks or something nature, and then random women who are dancing in their skivvies.
00;05;13;16 – 00;05;34;10
Oh. And what? Why that one? I don’t know, you’re just like, wow. I stopped to pause and watch that a little bit too much. I mean, I don’t know why I don’t know. It’s not like it’s something that I frequently watch, but just as bear there. Oh yeah. Okay. And sometimes actually quite recently I was getting like these, these porn, ads.
00;05;34;15 – 00;05;56;03
Oh like really explicit ads on the social media and social media and do like, it was like for penis enlargements. And one of them was for a dildo. And what the hell? God. Well, you must listen to you talk. And you, you don’t need your wife. Hey hey hey hey hey. Yeah.
00;05;56;05 – 00;06;18;23
Maybe we’ll do a double cider. Nude. Now we’re going to go home. It’s going to be hard. I know, I know, now all of a sudden that’s my real name, right? Yep, yep. Mine is, financial advice. Okay. I work for a finance company. Yes. I’m constantly. Okay. weight loss. Okay. And cooking. Okay. Well, I watched those last tour.
00;06;18;23 – 00;06;42;20
A little tail counter into it. I watch these moms constantly make dinners at home. Oh, oh, and and, dry erase marker writing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I’m sorry. That’s my Asmr. Yeah, yeah. Yes. And you were saying that it’s like the menu boards at certain places. I gotta love that I love it, I love it. It’s mostly with the chalk markers.
00;06;42;20 – 00;06;59;02
The other day I watched this guy use a, you know, those foam paint brushes. You know, I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, he did this whole gorgeous name in calligraphy with a foam brush. And I’m like, remember? That’s hard. Remember when we went to take that clay, that calligraphy class and I. I gave up after 30s like, fuck that shit.
00;06;59;02 – 00;07;25;21
Yeah. This is so stupid. I just saw a video of an elephant painting, and it was a movie with their trunks. Yeah, it was amazing. Oh, it’s so silly. Very painted. Better than I can, but what mine be so for sure, one of mine right now would be talking parrots. I am real big into watching videos about different birds and how their little whistles, sound like certain things.
00;07;25;21 – 00;07;42;05
Oh, it’s funny, because I when we were just watching that too. You work. Did you sing because all of our birds died? Oh. Something’s wrong. I think you have a carbon monoxide issue in your house. Scott makes me very nervous. Remember when the hamster died and it got thrown right in the trash? I think two died. The angel.
00;07;42;08 – 00;08;05;00
The birds didn’t die because of carbon monoxide. Why did they die? Because my son fed them too much. Because it hasn’t changed their food. Yeah, he tried to. He tried to start, feeding them. He did a lot of research and tried to start feeding them. Like what? The healthy things. Like. He found out that if you give them the wrong kind of seeds, they’re like in a, in a type of fat that they shouldn’t have and all this kind of stuff.
00;08;05;00 – 00;08;36;05
So he started cutting up vegetables and, and like, quinoa and stuff like that, really healthy stuff. And they died. I feel good in it. Ironic, don’t you think? It’s unfortunate. It’s like birds don’t put that in my head. But food and then dying because it didn’t like carrot rice. Four days. Four days. That damn song. Well, let’s, let’s say we got some other songs I know we could sing for you.
00;08;36;05 – 00;08;55;11
So I talking birds is one of my sweet. This one really big. This morning one came on and he’s saying, baking pan gets bacon pancakes. Oh, he was singing it. He sang it over and over and over. Because Gibbs is one of the ones that I watch. Okay, smile. He’s really excellent because he usually responds to the actual conversation.
00;08;55;16 – 00;09;12;20
Right. So the mom will say something and he’ll say, I don’t like that. And then she’ll say, well, you know, what are we doing today is like going to the store, you know, like it will respond like like interaction. Yeah, I love that. I like the birds curse. There’s oh yeah. Yeah. We watch the stuff. Yeah. We watch those at night before bed.
00;09;12;21 – 00;09;35;13
Yeah. Because we really love those. Yeah. So then there’s this other bird that sings. And so his owners are always strumming the guitar and like their act, they actually like, do music. And he’s like, oh, all the time. And he, like, sings along with it. So I love that one. Love it. But my favorite one is this beautiful blue bird.
00;09;35;13 – 00;09;56;07
I’ve only heard him referred to as the wet chicken. I referred to him as that, but he’s always like, I love you. And then she’ll say, I love you too. And he’s like, what are you doing? What are you doing? And he just is so, oh my God, we should baby, we should baby. Oh so sweet. So I send these things to Nina all the time.
00;09;56;07 – 00;10;13;15
She’s like, I need you to stop and you just stop sending me parrot videos. Yeah, I said no. Maybe keep watching them because they’re really excellent. So three, three. Thanks for cats. Yeah. Number one. Yeah. The other day I saw somebody in Webster post a tree. Oh. And then circled at the top. And when you zoom in, it was a parrot.
00;10;13;18 – 00;10;38;04
Like someone lose their pet. Oh, no. Number one. Number two. Do you remember when we were driving? Oh, yeah. Over by the Walmart. By my house? Yes. And someone was walking. Walking down the street. Yep yep yep. Absolutely. That definitely happened. And then number three, do you remember the court case where the woman, the guy killed his wife and the parent witness it, and they used the parrot and the parrot was in the testimony?
00;10;38;07 – 00;11;00;05
Oh yeah, I remember that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That sucks. I mean, that’s that’s yeah. If you’re if you gonna kill someone, don’t do it in front of a parrot. You sometimes don’t do it. If you just see it. Oh yeah. Right. But you know what? It’s going to court my. Oh, he just can’t see. She didn’t see anything.
00;11;00;08 – 00;11;29;28
So the other thing that would come up for me and this is fascinating. You guys need to watch this. I don’t know why this shows up in my algorithms, but it’s spotters for gymnasts. Yeah, it’s been coming up in mine. What? Yeah, these these people are second to God. Yeah. I don’t think we’ve really given them enough, you know, accolades in life because these people anticipation, catching whatever flip is happening and they know talk about it.
00;11;30;00 – 00;11;50;08
But if you are not in the right rotation at the right time and then they’re like, boom in that matter with their hand or whatever. Yeah, I know it’s crazy. So that’s not I think the reason that came up for me was because when I was on the last flight I was on a couple weeks ago, I watched the Harry Potter, oh, double.
00;11;50;16 – 00;12;11;06
Oh, his his stunt double or stunt man? Okay. Became paralyzed. Oh, no. Oh, it is the saddest documentary. It is the saddest. This is a video. This is like a movie. Oh, yes. Oh, no, I know how I got to watch. Yes. So what was his stunt double? And he. He was probably the best in the business, starting at like nine years old.
00;12;11;09 – 00;12;39;19
And he was like a superior gymnast. And then the whole Harry Potter thing came out, but he was quite a bit older than Radcliffe, whatever his name is. Yeah, but but he was the real Harry. Yes, but because he was small, they formed this relationship and he was such a mentor, blah, blah blah. But he was doing like, legit crazy ass stunts, and I think it was the last movie they were getting ready to film it and they a stunt went wrong and he broke his neck.
00;12;39;19 – 00;13;00;09
No. Did he have insurance. I mean there isn’t a Hollywood movie I would think so. That’s one of those times where you like there’s this cue in hey you’re right, it’s this I’m dead. I should have said that. I’m like I don’t fucking know. But the reason I didn’t, the reason I paused was because it was a documentary that you would think that I would know that, yeah.
00;13;00;09 – 00;13;21;02
Right. This wasn’t a situation where someone just shared BS, right? You have a bunch of information. I know I got one piece of information. You know, that’s why you can’t share stories with me. Because I’m like, I have a lot, but now you need to watch this. I’m going to. Once I just I wish I had some witty title to throw right off the top of my head right now, and I don’t, I don’t, I’ll look it up, I’ll look it up.
00;13;21;06 – 00;13;54;01
But it was really great. And then, text magic to watch. Yeah. Oh, what’s the spell for? I don’t, I, I also have plagiarism. Paralysis. Yes. Oh. What’s fun? It’s really sad. Probably. Yes. He, Yeah. And so he’s either. I believe it’s present day. They were in Radcliffe, came and talked to him, and like, I mean, it changed his genius his whole life, and and, isn’t there some part of you, if you are the actual Harry Potter that feels bad about that?
00;13;54;08 – 00;14;19;16
Here’s here’s what it was. Here’s the stunt person I met this other kid and kind of trained him. And so he became somebody else’s stunt. And when this guy got hurt, he took over and he had to go to therapy. He’s like, I can’t take over my best friend who’s now paralyzed job, and Harry Potter while doing a stunt or it was a hot Potter stunt.
00;14;19;16 – 00;14;48;26
Yes. Oh, no. Yeah. And I feel bad if I had to take over your shit. So let’s say you got paralyzed, and then. Then they call me and my. For what? I feel bad about that. A schedule the podcast. Oh, I don’t you. Yeah. There’s pretty much. Oh I pretty much anything I we need someone to show up 30 minutes late and you hear it and you’re in and like, I can’t do it.
00;14;48;26 – 00;15;07;09
I can’t do it, I can’t I am I, I can’t do I can’t fulfill her wishes. But it was really it was really, the whole talk about empathy, like you just heard, heard this whole guy’s story. And then he became, I mean, Harry Potter is like the most famous thing in the world, right? And then not only that, but there’s like seven.
00;15;07;12 – 00;15;27;17
Oh, yeah, movies. And it was all legit stunts, like. Yeah. So I don’t know, you should watch it. It was really. Well, it was really moving and sad and but what’s the worst part is, because it’s an injury, it’s progressively getting worse. So even though he does therapies and stuff, he now can’t feel his arms. Oh, my God.
00;15;27;17 – 00;15;44;23
He you know, he used to be able to it used to just be like the waist down. Now it’s going up pretty soon. It’ll pretty soon it’ll kill him because oh he won’t be able to breathe. Yeah. It’s just a matter of time. What? That escalated real quickly, I don’t know. Oh my gosh. You know, this is like that’s horrendous.
00;15;44;23 – 00;16;05;13
And I was watching these reels. So he’s a gymnast. That’s what made me think of it. Do these things. But gymnast. That’s right. It’s a risky I know sport just like football giants are a scam spotter spotters. Well somewhere they’re incredible. Back of their mind. They know that this is all a possibility. It’s I think he said that.
00;16;05;15 – 00;16;25;00
He said in his interview. He’s like, I fully walked on that set knowing every day I could die. I could be injured. He’s like, I knew this high risk, high reward, right. And he he said it just I was the one. And the other part is the guy who was his costar, who ended up taking over from. He was supposed to be in the harness at that time.
00;16;25;14 – 00;16;43;21
and then he wasn’t. And the other guy was. Oh, yeah. It was like one of those things where they he was all harnessed up, and then they yanked it back into the wall. Yeah. And he broke his neck. yeah. That is some survivor guilt right there. I mean, oh, that guy next, he’s got next level.
00;16;43;23 – 00;17;08;00
What’s up? What’s up? Scott? Oh, my God, this isn’t a podcast where you just randomly walk into the set and have us not talk about it. I got to talk about it because it didn’t expect that. Your head is in her shots right here. Oh, yeah. In Michigan in there. Leading in there. 000. Listen, I was thinking the other day, we’ve not done a lot of your hippie lately.
00;17;08;00 – 00;17;22;16
I know, and I like to make some time for that for you today, because I know that it’s important to you. You know, it’s really funny that you say that again. You’re freaking, which I called you. My intent was to leave earlier because my throat was hurting. Yeah, right. And I was going to go to the target. Okay.
00;17;22;18 – 00;17;35;21
To get some cough drops. Yeah. So got you cough drops. You did? Yeah. Because you decided that you needed another one. You told me that you didn’t have. Do you need cough? We have some here now. I got her some. But what was the warning I gave you about the fact that they’re sugar free? And I said my pants.
00;17;35;23 – 00;17;55;19
Right. Don’t eat a lot because you’re going to shit your pants. But I called you this morning because I needed the diagnosis, and now the allergy pill feels like it’s helping. Thank you, I appreciate that. I’m Doctor Halligan. If anybody ever has any, any issue, you just tell me. It doesn’t matter. Hair flip. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Now I will say my throat isn’t feeling much better, but okay.
00;17;55;21 – 00;18;15;05
The crap going down. That’s right. Yeah, it’s going to be a healing journey. Sore throat. so I guess I’ve done a spell. Let you know that. That’s all. I mean. Yeah. So as I’m, thinking about going to the targets to get the cough drops, I think I’m going to get a magic eight ball. Oh, okay. And I would have wanted to do a whole show on the magic eight.
00;18;15;06 – 00;18;33;06
I don’t doubt it. Did I have enough time. No. You didn’t even go to target. No. But if I did and then I was late, you mother uppers were going to give me some shit right. That’s correct. And so instead Scott she got here early and then she said I got to go in because I got to make sure that I’m there early, like I’m here early.
00;18;33;06 – 00;18;50;04
I have to actually go in to show Scott that it’s possible because. Good for you. Because last time you gave me shit and I was in the parking lot waiting for your ass. Yeah, I happen to be late, right? Anyway. Right. do you know what an eight ball is? I know I’m one of those. What’s an A-plus?
00;18;50;06 – 00;19;07;26
It’s like when you when you. When you do coke and then heroin. Oh, I don’t know. Drugs. Yeah. Did you get my reference when I just snuffed my nose when you did that? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I did not know it was called that. Yeah. That’s okay. The magic not that kind. They don’t sell those at target. I know, I know, I worked with eyes before.
00;19;07;26 – 00;19;27;17
Who did magic? Eight balls. Oh, boy. Yeah. Can you imagine? I can’t I can’t even handle marijuana. I’ve never done marijuana. It scares me. You haven’t done the pot? No, I never no, never done the pot or the gummies or the any of that. Can’t can’t handle it. I sure as shit can’t know. Coke and heroin and all those things.
00;19;27;18 – 00;19;50;04
Nothing can give me one of those ones where you like LSD, like a hallucinogen. I did watch an, ayahuasca documentary the other day. that. That’s all drinking. You’ve done ayahuasca? No, I don’t know what that is. That’s. It’s a ritual. Where do you hallucinate now? You’ve done all that. You’ve done all those nations I’ve done. I’ve done a lot of hallucination and hallucinatory.
00;19;50;05 – 00;20;11;07
Hallucinatory in a therapy setting. Her in a recreation setting. Recreation, not therapy. Oh, when I did that, that wasn’t a thing. You did. What? What did you do on LSD? I’ve done mushrooms. What is this? This was in the 90s. This is. Yeah. He’s a lot older than us. Guy in the 90s. We were singing on the plane.
00;20;11;13 – 00;20;33;03
Not I did not see, I have to say this was not. It was tripping balls going to the little blond girls on the playground. Oh, it is not safe in here to unlock some of your new some of the LSD whatevers that are going on. I would tell people not to do it. Yeah. Why? Because it’s scary.
00;20;33;03 – 00;20;52;08
Shit. Yes. I don’t know, thank of you guys enough to be with me during that time too. Especially you two. I hear you over here. Be like, tell her that story. Tell her that since I feel like. No, leave her alone. She’s having a bad trip. No one’s saving me. I’m, like, freaking out of my mind. That happened to me.
00;20;52;10 – 00;21;12;14
We were. We were in the midst of this trip, and we were hanging out in our warehouse space where we practiced our band. Oh, wait a minute. You mean a trip of the drugs? Yeah. Okay. What else are we talking about? I don’t know if you’re on vacation. All right? You’re still. We’re on tour with the band. He’s just a he’s like, he was our trip, right?
00;21;12;15 – 00;21;27;29
Assume they did you a little bit. I was doing my best to follow. And then you threw me right off. And then I thought, well, maybe they were on vacation because I’m very literal, I don’t know. Okay. Okay. So you guys were messing with us because they knew the road tripping. Oh, and so we’re in there and they’re going, no.
00;21;27;29 – 00;21;50;02
Oh. And we look at a there’s what’s the matter? And it was like because they would think you would think of as BS. No. Because they knew it would be. It would just freak us out. Oh just this always I don’t like that. I know, like, oh, you don’t when I’m out of you, but when I’m on vacation, I know what I, I, I like just a normal beach vacation place.
00;21;50;04 – 00;22;11;27
I’m not interested in those trips to the beach to listen to Orange Beach and Davie, Florida. Speaking of, do you see what’s in front of you? Can you hold that up? Which one? Your chapstick. Listen to me. Do you see this, Scott? Every time I see it, I think it’s a mini vibrator. I think she has herself a pause vibe.
00;22;11;28 – 00;22;30;21
I mean, it could be. Feel that. No. Feel it. Feel the beach. Now. I can feel it every time I see that it’s not a vibrator. Speaking of, every time I see it, I’m like, why is that here? This is not. I’m in pain. There’s been times that I’ve seen it like I had a video capture of us because you’ve had it on the show before.
00;22;30;21 – 00;22;48;09
Yeah. And all I can see is your mini pause vibrator right there. I. And I’m released. And then when you open it up and put it on your lips, I’m all like, fine, like fast. All right. Anyway, your hippie ville. I really wanted to make some time for your hippie view, because I feel like we’ve not done that in a lot of episodes, and I know that that’s important to you.
00;22;48;09 – 00;23;03;00
So I wanted you to feel seen. So it’s funny that you again. So I wanted to go get the magic eight ball because my I keep forgetting to replace my pendulum. And I was thinking the broke. Yeah. The the thing keeps coming up. And so I thought on the way, you know, because of course we never have a plan.
00;23;03;00 – 00;23;22;20
So I’m like, why don’t we just do this whole thing, right, I never have yeah, let’s let’s ask the pendulum questions today. But it’s broken okay. Yeah okay. So maybe next week we’ll do I’ll order a new one, but okay I mean I have one that you me now. Oh. But I have one at home. I can bring it and we just make one a pendulum.
00;23;22;23 – 00;23;41;07
And I know it’s legit. It’s not like one of those things in school, Scott, where you like to do, do you call a cootie catcher a little like. You know what I’m talking about? Yeah, you still will. Aaron, say no to me when I ask her, right. That’s right. Right. Let’s remember mash up mash mansion, attic, shack or house?
00;23;41;10 – 00;24;10;20
No, not attic apartment. Well, the attic currently lives in an ad, y’all in Albany, a little different. Whoa. What are you just. You don’t you? I am frantic anyway. Jesus, I want it. We played basement cave shack, you know, basement basement cave shack or dungeon? Dungeon, Oh, why am I holding my coffee like that? Awkward. Oh. Do you, while this being a mess.
00;24;11;01 – 00;24;33;14
you would track that? I know that’s what I felt like. Hey, speaking of Mash, that. Remember the other day we were talking about how I would behave on the school bus? You know, when I read the book. Oh, my God. So we have a new. We are. Oh, my God, you’re talking about that, Scott. We have a new not want to tell you about that.
00;24;33;16 – 00;24;51;02
We have a new way to tell you about this that I had never heard this story before. And this baby came right out. What the heck were we talking about? We were talking about it in the bus, riding the bus and how. Oh, because I posted on the Facebook page about the man who made her his daughter. Oh, yeah.
00;24;51;06 – 00;25;10;10
He got in trouble. Walk, right? Yeah. And was that a reasonable punishment? Which then led us to a conversation about, oh, the bus was a whole lot different when we were riding the bus with no seatbelts. Oh, yeah. And then also, the bus driver would be like, if I hear one peep out at you, you’re coming in tomorrow with full on assigned seat, right?
00;25;10;13 – 00;25;31;27
Someone would peep. Inevitably you got caught in and there’s door decks. Yep. On everybody. See, that is like a picture of, like, a skull and some crossbones with your name on it. And like, that’s who you’re sitting with the rest of the rest of the year. You keep your hands to yourself. Matter. And so I told her my bus drivers name was Mrs. Moon, and she would the minute we got out of the bus, she’d be like, you go to your cage.
00;25;32;03 – 00;25;46;24
Yeah. And then we. Yeah, we sit at the gate and she forced me this next to this one girl that I could not stand. But then wait. This is my favorite part. Got. So she’s like, I had to sit next to this one girl that I couldn’t stand. And what was it that you couldn’t stand about her? I just didn’t like her.
00;25;46;25 – 00;26;03;28
Oh, something about her. Rebecca. I just didn’t like her. She didn’t like her at all. I didn’t want to be near her. I didn’t like being, I didn’t why I don’t why did you get to know her? I mean, yeah, she’s my class and I’m like her, but less than Scott. So just completely out of the blue, like she’s telling this story.
00;26;03;28 – 00;26;25;05
And I fully did not expect what she said next. And I spit my coffee out in my office, so I’m like, okay, so, you know, so you didn’t like this girl? And then you said what I said, so I got so frustrated because, you know, again, you don’t talk back. You don’t talk back to anybody, you don’t get in trouble, you don’t do any of that.
00;26;25;05 – 00;26;43;02
So I would go home after school and I would go on to my swingset. So it was a metal swing set, you know, those metal ones with the with the two swings and the teeter totter, but then some. If you were rich. Definitely me. I, I had those. It was like a basket. I don’t know how to put it.
00;26;43;02 – 00;26;59;13
It was two seats with the, with the seat art, with the flat foot thing in the middle. And you would get rocking. You’d get going back and forth. And then if you were really lucky, you’d get all your friends on it and get going. Yeah. And no one thought to anchor the, the whole playground. So. Yeah. So I’m saying yeah.
00;26;59;16 – 00;27;15;19
Oh yeah. Yeah. Frightful things about the test. So I would go over onto that and I would put together a whole bunch of, printer paper from my mom’s office. In fact, it was the kind that was, with the tabs that you had that you had the tabs dot matrix. Yeah. I mean, it would like an accordion fan.
00;27;15;21 – 00;27;39;23
Yeah. And I created a whole book about this girl series scholar. I named her Jackie the farting Bird. And I created all these stories about this girl that I did not like. And then did I casually bring it on the bus one day? Sure, it sure did. Sure did she read a whole book series called Jackie the Farting bird Shirted?
00;27;39;28 – 00;28;00;16
And it was all like the passive aggressive nastiness that she couldn’t address with Jackie herself. And she couldn’t tell Mrs. Moon that she didn’t like Jackie. But she made this whole book series about all the things Jackie Bird did. Yep. And Jackie the farting bird was the girl that she was sure was first thing and says to me, did your mom ever keep your artwork and stuff?
00;28;00;16 – 00;28;16;20
I’m like, sure did. She’s got a whole thing in the basement. She’s like, do you think she has my book? Yep, not my mom. You said my mom’s probably five, and she probably was like, you need to apologize if you’re so nifty. No, but then did did we of course, turn that into a business venture? Are you sure?
00;28;16;22 – 00;28;37;01
So what we’re doing, Scott, is if you’re subscribed to even More Love. Yep. You’re going to see one of the Aaron and Rebecca out and about around town. Is both of us with a bin full of random stuff. We do not know what’s in there from our time, from our childhood. And we’re going to go through look at Scott’s face, we’re going to go through and we’re going to be like, oop, let’s talk about this.
00;28;37;01 – 00;28;58;09
Right. And like randomly it could be report cards from school. It could be there’s gonna be the first card. It’s going to be so telling of our personalities. Oh this is Aaron’s Aaron’s comments on a report card. She’s so wonderful. She’s such a pleasure. She includes everyone. Here’s Rebecca’s can’t sit still. Talks, talks too much. Bosses. Everyone around.
00;28;58;13 – 00;29;19;00
Doesn’t pay attention to her difficulty staying on task. At one one of my dance recital videos, this girl wasn’t doing what she was supposed to do, so I just went on stage and kicked her. I’m like, why aren’t you doing it correctly? So we are absolute girls like you in elementary school. Listen, listen. Everybody had everybody had a Rebecca.
00;29;19;06 – 00;29;50;20
Everybody had a camp. No, I did not get in trouble. No, I wasn’t a troublemaker. Right. Because you, like, made it look like someone else did it and they got in trouble. No, I was just bored. I’m like, this is stupid. Why? I don’t, you know, I remember my mom was saying, no, not smart. My mom and tune my mom and my mom would say that she would pick me up from nursery school, and it would be after naptime, and they’d have to go to a separate room to get me, because I would, I would whoever was next to me laying on the mat trying to take a nap, I would just talk to.
00;29;50;22 – 00;30;08;13
Yeah. So I had to be not in the room. Not surprised. Yeah that surprised that off. So that’s going to be an upcoming out and about around town. That’s what we call those out and about around town videos which aren’t always out and about around town. Sometimes it’s just like we’re going to do some TikTok challenges. Yeah, we’re going to do some of that back.
00;30;08;13 – 00;30;27;21
Has got some TikTok challenges that we have. I sure do. So they’re gonna be on over to Super Cast Out even more love don’t do their time Pod one because I mean oh no, not no, but not once. That one’s probably not. Is not stupid. What? No no no no, not at all. Race one every week of some ridiculous thing that kids are doing on TikTok.
00;30;27;21 – 00;30;49;16
Oh, well, they’re dumb. No, we’re doing adult challenges. Oh, okay. Right, right. How to organize your bedroom. Oh, we do like 25 minutes. Oh, we do like that. Well, I don’t I’m not sure you’re a huge fan of that one. No I do I like that it depends on your mood for that day. Because if you’re in the mood and you really want to be doing it, then you’re all in for about 35 minutes and then you’re over it, right?
00;30;49;18 – 00;31;12;08
But if you’re not in it, then you just want to sit on the couch and drink your coffee while I’m in your room, right? Reorganizing all of your stuff. My favorite is right. Favorite is whenever we go away together. You’re on the one side. I’m on the other side. My gosh, like clutch. The very first thing I do when I get in there, she walks in and she’s got to find that little, that little stool luggage holder, luggage holder, and she’s got to put all of her luggage out.
00;31;12;08 – 00;31;28;28
Then she opens it up right into the bathroom, sets up all our shit all over the place, which was really helpful for me because I usually don’t bring a whole I just rehearse. That’s correct. Then a sack, then she gets all of her, you know, clothes out and organizes deals or whatever. What do I do? I don’t know, it’s like a hurricane happens.
00;31;29;00 – 00;31;47;11
I’m pretty sure you just throw your stuff down on the ground and then jump on the bed, lay on it, get under the covers, say, oh, these are so nice, and then turn on the TV. I was like, everybody, whenever we we inevitably we’ll go out to dinner, we’ll walk back in from dinner. There’s my side is all like I’m part of a military base training.
00;31;47;12 – 00;32;13;22
That’s right. And yours is just ever. Oh, there’s hair like I’m talking literally times like my weave in your back everywhere. Yeah, it they’re like shoes everywhere. And I will inevitably be like, oh great. Rebecca’s here. I see what’s happened here. It’s it doesn’t, it’s, every time you ever text a media. Every single time. In fact, one time, you even let me have the luggage holder because I happen to be on my side of the room.
00;32;13;22 – 00;32;31;25
God forbid you move it. I did let you have the luggage. Hold on. Use. What did you do instead? Put your luggage on the floor. Yep, yep. You put it on the damn floor, I, I don’t not using that. And you’re like, no, why would I use that? Oh I don’t know. Because it’s for your suitcase. Give it to me.
00;32;31;28 – 00;32;53;00
So I took it anyway. All right. I not always hot. I’m serious. Hit us with a hippie ville. Have we had this one? No, but it’s very bright. It’s very bright sun. Hot pink. Looks like there’s some pot leaves. The sun. Oh, those are some leaves. Yeah. You want to read it? Because this one’s a hard one. And because you just said your eyes are shot.
00;32;53;02 – 00;33;23;15
Okay. What’s this called? The sun comes. The sun. Do you do do do. Oh, the sun, the glorious sun. Dust off the deck. Chairs and find a lanai. The sun just rolled up with a thousand beam entourage. This card is a metaphysical summer’s day. And signal success. Wealth. Radiance. Energy. Unlimited positive harmonic encouragement from the universe. You know, the usual.
00;33;23;18 – 00;33;47;12
But enough talk about sunshine. Time to get out there and enjoy its rainbow droppings. Yeah, so that you can have some real life radiance to talk about later. Here’s your here’s your words. Whatever you call those at the end advice or affirmations in the unconditional positivity that shines on me now and use it to energize all of my endeavors.
00;33;47;19 – 00;34;19;07
How’s that for a renewable resource? I’m. I’m calling in my life. I’m calling in my crystal. I’m feeling the warmth through my soul. Yeah, that this one is a little too much for me, you know, a little too positive. Here’s the deal. That’s great. What’s interesting to me is we shuffle these cards, we do all the things. Yeah, I feel like we pulled the same shit over and over.
00;34;19;08 – 00;34;41;00
There’s, like, 100 cards in here. why? We we didn’t. We’ve never pulled that one before. I don’t I feel like we have. It’s never we’ve never been that happy before. And one joyous place. It’s incredible. And I, you know, I gotta get another coughed up. Oh, God. Okay, I need a little careful. Careful there. Real careful. Do you say I wear my evil eye?
00;34;41;02 – 00;34;56;21
I do. Did I get that for you? No. Are you sure? Yeah. Oh, I got you the the bracelet. That’s my favorite with the rainbow. I know I love that so much. I hate to break it to you, but some of them are missing. Yeah, they’re in Sawyer’s room. Nope. She took them to school and sold them.
00;34;56;21 – 00;35;20;07
Good. That’s good. Because I didn’t pay ridiculous amounts of money for someone to hand. Make those for you and I said, where are my evil eyes? And she just looked at me. I can’t wait. Your daughter sold something cheap. She likely bartered it. Well, I have a ton of jewelry and my, in her mind, if it’s not worn in her time period, it’s up for grabs.
00;35;22;04 – 00;35;37;21
Until I want that I went to. No I hid my good one. The really good. What I love because I’m afraid that she’s going to take it. I originally thought she took it to wear them because she does wear them sometimes. And Maguire. though she’s like what do you mean you don’t wear them anymore?
00;35;37;23 – 00;36;07;05
No. I said, what? so this is what you need to follow that up with. I sent an air and a picture of these, and she happened to know someone from high school whose daughter made jewelry. so Aunt Erin went out to Jo-Ann fabrics and purchased individually every single one of the beads that this woman needed to make those exact bracelet types, and ordered the special rainbow evil eye off of Etsy.
00;36;07;07 – 00;36;40;21
After paying basically her mortgage amount in beads from Joanne Fabrics, she then sent it to her friend from high school’s daughter, who then had to be paid to make them individually for me. Send them back so that then Aaron could spend money on wrapping them to give to me for some special occasion, only for you to turn around, take it in your sweaty palm hand and give it to some random ass ten year old who doesn’t even care in exchange for probably some hockey.
00;36;40;24 – 00;37;02;19
One of those bonus dolls whose head smells like, you know, strawberry shortcake. Stupid dolls. You know what I’m talking about? I don’t know, so good for you. So I thank you. You’re pissed. Good. That’s good. I’ll start with that. What you got in front of you? There? Open it. Like today. We’re going to play a game already. Scott, I don’t know if this is light.
00;37;02;21 – 00;37;25;18
Oh, well. Okay. Well, let’s see you ready Scott in it in to win it today. let’s do it. Okay. It’s called the, the Empathy game, a card game that brings people together. And it’s developed by a child psychologist. Okay, well, we need that. If you could please keep, having that, cough drawing up. Get your teeth into the milk.
00;37;25;21 – 00;37;49;11
It’d be really great. It’s coming. It’s coming out of my mouth. All right, we have we have three favorite we have here recently. We have three categories. Okay. Talking without words, values or emotions would you like a pile? Actually, Scott, you need to come in here and get one pile. There’s three piles per person. I mean three piles, one per person, three piles, one per person do.
00;37;49;12 – 00;38;07;10
And then we’re going to we’re going to rotate. You absolutely need the emotion one. You do. Yeah I’m the only one who can ask those cards. The rest of you are going to just keep sorting through. I’m like, it’s no big deal, Scott. Do you care? What are the two? What I okay, it doesn’t matter. Minor values. well, that sounds right.
00;38;07;10 – 00;38;27;08
Okay. I’m. I’m not kidding about that. I’m sorry, I can’t I can’t tie I’m sorry that your throat hurts, but I’m about to throw someone’s head through a wall. It’s incredible. All right, listen, okay? I don’t really know how to play this, so we’re just gonna make it up, okay? All right, we’re gonna wait. It was a question, and we’re going to get our sponsors.
00;38;27;08 – 00;38;55;01
Because mine has something to do with a crystal ball. We need. We need, Scott, get in the bubble, and, let me climb in there. It’s okay. Good. If you had a crystal ball, how do you think that you would see yourself a happier next year? Be more stressed next year. See more successful next year or d getting a great reward.
00;38;55;04 – 00;39;16;13
If you had a crystal ball how do you think that you would see yourself happier next year, more stressed next year more successful next year or getting a great reward? Hey, happier next year? Scott oh yeah a really oh you guys.
00;39;16;16 – 00;39;43;14
Might see which is getting an award. Yeah, yeah. More successful. Even more successful. Oh, that’s if my YouTubes are any indication, we’re going places in 2025. That’s right, girls, that’s like, even more successful. Congratulations. All right, my turn. which of these would you most like to change about yourself? Hey, be more considerate to others. B, stand up for yourself more often.
00;39;43;16 – 00;40;08;06
C spend less time watching TV. Or d read more books. let me read them again. No. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Which would you like to change about yourself? Okay. Be more considerate to other people. Stand up for yourself more. Spend less time watching TV or read more books. This is easy for me. It’s D, but it’s not read.
00;40;08;06 – 00;40;27;15
It’s listen to. Oh, okay. Yeah. And, we are the library and the Libby system. Okay. I want to rent more books and listen to more books. Okay, Scott, I already listen to a shitload, so I would have to say, b stand up for yourself. Yeah, that’s me too. Oh, I love that for you guys. And I think that’s so spot on.
00;40;27;15 – 00;40;54;11
Yeah, for both of you. Next time you yell at me, I’m gonna yell right back. Yeah. And then I know that I’m going to yell back again, and then you’re going to cry, and then there’s the end of that. that’s just how it goes. All right, well, but that’s a good one. And let’s remember that, because for our next podcast, I have on topic to talk about something that came up for you, Scott, in the how do we not give our power away to other people in a certain situation that happen with Scott?
00;40;54;11 – 00;41;12;29
So that will be for next time. Oh, it’s Scott’s turn. Okay. There’s there’s four options happy, disgusted, bored or frightened. And I think I’m supposed to read the sentence in one of those emotions. Gretchen, you’re supposed to guess what it is. Correct. All right, take a different card. So. And we’ll do it again. Oh, fuck that card. Okay.
00;41;13;00 – 00;41;38;27
Angry. Nailed it. Thank you, thank you. Therapist. Okay, We’re ready, we’re ready. Eager, sir. Hard. Oh! Stop it. Give that back to me. I was gonna switch it up with Aaron. How do you even this is this is. This is really good for people with limited range of emotional expression. okay. Really pushes them outside of their comfort zone.
00;41;39;00 – 00;41;56;15
It says, I’m going to make a face like one of the choices below. Guess which one I’m thinking about? Oh, okay. God. Do it. Submarine. So? So do. What do I do? I tell you, no. You do. The face and then you give the options. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, you guys, I don’t think this is supposed to be as hard as it is.
00;41;56;15 – 00;42;13;08
I know it was put together by a child psychologist. I just wanted to do the face and then give us. Yeah, that’s the face. Put it in the submarine hall, and then we will tell you what it is. Put it in the what? Put your face in the submarine hall. Oh, now do it. that was the face.
00;42;13;15 – 00;42;39;25
No, that was him in the submarine. Okay, now do your face. Okay, okay, now, that’s too obvious. give me option. My paternal side. That was good. I just flunked a spelling test. I just drank a sip of spoiled milk, and I ate too much dinner. Oh, let’s see if you’re a bad guy. It’s d for for everyone else, it’s c.
00;42;41;18 – 00;43;07;04
Rebecca, it’s too much dinner. Mr.. yeah. Okay, okay, maybe you should stick with the auditory ones, and that one’s really funny. Visuals. That’s really great. What would you most likely do if you were frustrated? yell at someone, hold it in, hit something or do something to relax. Like listen to music or take a bath.
00;43;07;06 – 00;43;24;10
Oh, I know what I would do. Hey, all day long. Yeah. Let someone. Oh, yeah. I need to yell at someone or hit something. Or both. I might actually hit the person. I’m yelling. Okay. No, I mean, I got to be honest with you. I may yell at someone, that kind of surprises me. if I’m frustrated.
00;43;24;10 – 00;43;55;22
Absolutely. But I’m going to start with care and compassion. But if I get pushed over the edge, I’m absolutely. Yeah. Like I’m absolutely yelling okay. Yeah. All right. Who do you think should be punished most harshly? Harshly. Who do you think should be punished most harshly? A someone who shoplift. Be someone who steals from their family members. See someone who cheats on a test, or d someone that speeds.
00;43;55;24 – 00;44;24;28
And we all know what Aaron’s thinking. We need more information. Hi Scott, I was absolutely just thinking there’s a reason behind all of that judgment. Shoplifting, stealing from a family member, cheating on a test, speeding. Okay, I know I would say for me that stealing from a family member would be the harshest one because that has the. That’s like the worst ad of all the like, trust, you know, you don’t want your family stealing from you.
00;44;24;28 – 00;44;47;13
You can deal with all the other things, I would agree. Yeah, that one hits a little more close to home, more personal standpoint. You know, like it because it’s just a little more intense because you still need to be around your family members at some point, whereas you steal from a story you might not ever have to go into that store again.
00;44;47;15 – 00;45;09;10
So I wouldn’t say my I don’t know. This is hard for me, but I will say, yeah, the punished the most, the harshest, harshly. Harshly. Yeah. Who should be punished the most harshly? You know, I do need more information though, because why are you speeding so fast? Because your wife’s in labor. Or does that make it okay? So breaking the law in that sense makes it okay.
00;45;09;10 – 00;45;33;27
Yeah, absolutely. But if you’re just stealing from your family, are you are you struggling with an addiction? Right? Or do you need money for, cancer meds for a family member, right? Or does your family has your family abused you for the last 40 years and you don’t really care if you steal from them or not, right? Or have they been so terrible to you that you’re trying to get revenge from right?
00;45;33;27 – 00;45;57;13
Like there’s so many, there’s so many of the ifs, ands or buts, you know? But what this is bringing up for me is this quote that I saw today that I want to read to you guys. Consistency and reliability are not too much to ask for in your closest relationship. Dependability is a baseline requirement for the relational trust and safety required to deepen intimacy.
00;45;57;15 – 00;46;29;17
If you can’t depend on them, you can’t build a relationship with them. Yeah, that’s what it made me think of when we were talking about the the family. Consistency and reliability are not too much to ask for in your closest relationships. Consistency reliability. Right. So and I think that a lot I think we were talking about that in a previous podcast when we were talking about, who gets to give me feedback on things and some people’s responses may be like, oh, well, you’re just not open to feedback.
00;46;29;17 – 00;46;55;04
And the reality is, I’m actually very open to feedback when you’re someone that I’ve allowed to be in that space to give me feedback. But if you are not consistent and dependable and reliable and you’re not a steady force in my life and someone that I would go to in my deepest, darkest moments, why the hell would I at all consider if you’re not safe in that place, why would I allow myself to be open and susceptible to whatever feedback you have of positive or negative?
00;46;55;04 – 00;47;23;27
You can absolutely hear negative information. Absolutely. But it’s very much so. Yeah, especially from the people who I care about and I love and who are in value. And you admire and look up to and, all those kinds of things, you know, just because you’re in a role, whether it be a supervisor, a parental role, a elder, it doesn’t matter just because you have that title, a president, you know, whatever.
00;47;23;29 – 00;47;46;05
But but it strikes me that that’s safety and security, dependability, reliability. Those are at the basis of me being able to trust that your assessment is true to me. Maybe even closer true to me, because it can never fully be about me. You’re always projecting your own stuff, even me projecting my own stuff on to what we think other people should do, right?
00;47;46;07 – 00;48;13;18
But I can actually trust that it’s a little closer to what it should be, or could be, if we already have that basis established. Now, it’s possible for me to establish that with a supervisor. Morgan is a great example of this, right? When I started working for Morgan, I remember just being a little blown away at the fact that we could have a genuine, caring, reciprocal, respectful, dependable relationship with one another.
00;48;13;20 – 00;48;35;03
And she would show me time and time and time again that it wouldn’t matter what would happen in our relationship. Yep. In the supervisory relationship, she would always have my back. She would always give me reasonable feedback, positive or negative. Right? I could trust that she was going to be equally supportive regardless. There was just so many times that she would do that.
00;48;35;03 – 00;49;01;07
So I think when it comes to supervisors, for me it’s more rare for that to happen because part of the supervisory hierarchy is not to have that type of established relationship. But that’s never who I’ve been as a supervisor, right? I’m always establishing that basis of dependability and, you know, care for you as a person first. It’s just more rare, I think, than I realized.
00;49;01;09 – 00;49;25;23
I think you’re right. Specifically, after I put that, post out on Instagram. Scott, did you see that? My one post got over 174,000 views. I saw that that’s not because you posted that you did that happen? That was 165. We’re now up past 174. That’s really good and not crazy. But it was about it was about the supervisor.
00;49;25;23 – 00;49;51;07
Yeah. Right. Yeah. And people’s comments on that are quite fascinating. You want another number one negative comments. Got your nose ring my nose ring. You can’t stand that one. It doesn’t surprise me at all because we talked about this. That doesn’t surprise me at all. I think that people are very judgmental. All, in order to be taken seriously, quote unquote, you need to look a certain way, act a certain way.
00;49;51;07 – 00;50;14;13
That’s the other. And if you don’t fit that mold, it doesn’t matter how intelligent you are. And that mold is impossible. It’s impossible for people to to fit. I disagree, I think that some people, some people fit that mold really, really well. It’s the people who choose not to, I mean, arrogant, choose to take out her nose ring what I can, and why would she choose to do that?
00;50;14;13 – 00;50;29;21
And who’s to say that there’s a problem with the nose ring? Well, that’s just it. I don’t think there is, but I think there are some people saying it’s those who’ve created this ideal. Right? This is what if someone was saying the same thing, but they’re all covered in tats. It’s like, oh, you know, they’re going to say something, right?
00;50;29;22 – 00;50;52;26
I need to to fill this, this image of some they would have to be the most perfect specimen of whatever it is they’ve built up in their mind, which I think is so difficult for the average person to fill. I spent a lot of my life being that person I know, and then assumed that that’s just genuinely who the persona of who I was was.
00;50;53;14 – 00;51;15;09
Right. I know so I was that specimen, Scott, I was the person who would wear the outfits that were expected of someone of my age and caliber in, you know, when I say caliber, I mean like job description. Right, right. I was the person who was, expected to act a certain way in meetings and would often act that way.
00;51;15;11 – 00;51;38;14
It was not until I turned 40 years old that I embraced getting a nose ring, which is something I’ve wanted for a really long time. I didn’t get my first tattoo until did I get my tattoo and my nose ring at the same time. I mean, it was within a year of each other, right? Getting my own tattoo now I can’t wait to get my whole half sleeve completed.
00;51;38;14 – 00;52;02;22
I cannot wait, right? Yeah, yeah. And and it was so liberating for me. I used to do my hair in a different color, so I’d have one strand in the back part of my hair that would be blue or purple, because it would feel like such an important part of my personality, but one that I would easily be able to pin up so that no one would be able to see.
00;52;03;18 – 00;52;30;07
so I was that person for such a long time. and it was not until leaving the institution of higher education and really could have been any type of organized job to work for myself, to really allow myself to say, well, what does who’s Aaron? What is Aaron look like or feel like or want to be? Right?
00;52;30;09 – 00;52;47;00
And so when those comments were coming in, there’s over 300 comments on this post and I have not been able to answer all of them. I had to stop because it was like really time consuming. Yeah. and just so we’re clear, I was responding to all of the haters with, thank you so much for taking the time to comment.
00;52;47;00 – 00;53;08;07
It’s really nice to meet you with a yellow heart. I don’t know why the yellow heart, it just felt appropriate, right? Friendship. Friendship come in peace, right? Which did something really incredible because every time I would respond to that, the person would either just like it and stop commenting completely. One person was like, is this your post? Miss Avery and I wrote back Doctor Avery and yes, I love that one.
00;53;08;07 – 00;53;27;28
You love that one? Yeah, that was like that one. That really, really interesting. These are men over the age of 50 whose comment to me was, I’ll be able to hear you when you get that nose ring out of your face, right? Or that nose ring is fugly. That’s a good one. That was a good one. What the what if ugly?
00;53;27;28 – 00;53;53;01
I know these are men over the age of 50, which is quite fascinating to me. Right. But out of all of this stuff that that we’d been talking about, I honestly didn’t even remember my nose ring was in. It’s just like a normal part of my every day. All right. But now let’s talk cross cultural. So if you go to some other countries, it is incredibly normal to have rings from all different places, in all different places of your body.
00;53;53;03 – 00;54;17;25
It’s just fascinating to me that that’s that’s the hang up. Right? If that’s the hang up, we’re doing okay, right? Well, remember, remember, I’ll never forget when I called you after a job interview I had. Yes. And I wore a dress with high heels and I just looked like me. And at the end of the interview, she said to my face, do you always look like this?
00;54;18;18 – 00;54;39;05
And I go, what? She goes, do you always look like this is this how you dress? Do you wear those shoes to work? I’m like I think actually she says well we were going to take a tour around campus, but I don’t think you’ll make it in those shoes. And you said, yes, I will. I need shoes all the time and nine months pregnant, like, oh yeah, who are you like?
00;54;39;07 – 00;54;54;19
Jesus. I mean, like, well, you know what? Actually, I don’t really want to work for you. Well, yeah, I mean, not that was awesome. At least I knew. I knew when you left one. If you offer me the job, I’m not number two. If you don’t offer me this job, it is not because of my qualifications. Oh no way.
00;54;54;20 – 00;55;12;26
In fact, I’m pretty sure she was surprised that I was intelligent with that. But that’s what I mean. Like. And so Erin goes, I guarantee you, if you showed up in a traditional suit. Yeah. With, your hair slicked back. Yeah. In a ponytail with, you know, just average makeup on. Yeah. I mean, granted, my personality doesn’t exude that, so whatever.
00;55;12;26 – 00;55;31;16
But just the initial she, she, she wrote me off the minute I walked in that door. Yep. And it didn’t matter. You’re the most qualified person. No matter that job did not matter. No, no, no. That reminds me of when I went on an interview when I was trying to move the family back up to Rochester. I had lined up three interviews.
00;55;31;29 – 00;56;02;27
we were in Florida. I lined up an interview at J. Advertise, and I lined up an interview at, this other company. And when I went into J advertising, this is like a big time ad company. AD company like, this is the in production. It’s like, if you work there, man, that’s wow. That’s. And I was dressed I was in a, I was in a suit and tie and I came in and, the guy interviewing me was, Jeff Gough, who’s the vice president, who was at the time the vice president of broadcast.
00;56;02;29 – 00;56;18;14
He has since passed on, but was one of the greatest bosses that I ever had. And I only I had, you know, he was only my boss for like 11 months because of the way things worked out. But the first thing he said to me was, he looks me up and down he goes. That’s the last time you ever going to wear a fucking suit around here?
00;56;18;17 – 00;56;43;05
Wow. He was in a hoodie. He was in a bills cap. He’s in jeans. Yeah. Like just immediately I was relaxed. Yeah. And that was the best interview that I ever had. It lasted like an hour and a half. They showed me the whole facility. I talked to all these people. And then adversely, I go to the other place and it was like in and out, in and out, baa baa baa baa baa baa.
00;56;43;05 – 00;57;03;10
And then while I was driving back to the to the airport, they came with an offer and I didn’t want to work in that second spot. Second place and the and J took forever to come back with an offer and I kept, I kept, you know, stalling the other one saying, oh, hold on, I’m yeah, I didn’t want to work there because the interview was so bad.
00;57;03;10 – 00;57;20;25
Yeah. The you know, immediately, you know, immediately. But I think that there were the tide is shifting a little bit to people showing up as who they are and then figuring out if that environment is for them instead of the other way around. Yeah. Right. So you, Scott, maybe wouldn’t have even shown up in a suit because that wasn’t you to begin with.
00;57;20;28 – 00;57;37;04
But that’s not the way it was for a really long time. It was okay, what’s the culture? What’s the deal? What’s that? Not according to me. What do you mean, I got there? Yeah. Most people I’m like, I’m not. I’m not playing your game. Remember? Remember my confirmation at church? The pastor says everybody must wear a dress. I showed up in a man suit.
00;57;37;08 – 00;57;54;07
Yes, I know, yeah, right. Right. No. Right. You don’t. You you you. They’re going to take me like I am or you’re not. I’m not going to pretend to be something that you think you got to that a lot quicker, right? Than than most people. I think the balls that really takes balls in it, it wasn’t even an appropriate.
00;57;54;07 – 00;58;20;04
I mean, I looked just as beautiful as everybody else, but I was not wearing a quote dress. Yeah. So that that’s definitely like a cultural, or a gender, you know, gender roles thing like that. But, you know, in, in the professional world where you’re going to interview for a big job, you wear a suit. Well, you but you, you’re that’s what you doubt.
00;58;20;04 – 00;58;41;02
They say you should. That’s right. But I would not had I like like Aaron said, had I known the culture there I would have I would have just, you know, dressed like this and just a nice, you know, business casual. But, but I think what she’s saying is I, regardless of the culture, like you’re showing up, you’re showing up as who you are.
00;58;41;04 – 00;58;56;11
Am I going to wear a sweat suit to an interview? Right. And that’s saying that is okay to do that? I still wouldn’t do that. Well, I wouldn’t either. But I’m never going to wear a suit because that’s not who I don’t own a blazer. A blazer like that’s. Are you about to say, what do I always make fun of you for wearing?
00;58;56;11 – 00;59;19;01
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s right. Because that is not part of who I am. My favorite outfits to wear. You look great. Are my tall boots, my tight hot pants, my, blouse looking thing, like, usually a tank top blouse and a blazer over the top. And you look great. That is my favorite. That is my signature look. I would wear that every single day if I could.
00;59;19;03 – 00;59;41;09
And if I wore that, I’d look like an idiot. And then remember when I, my last job where I used to wear my hot pants and my, Yeah, my blazer every single day? Yeah. And then finally, I gave my. Do you give, you know. No, I gave like two months notice. And then I started to dress basically how I would want to dress, like in just my own casual, comfortable, professional way.
00;59;41;28 – 01;00;02;13
but my boss say to me, she goes, wow, Erin, really stepping up your outfit game. How come you didn’t wear those clothes when you were working here before you resigned? And I said, dress for the job you want? Oh sure did. Which is working for my damn self. That’s right. Never look back. Nope. Never look back.
01;00;02;14 – 01;00;25;07
That was an empowering moment for you because it’s totally great if you identify with those social norms that are acceptable. There’s nothing wrong with that. Yeah at all. Yeah, but don’t judge other people because they don’t. They don’t. Yeah I know, I mean there’s a there’s a polished and professional way to present yourself and then they’re sloppy. Right?
01;00;25;07 – 01;00;42;12
Right. I’m not saying look sloppy. Right, right. You can you can look very well put together but not be wearing a suit or. Yeah. Like I would wear a business dress. I just feel more comfortable in a dress. So it may not have a, you know, but it wasn’t. There was no cleavage. There wasn’t. In fact, there was no skin.
01;00;42;17 – 01;01;00;18
I Erin used to joke, she’s like, you could show up in a turtleneck and still be judged. Oh, yeah. It’s just it’s just the way that it is. Yeah, but the fact that people had a reaction to your nose ring, which I knew was probably going to happen, my Raven said. And then the last podcast, I said, people are commenting on your page, and they said, there’s nothing physical or personal about you.
01;01;00;18 – 01;01;22;13
It’s the topic. But if anything, they’re going to comment about your nose ring. Yeah. Which is so stupid, fascinating, you know? But it’s been an interesting journey and we should talk about that at some point on a future podcast as wow, all the vulnerability, empathy, exposure and thoughts and feelings that go into having now two videos that go quote unquote viral.
01;01;22;17 – 01;01;42;13
And then now in this last one, the number of people that have commented on it and some of the stuff that’s been brought up for me and some of the stuff I worked on in one of my hypnotherapy sessions with Kim, that was really, really helpful, in, in helping me figure out if this was really in an alley, I could go down.
01;01;42;13 – 01;02;04;01
Your hypnotherapy debrief with me was helpful for me. Yeah, right. Just the debrief. Yeah. I often go back, and in fact, I said that to you, I’m like, oh my gosh, look at all the parallels of what happened, blah blah blah. Yeah, it’s really awesome, I loved that. Me too. Isn’t empathy amazing? Well we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this empathy stuff.
01;02;04;09 – 01;02;32;09
That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are. Oh, God, I love you. I love you too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to More Love the Power of Empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts. See you next time.

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