Episode 202 – Empathy and Details, Is One Possible Without the Other?

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It’s always an adventure, even if the girls don’t know where they’re going… on what ship… or which cruise line… but #nobodycares as long as there’s fun and sun! After Scott impresses us with his impersonation of a Disney warthog, they dive into a discussion about whether details are necessary when it comes to offering empathy. Tell us what you think on The More Love Facebook Group or on our YouTube Channel!

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Hey, it’s me, Erin.
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for joining us on the More Love podcast.
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Do not tell Rebecca,
but this podcast is about empathy.
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She likes people
to think she’s dead inside.
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But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler
who has truly helped me
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uncover that empathy is my superpower.
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Here she comes.
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Hey, bestie.
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Hi, love.
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Want to eat, Aylin?
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just getting ready to host a podcast.
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A podcast about what?
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Our life as best friends
who are more like sisters are.
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I love us, and I can’t wait
to share our stories of the world,
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especially the ones that involve us
pushing each other right
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to be our most authentic selves.
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man. Okay.
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Does that incense smell like pizza?
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No. All I smell is pizza.
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It’s for your armpits, and I love it.
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I’m over here, like, wear it.
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Salvatore’s atmosphere.
Fat bastard. is it?
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Let me smell.
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It is.
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It is. I thought it was the inside.
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I choose the incense.
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Is the incense today.
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Sea. Salt. Ocean.
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We should go to the ocean.
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I know.
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It’s so awesome.
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Ocean. It’s so cold.
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Well, we are going to be going
a couple of weeks.
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Yes, we are. Couple of weeks.
I can’t wait.
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I know my sweater.
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Going on your first cruise.
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I know. I’m a little scared. You are?
What are you scared about?
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Looking up at the boat and thinking
we’re going to be on that ship?
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that’s. That’s the scariest part.
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What should be on?
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no clue.
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I don’t even know where we’re going.
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The best part is line.
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Is it? Well, I don’t know.
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I know where we’re supposed to.
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I know what port we’re supposed to go to.
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I don’t know.
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Yeah, it’s in Florida somewhere.
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You know,
we’re going to Disney before we go there.
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by the way,
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I was Sawyer,
and I had to wait at soccer for Taylor.
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We had 30 minutes to blow off, and you
can’t really go anywhere in 30 minutes.
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So I go. Yeah.
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Let’s watch the fireworks show
that Erin and I didn’t see
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and I almost texted it to you.
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And then I go, That was still wasn’t good.
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And then I went back like five years
when Elsa literally.
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Yeah. My name was awesome.
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Yeah. Yeah. They’re keeping out.
They’re not doing her anymore.
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Yeah, that’s
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because they had that new CEO for a while
and he totally tanked everything.
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And then they got rid of him.
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And now we’re back to business.
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However, when we do go, there’s no rules.
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What does that mean?
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There’s no more
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makers that you can go to the
We can go to all our parks on one day.
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yeah, Yeah.
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I thought you meant, like,
if for you and me and no one else for.
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And I’m like, I’m like,
Do we ever have rules here? No.
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But we are definitely going to Epcot
because it’s the flower garden.
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I’ve never been there for that. Okay.
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You know, I’m just gonna say the pretzel
with the beer Cheese.
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yeah. Look at that.
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You know what?
We’re not getting the free flight
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because it tastes like B.O.
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We are going on a roller coaster.
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No. Well, then you’re gonna wait for me
and then wait for you.
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Well, we. For you.
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That it’s a small world, after all.
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So we’re going on a cruise?
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Yeah, he got on a cruise, and we have
no clue what cruise line or where it is.
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We don’t care.
I don’t even know what we’re even know.
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We’re going.
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Buddy, I don’t know.
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I mean, I’m
assuming we’re glad that we’re leaving.
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And where are you flying into Orlando
as you’re leaving out of Port Canaveral?
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I don’t know how we’re going to get there.
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I’m assuming we’re.
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You’re going to take an Uber.
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I think we’re.
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I think we have a spot to stay before.
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I don’t know.
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I did.
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I got that. You did?
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Because that’s Disney. I see.
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They say it’s not Disney Cruise, is it?
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No, no, we do know that.
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No, you know what? It’s not. Yeah. Right.
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Although I would love a Disney cruise.
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I mean, we don’t care.
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No, it’s going to be sunshine.
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You’re really worried
about being on the boat?
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It’s like a listen to floating building.
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We’re going to get on it
like a really big blower.
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Number four. Right.
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And so you’re going to walk the plank.
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Gangway. Walk the plank. Right.
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You’re going to walk in
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and I can I’m going to capture
your initial response on video.
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It’s going to because you walk in
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and you’re like, I’m in the middle
of the biggest mall in the world, Right?
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It does not want to feel like
you’re on a ship at all.
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At all. Okay.
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Did you look and see if
we got to the exterior room?
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I got whatever you told me
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to get,
but I hope I told you to get a balcony.
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I have to look.
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I’ll look. I’ll look it up.
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You have. And I want.
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I send it to you.
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I don’t know what it is,
but did we pay for it already? Yep.
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To pay the bill, Thank God.
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Although, you know,
we didn’t get the package because
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now it’s expensive.
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And that’s where they make their money.
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But know needs the drink back.
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Rub back. I know, But here’s the problem.
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If the rule is whoever
staying in the room,
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everybody has to have the same package,
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So if I bought the drink package
to the tune of like 500
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and something dollars,
you have to buy that.
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I know. That’s ridiculous. It is.
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So instead, I bought my,
like, suntan lotion for people like us.
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I did it.
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You bought incognito flasks?
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Yeah, but I haven’t purchased them yet
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because it’s going to be in my window
to return them.
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I noticed that you created an Amazon list.
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I don’t read very nice.
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I don’t really like
what you got in there so far.
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Thanks for inviting me to that.
To that list. Yep.
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That’s the Well, again, we’re not going
to discuss it until it gets to the window.
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Correct. Once.
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Once it’s in the window of the time frame,
which is still another
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two or three weeks,
then we can move or we can talk about it.
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Yeah, right.
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Because we have to be in our return
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Yes, that’s right.
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Because you know how you know how we roll.
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I’m never going to use that stuff.
I got it. Right. Right.
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And if I do, I’ll just reorder it. Right.
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I’m very
excited for us to go on this cruise.
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I’m excited It’s your first cruise.
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I think you’re going to love
every second of it.
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I’m really excited.
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It’s paid for.
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I’m really excited to see the shows
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suck it up and deal Suck it up and deal.
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I’ll do the things that you want to do
minus zip lining or anything
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scary like that.
All I want to do is sit by the pool.
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That’s fine.
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We’ll do that all day
and then we’ll go to the shows that night
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by the saltwater pool.
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I hate the show so much.
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Why you there?
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So show.
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When was the last time
you’ve seen a show on on a ship?
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Harmony What’s like me?
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Yeah, well,
there’s a couple of months ago.
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What ship was bad?
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She don’t know.
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How do you fucking
not know what ship beyond.
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What does it matter? What?
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Do you know how many times we go
to the airport and we go up to the airline
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that we think we’re on
and they say, Where’s your layover?
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And we both look at each other
as a ship matter to it.
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the cruise line matters. The ship matters.
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The delivery matters.
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No, I mean, I mean, it depends
if all you got to do is go and get drunk
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and lay by the pool,
then no, it doesn’t matter.
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Well, so this last time
I went on a princess cruise,
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which is great because everyone on that
cruise is over the age of 73.
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And the best part about that
is they ain’t racing you.
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Yeah. To the to sit by the pool.
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You know where they did
raise you to dinner at 430.
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Nope. To the ice cream hour.
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And they only had but they said
she was a butter fee Canner maple walnut.
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That was
because that’s my favorite ice cream.
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And so she immediately texted me
when she would get service.
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It’d be like,
You’re never going to believe it.
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That’s why.
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Yeah, well, I worked ten years in a career
in the cruise industry,
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so I just got to say more about that.
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What do you mean?
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What did you do?
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I worked for Carnival Cruise Lines
for ten years.
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you’re the party cruise? Yeah. Doing what?
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Video production now?
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He was the main dancer. Yes, here he is.
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But that’s all that’s
all sensitive about the show.
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I was a cruise director.
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Anyway, I just got as the cruise director.
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I mean, that’s what I went to school for.
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So you went to school
to be a cruise director?
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My master’s is in recreation and leisure.
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It’s a real thing.
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You have. You do a great job, Director.
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First of all, you’re not British, so
you can’t be a cruise director now. why?
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They’re all British or Australian? These.
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They are many, many people on my last
cruise from South Africa.
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Yeah. Yep, yep.
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I think we’re going on Royal Caribbean.
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Okay. Yeah, I think so too.
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But I’m not 100% sure.
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Yeah, Royal is a nice it’s a nice,
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you know, middle, upper level experience.
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The great Carnival would have been great
in our twenties.
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I hear that’s like the spring breaker.
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Yeah, Like, yeah, college.
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We’re not doing that in Cancun.
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Yeah, Yeah,
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that would be like that time
we just talked about the other time
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where we went to the bar
and only stayed for 5 minutes
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because we couldn’t handle it.
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That’s carnival scene behind the behind
the scenes, behind the curtains.
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Then it’s just that the magic’s gone.
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Well, I’m not saying that there’s
anything bad
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necessarily that happens, but
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it’s just you realize it’s.
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I don’t want you know,
I don’t want to take it.
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now I need to know.
I want to take away your fun.
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Now I need to know what there’s a risk on.
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Don’t say there’s rats.
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God, no.
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I mean, no, I don’t think I’m fascinated
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by the morgue area.
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I want to see it. What?
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I want to see it. Wait.
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You know that they have.
They have a morgue on every ship.
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They have a place
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where they place dead bodies
because you never know who’s going to go.
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You got to be prepared.
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They also have a big plot
that that’s where they put people
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who need to be arrested.
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yeah, Like a jail. Sure. Absolutely.
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It’s really just you can’t be causing
chaos on the damn ship.
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Lock your ass up,
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I mean, there’s a show on Amazon Prime,
all about the ins and outs of cruises.
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Yeah, I’m. I’m too afraid to watch it.
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I know.
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And all the food and all that stuff, but,
I mean, you’re not at all
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fascinated or interested in the morgue.
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Part is be super
nice to the waiters and waitstaff
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because while work
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like dogs and don’t they live lives
basically on the ship?
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Yeah, all the crew does, but they work
like 16 hour days and day in, day out.
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They barely get any time off
and they go out.
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What are they going to do
for 8 to 10 months at a time?
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00;10;24;05 – 00;10;24;17
You know,
00;10;24;17 – 00;10;27;17
and then they do like five contracts
and go home and buy a house and retire.
00;10;27;18 – 00;10;29;04
Right. Right.
00;10;29;04 – 00;10;30;27
You know, to Sri
Lanka, wherever they’re from.
00;10;32;05 – 00;10;33;29
I mean, that sounds great.
00;10;33;29 – 00;10;35;11
Yeah, sure.
00;10;35;11 – 00;10;36;24
I’m But it’s a lot of work.
00;10;36;24 – 00;10;39;11
I mean, it’s
no joke. We’re in a third world country.
00;10;39;11 – 00;10;42;12
Yeah, it depends on which one,
00;10;43;23 – 00;10;46;28
but we already paid our tips.
00;10;47;08 – 00;10;48;23
Yeah, in advance.
00;10;48;23 – 00;10;50;07
So that’s good.
00;10;50;07 – 00;10;52;23
yeah, they do that now. You pay me. yeah.
00;10;52;23 – 00;10;54;28
I remember back in the day,
I used to be like,
00;10;54;28 – 00;10;57;27
at the end of the cruise,
you get the envelopes? Yeah.
00;10;57;27 – 00;11;00;06
And they tell you, don’t
forget to take care.
00;11;00;06 – 00;11;03;06
And then new person gets this amount
a day.
00;11;03;14 – 00;11;03;23
00;11;03;23 – 00;11;06;23
Person pay, you know, they,
they pre calculate that.
00;11;07;00 – 00;11;08;17
Yeah. Well that’s good.
00;11;08;17 – 00;11;11;12
But that just means,
it just means that the
00;11;11;12 – 00;11;14;12
that the cruise
line’s probably taken taken a piece of it
00;11;15;01 – 00;11;18;14
probably if it’s going through their hands
first maybe.
00;11;18;22 – 00;11;21;13
yeah I’m, I’m not surprised. Bastards.
00;11;21;13 – 00;11;23;04
Why is this all in my face.
00;11;23;04 – 00;11;27;25
I love that hum
that smells with my sandwich. Wow.
00;11;28;02 – 00;11;30;01
I got to move it. It’s really nice.
00;11;30;01 – 00;11;34;01
It’s like a complete pizza shop over here,
and I love every second of it.
00;11;34;05 – 00;11;35;03
That’s really funny.
00;11;35;03 – 00;11;37;20
So, anyway, we’re going on a cruise.
We don’t know the cruise line.
00;11;37;20 – 00;11;39;27
We don’t know what time it leaves.
00;11;39;27 – 00;11;41;09
We don’t know when we’re coming back.
00;11;41;09 – 00;11;43;17
We don’t know how long we’re going.
It’s going to be great.
00;11;43;17 – 00;11;45;27
Well, they keep change in my
our flight schedule.
00;11;45;27 – 00;11;48;06
So I do get notifications about that.
00;11;48;06 – 00;11;52;18
But the good news is we originally were
taking a flight down there with a layover.
00;11;52;18 – 00;11;53;15
I just got an update.
00;11;53;15 – 00;11;57;01
We have straight flight now
and then 3 hours earlier, her fact
00;11;57;01 – 00;12;00;03
no more Disney Time
will be sure to put all of the antiques.
00;12;00;05 – 00;12;03;19
don’t even work on the
you’ll see at all interweb.
00;12;03;19 – 00;12;05;19
Speaking of antics, I mean.
00;12;05;19 – 00;12;05;29
go ahead.
00;12;05;29 – 00;12;08;27
I’m sorry. Next time, get me a ticket.
00;12;08;27 – 00;12;09;18
Okay? Okay.
00;12;09;18 – 00;12;11;13
Get me my own cabin. It doesn’t hurt.
00;12;11;13 – 00;12;12;17
I could be inside.
00;12;12;17 – 00;12;14;15
I could be down on the crew level.
I don’t care.
00;12;14;15 – 00;12;14;21
00;12;14;21 – 00;12;18;17
I used to live in the crew cabin,
so they’re small, but my camera.
00;12;18;29 – 00;12;21;15
I can follow you around on the ship.
00;12;21;15 – 00;12;24;21
And I work 3 hours a day,
so let’s just get off that.
00;12;24;22 – 00;12;26;10
Actually, it’s more than Rebecca was.
00;12;27;11 – 00;12;28;20
Just totally fine.
00;12;28;20 – 00;12;29;24
Sounds like my schedule.
00;12;29;24 – 00;12;33;02
In fact, you can just give us your camera
and we’ll take photos of her.
00;12;33;08 – 00;12;34;06
Yeah, I don’t.
00;12;34;06 – 00;12;36;12
I don’t think that’s a good idea.
00;12;36;12 – 00;12;39;02
I don’t know why,
but she manages to bring my wife, too,
00;12;39;02 – 00;12;42;04
because she’s got to, you know, carry
the batteries and whatnot, and she’s fun.
00;12;42;04 – 00;12;44;08
So that’s how we met her the other day.
00;12;44;08 – 00;12;45;17
She’ll stay right in.
00;12;45;17 – 00;12;47;03
I love when she walked in.
00;12;47;03 – 00;12;48;17
And you’re like, Is that my wife?
00;12;48;17 – 00;12;50;26
We don’t know where meeting might.
00;12;50;26 – 00;12;51;29
I don’t know.
00;12;51;29 – 00;12;55;00
It looks like she knows what she’s doing
and she’s got a lab coat on.
00;12;55;00 – 00;12;58;26
So she’s either here for some real awkward
reason she’s with the CDC
00;12;58;26 – 00;13;02;18
or she’s here because of you. And.
00;13;02;25 – 00;13;05;17
And then she handed you
a bunch of paperwork in an envelope,
00;13;05;17 – 00;13;08;03
and we were just hoping
it wasn’t divorce papers, so,
00;13;09;03 – 00;13;10;10
you know, and we’re joking around.
00;13;10;10 – 00;13;11;21
Yeah. All right.
00;13;11;21 – 00;13;12;18
I guess it’s nice.
00;13;12;18 – 00;13;15;02
Okay, Got to go.
00;13;15;02 – 00;13;17;02
Okay. my gosh.
00;13;17;02 – 00;13;21;15
But speaking of shenanigans,
I posted a poll got in our Facebook page
00;13;21;15 – 00;13;25;13
because, you know, we’re in the process
of developing the show for the year
00;13;25;13 – 00;13;28;13
and figuring out some
some things that we want to do.
00;13;28;13 – 00;13;30;25
And I thought it was just ask the people.
00;13;30;25 – 00;13;32;05
Yeah, let’s ask for people.
00;13;32;05 – 00;13;34;21
So all the people. All the people.
00;13;34;21 – 00;13;39;14
So my favorite is because
I personally think I was taking a class.
00;13;40;00 – 00;13;41;00
Yeah. Would be.
00;13;41;00 – 00;13;42;14
Well, I know, I know.
00;13;42;14 – 00;13;45;14
But it’s a lot of experience
taking many classes
00;13;45;17 – 00;13;49;00
and every single person doesn’t engage
with the class.
00;13;49;00 – 00;13;50;25
They just watch us right every time.
00;13;50;25 – 00;13;53;15
And we’re not even doing a funny one.
00;13;53;15 – 00;13;55;02
one When the cake fell.
Right on the floor.
00;13;55;02 – 00;13;58;03
Right on the floor. Right.
This girl. Yeah.
00;13;58;08 – 00;14;00;06
I mean, we took cake decorating classes.
00;14;00;06 – 00;14;01;23
We’ve taken, you know, the brain tree.
00;14;01;23 – 00;14;03;12
We’ve done numerous things.
00;14;04;22 – 00;14;05;03
But my
00;14;05;03 – 00;14;08;10
favorite, my favorite all time story
and I said this to Lauren,
00;14;08;28 – 00;14;12;07
she when she posted
is that right after I had Taylor,
00;14;12;24 – 00;14;15;29
this was years ago, you were like,
you need to get out of the house.
00;14;15;29 – 00;14;19;01
I booked us some experiences and I’m like,
00;14;19;18 – 00;14;22;17
They were continuing ed classes
at the high school,
00;14;23;12 – 00;14;25;26
but you booked us under random names
00;14;25;26 – 00;14;28;27
and personalities,
but you didn’t tell me any of that.
00;14;28;29 – 00;14;32;00
So when we get in right before we walk in
and you’re like,
00;14;32;17 – 00;14;34;15
you’re blah, blah, blah,
and I’m like, Why?
00;14;34;15 – 00;14;37;05
And she’s like, You’re going to see
an attendance list and match your name.
00;14;37;05 – 00;14;39;17
And this is my name
and this is you were a doctor,
00;14;39;17 – 00;14;42;02
This is before
you got your Ph.D., all I got.
00;14;42;02 – 00;14;44;13
And then we had to act out those personas.
00;14;44;13 – 00;14;47;13
But it was a voiceover acting class.
00;14;47;25 – 00;14;48;04
00;14;48;04 – 00;14;52;05
And we had to speak
and step into microphones much like this.
00;14;52;08 – 00;14;53;22
Yeah. Great.
00;14;53;22 – 00;14;57;07
We had to be our personas
and keep three faces.
00;14;57;10 – 00;14;58;24
Yep. Yep.
00;14;58;24 – 00;15;01;26
Did you also go to the yoga class with me?
00;15;01;28 – 00;15;02;29
No, It was a
00;15;04;09 – 00;15;04;19
00;15;04;19 – 00;15;06;17
Like yoga with trombones or something.
00;15;06;17 – 00;15;08;14
I feel it was in the bathroom.
00;15;08;14 – 00;15;10;14
It was in the band room.
It was a meditation.
00;15;10;14 – 00;15;12;05
One moment and I was pissed at you.
00;15;12;05 – 00;15;14;10
I’m like,
I got to sit here and be silent. Yeah.
00;15;14;10 – 00;15;17;09
And then I was really triggered
when they would meet us,
00;15;18;23 – 00;15;20;07
visualize a stream.
00;15;20;07 – 00;15;21;24
And I had just given birth. Yes.
00;15;21;24 – 00;15;23;04
You know, I pushed myself.
00;15;23;04 – 00;15;24;20
I know it was not good.
00;15;24;20 – 00;15;30;00
You know, I love that I turned meditation
into yoga with trombones,
00;15;30;24 – 00;15;33;01
but it was just meditation
in the band room.
00;15;33;01 – 00;15;35;05
But I actually want to take that class.
00;15;35;05 – 00;15;36;13
Yoga, trombones.
00;15;36;13 – 00;15;40;06
I mean, I was delicious
and really satisfying.
00;15;40;10 – 00;15;42;06
Absolutely delicious.
00;15;42;06 – 00;15;43;28
I like yogurt. Don’t you like yoga?
00;15;43;28 – 00;15;45;22
Not younger yoga.
00;15;45;22 – 00;15;46;25
I thought you said yogurt. I’m
00;15;48;02 – 00;15;49;07
00;15;49;07 – 00;15;52;07
Don’t want to eat your yogurt.
00;15;52;10 – 00;15;55;09
Not the instrument at all.
00;15;55;09 – 00;15;58;04
You got to eat it through the trauma.
00;15;58;04 – 00;15;59;26
my God. Hilarious.
00;15;59;26 – 00;16;02;19
But no, I mean, meant
a lot of those classes are great.
00;16;02;19 – 00;16;03;11
It’s quite funny.
00;16;03;11 – 00;16;06;00
So personally, that would be fun.
00;16;06;00 – 00;16;07;23
So people picked that one.
They liked that.
00;16;07;23 – 00;16;09;10
Some of them did. Yeah. Okay.
00;16;09;10 – 00;16;10;19
Lovely woman.
00;16;10;19 – 00;16;11;14
What did she say?
00;16;11;14 – 00;16;14;11
They say because, you know,
I all my go to phrases.
00;16;14;11 – 00;16;16;22
Nobody cares, so nobody cares. Yeah.
00;16;16;22 – 00;16;19;09
So she thought it would be great
to have a little space
00;16;19;09 – 00;16;23;04
to have a session where we talk about
the things that nobody cares about.
00;16;23;09 – 00;16;24;23
And the list is long.
00;16;24;23 – 00;16;26;23
so I’ll just be real clear here.
00;16;26;23 – 00;16;28;20
We don’t. Nobody cares about this.
Like this. Like this.
00;16;28;20 – 00;16;31;08
It just might be very validating
for people to know that you’re.
00;16;31;08 – 00;16;33;09
Nobody cares about those things.
00;16;33;09 – 00;16;34;09
I think you’re right. You know what?
00;16;34;09 – 00;16;37;09
You know, nobody picked what movie review.
00;16;40;29 – 00;16;42;09
I saw that.
00;16;42;09 – 00;16;43;05
I saw that.
00;16;43;05 – 00;16;45;04
You know,
when you watch the story of your movie.
00;16;45;04 – 00;16;49;28
Yeah, Everyone’s like, yeah, I guess
what’s still still traumatized, by the way
00;16;49;28 – 00;16;50;26
all about.
00;16;50;26 – 00;16;53;20
We don’t want to watch
any more of your movie picks.
00;16;53;20 – 00;16;55;02
What was the one you were going to pick?
00;16;55;02 – 00;16;58;01
So about sisters
making cakes or something?
00;16;58;01 – 00;16;58;28
What was that one?
00;16;58;28 – 00;17;03;16
You were like, my gosh, You know,
my sister’s sitting in bars with cake.
00;17;03;18 – 00;17;05;11
Yeah, yeah, right.
00;17;05;11 – 00;17;06;08
So she’s watching it.
00;17;06;08 – 00;17;08;01
She’s like, We got to sit down
and watch this together.
00;17;08;01 – 00;17;10;25
Not 2 hours later. She’s like,
We’re all watching that.
00;17;10;25 – 00;17;12;04
No, we’re not watching it.
00;17;12;04 – 00;17;12;25
I’m a mess.
00;17;12;25 – 00;17;15;14
No, this is an okay. No,
don’t as it don’t even turn it.
00;17;15;14 – 00;17;16;14
I’m like, You’re bad.
00;17;16;14 – 00;17;18;00
We’re done for the movie reviews.
00;17;18;00 – 00;17;20;29
No, no one wants to delete. Yeah,
just delete that one.
00;17;20;29 – 00;17;23;28
No, no, no one wants the movie
reviews at all, though.
00;17;23;28 – 00;17;25;17
Did anyone yesterday.
00;17;25;17 – 00;17;27;24
Okay. Did anyone add anything?
00;17;27;24 – 00;17;30;02
They did. Right. Okay. But I’m sure.
00;17;30;02 – 00;17;31;11
I’m sure some things will come up.
00;17;32;23 – 00;17;33;01
Well, you
00;17;33;01 – 00;17;36;25
better let us know, because otherwise
we going rogue doing what we’re doing.
00;17;36;26 – 00;17;37;20
That’s right.
00;17;37;20 – 00;17;40;16
So, do you remember the time
that I told you
00;17;40;16 – 00;17;43;22
I was going to the movies
with my friend Stacy?
00;17;43;22 – 00;17;46;21
And you said I like the movies
I’m going to go to.
00;17;46;21 – 00;17;49;12
I do remember that was a blast.
00;17;49;12 – 00;17;53;15
Like a year ago,
we saw 84 Brady or whatever the movie was.
00;17;53;15 – 00;17;58;03
Yeah, well, I guess that was
when we started in one bottle of Pop was.
00;17;58;09 – 00;18;03;06
Yes, because we we got there too early
and we spoke to our round.
00;18;03;06 – 00;18;05;22
They had to teach you around. Yes, around
song. Yeah.
00;18;05;22 – 00;18;08;24
Well I had to preface it with that
because I couldn’t just say,
00;18;08;24 – 00;18;10;04
Do you know my friend Stacy?
00;18;10;04 – 00;18;11;02
Because you’d be like,
00;18;11;02 – 00;18;14;06
you mean my friend Stacy, too,
who I went to the movies with?
00;18;14;06 – 00;18;15;23
Because I’m real clear.
00;18;15;23 – 00;18;17;23
You said, What are you doing today?
00;18;17;23 – 00;18;20;17
I said, I’m going to the movies
with my friend Stacy.
00;18;20;17 – 00;18;22;07
You said, I like the movies.
00;18;22;07 – 00;18;23;06
What movie?
00;18;23;06 – 00;18;25;21
I said, 84. Brady The name of it.
00;18;25;21 – 00;18;27;03
And then I said, I want to see it.
00;18;27;03 – 00;18;29;03
You said, I want to see that.
What time is it?
00;18;29;03 – 00;18;30;18
I said, You’re not invited.
00;18;30;18 – 00;18;33;13
And then you showed up.
Do you remember? Yeah.
00;18;33;13 – 00;18;37;04
And then I had to say to Stacy
High, Stacy, this is the Rebecca.
00;18;37;13 – 00;18;40;13
She’ll be coming to the movies with us.
00;18;40;20 – 00;18;43;04
And she loved it so much. So.
00;18;43;04 – 00;18;44;29
But she bought you something.
No, she didn’t.
00;18;44;29 – 00;18;46;07
Yes, she did.
00;18;46;07 – 00;18;47;04
She bought you something.
00;18;47;04 – 00;18;48;07
So I.
00;18;48;07 – 00;18;51;01
We went to, like, a New Year’s Eve thing.
00;18;51;01 – 00;18;53;13
Her kids. Her kids. And.
00;18;53;13 – 00;18;55;04
Yeah, we went there together.
00;18;55;04 – 00;18;58;09
And so when I walked in to pick up Carter,
00;18;58;09 – 00;19;01;11
she’s like, I got this for Rebecca.
00;19;01;20 – 00;19;04;03
And I said, my gosh, that’s so perfect.
00;19;04;03 – 00;19;05;20
Wait, so you see this? Close your eyes.
00;19;05;20 – 00;19;07;22
I got to show all the listeners first.
00;19;07;22 – 00;19;09;27
Not like I can see it without my glasses.
Good thing I brought them.
00;19;10;27 – 00;19;11;24
Can I open now?
00;19;11;24 – 00;19;12;26
Not yet.
00;19;12;26 – 00;19;14;22
00;19;14;22 – 00;19;16;23
Okay, well, wait.
00;19;16;23 – 00;19;19;07
Scott’s zooming in.
00;19;19;07 – 00;19;20;03
So funny.
00;19;20;03 – 00;19;22;01
This is. Could not be any more you.
00;19;22;01 – 00;19;23;26
Her daughter
was buying a bunch of stickers
00;19;23;26 – 00;19;25;16
and it was like five for a dollar.
00;19;25;16 – 00;19;27;01
And so she was like,
You’ve got to get this one.
00;19;27;01 – 00;19;29;15
You got to get this one. Okay,
here you go.
00;19;29;15 – 00;19;30;26
So she got you this sticker.
00;19;30;26 – 00;19;32;14
What does it say?
00;19;32;14 – 00;19;33;04
Dead inside.
00;19;33;04 – 00;19;36;04
But it’s great.
00;19;36;24 – 00;19;40;21
I’m going to have to keep it in
even for my daughter to steal it.
00;19;40;23 – 00;19;44;12
It’s a ghost trinket, and I use coffee,
but it has hearts,
00;19;44;22 – 00;19;46;10
and it’s pink and dead inside.
00;19;46;10 – 00;19;47;22
But it’s Christmas.
00;19;47;22 – 00;19;47;28
00;19;47;28 – 00;19;49;29
If that was not more. She sees you.
00;19;49;29 – 00;19;52;18
She does see me squeal.
00;19;52;18 – 00;19;53;27
I’ll see.
00;19;53;27 – 00;19;55;12
So Stacy got that for you.
00;19;55;12 – 00;19;56;23
Think is the most closely
00;19;58;04 – 00;19;59;19
matched soul name is Anastasia.
00;19;59;19 – 00;20;01;14
Because that was going to be my name.
00;20;01;14 – 00;20;03;26
it’s so random. I don’t think so.
00;20;03;26 – 00;20;06;24
And if it was, I’m glad
she went with Stacy. Why?
00;20;06;24 – 00;20;09;06
Because she is not an Anastasia.
00;20;09;06 – 00;20;10;19
That was my great grandmother’s name.
00;20;10;19 – 00;20;13;10
That was supposed to be my name until
00;20;13;10 – 00;20;14;12
I was born in the hospital.
00;20;14;12 – 00;20;17;16
And my dad said, Nope,
If your name was Anastasia,
00;20;17;28 – 00;20;20;25
I would come up with something else.
00;20;20;25 – 00;20;24;11
So real quick,
I would not be calling you Anastasia.
00;20;24;11 – 00;20;26;29
Well, it would be a can’t even say it.
That wouldn’t be that.
00;20;26;29 – 00;20;28;16
I don’t like Anna either.
00;20;28;16 – 00;20;29;13
So one of my favorite names.
00;20;29;13 – 00;20;32;03
But it’s going to be Meghan
00;20;32;03 – 00;20;33;17
in your ear then.
00;20;33;17 – 00;20;36;09
Anastasia my God. It’s uncomfortable.
00;20;36;09 – 00;20;38;29
Even. Say it.
00;20;38;29 – 00;20;40;17
What was I saying? Something about?
00;20;40;17 – 00;20;42;29
Stacy stickers.
00;20;42;29 – 00;20;45;03
you know what else she did for our live
00;20;45;03 – 00;20;45;13
00;20;45;13 – 00;20;51;14
She changed her background photo on
Facebook to be information about our life.
00;20;51;14 – 00;20;52;25
Stop it.
00;20;52;25 – 00;20;55;07
She promoted the shit out of that thing.
00;20;55;07 – 00;20;57;14
Isn’t that amazing? We are amazing.
00;20;57;14 – 00;20;58;16
We are great.
00;20;58;16 – 00;21;01;19
Good family, A lot of talent we made.
00;21;01;19 – 00;21;03;13
A lot of people are amazing.
00;21;03;13 – 00;21;07;23
Our followers are really, really awesome
and we could not appreciate it more so.
00;21;08;04 – 00;21;12;11
Yes. So, Stacy Cascio,
why don’t you start us off today,
00;21;13;08 – 00;21;15;23
20 minutes in to the 50 minute podcast
00;21;15;23 – 00;21;18;23
with our intention.
00;21;19;05 – 00;21;20;21
I would like one today.
00;21;20;21 – 00;21;22;22
I’d like an intention for 2024.
00;21;22;22 – 00;21;25;09
You mean this?
Yeah. Tarot card. Okay. Yeah. So
00;21;26;09 – 00;21;27;03
you already picked it?
00;21;27;03 – 00;21;28;00
I did.
00;21;28;00 – 00;21;30;19
this was calling to me,
but this is seems apropos for you.
00;21;30;19 – 00;21;30;29
00;21;30;29 – 00;21;34;08
It’s the page of Pentacles, and it’s a
what is that thing called
00;21;34;29 – 00;21;37;25
a warthog
00;21;37;25 – 00;21;39;09
with the. With the.
00;21;39;09 – 00;21;40;12
Yeah, I think so.
00;21;40;12 – 00;21;42;05
The one I remember it. Yes.
00;21;42;05 – 00;21;43;09
Because it’s number.
00;21;43;09 – 00;21;44;23
I was an old war horse.
00;21;44;23 – 00;21;46;02
Right, right, right.
00;21;46;02 – 00;21;48;08
Mr. Big. Yeah.
00;21;48;08 – 00;21;50;16
Scott. Yes, that was great. Yes.
00;21;50;16 – 00;21;52;22
And I. that was.
00;21;52;22 – 00;21;54;07
Can you take a moment, Scott?
00;21;54;07 – 00;21;55;09
All right.
00;21;55;09 – 00;21;57;06
I do it again.
00;21;57;06 – 00;22;00;08
Scott now you got it. You got to start.
00;22;00;08 – 00;22;03;16
I was it all work hog Now?
00;22;05;10 – 00;22;07;13
Scott That was incredible.
00;22;07;13 – 00;22;10;04
Look, you’re about to get signed
by Disney, right?
00;22;10;04 – 00;22;13;15
You do it one more time, Mr. Pig.
00;22;15;28 – 00;22;16;17
00;22;16;17 – 00;22;19;03
SCOTT that was good.
00;22;19;03 – 00;22;21;05
well, thank you for the reinforcement.
00;22;21;05 – 00;22;22;09
That’s awesome.
00;22;22;09 – 00;22;26;19
This also seems apropos because at 7:00
this morning is that you bought a
00;22;28;00 – 00;22;28;27
video about
00;22;28;27 – 00;22;32;09
how if you don’t find farts funny,
you know what?
00;22;32;09 – 00;22;34;15
It says something about?
00;22;34;15 – 00;22;36;15
Yeah, you know, five over 21 was it.
00;22;36;15 – 00;22;39;15
I didn’t watch it yet. What it says.
00;22;39;20 – 00;22;40;17
It’s hilarious.
00;22;40;17 – 00;22;42;29
In fact,
you should watch it right now. Scott.
00;22;42;29 – 00;22;44;04
What did it say? Something about?
00;22;44;04 – 00;22;48;17
If you don’t find the words funny,
then you’re a sad soul who still farts
00;22;48;26 – 00;22;51;26
or something like
00;22;52;13 – 00;22;54;07
Beverly Scott’s wife was here,
00;22;54;07 – 00;22;57;06
and Scott’s like,
Did you see her lift her leg?
00;22;57;09 – 00;22;59;03
Did you know you got to rewatch it?
00;22;59;03 – 00;23;01;15
Her life’s like his life’s like,
you’ve got to rewatch it.
00;23;01;15 – 00;23;03;10
She lifted her butt cheeks.
00;23;03;10 – 00;23;04;27
Right? That’s how you do it. Yeah.
00;23;04;27 – 00;23;07;00
You know, you’re going to
just shove it in the chair.
00;23;07;00 – 00;23;09;06
I, I mean, I don’t know.
I don’t want to smother the chair.
00;23;09;06 – 00;23;10;19
You set it up?
00;23;10;19 – 00;23;11;07
Yeah, right.
00;23;11;07 – 00;23;13;05
Yeah. If you don’t find farts funny,
00;23;14;19 – 00;23;16;29
then you’re a loser
00;23;16;29 – 00;23;20;03
because you are choosing
to have less joy in your life
00;23;21;01 – 00;23;24;00
with the exact same amount of farts.
00;23;25;24 – 00;23;27;09
I died when I saw that.
00;23;27;09 – 00;23;28;17
I’m like, Great.
00;23;28;17 – 00;23;29;10
I like that.
00;23;29;10 – 00;23;32;04
So, all right, the page of Pentacles Hole.
00;23;32;04 – 00;23;34;21
We’re at the back here.
00;23;34;21 – 00;23;37;29
If you want me to put my items,
00;23;38;28 – 00;23;41;04
my lotion on or my gel,
what do you call that?
00;23;41;04 – 00;23;42;25
Maybe Rollerball.
00;23;42;25 – 00;23;45;03
Be careful.
I think this is the leaky well.
00;23;45;03 – 00;23;46;22
This one has put away lotion.
00;23;46;22 – 00;23;50;22
It puts the lotion on the audience
to hug it with the to do list. God.
00;23;50;22 – 00;23;52;15
And the feather pen.
00;23;52;15 – 00;23;56;03
So this is sounds like something
you would like The Page of Pentacles
00;23;56;04 – 00;23;57;26
excited about a new venture
00;23;57;26 – 00;24;00;25
that it could lead to great success
and lots of future money.
00;24;00;25 – 00;24;01;15
He’s a dreamer.
00;24;01;15 – 00;24;06;04
Yes, but this isn’t just tipsy boasting
at the local dive bar.
00;24;06;04 – 00;24;07;29
He’s also a planner and a doer.
00;24;07;29 – 00;24;11;26
Follow his lead and turn your spark
of inspiration until actual achievable
00;24;11;26 – 00;24;13;09
steps towards your goal.
00;24;13;09 – 00;24;16;14
While you’re baby stepping, be sure to
channel some of that inspired energy
00;24;16;14 – 00;24;20;21
from the fun parts of dreaming into the
not so fun parts of learning Photoshop.
00;24;20;27 – 00;24;24;16
It could be This page is beginning
a great new chapter.
00;24;25;19 – 00;24;26;08
I love that.
00;24;26;08 – 00;24;29;12
I know it’s absolutely perfect
for everything.
00;24;29;13 – 00;24;29;21
00;24;29;21 – 00;24;32;19
So here’s your here’s
your intention. Okay.
00;24;32;19 – 00;24;36;03
I magically turn my dreams into reality
00;24;36;23 – 00;24;40;27
with the magically magical magic
of to do lists.
00;24;41;05 – 00;24;44;29
Yes, yes, That’s perfect for me.
00;24;45;23 – 00;24;46;28
Now, that’s great.
00;24;46;28 – 00;24;47;21
Now just start.
00;24;47;21 – 00;24;50;05
That was a good start. I like that.
00;24;50;05 – 00;24;52;18
Here’s your leaky.
00;24;52;18 – 00;24;54;22
So this is wonderful,
but this is important.
00;24;54;22 – 00;24;56;05
It’s. It’s. What is it called?
00;24;56;05 – 00;24;57;14
This is the third chakra.
00;24;57;14 – 00;25;00;20
It’s called purpose. Okay, Solar plexus.
00;25;00;29 – 00;25;06;10
And my favorite part is that it’s located
in the area of the navel,
00;25;06;17 – 00;25;10;12
and it’s a prominent source of inner power
and enhances our self-esteem
00;25;10;12 – 00;25;13;02
and controls your digestion. Good.
00;25;13;02 – 00;25;13;20
Very important.
00;25;13;20 – 00;25;15;15
Yes. There is a very important
little bonus.
00;25;15;15 – 00;25;17;18
So, yeah, I like the small. This one.
00;25;17;18 – 00;25;19;00
Yeah. You know, like Lemony Pine.
00;25;19;00 – 00;25;21;29
I didn’t like it. What are you doing?
00;25;21;29 – 00;25;22;19
Don’t look at me.
00;25;22;19 – 00;25;25;15
How many times are you going to do that?
00;25;25;15 – 00;25;27;16
Why do you do that?
00;25;27;16 – 00;25;29;23
Why is that the spot
that you have to put it?
00;25;29;23 – 00;25;34;04
Because that’s where you’re not only
but you can put it behind your ears.
00;25;34;11 – 00;25;37;17
Now, I’m comfortable not only how I feel
00;25;38;11 – 00;25;40;26
every time you hold out like that.
00;25;44;24 – 00;25;45;01
00;25;45;01 – 00;25;45;26
I got to work on that.
00;25;45;26 – 00;25;48;26
And hypnotherapy,
you know, you better start to show because
00;25;50;06 – 00;25;51;10
you’re running out of time.
00;25;51;10 – 00;25;52;01
I can’t.
00;25;52;01 – 00;25;54;25
I’m ready to start the Shell Oil myself.
00;25;54;25 – 00;25;57;24
And you’re committed.
You’re committed to stopping on time.
00;25;57;24 – 00;25;58;26
Yeah, I am.
00;25;58;26 – 00;25;59;12
I’m fine.
00;25;59;12 – 00;26;01;27
I’m taking keeping track of the time.
00;26;01;27 – 00;26;04;24
So this is what I want to talk about
today. God.
00;26;04;24 – 00;26;10;22
We got a message at the end of last year.
00;26;11;06 – 00;26;12;18
Okay? Someone.
00;26;12;18 – 00;26;14;04
Someone wrote to us that’s on ice.
00;26;14;04 – 00;26;18;25
Make sure the through the website it was
an email, which I’m assuming they either
00;26;19;10 – 00;26;20;05
just Citibank
00;26;20;05 – 00;26;24;13
contacted us at the mall of podcast
at gmail.com or through the website.
00;26;24;13 – 00;26;25;20
Either way, I got it.
00;26;25;20 – 00;26;27;27
So it’s working well. It’s exciting.
00;26;27;27 – 00;26;31;24
You know, we love to hear from people
and you know that we’re open to any
00;26;31;24 – 00;26;33;03
and all feedback.
00;26;33;03 – 00;26;36;02
For the most part,
if people are rude, we just delete it.
00;26;36;12 – 00;26;38;28
That’s not happened yet,
but I’m assuming that’s what would happen.
00;26;38;28 – 00;26;41;28
Well, because our listeners are smart
enough to know
00;26;42;01 – 00;26;45;01
they want still want the
juice and not be kicked out,
00;26;46;08 – 00;26;48;02
who just brutally delivered.
00;26;48;02 – 00;26;51;01
Still the only positive energy over here.
00;26;51;28 – 00;26;56;13
So I got this message
and I really value it.
00;26;56;13 – 00;27;00;21
I really think that it is super important
and it I have thought about it
00;27;00;21 – 00;27;03;25
a couple different times since it came in
and I thought it would
00;27;03;25 – 00;27;07;19
be important to unpack
because I can only imagine that you and I
00;27;07;19 – 00;27;12;16
have very different takes and feelings on
Am I going to have a facial reaction?
00;27;12;18 – 00;27;15;18
You always have a facial, but I’m saying,
do I need to keep it
00;27;17;03 – 00;27;17;16
00;27;17;16 – 00;27;20;11
You need to just be you.
00;27;20;11 – 00;27;21;09
Yeah. Okay.
00;27;21;09 – 00;27;23;23
You need to be, you know.
Do you think people would believe me
00;27;23;23 – 00;27;26;23
if I told them
that your team on this podcast,
00;27;27;16 – 00;27;30;06
the people that know
us, the people that know me.
00;27;30;06 – 00;27;31;18
Okay. Yeah.
00;27;31;18 – 00;27;35;00
Everyone else is just amazed right now
to know that you’re.
00;27;35;00 – 00;27;38;23
at like a four on a ten for solid for.
00;27;38;23 – 00;27;41;08
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s fine.
00;27;41;08 – 00;27;41;24
That’s fine.
00;27;41;24 – 00;27;43;04
I mean this is very public.
00;27;43;04 – 00;27;45;09
I try not to, like publicly offend people.
00;27;45;09 – 00;27;47;10
Right, right.
00;27;47;10 – 00;27;48;27
That’s not my goal in life. Right.
00;27;48;27 – 00;27;50;13
I just truth bomb.
00;27;50;13 – 00;27;51;05
00;27;51;05 – 00;27;53;23
You keeping your own capital T truthfully
00;27;54;23 – 00;27;55;25
keeping it.
00;27;55;25 – 00;27;58;25
I keep it politically correct.
00;27;59;03 – 00;28;01;00
Most of the time.
00;28;01;00 – 00;28;03;22
It’s like my version politically.
00;28;03;22 – 00;28;06;15
Like we said, we
don’t do a whole lot of editing, if any.
00;28;06;15 – 00;28;08;20
So well, this person is anonymous.
00;28;08;20 – 00;28;12;08
Anonymous and I’m a nurse,
but maybe I can help.
00;28;12;10 – 00;28;15;10
You got an email from a hippopotamus?
00;28;15;13 – 00;28;18;11
I get to have a genuine reaction.
00;28;18;11 – 00;28;19;27
Well, I’m going to get it together.
We don’t know.
00;28;19;27 – 00;28;21;13
I don’t know who this person is.
00;28;21;13 – 00;28;23;09
So technically, they’re anonymous.
00;28;23;09 – 00;28;27;19
And I really want to start
by saying I valued this message.
00;28;28;00 – 00;28;29;00
I really did. Okay.
00;28;29;00 – 00;28;30;08
I don’t have the actual
00;28;30;08 – 00;28;35;02
full on message that they sent
because I can only find my response to it.
00;28;35;02 – 00;28;36;18
It’s fine. I did look a couple times.
00;28;36;18 – 00;28;39;27
That’s fine,
but I am a therapist so I can remember.
00;28;40;05 – 00;28;41;02
Of course I did.
00;28;42;01 – 00;28;43;20
But what do you think?
00;28;43;20 – 00;28;46;20
I just let these people go unheard.
00;28;46;25 – 00;28;48;03
Okay, go ahead.
00;28;48;03 – 00;28;49;03
You wouldn’t have written back.
00;28;49;03 – 00;28;51;15
No. You don’t even know
how to log into the Gmail.
00;28;51;15 – 00;28;52;28
No, I don’t even know what the website is.
00;28;52;28 – 00;28;55;20
All right. Exactly. Ari, go ahead. Okay.
00;28;55;20 – 00;28;58;20
So I’m going to give you the gist
of what that message was.
00;28;58;24 – 00;29;01;24
And it was after the
00;29;01;24 – 00;29;04;10
episode, Girls. All done. Okay.
00;29;04;10 – 00;29;06;17
So to take you back to girls, All done.
00;29;06;17 – 00;29;08;01
Girl was me.
00;29;08;01 – 00;29;10;19
All done was all set with life.
00;29;10;19 – 00;29;13;12
Just this was too much of a year.
00;29;13;12 – 00;29;15;06
It was not all the things piled on.
00;29;15;06 – 00;29;18;00
Something had happened that morning.
It was just not good.
00;29;18;00 – 00;29;20;16
Everything was piling
on. Yeah, that was the day. I’m like, we.
00;29;20;16 – 00;29;21;08
You cancel.
00;29;21;08 – 00;29;22;04
Yeah, right.
00;29;22;04 – 00;29;24;08
I’m like, No, no, it’s fine.
We can still do it.
00;29;24;08 – 00;29;27;15
And then my energy was Bummer town, right?
00;29;27;16 – 00;29;28;23
Okay, so
00;29;30;12 – 00;29;34;22
that was
a really interesting session for me
00;29;34;22 – 00;29;37;23
because it felt vulnerable
00;29;38;02 – 00;29;40;23
for me to not put out my best self.
00;29;40;23 – 00;29;46;28
I remember commenting on that episode
about how my energy impacted
00;29;47;03 – 00;29;48;07
the rest of the session.
00;29;48;07 – 00;29;51;22
I could tell it was having
a noticeable impact on you and on Scott
00;29;52;01 – 00;29;55;19
and that I hated that
my energy had that much of an impact.
00;29;55;19 – 00;29;58;19
I love how you still call these sessions.
00;30;00;02 – 00;30;01;09
So they are.
00;30;01;09 – 00;30;02;12
We’re recession.
00;30;02;12 – 00;30;04;26
We’re always a session.
00;30;04;26 – 00;30;10;14
So I was feeling a little nervous
about that too, to begin with
00;30;10;22 – 00;30;13;28
and then got some really positive feedback
from people that were like,
00;30;13;28 – 00;30;17;06
It was really nice
to just see you be able to be authentic
00;30;17;06 – 00;30;20;06
and wherever you were and whatever,
00;30;20;13 – 00;30;23;13
so that it gave other people permission
00;30;23;23 – 00;30;26;27
to be able
to not have to be on all the time. Yes.
00;30;27;07 – 00;30;27;22
00;30;27;22 – 00;30;30;26
I remember during
specifically writing in the Facebook group
00;30;30;26 – 00;30;34;16
something along the lines of,
you know, I’ve been feeling so similarly.
00;30;34;24 – 00;30;38;23
So it allowed her in some ways
to feel seen by
00;30;39;03 – 00;30;42;03
just not feeling on right or just feeling.
00;30;42;16 – 00;30;45;05
I remember saying,
I feel like I just keep getting hit by
00;30;45;05 – 00;30;47;19
the same
wave over and over and over again.
00;30;47;19 – 00;30;49;28
That’s a really good analogy.
00;30;49;28 – 00;30;52;04
And I would stand up
and then another wave would come in
00;30;52;04 – 00;30;54;14
and I stand up
and another wave would come in.
00;30;54;14 – 00;30;59;03
And I have to say at that particular time,
that was probably after
00;30;59;04 – 00;31;03;21
what would you say the sixth or seventh
wave had hit And things
00;31;03;21 – 00;31;09;04
were really in a difficult spot,
both personally and professionally.
00;31;09;20 – 00;31;12;20
And we were at a crossroads
that I am now happy
00;31;12;20 – 00;31;16;18
knock on Allwood to say,
things are back on track.
00;31;16;26 – 00;31;19;10
Things are in a really positive place.
00;31;19;10 – 00;31;22;15
I’ve surrounded myself
with wonderful people who helped turn
00;31;22;22 – 00;31;27;00
a pretty negative situation
into a really great set of opportunities.
00;31;27;17 – 00;31;28;22
I had to trust that process.
00;31;28;22 – 00;31;30;27
I had to trust myself
through that process,
00;31;30;27 – 00;31;34;10
but for a bunch of different reasons,
00;31;34;21 – 00;31;37;21
I was not able to, nor have we been able
00;31;37;21 – 00;31;41;07
to really go into the specifics
about what was happening. Why?
00;31;41;12 – 00;31;44;05
Because it involved
some other people. It involved
00;31;45;04 – 00;31;45;16
sort of a
00;31;45;16 – 00;31;48;24
domino effect associated with, Well,
if I talk about this,
00;31;48;24 – 00;31;51;24
then it might set off this, this, this,
this and this.
00;31;52;01 – 00;31;55;28
It was one of those things that I talk
about when it comes to business
00;31;56;07 – 00;32;00;24
or when you’re the supervisor
and you’re holding all of this information
00;32;00;24 – 00;32;04;08
and you want to be transparent
with your staff about what’s happening,
00;32;04;15 – 00;32;07;00
but it’s not yet
the right time to be able to do that
00;32;07;00 – 00;32;10;04
because it could have a shock effect
in a bunch of different areas.
00;32;10;04 – 00;32;13;04
Not only that, but it also can
00;32;13;26 – 00;32;16;11
inspire assumptions. Yes.
00;32;16;11 – 00;32;18;16
And that is never good, right?
00;32;18;16 – 00;32;21;25
Because once you start a some assuming
something, you
00;32;21;25 – 00;32;24;25
then start to move in certain directions
00;32;24;25 – 00;32;27;29
that may not be anywhere
close to would be way off.
00;32;28;03 – 00;32;31;00
Right. Right.
So it’s it’s not always great
00;32;32;03 – 00;32;33;19
to even divulge
00;32;33;19 – 00;32;37;07
a little bit because assumptions
are just so bad, right?
00;32;37;16 – 00;32;38;03
00;32;38;03 – 00;32;40;01
Even something as simple
as I mean, you’re saying,
00;32;40;01 – 00;32;42;04
well, things were rough in my personal
life, right?
00;32;42;04 – 00;32;44;13
People immediately are like,
Mark’s not good.
00;32;44;13 – 00;32;46;12
not good with Mark. Right. Right.
00;32;46;12 – 00;32;49;29
Assumption or something’s not great about
what’s going on with Carter or.
00;32;50;03 – 00;32;52;28
I wonder if Aaron’s mom is sick.
00;32;52;28 – 00;32;53;07
00;32;53;07 – 00;32;55;13
Or if Aaron’s got some health
issue. Right.
00;32;55;13 – 00;32;56;28
So it’s rough.
00;32;56;28 – 00;33;00;23
And I think this is one of the challenges
of being on a podcast
00;33;00;23 – 00;33;04;25
is that you want to be open and vulnerable
and be able to share with people.
00;33;04;25 – 00;33;07;07
And at the same time, it’s
still your real life, right?
00;33;07;07 – 00;33;11;26
And you still have to navigate that
in a way where you are public but
00;33;11;26 – 00;33;17;05
also still needs some things to be kept
together and tidy before they all go out.
00;33;17;05 – 00;33;20;21
Same thing was true
when it came to the front row Foundation.
00;33;20;21 – 00;33;21;16
Right, right, right.
00;33;21;16 – 00;33;24;14
And that was a very unfolding process.
00;33;24;14 – 00;33;26;00
It was touch and go for a little while.
00;33;26;00 – 00;33;28;13
We didn’t really know
there were different options. Right.
00;33;28;13 – 00;33;31;05
But it wasn’t until further
along in the process
00;33;31;05 – 00;33;34;16
that you were able to say,
because it was in a natural resting spot.
00;33;34;17 – 00;33;34;29
00;33;34;29 – 00;33;37;19
The charity has made the decision
to close. Right.
00;33;37;19 – 00;33;39;17
But people could have
also made assumptions.
00;33;39;17 – 00;33;42;17
did Rebecca get canned from the charity
that she’d been in? Never.
00;33;42;17 – 00;33;44;05
That would never happen. Right. But
00;33;45;06 – 00;33;46;23
that’s sort of one of the challenges
00;33;46;23 – 00;33;50;24
associated with trying to be authentic
and vulnerable and real and talk
00;33;50;24 – 00;33;54;02
about your experience
without having to also dive into things
00;33;54;02 – 00;33;58;08
that could further hurt you potentially,
or other people or others. And.
00;33;58;08 – 00;34;00;16
SIMON Candidly, yeah, absolutely.
00;34;00;16 – 00;34;05;19
So that’s one of the things that I think
we have done a really great job about.
00;34;05;19 – 00;34;10;23
I would say anyone who knows us at our
core knows that we’re incredibly authentic
00;34;10;23 – 00;34;15;03
and what we talk about is very real,
but it might not share all of the details.
00;34;15;03 – 00;34;18;18
And so that sets the stage for what
this initial message
00;34;18;29 – 00;34;21;29
was about and the gist of the message was,
00;34;22;22 – 00;34;28;10
I love you guys, I love your energy,
I love what you guys talk about.
00;34;28;26 – 00;34;33;10
I found myself in the girls
all gone feeling annoyed
00;34;33;10 – 00;34;38;28
because I wanted
to know specifics about why
00;34;40;00 – 00;34;43;00
Erin specifically was having a hard time.
00;34;43;29 – 00;34;48;08
And I found myself spending a lot of time
focused on
00;34;48;08 – 00;34;52;17
what is like wrapping myself up
in what’s going on for Aaron.
00;34;53;01 – 00;34;56;13
That I had a hard time listening to.
00;34;56;13 – 00;34;59;12
The episode at ten said,
00;34;59;15 – 00;35;02;25
We always hear a lot about Rebecca’s life.
00;35;02;25 – 00;35;04;22
We know a lot about Rebecca’s story.
00;35;04;22 – 00;35;06;25
We know a lot about Rebecca’s
personal life,
00;35;06;25 – 00;35;11;26
but we don’t know a lot about Aaron
and then it ended by saying,
00;35;11;26 – 00;35;15;04
We love you, Aaron,
and we want to know more about you.
00;35;15;24 – 00;35;19;18
So that was essentially
the essence of the message.
00;35;20;13 – 00;35;23;26
And C, I absolutely love
you’re going to have such different
00;35;23;26 – 00;35;26;06
thoughts and feelings on this,
which is why I want to talk about it,
00;35;26;06 – 00;35;30;24
because this brings up so much for me
in terms of empathy,
00;35;31;01 – 00;35;35;08
in terms of understanding people,
listening to people.
00;35;35;08 – 00;35;38;15
And I want to say again, this is probably
the fifth time I’ve said this.
00;35;38;29 – 00;35;43;06
I value this message so much
because it’s going to allow us to have
00;35;43;06 – 00;35;49;05
a really beautiful conversation around
people’s thoughts, people’s feelings.
00;35;49;05 – 00;35;52;21
What is empathy? This is the meat of what
00;35;53;22 – 00;35;54;23
we talk about.
00;35;54;23 – 00;35;57;02
When we
talk about empathy and vulnerability.
00;35;57;02 – 00;36;00;04
There’s no way this person
was the only person that felt that way.
00;36;00;13 – 00;36;01;21
I would
00;36;01;21 – 00;36;02;17
put money on that.
00;36;02;17 – 00;36;04;22
Yeah, but it’s okay.
00;36;04;22 – 00;36;06;11
So hold me note.
00;36;06;11 – 00;36;07;25
That’s me setting the stage.
00;36;07;25 – 00;36;11;24
Please, please start
because, yeah, you’ll start
00;36;11;24 – 00;36;15;23
and then I will be able to
to comment, but.
00;36;16;09 – 00;36;19;13
there’s always going to be an reaction
00;36;19;29 – 00;36;22;29
and then a sit
with my initial reaction and
00;36;24;12 – 00;36;27;04
go through the process,
which is what I love about you
00;36;27;04 – 00;36;30;14
and your initial reaction
is always the most raw and in your face.
00;36;30;26 – 00;36;32;11
And then after that you’re like,
All right,
00;36;32;11 – 00;36;34;27
so let me take that down a notch.
And then what do I do?
00;36;34;27 – 00;36;38;08
I sit over here like, Well, let me ask
a few more questions and let me think it.
00;36;38;08 – 00;36;42;25
I don’t ever have the initial well,
I have the initial reaction,
00;36;42;28 – 00;36;44;28
but it’s internal, right?
00;36;44;28 – 00;36;49;03
Because you don’t have anybody because I’m
not sure if that’s really my reaction
00;36;49;03 – 00;36;51;28
or if that’s just my feelings. Coming
up. What’s the difference?
00;36;52;28 – 00;36;54;29
Feelings for me are an
00;36;54;29 – 00;37;00;06
instantaneous reaction to what Yeah,
I experienced in that moment.
00;37;00;06 – 00;37;00;15
00;37;00;15 – 00;37;05;18
But getting at the why did I really feel
that way or why did I have that reaction?
00;37;05;18 – 00;37;10;16
For me as the heart of why I was so I just
I just do it outwardly.
00;37;10;20 – 00;37;12;21
Yeah. Specifically when it’s about.
00;37;12;21 – 00;37;14;09
Yeah. Anything. Yes.
00;37;14;09 – 00;37;15;27
Yeah, pretty much anything.
00;37;15;27 – 00;37;19;25
But you’re more raw when it’s about me
or if you feel that someone.
00;37;21;10 – 00;37;21;28
00;37;21;28 – 00;37;24;18
So my, my initial reaction is,
00;37;24;18 – 00;37;28;01
hey you don’t know what do you need
to know Details about anything
00;37;29;11 – 00;37;32;28
Because I’m an incredibly private person
00;37;33;02 – 00;37;36;29
and always talking figures, always,
even when it’s
00;37;38;07 – 00;37;40;10
sharing in a group,
when you have to do those dumb ass
00;37;40;10 – 00;37;42;24
icebreakers or whatever, it’s always a big
00;37;43;28 – 00;37;44;24
number too.
00;37;44;24 – 00;37;47;24
I’m not the type of person that spews
00;37;47;28 – 00;37;50;03
my life on the social media’s.
00;37;50;03 – 00;37;52;13
It’s just not a thing.
00;37;52;13 – 00;37;56;10
So when people want to know more,
00;37;57;09 – 00;38;00;23
it comes from a nosy place, in my opinion.
00;38;02;04 – 00;38;04;07
00;38;04;07 – 00;38;06;10
that’s just human nature.
00;38;06;10 – 00;38;09;10
And why do they want to know the details?
00;38;09;14 – 00;38;11;21
Because I think there’s multiple reasons.
00;38;11;21 – 00;38;12;13
I think it could be
00;38;12;13 – 00;38;16;07
because they think they can relate
and they might have a very similar story.
00;38;16;15 – 00;38;21;11
And so they can learn or it makes them
feel better about themselves.
00;38;22;13 – 00;38;25;11
Because finally,
someone that seems to have it
00;38;25;11 – 00;38;28;22
all together
or seems to be successful really isn’t.
00;38;28;22 – 00;38;31;22
And it feels really good to see that
go down.
00;38;31;23 – 00;38;32;27
Yeah. Interesting.
00;38;32;27 – 00;38;35;27
Then the second part is
00;38;36;28 – 00;38;38;26
I find it interesting that they say
00;38;38;26 – 00;38;42;02
they know a lot about me,
but they don’t know anything about you.
00;38;42;22 – 00;38;45;11
I would beg
that they don’t know anything about me
00;38;46;15 – 00;38;47;14
because I haven’t shared a
00;38;47;14 – 00;38;50;14
whole lot on this podcast
unless you force me to talk about it.
00;38;51;10 – 00;38;53;18
But you are a bleeding heart.
00;38;53;18 – 00;38;57;09
And if you listen to any of these podcast,
it’s a very clear,
00;38;58;15 – 00;39;01;02
I think you are incredibly articulate.
00;39;01;02 – 00;39;05;02
I think that I hold the mirror up
often to you
00;39;05;04 – 00;39;08;04
so that you can reflect
specifically in the episode
00;39;09;05 – 00;39;12;05
and therefore
00;39;12;17 – 00;39;14;17
it is
00;39;14;17 – 00;39;18;10
you’re the most open book,
so it just confuses me.
00;39;18;10 – 00;39;19;19
That’s my initial reaction.
00;39;19;19 – 00;39;23;06
Well, do you have any initial reaction,
Scott, that you want to throw in?
00;39;24;00 – 00;39;27;00
Well, it’s not that
00;39;27;00 – 00;39;28;12
okay. It’s just me.
00;39;28;12 – 00;39;31;12
I see where Rebecca is coming from.
I don’t.
00;39;31;16 – 00;39;34;15
I’m looking at it more more from
00;39;35;03 – 00;39;38;14
from a broadcasting point of view,
because being in radio,
00;39;38;14 – 00;39;42;10
I know that we would talk about things
on the radio and then we would get emails
00;39;42;10 – 00;39;46;08
about people asking more details about it.
00;39;46;22 – 00;39;49;20
And I think it’s something that
00;39;50;22 – 00;39;52;11
anyone who
00;39;52;11 – 00;39;55;11
I mean, you could argue
whether or not you’re a public figure,
00;39;55;12 – 00;39;58;02
but if you put yourself out there
in any kind of
00;39;58;02 – 00;40;01;03
whether it’s a podcast or radio or TV,
00;40;01;22 – 00;40;05;27
you are in some forms
a public figure of anybody from
00;40;05;27 – 00;40;09;21
the public can consume your media
and people
00;40;10;25 – 00;40;13;23
are kind of they all want to know more.
00;40;13;23 – 00;40;15;22
They want to know more about you.
00;40;15;22 – 00;40;18;17
They want to know all the
because they like you
00;40;18;17 – 00;40;21;18
and they’re becoming a fan and just
what does fan mean?
00;40;21;18 – 00;40;24;27
Fanatic And I’m not saying that
in a negative, negative sense,
00;40;24;27 – 00;40;29;25
but whenever you see, you know, like
the Will Smith slap, what is that about?
00;40;29;25 – 00;40;31;02
Where did that come from?
00;40;31;02 – 00;40;34;18
What’s the back story is there
you know, and they want to know,
00;40;34;18 – 00;40;38;01
is there some sort of a thing
going on between Will
00;40;38;01 – 00;40;41;01
and Chris Rock or,
you know, that kind of thing?
00;40;41;19 – 00;40;43;12
Why do they want to know?
00;40;43;12 – 00;40;47;17
I, I, you know, I’m sure that there’s
somebody out there who has
00;40;49;01 – 00;40;49;28
a scientific
00;40;49;28 – 00;40;52;29
or a clinical reason
like they’ve already named it.
00;40;52;29 – 00;40;55;19
I’m sure there is,
but I’ve just heard of this before.
00;40;55;19 – 00;40;59;10
It’s just this desire for people
00;40;59;10 – 00;41;02;25
who are consumed in a certain person’s
00;41;02;25 – 00;41;07;23
media to want to know all there is about
they they want all their answer,
00;41;08;03 – 00;41;11;21
their questions answered when they have
questions, they want them answered.
00;41;11;21 – 00;41;14;28
And that episode had a lot of questions.
00;41;14;28 – 00;41;17;28
There was a lot I had a lot of questions
I wanted to know because
00;41;17;28 – 00;41;21;21
when we were recording that,
I didn’t know the story you told me after.
00;41;22;29 – 00;41;25;29
So the whole time I was like,
What is going on?
00;41;26;07 – 00;41;29;07
And that was coming from just a
00;41;30;09 – 00;41;31;27
at a personal level from me.
00;41;31;27 – 00;41;34;29
But when you’re watching
someone on a show,
00;41;35;12 – 00;41;38;12
you have that personal connection
with them.
00;41;38;12 – 00;41;40;01
Even if you don’t know that person.
00;41;41;02 – 00;41;41;09
00;41;41;09 – 00;41;42;03
Do you watch?
00;41;42;03 – 00;41;45;04
You ever watch a show in
just like Benjie Show?
00;41;45;04 – 00;41;48;04
And then suddenly the characters are like
your friends,
00;41;48;11 – 00;41;51;11
You know, that’s how people see those.
00;41;51;27 – 00;41;53;25
And so they want to know.
00;41;53;25 – 00;41;55;04
They want to know the back story.
00;41;55;04 – 00;41;57;11
They want to know why that is.
00;41;57;11 – 00;41;59;01
And I wish I could give you a
00;41;59;01 – 00;42;02;03
I mean, there’s
probably some sort of clinical scientific
00;42;02;04 – 00;42;05;28
reasoning for that that someone developed
and wrote a book by about.
00;42;05;28 – 00;42;08;12
But that’s that’s how I see it.
00;42;08;12 – 00;42;12;00
It’s like that desire to want to know
everything there is about a person
00;42;12;00 – 00;42;16;02
who they they watch and admire on
whatever platform it is.
00;42;16;15 – 00;42;20;11
Well, that’s why biographies
are so exactly like memoirs, memoir.
00;42;20;12 – 00;42;21;04
Yeah, all of that.
00;42;21;04 – 00;42;24;02
And I and I
and I do understand that. But for me, it
00;42;26;05 – 00;42;26;27
I didn’t
00;42;26;27 – 00;42;29;17
feel like there was a lot of vagueness
00;42;29;17 – 00;42;32;01
in from my perspective.
00;42;32;01 – 00;42;35;01
I mean, you could
you could make a lot of assumptions, but
00;42;35;13 – 00;42;38;25
sometimes people just have a bad day.
00;42;39;21 – 00;42;43;15
Sometimes energies are just off
and maybe there isn’t a specific reason.
00;42;44;19 – 00;42;46;26
You know, And
00;42;46;26 – 00;42;48;07
there’s always a reason.
00;42;48;07 – 00;42;49;16
Yeah, I don’t know.
00;42;49;16 – 00;42;52;16
I guess just because I’m a typically
a private person,
00;42;54;05 – 00;42;56;12
that’s just not where my brain goes
to all the time.
00;42;56;12 – 00;42;58;09
I don’t know. I don’t know.
00;42;58;09 – 00;43;01;11
What’s interesting to me is
00;43;01;18 – 00;43;06;04
what I’m hearing you say,
Scott, is people have a desire to connect.
00;43;06;19 – 00;43;07;19
00;43;07;19 – 00;43;11;07
And then I’m hearing this listener
00;43;11;07 – 00;43;14;16
say I connect best through details.
00;43;15;02 – 00;43;15;27
00;43;15;27 – 00;43;21;19
And what I wrote back,
which I’ll read you my my response,
00;43;21;19 – 00;43;25;16
which is related to this,
is that it brought up the question for me
00;43;25;16 – 00;43;29;28
about how do we connect with someone
without needing to know the details?
00;43;30;22 – 00;43;34;21
Because I think in the age of social media
and the age of Will
00;43;34;21 – 00;43;38;21
Smith slapping someone on stage, right.
00;43;40;08 – 00;43;41;10
We all are
00;43;41;10 – 00;43;45;03
searching desperately
for the answers to the questions
00;43;45;03 – 00;43;48;28
about why what we’re seeing or hearing
is the way that it is.
00;43;49;27 – 00;43;52;09
And the hard, fast reality
00;43;52;09 – 00;43;56;00
is that in a majority of these situations,
we will never have the details.
00;43;56;11 – 00;43;59;27
No one’s calling Will Smith to ask him
the question, they’re calling
00;43;59;27 – 00;44;01;17
and he’s just not answering the phone.
00;44;01;17 – 00;44;04;09
Trill Right, right.
00;44;04;09 – 00;44;07;05
And the higher level
00;44;07;05 – 00;44;10;25
of listening and empathy for me is
how do you feel
00;44;10;25 – 00;44;15;05
you can connect with someone
in their moment of not feeling great
00;44;15;05 – 00;44;17;06
or in the moment
that something has happened
00;44;17;06 – 00;44;22;03
without also having to hear
exactly what I mean when I say my personal
00;44;22;03 – 00;44;25;03
and my professional life were
in the dumpster a couple of months ago.
00;44;25;27 – 00;44;30;05
So my response to this person plays
directly into this.
00;44;30;05 – 00;44;31;13
And I said,
00;44;31;13 – 00;44;32;08
I’m really thankful
00;44;32;08 – 00;44;35;12
that you took the time to reach out
and to share your feedback about girls.
00;44;35;12 – 00;44;36;16
All done.
00;44;36;16 – 00;44;40;01
It led to some really great conversations
about disclosure,
00;44;40;05 – 00;44;44;14
empathy and vagueness, realization, ones
that I’m hoping we will be able to share
00;44;44;23 – 00;44;46;09
on an upcoming show.
00;44;46;09 – 00;44;49;26
Hence today, I’m curious
if you would be willing to share more
00;44;49;26 – 00;44;53;02
about what
the additional details about my current
00;44;53;02 – 00;44;56;19
struggles would have done for you
in terms of empathy?
00;44;57;04 – 00;44;59;21
In other words,
what would the additional details
00;44;59;21 – 00;45;03;02
have allowed you to do that
not having these details didn’t.
00;45;03;25 – 00;45;05;19
Why do the details feel important?
00;45;07;01 – 00;45;09;13
And then I basically
said, if you have other thoughts,
00;45;09;13 – 00;45;12;13
that for me is the crux of
00;45;13;14 – 00;45;19;02
empathy, is not diving into the deep,
00;45;19;02 – 00;45;23;22
dark personal details
associated with what someone’s experience.
00;45;24;08 – 00;45;28;04
It’s being able to witness them,
being in an experience,
00;45;28;16 – 00;45;33;01
and to know that you can relate
on the most human of terms
00;45;33;09 – 00;45;36;19
of what it feels like to not
have your life in a great place, right,
00;45;36;19 – 00;45;40;23
Without without knowing the exact reasons
why it comes from a different place.
00;45;40;23 – 00;45;41;21
I agree.
00;45;41;21 – 00;45;45;18
But doesn’t that go back
to conditional versus unconditional?
00;45;45;19 – 00;45;50;16
Because if I know your details
and I’m like you’re in a dumpster fire
00;45;50;16 – 00;45;53;04
because you can’t
get your nails done anymore
00;45;53;04 – 00;45;57;07
and that’s putting you in this place, I’m
going to have a very different response
00;45;57;17 – 00;46;00;15
than you just found out
00;46;00;15 – 00;46;03;15
that your house is being foreclosed on.
00;46;04;01 – 00;46;07;06
Those are two very different reaction
from you.
00;46;07;06 – 00;46;08;23
Yeah. From your point of view.
00;46;08;23 – 00;46;08;29
00;46;08;29 – 00;46;09;27
That’s why I’m wondering
00;46;09;27 – 00;46;11;24
if people feel
the need to know the details,
00;46;11;24 – 00;46;14;20
because they, at the end of the day,
are conditional.
00;46;14;20 – 00;46;17;15
Because part of your question
could be part of it.
00;46;17;15 – 00;46;19;16
It might not be the whole story
or the whole answer,
00;46;19;16 – 00;46;20;23
but that could be part of it.
00;46;20;23 – 00;46;23;06
Some people would be like,
come on, give me a break.
00;46;23;06 – 00;46;24;14
You’re a dumpster fire.
00;46;24;14 – 00;46;29;21
Because sometimes because whatever,
because you’re a stainless steel
00;46;31;01 – 00;46;33;08
dishwasher had a dent in it.
00;46;33;08 – 00;46;36;12
What do you think about that phrase?
00;46;36;12 – 00;46;39;18
It charged you an extra $50 on your ski
trip, right?
00;46;39;25 – 00;46;40;20
Right, right.
00;46;40;20 – 00;46;41;18
Or your, you know,
00;46;41;18 – 00;46;45;00
five star hotel room was a disaster case
and you spent all this money.
00;46;45;01 – 00;46;48;01
And we see that all the time in
00;46;48;16 – 00;46;51;24
show business, right,
where somebody goes on a on a tirade.
00;46;51;24 – 00;46;55;12
Look at the the latest one was,
00;46;57;15 – 00;46;58;20
Bradley Cooper,
00;46;58;20 – 00;47;01;21
and he did this show about Maestro.
00;47;01;21 – 00;47;04;06
He did the movie Maestro. yes.
I saw a commercial.
00;47;04;06 – 00;47;08;07
And when he directed that
and when he was directing that,
00;47;08;17 – 00;47;11;26
he would not allow chairs on his set
because he said chairs
00;47;12;17 – 00;47;15;26
kill, kill the energy level people.
00;47;16;00 – 00;47;18;24
They wanted to sit down and sit on apple
00;47;18;24 – 00;47;22;15
And I was like, And I’m thinking
to myself, being coming from that,
00;47;23;07 – 00;47;26;19
a bit of that world, having made a movie
and been on many sets going
00;47;26;26 – 00;47;29;20
you pretentious prima
00;47;29;20 – 00;47;33;14
donna piece of shit,
these people work hard
00;47;33;23 – 00;47;39;08
to make this movie happen
and this posse wants to take away chairs.
00;47;39;14 – 00;47;43;10
You got to sit on apple boxes because me
because when I sit on a chair,
00;47;43;17 – 00;47;44;25
it kills my energy level.
00;47;44;25 – 00;47;47;00
So nobody gets a chair.
00;47;47;00 – 00;47;47;21
Like that’s how.
00;47;47;21 – 00;47;49;27
That’s how some of people think.
00;47;49;27 – 00;47;51;26
And that drives me crazy.
00;47;51;26 – 00;47;54;25
This is fascinating,
isn’t what I hear, what
00;47;55;25 – 00;47;57;07
I’m so thankful.
00;47;57;07 – 00;48;00;19
Bradley, that you care enough about
what’s happening here,
00;48;00;19 – 00;48;03;19
that you all want us
to bring our best selves forward.
00;48;03;29 – 00;48;07;21
And if if I need to be able
to advocate to say,
00;48;08;18 – 00;48;11;18
I need to sit on a chair
because I got a bad back,
00;48;11;26 – 00;48;13;27
I hope you’re going to be able to hear me
when I say that.
00;48;13;27 – 00;48;15;05
That’s that’s what I need.
00;48;15;05 – 00;48;18;14
Maybe you’re not going to make me sit
specifically on an apple crate, Right?
00;48;18;29 – 00;48;20;23
But I think what you’re both talking about
00;48;20;23 – 00;48;24;19
is the crux of one of the biggest problems
that we have in the world right now
00;48;24;28 – 00;48;27;28
is that when we are provided with details
00;48;28;01 – 00;48;31;06
and when we have such a general desire
for details
00;48;31;06 – 00;48;35;16
in order to connect, those details are
what keep us disconnected.
00;48;36;00 – 00;48;38;26
Because the minute I hear your details
about your stainless steel
00;48;38;26 – 00;48;42;09
dishwasher or you not having a chair,
I’ve now decided
00;48;42;14 – 00;48;46;01
you’re not worthy of my empathy,
my compassion and my care anymore.
00;48;46;02 – 00;48;46;20
That’s right.
00;48;46;20 – 00;48;49;29
And that’s what people
with undying levels of empathy,
00;48;49;29 – 00;48;52;05
which again,
I’m not saying is the way to go,
00;48;52;05 – 00;48;55;05
because I’ll tell you, there’s
a lot of problems with this as well.
00;48;55;13 – 00;48;58;13
But I can tell you that
00;48;58;15 – 00;49;02;04
when I’m constantly reserving judgment
00;49;02;04 – 00;49;05;03
because I’m not needing
to hear the details,
00;49;05;09 – 00;49;09;24
and that is a therapeutic thing that we
learn in being trained as therapists,
00;49;10;00 – 00;49;13;23
it’s the difference between what we call
horizontal and vertical questions.
00;49;14;06 – 00;49;17;28
So if you tell me that your dog died,
00;49;18;27 – 00;49;23;09
a vertical or a horizontal question
00;49;23;21 – 00;49;27;02
is how old was your dog,
What was your dog’s name,
00;49;28;06 – 00;49;29;26
How long did you have your dog?
00;49;29;26 – 00;49;31;12
Was she or rescue?
00;49;31;12 – 00;49;31;23
00;49;31;23 – 00;49;35;01
They’re all just superficial
00;49;35;05 – 00;49;38;15
and not getting me any deeper
in the conversation.
00;49;38;15 – 00;49;42;09
oriented questions, a vertical question,
00;49;42;09 – 00;49;47;22
which is what all therapists are aiming to
do, is tell me the story
00;49;47;22 – 00;49;52;04
about how you got your dog
and how it integrated with your family.
00;49;52;17 – 00;49;55;25
What was your favorite part
about having a dog?
00;49;56;04 – 00;50;01;15
How did having a dog
change your relationship with so-and-so?
00;50;02;00 – 00;50;06;02
I don’t need to know the details
about Fido and the fact that he was 14
00;50;06;02 – 00;50;07;12
when he kicked the bucket.
00;50;07;12 – 00;50;11;28
In order to feel closer to you,
I need to understand
00;50;11;28 – 00;50;16;26
what it’s like to experience loss
and to then take you on a journey
00;50;16;26 – 00;50;20;25
with me to better understand
what that experience felt like for you.
00;50;21;13 – 00;50;25;10
So we have this constant desire
as a society to look for purpose,
00;50;25;10 – 00;50;29;13
less meaningless details
that fuel our own ego,
00;50;29;13 – 00;50;33;01
because that’s the only way we feel
we get to to connect with people.
00;50;33;06 – 00;50;39;04
And the reality is those details are
what’s keeping us disconnected from people
00;50;39;12 – 00;50;42;09
because all they’re doing
is serving as another way
00;50;42;09 – 00;50;46;03
to judge and another way
to keep ourselves at a distance.
00;50;46;03 – 00;50;49;09
Because I can’t understand your experience
of the stainless steel dishwasher.
00;50;49;19 – 00;50;53;01
I can’t understand
Bradley Cooper’s experience of what it is
00;50;53;01 – 00;50;58;13
to be a multimillion dollar actor
who is, to use Scott’s terms,
00;50;58;17 – 00;51;02;25
pretentious in his,
you know, experience with chairs.
00;51;03;09 – 00;51;04;11
00;51;04;11 – 00;51;08;13
So for me, when I got this message,
00;51;08;13 – 00;51;13;08
I heard this person saying,
I so deeply want to connect with you more.
00;51;13;08 – 00;51;16;02
Aaron, because I really love
what you’re saying on the show.
00;51;16;02 – 00;51;19;14
And I feel like I could do that more
if I knew your struggle.
00;51;19;26 – 00;51;22;17
And I would push back on that and say,
00;51;23;16 – 00;51;26;16
to what you said a couple of minutes ago,
00;51;26;20 – 00;51;30;29
listen back to the 26 episodes
that we have done, and I guarantee you
00;51;30;29 – 00;51;35;10
you’re going to know me better than anyone
who hasn’t listened to those 26.
00;51;35;19 – 00;51;39;10
If you stop listening for the details
and you start listening
00;51;39;10 – 00;51;42;10
for things for
00;51;43;06 – 00;51;45;17
energy levels, when certain things come up
00;51;45;17 – 00;51;48;28
for reactions, it is crystal clear.
00;51;48;28 – 00;51;51;22
Yes, crystal clear. Right.
00;51;51;22 – 00;51;54;14
And even people in your life
don’t who’ve known you
00;51;54;14 – 00;51;57;17
for forever,
don’t take the time to do that.
00;51;58;10 – 00;52;01;20
And part of that is masterfully myself
and you.
00;52;01;20 – 00;52;02;29
You do the same thing, right?
00;52;02;29 – 00;52;05;00
So when this person says, Well,
we know everything
00;52;05;00 – 00;52;06;28
we need to know about Rebecca,
you’re right.
00;52;06;28 – 00;52;08;04
Because that’s all I’m going to cause.
00;52;08;04 – 00;52;14;09
You are masterful
at having people feel connect made fun.
00;52;14;09 – 00;52;16;24
We know you up your pants a lot, right?
00;52;16;24 – 00;52;20;11
And that makes me feel great
because I don’t pee my pants a lot.
00;52;20;12 – 00;52;23;00
That’s right.
And I like. She’s funny, right?
00;52;23;00 – 00;52;25;12
She’s the Spitfire. She is the whatever.
00;52;25;12 – 00;52;26;21
Yeah, right.
00;52;26;21 – 00;52;30;22
But as we’ve talked about in a lot
of the earlier episodes,
00;52;30;27 – 00;52;34;19
you gave me that for the whole first
however many years.
00;52;34;26 – 00;52;37;26
And instead of saying to you,
How often do you up your pants?
00;52;38;06 – 00;52;40;12
I said, This is so hypothetical.
00;52;40;12 – 00;52;42;18
They never asked you
about putting your pants, right?
00;52;42;18 – 00;52;46;29
One of those vertical questions associated
with, my God, where does that come from?
00;52;47;06 – 00;52;49;05
multiple babies.
Tell me about your babies.
00;52;49;05 – 00;52;50;17
Right, right, right.
00;52;50;17 – 00;52;54;12
And so slowly but surely, I was able
listen to you and understand
00;52;54;12 – 00;52;57;21
you and see you in a way
that was much further
00;52;57;27 – 00;53;03;12
than those superficial, fun,
over-the-top, quirky, extroverted details
00;53;03;22 – 00;53;04;25
that on the surface
00;53;04;25 – 00;53;08;01
will make people feel like you’re
their best friend in the entire world.
00;53;08;01 – 00;53;10;00
And same for me.
00;53;10;00 – 00;53;13;26
How many people would say, Here
is my best friend in the entire world?
00;53;13;27 – 00;53;14;23
Yep. Right.
00;53;14;23 – 00;53;19;09
And they could not tell you
my biggest dreams.
00;53;19;09 – 00;53;21;28
What I hope
to accomplish in this life. Right?
00;53;21;28 – 00;53;23;26
They Couldn’t tell you, right?
00;53;23;26 – 00;53;28;29
But that superficial energy,
that detail the the connecting with
00;53;28;29 – 00;53;33;12
what we’re just willing to share on
the surface is enough for most people.
00;53;33;20 – 00;53;36;20
And what I would say is if you push it
00;53;36;29 – 00;53;41;11
to get deeper and to understand
and to listen, pass those details.
00;53;41;17 – 00;53;45;14
You will have the most meaningful
relationships of your entire life.
00;53;45;15 – 00;53;46;22
It’s so true.
00;53;46;22 – 00;53;47;17
It’s so true.
00;53;47;17 – 00;53;50;29
You have to be able to listen different.
00;53;50;29 – 00;53;52;26
As I said in that message,
00;53;52;26 – 00;53;57;11
what would you have been able to do
or connect with me about if you had
00;53;57;11 – 00;54;01;11
the details that you weren’t able to do
because you didn’t have the details?
00;54;01;23 – 00;54;05;05
Listen differently, connect differently.
00;54;05;05 – 00;54;09;11
And that’s what I would encourage
listeners to try and do and notice
00;54;09;18 – 00;54;12;18
what’s coming up for you
in these relationships that you have.
00;54;13;05 – 00;54;16;17
Because I guarantee you,
if we stick on that horizontal plane,
00;54;16;17 – 00;54;18;08
we are as superficial as they come.
00;54;18;08 – 00;54;21;08
But true empathy and connection happens
00;54;21;13 – 00;54;24;05
way past any of those details.
00;54;24;05 – 00;54;25;23
That’s what makes you close to people.
00;54;25;23 – 00;54;28;18
what makes you inseparable from people.
00;54;28;18 – 00;54;30;16
I think that’s really that’s really key.
00;54;30;16 – 00;54;32;16
And at the end of the day,
I’m still going back
00;54;32;16 – 00;54;34;02
to healing your inner child
00;54;34;02 – 00;54;36;09
because something happened
when you were a little child,
00;54;36;09 – 00;54;38;25
whether it be
your parents say to you, stop crying.
00;54;38;25 – 00;54;40;09
It’s nothing to cry over about.
00;54;40;09 – 00;54;40;27
Yeah, right.
00;54;40;27 – 00;54;44;11
It’s it’s those messages
that we’ve heard as little tiny children,
00;54;45;21 – 00;54;47;27
whether it be from your parental units
00;54;47;27 – 00;54;51;04
or school or a coach or whoever,
it doesn’t matter who it’s from.
00;54;51;04 – 00;54;53;28
Whatever impacted you
the most formed you to be who
00;54;53;28 – 00;54;56;14
you are today,
which is the lens you view everything.
00;54;56;14 – 00;54;57;18
And absolutely.
00;54;57;18 – 00;54;59;18
And that’s really hard to change.
00;54;59;18 – 00;55;03;19
Yes, you want the details because
at the end of the day, you’re asking,
00;55;04;03 – 00;55;06;01
can I relate? That’s right.
00;55;06;01 – 00;55;08;02
Can I connect? Right.
00;55;08;02 – 00;55;10;27
Do we understand each other?
00;55;10;27 – 00;55;15;03
And you will only find your answer
to those questions outside of the details
00;55;15;04 – 00;55;17;15
and in listening differently
and in asking yourself
00;55;17;15 – 00;55;18;24
if it’s possible to have empathy
00;55;18;24 – 00;55;22;20
for someone who is genuinely telling you
they’re going through a hard time.
00;55;23;00 – 00;55;26;06
And what does it feel like to still care
about that person
00;55;26;06 – 00;55;29;23
and feel empathy for that person
without knowing one detail
00;55;30;02 – 00;55;34;15
about how mundane or horrific
their experiences?
00;55;34;15 – 00;55;35;13
That’s right.
00;55;35;13 – 00;55;38;21
Because I can tell you there will always
be a more horrific experience.
00;55;39;03 – 00;55;42;07
And that is what keeps a lot of people
from sharing the details,
00;55;42;15 – 00;55;45;19
is because they know it’s
going to be met with judgment
00;55;45;28 – 00;55;48;04
about how much worse
someone else might have it.
00;55;48;04 – 00;55;49;17
That’s right. That’s right.
00;55;50;29 – 00;55;51;26
All right.
00;55;51;26 – 00;55;54;26
Here’s my card to close out the show.
00;55;55;15 – 00;55;57;24
I am happy right now.
00;55;57;24 – 00;56;00;24
I know that
I do not need to wait for 5 p.m.
00;56;00;24 – 00;56;03;21
on Friday to be happy.
00;56;03;21 – 00;56;04;29
Can you tell me why?
00;56;04;29 – 00;56;07;26
Why are you happy right now?
00;56;07;26 – 00;56;09;15
What is it? About 6 p.m.?
00;56;09;15 – 00;56;11;27
What is it about?
What’s going to happen at six?
00;56;11;27 – 00;56;12;10
It’s five.
00;56;12;10 – 00;56;15;10
I’ll tell you if it’s really happiness.
00;56;15;21 – 00;56;17;15
It Did you put your pants on?
00;56;17;15 – 00;56;19;05
How many times?
00;56;19;05 – 00;56;19;29
What did it feel like?
00;56;19;29 – 00;56;22;03
Was it soggy?
00;56;22;03 – 00;56;23;07
By the way, ladies?
00;56;23;07 – 00;56;25;02
Getting rid of the chairs
and the podcast too.
00;56;25;02 – 00;56;27;11
You’re going to have to stand for the.
00;56;27;11 – 00;56;30;04
yes, the podcast. Why?
Why are you getting.
00;56;30;04 – 00;56;32;25
I want the chairs
because chairs totally kill your vibe.
00;56;32;25 – 00;56;35;09
Like we need to be standing
and moving around. Otherwise
00;56;36;28 – 00;56;38;01
I like an apple cart.
00;56;38;01 – 00;56;38;26
00;56;38;26 – 00;56;41;10
No add up a box of facts.
00;56;41;10 – 00;56;43;02
You put the cart before the horse.
00;56;43;02 – 00;56;45;08
I don’t know
00;56;45;08 – 00;56;45;17
the first.
00;56;45;17 – 00;56;47;04
You must eat all the apples out of it.
00;56;47;04 – 00;56;48;09
Thanks for sticking with us.
00;56;48;09 – 00;56;50;23
I’ll say for the 8,000th time,
00;56;50;23 – 00;56;54;00
please don’t stop sending us emails just
because we talk about them on the show.
00;56;54;00 – 00;56;55;06
It’s really great.
00;56;55;06 – 00;56;57;14
We love to talk about it. Absolutely.
00;56;57;14 – 00;56;59;00
And where do they send email?
00;56;59;00 – 00;57;02;08
look, it’s the more people team
already on there. Wow.
00;57;02;11 – 00;57;04;10
Thank God we go to Rock Fox.
00;57;04;10 – 00;57;06;29
Otherwise, you know,
that would never be put up there.
00;57;06;29 – 00;57;09;02
57 minutes.
00;57;09;02 – 00;57;10;10
listen, I’m only 7 minutes over.
00;57;10;10 – 00;57;12;13
It’s a lot better than an hour and 6/10.
00;57;12;13 – 00;57;13;05
Love you guys.
00;57;13;05 – 00;57;16;05
My, I loved that.
00;57;16;06 – 00;57;17;00
Me too.
00;57;17;00 – 00;57;18;28
Isn’t empathy amazing?
00;57;18;28 – 00;57;20;21
Well, we’re amazing.
00;57;20;21 – 00;57;22;21
I don’t know about all this empathy stuff.
00;57;22;21 – 00;57;23;27
That’s fine.
00;57;23;27 – 00;57;27;16
I accept you wherever you are. God.
00;57;28;01 – 00;57;30;09
I love you. I love you, too.
00;57;30;09 – 00;57;34;10
And if you love us, please
like and subscribe to more love
00;57;34;11 – 00;57;38;10
the Power of Empathy podcast
wherever you get your podcasts.
00;57;38;17 – 00;57;39;09
See you next time.

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