Episode 203 – Hunka Hunka Burning Codependency (No More)

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Erin is holding on to 41 for just a little bit longer as the girls recap some of their favorite birthday memories. After a longer than expected talk about the mailman’s poop patterns, they start to discuss codependency and a book Erin’s currently obsessed with called, Codependent No More. Erin closes out the show with extreme feelings about a to-be-FB-post on the Weird and Wonderful Facebook page that leaves us with a legitimate question – is this level of anxiety normal? 

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Hey, it’s me, Erin.
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Thanks for joining us on the Moore
Love podcast.
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Do not tell Rebecca,
but this podcast is about empathy.
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She likes people
to think she’s dead inside.
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But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler
who has truly helped me
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uncover that empathy is my superpower.
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Here she comes.
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Hey, bestie.
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Hi, love.
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Want to eat alone?
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just getting ready to host a podcast.
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A podcast about what? Life?
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Our life as best friends
who are more like sisters and
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love us.
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And I can’t wait
to share our stories of the world,
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especially the ones that involve us
pushing each other right
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to be our most authentic selves. man.
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I need to open this podcast.
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I need to open this
because you get less than 24 hours
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of being 41.
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I know I do.
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You better live bringing it up
so many times.
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You hear the numbers already as our elder,
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as your superior. Yes.
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Yes. That’s interesting.
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I thought of this morning
when I woke up. me too.
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Less than one day, actually.
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Every day for the last three days.
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The first thing I think is
so you can live it up today.
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yeah. And that’s it.
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And then we’re about to hear the number 41
so many times today.
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You’re going to be so sick of it.
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I mean, I know.
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How is it to be 42?
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It’s rough. It’s fine.
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It’s rough.
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I mean, it’s fun.
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Do you feel like one foot in the grave?
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Almost cream cheese?
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I felt like that at 35. So it’s true.
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It’s fine.
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You know, if there’s a guy
who’s pushing 51 over here.
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So Scott’s foot in the grave at 42.
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It’s like it’s
me for ten years dead. Yeah.
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So when I was watching
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that intro
and I was remembering when you turned 40.
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I did 40 Days of Our Stories on Facebook.
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And somebody had said
we should put that into a book.
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And I thought about that for a while.
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But then I’m like,
How do I recount them all?
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I just realized I’m Facebook.
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There’s like Facebook memories
that are different then realize
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that they were the same as time
how to write them again.
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No, I was just I was going to go back
and just like through your scroll.
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But you can go into into like the timeline
of Facebook and go back to the year.
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Stop it. Yeah. It’s
that makes it even easier.
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Yeah. Well, you’re not getting that
book for your birthday, but
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our stories are hilarious.
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And I was just watching that intro again
and I realized that
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that one picture of us in the kayaks
is from our 30th birthday.
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And when we went to Mexico and you made it
very clear to everybody in the beach.
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Not only the beach, but anywhere.
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Everywhere we went that day with shirts
that I was older than you was
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that was hip.
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Was it on your birthday that we went to
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that stupid pirate ship?
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No, it wasn’t my birthday.
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It was your big event.
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Yes. The one in Mexico.
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Yeah. Pirate ship
that was supposed to be off.
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And it was in Cancun.
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And we were supposed to go out
into the sea,
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meet up with another pirate ship,
and they were going to be like,
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you had to do a fight.
They’re going to be like it.
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And it was going to be a lobster dinner.
But what happened instead?
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We never left the port.
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It was a disco dancing party
and we were very confused.
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And there was one piece of chunk lobster
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pissed at us.
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There was a lot of potatoes.
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And then we had a T-shirt.
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We did go to another,
we did go to another restaurant,
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I think it was on the property,
and they came out with a cake
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and it said,
Happy birthday, Karen, birthday cake.
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And the guy kept saying,
Karen, smell the cake.
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And I was so confused.
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I’m like, Well, I’m in Mexico.
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Maybe they do cakes different here.
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So she goes and they smell it,
and they shoved her face up in my face.
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I was watching the cake.
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I my head comes up,
I got frosting cake pieces.
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I didn’t know what to do over.
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I was I, I was both pissed and surprised.
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Lower at the same time. Yeah.
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And it was next level.
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Never in my life
have I seen anything like that.
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Me neither. It was really funny.
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But anyway,
so that was 30th, then the 40th.
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We went to the
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And so our 50th is Fiji. Yes.
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I mean, we’ve talked about Fiji
for a long time. Yeah.
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We’re going to get one of those bungalows
just together. Yeah.
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Our husbands are coming.
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One of the ones that over the over the
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the ocean that you can see
the bottom floor.
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Just us. Yeah. Yeah.
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So that’s the romantic place of the world.
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We’re going for our 50th birthday.
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We’ve been saving,
actually, all year to go there.
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No, you’re 42, so we’ve been saving
married video Diary of that.
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Yeah, doing it for free.
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Just get. Might get me there. right.
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Can you even imagine the T-shirts
we’re getting for that one?
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That’s great.
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Could you even imagine
what my wife would say?
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Scott got a job, honey, It’s a dream
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and a bungalow up for the ocean in Fiji.
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Well, it’s funny
you say that, because I work for this.
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Dads group, and I plan all their retreats,
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and the first thing we talk about is
we can’t pick a location that’s sexy.
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We can’t pick a location
that is nude beaches, right?
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Or romantic in any sort of way,
because the wives will be like,
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Where are you going?
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Yeah. What are you doing with who and why?
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You relegated to a cuddle lodge
in Des Moines?
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Right, right, right.
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Every time we
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go, you know, every time I look
at a location, I’m like, What?
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This better be super manly.
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you know, it’s home with the kids, right?
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And she’s not interested
in seeing your pictures of Costa Rica.
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So we make it very, very dude friendly.
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Yeah. Yeah.
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Anyway, yeah.
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So, you know, happy early birthday in 41.
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So. 41. Yeah.
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Some of us are the youngest
one in the studio.
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Probably the building. Yeah.
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So you’re absolutely right.
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Do you think I’m younger than the post
office worker who uses the toilet?
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You know,
I don’t know how old that person is.
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You think they are more than 41?
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They’re very consistent.
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If they got a really good excretion
system, I mean, it’s always on time.
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He’s very regular.
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Yeah, because the male comes here
at around between 1030 and 11.
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And so if I see the truck parked out
there, too, I know what he’s doing.
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And I’m getting here, like, up
and he’s in the shitter.
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you mean he comes here
just to take a shit?
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Yeah, Well, so they come by at 2:00
to empty the mailboxes outside.
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I mean, they’re doing something else.
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Okay. I thought you meant that.
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He just knows that there’s a, quote,
unquote, public restroom
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here and just comes in
because I won’t do that. I mean, it is.
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I mean, if you’re on the road
all the day, you want to
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you want to find a nice, clean bathroom.
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And it just so happens that Tuesdays is
when they come and clean the bathroom.
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So I was really angry
because I’m like, yeah, because
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let’s just let’s let’s face
it, the dude, I don’t know.
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Yeah, yeah.
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He she’s done in there. He ain’t about it.
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And there’s, there’s streaks left over
and I’m like, God, what are you eating?
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Spackle. What the hell is that?
I don’t know.
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Do you have a toilet brush in there? Yeah.
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He doesn’t use it. He does not use it.
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Now you don’t care. Yeah, I’m in my job.
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Speaking of situations, thankfully,
the other day, two days ago, Monday,
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I was at Monro
Muffler getting my oil changed.
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As I stay there and I don’t leave, so,
you know, they have a little waiting room.
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Yeah, well, this man comes in.
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He sat next to me the whole time.
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His stomach.
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This is when you had to get off the phone
to go on the call. Right.
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And her stomach is gurgling so loud,
and I’m trying.
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Yeah, I’m trying not to pay attention.
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Does he not go into the toilet right
now? No.
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And can you hear everything?
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I know he’s not okay.
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I know.
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Okay, so at that point, I’m like,
I got to go.
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So I walked out into the tire area,
and I’m like, How long till my car’s been?
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Okay, So now that we’re talking about it,
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how how are you on public shitting?
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Fine. You’re fine. No problem.
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Yeah, Mark’s not.
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Not a big deal. Not.
Not a big fan of a reason.
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It’s a I think it’s a man thing
I fell up on either. He.
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I think if he has to, he will,
But I think he prefers not to.
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I don’t even want Kelly walking in
to the bathroom when I’m on the dumper.
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she was on for about.
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We’ve been married for 21 years.
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I’m like,
this is the only time that’s mine.
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This is that’s where we have our
we have our best talks on the toilet.
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And then Rebecca
will go sit on his lap. Yeah,
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I’m sure we’re not like, whatever.
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It takes me home, but
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he will shut the door if he’s upstairs.
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so the girl says
the girls are walking, Right?
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But if he’s in his man
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area, he just leaves it
right over his man toilet.
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Which is also funny because.
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Well, no, he has his man bathroom.
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That’s his bathroom.
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And he can do what he wants in there.
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But it’s if the door is open to the front,
like to the road,
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you can see right in shit. No.
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So yeah, it doesn’t give a shit.
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Mark will not go any place public.
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He will.
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I will if I have to.
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I will, but I don’t like to.
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Yeah, I got no problem.
And I’ll pick the bathroom.
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That’s like way on the other side
where there’s nobody around that I.
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Wow. Yeah, that’s a really.
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I wonder what that says
about vulnerability.
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I just don’t like people hear me. Shit.
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That’s what Mark says.
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He doesn’t like that either. He’ll.
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He’ll wait
the person out. And I’m like, How?
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Number one,
why are you in there that long?
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You. What are do you and I are in and out?
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my gosh.
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At at work where I saw
the smirks at the Blue Cross Arena.
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There’s a bathroom that’s right around
the corner from the production room.
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And I’m always going out there
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to to pee before we start the game.
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And invariably, every time I go there,
I see the door just shutting.
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And I’m like,
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And there is an old man
now maybe it’s because he’s old,
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but when he goes in there,
it’s like, Well, I’m I’m going to walk
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to the other side of the building
because there’s no way in hell
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I’m getting in there
before the game starts.
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I swear to God,
he’s in there for 25 minutes.
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And I’m like, I feel bad because I’m like,
God, what’s wrong with that?
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Like what?
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You know?
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Yeah, He’s got to drink more water.
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It’s just right in the face.
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Books, right in the game, whatever.
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But you know what I read the other day?
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A meme or something that said if you
if you go to the bathroom
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at work and sit on the toilet
for 15 minutes every day,
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that’s equivalent to two weeks
paid vacation
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to save vacation.
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We have we have a sign that says
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in the bath.
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I forget how it’s worded,
but it says something like shit and split.
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this isn’t this isn’t
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Social media breaks Split.
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That’s funny.
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I’m glad we’re talking about this because
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I don’t want to talk about a book
I just started reading.
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I don’t hear, like, we decided that
2024 was the year of healing.
00;11;55;01 – 00;11;56;06
The year of healing.
00;11;56;06 – 00;11;58;22
And then once we started
and then we started healing
00;11;58;22 – 00;12;00;29
and we’re like,
We’re all right, hold done.
00;12;00;29 – 00;12;03;13
Okay, I’m all set with that.
00;12;03;13 – 00;12;06;10
I don’t think so. No, no. It’s too deep.
00;12;06;10 – 00;12;07;06
It was a little too deep.
00;12;07;06 – 00;12;10;16
So, Rebecca, I pull in, she’s
sitting in the parking lot.
00;12;10;29 – 00;12;12;27
I she’s not paying attention to me.
00;12;12;27 – 00;12;14;08
So I honk my horn.
00;12;14;08 – 00;12;15;04
She looks over.
00;12;15;04 – 00;12;19;05
I put my my window down and I’m like,
Get in this car right now.
00;12;19;16 – 00;12;20;29
She’s like, okay.
00;12;20;29 – 00;12;22;09
So she gets out of the car.
00;12;22;09 – 00;12;23;16
She goes to get in the car.
00;12;23;16 – 00;12;25;17
And I’m like,
Do you remember that time that you had me
00;12;25;17 – 00;12;28;17
listen to the beginning
Prolog of the Paris Hilton book?
00;12;28;19 – 00;12;29;08
And she’s like, Yeah.
00;12;29;08 – 00;12;31;28
I’m like, Well, this is my version.
00;12;31;28 – 00;12;34;28
And don’t I turn on the book Codependency?
00;12;34;28 – 00;12;36;02
No More.
00;12;36;02 – 00;12;38;25
What is going on?
00;12;38;25 – 00;12;40;00
I know, I know.
00;12;40;00 – 00;12;43;00
Well, we learned a lot about what
codependency means. Yes.
00;12;43;06 – 00;12;48;08
Know, I find it very interesting, like,
okay, we you and I are not codependent.
00;12;48;19 – 00;12;50;11
I’m sad to say. We’re bonded.
00;12;50;11 – 00;12;53;01
I know
we’re a bonded pair. We’re twin flames.
00;12;54;02 – 00;12;57;02
We are
00;12;57;02 – 00;13;00;07
unhealthily obsessed with each other.
00;13;00;16 – 00;13;05;25
We maybe understand
what each other’s thinking
00;13;05;25 – 00;13;07;11
when the other person isn’t around.
00;13;07;11 – 00;13;09;01
So maybe there’s an intuitive bond.
00;13;09;01 – 00;13;10;29
We’re all of those things, but we are.
00;13;10;29 – 00;13;12;28
We’re not codependent.
00;13;12;28 – 00;13;15;28
You know who is codependent? Me
00;13;16;18 – 00;13;18;22
to me. Well, I am to.
00;13;18;22 – 00;13;20;05
so you. Great, great.
00;13;20;05 – 00;13;23;05
Just with other people in our life.
00;13;23;26 – 00;13;25;14
So we have a little dissecting.
00;13;25;14 – 00;13;27;22
We have a lot to talk about with.
00;13;27;22 – 00;13;30;22
But let me just tell you listeners
00;13;31;08 – 00;13;32;25
more review that. We’ll do a book review.
00;13;32;25 – 00;13;36;16
You read it first and I’ll read it
and you guys will tell you
00;13;36;16 – 00;13;39;20
what I am one hour
and 20 minutes in and one.
00;13;39;20 – 00;13;41;07
I’ve cried three times.
00;13;41;07 – 00;13;44;01
And also I’ve had to stop
and rewind it a couple of times
00;13;44;01 – 00;13;47;01
because I’m like,
she needs to say that again.
00;13;47;02 – 00;13;49;10
What did she just say?
00;13;49;10 – 00;13;51;25
It’s absolutely fascinating.
00;13;51;25 – 00;13;54;14
I know you so well
that you’re going to read.
00;13;54;14 – 00;13;56;00
This is an audiobook.
00;13;56;00 – 00;13;59;03
It’s already in your Amazon cart
because you need to go
00;13;59;03 – 00;14;02;20
and reread it so you can take notes
and do highlight and write down.
00;14;02;24 – 00;14;03;17
I know.
00;14;03;17 – 00;14;06;04
And you also know what my new research is.
00;14;06;04 – 00;14;08;04
Interest is codependency.
00;14;09;09 – 00;14;10;23
Is that codependent.
00;14;10;23 – 00;14;13;23
The relationship between
00;14;14;19 – 00;14;16;19
It’s not the relationship,
but I’m not kidding.
00;14;16;19 – 00;14;19;02
I thought about this on the way
here. It’s on the relationship
00;14;19;02 – 00;14;22;18
between having strong amounts
of empathy and codependency.
00;14;22;26 – 00;14;25;01
And then who has strong amounts
of empathy?
00;14;25;01 – 00;14;26;22
People in nonprofits.
00;14;26;22 – 00;14;31;05
So I like to talk about the relationship
between nonprofits, codependency, empathy,
00;14;31;17 – 00;14;35;25
and how a lot of what they were saying
in this book is that a lot of people
00;14;35;25 – 00;14;39;18
who are in the helping professions
tend to be codependent people.
00;14;39;29 – 00;14;42;19
Now, the definition of codependent
00;14;42;19 – 00;14;45;27
is something
that she’s saying in the book.
00;14;46;02 – 00;14;49;03
It doesn’t have a really great definition.
00;14;49;04 – 00;14;54;19
People will talk about codependency
as like it’s characteristics,
00;14;55;06 – 00;14;59;00
but it doesn’t really have
a wonderful definition to date.
00;14;59;03 – 00;15;01;18
So of course don’t
I think to myself, absolutely.
00;15;01;18 – 00;15;04;24
But to be the lead researcher of figures
out a great definition of codependency,
00;15;04;24 – 00;15;05;17
it’s fine.
00;15;05;17 – 00;15;08;10
That’s it.
That’s my Capricorn spirit coming in. But
00;15;09;11 – 00;15;12;05
what I realized,
the way that she just described it,
00;15;12;05 – 00;15;16;01
was something along
the lines of you are a codependent person.
00;15;16;09 – 00;15;20;16
If you are someone who allows your moods
to be drastically changed
00;15;20;25 – 00;15;27;02
by the people around you, and if you find
yourself obsessed and or enmeshed
00;15;27;04 – 00;15;30;26
with the feelings and behaviors of others
00;15;31;09 – 00;15;34;07
in your desire to want to control them
00;15;34;07 – 00;15;37;27
so that you can control their behavior,
so that you in turn can feel better.
00;15;38;01 – 00;15;41;21
I’m totally paraphrasing that,
but that’s essentially the essence
00;15;42;05 – 00;15;44;21
of what she is saying,
which is interesting because when she said
00;15;44;21 – 00;15;48;07
that, I looked at you and I said
I would never have defined it like that.
00;15;48;09 – 00;15;50;15
I know. To define that as a trauma bond.
00;15;50;15 – 00;15;51;27
Yes. Right.
00;15;51;27 – 00;15;55;18
And then in when we sat back
and we listened, I was like, my gosh.
00;15;55;20 – 00;15;57;07
Mean, okay, okay.
00;15;57;07 – 00;15;58;26
I can see clearer now. Yes.
00;15;58;26 – 00;16;00;08
Well, that’s another article then.
00;16;00;08 – 00;16;00;29
The relationship
00;16;00;29 – 00;16;04;11
between trauma, bond and codependency
and what the differences between the two.
00;16;04;14 – 00;16;04;25
00;16;04;25 – 00;16;08;25
Do they co-exist or are they different
or can you have one without the other?
00;16;08;26 – 00;16;09;12
00;16;09;12 – 00;16;12;12
And what I’m learning is
you don’t always have to have trauma.
00;16;12;18 – 00;16;17;21
So the term codependency came about
in the chemical dependency profession
00;16;18;01 – 00;16;22;22
where people who were addicted to alcohol
or other substances
00;16;22;28 – 00;16;28;16
had a tendency to also be attached
to people who would be codependent.
00;16;29;18 – 00;16;32;05
They’re called non alcoholics.
00;16;32;05 – 00;16;34;04
They have all these these different names.
00;16;34;04 – 00;16;38;23
So it really came up in the substance
abuse chemical dependency arena
00;16;38;23 – 00;16;45;01
because people who were experiencing
trauma and turned to substances
00;16;45;10 – 00;16;49;11
for their escape
also had usually attached to them
00;16;49;11 – 00;16;53;13
someone who typically was a nonalcoholic
non substance user,
00;16;53;20 – 00;16;58;28
but who equally was attached
to the need to control that energy.
00;16;59;02 – 00;17;02;04
They just weren’t doing it
through the form of substance abuse.
00;17;02;17 – 00;17;04;00
So what happens then?
00;17;04;00 – 00;17;06;28
They also the enabler.
00;17;06;28 – 00;17;08;20
Is that different? No.
00;17;08;20 – 00;17;13;02
So that’s that’s article number three,
because that’s really interesting
00;17;13;03 – 00;17;16;20
to think about really
what this book so far, again,
00;17;16;20 – 00;17;20;02
I’m only like chapter
two has said it’s called Codependency.
00;17;20;02 – 00;17;20;18
No More.
00;17;20;18 – 00;17;24;12
And it’s the new edition
came out in 2022 on Valentine’s Day.
00;17;25;20 – 00;17;28;20
saying that people who are codependent
00;17;28;23 – 00;17;34;01
tend to be people who are strong,
head, fast controlling,
00;17;35;01 – 00;17;39;13
can be rude,
can can tell you what’s wrong with you.
00;17;39;13 – 00;17;40;24
Why are you doing this?
00;17;40;24 – 00;17;43;26
They’re checking your consumption
of certain products.
00;17;44;05 – 00;17;47;04
They’re angry at you
because of your spending behaviors.
00;17;47;05 – 00;17;52;00
They have all of these like strategies
in place that are trying to figure out if
00;17;52;00 – 00;17;56;10
they can keep track of what you’re doing,
because so much of what they’re doing
00;17;56;10 – 00;18;00;06
is trying to manage
and control the situation because they
00;18;00;07 – 00;18;04;01
themselves are so impacted
by what it is that you’re doing
00;18;04;18 – 00;18;09;27
and that people who are codependent often
get a bad rap for being people who are,
00;18;10;19 – 00;18;14;23
again, these nasty, controlling, you know,
my way or the highway kind of people.
00;18;15;03 – 00;18;18;19
But when you dig deep into the life
of the codependent, this is the part
00;18;18;19 – 00;18;20;03
that I’m finding so fascinating.
00;18;20;03 – 00;18;22;17
And often it’s coming from
00;18;23;23 – 00;18;25;24
highly controlled
00;18;25;24 – 00;18;29;02
and non-normative family environments
00;18;29;20 – 00;18;33;22
where the big feelings are happening
and they can just be normal,
00;18;33;22 – 00;18;36;27
everyday things that happen in a family
all the way to things
00;18;36;27 – 00;18;39;27
like adult children of alcoholics
or those types of things,
00;18;40;03 – 00;18;45;03
and the inability of the family
to be able to bring awareness
00;18;45;03 – 00;18;46;24
to different feelings or thoughts,
00;18;46;24 – 00;18;50;07
families that will push it under the rug
and pretend there’s nothing to see here.
00;18;50;25 – 00;18;52;27
Families who will have.
00;18;52;27 – 00;18;54;05
What did I tell you in the car?
00;18;54;05 – 00;18;58;15
Something like families
who have trouble navigating the canoe down
00;18;58;15 – 00;19;01;20
the river of life is essentially
how she put it.
00;19;02;04 – 00;19;05;29
And so you have these people, like you
and I, highly
00;19;05;29 – 00;19;09;29
emotional, highly sensitive,
intuitive of sorts,
00;19;10;13 – 00;19;14;25
who then are in this highly controlled
militant type environment,
00;19;15;08 – 00;19;19;09
often by people who themselves codependent
00;19;19;14 – 00;19;20;28
00;19;20;28 – 00;19;25;25
And their desire
to control the feelings of their children.
00;19;25;25 – 00;19;26;14
I hear you.
00;19;26;14 – 00;19;29;13
And I have a tendency to be
because they themselves
00;19;29;13 – 00;19;31;26
wanted to control that,
because they themselves. Right.
00;19;31;26 – 00;19;33;28
It just keeps going down the line.
00;19;33;28 – 00;19;38;00
So what I’m finding out
now is that it comes from these types
00;19;38;00 – 00;19;43;24
of controlling relationships
in which you’re trying to inhibit
00;19;43;24 – 00;19;48;05
the feelings, the reactions
and the behaviors that these people have.
00;19;48;14 – 00;19;51;04
And so they in turn
00;19;51;04 – 00;19;56;00
don’t have great outlets
for how to process and feel emotion.
00;19;56;09 – 00;20;00;13
But like you and I, they’re
highly sensitive, highly feeling people.
00;20;00;21 – 00;20;02;23
So talk about a bubble bursting, right?
00;20;02;23 – 00;20;05;04
They’re just imploding from the inside.
00;20;05;04 – 00;20;10;03
So then they get out into normal
relationship type environments, right.
00;20;10;13 – 00;20;14;05
And start to have relationships
with other people, start
00;20;14;05 – 00;20;17;23
to date, start to build friendships,
those types of things.
00;20;18;06 – 00;20;22;13
And these people have a tendency
to subconsciously
00;20;22;13 – 00;20;27;08
pick people who are, as she described it,
they can be ill,
00;20;27;17 – 00;20;31;03
they can be maladaptive,
they can be bizarre.
00;20;31;07 – 00;20;32;11
She used the word bizarre.
00;20;32;11 – 00;20;34;05
They have a tendency
to be attracted to bizarre.
00;20;34;05 – 00;20;35;29
Is that not me?
00;20;35;29 – 00;20;40;02
I will sit next to the person
who looks the most bizarre on a bus
00;20;40;02 – 00;20;42;12
because I’m thinking myself
like I know this person.
00;20;42;12 – 00;20;44;08
I have to know what’s going on with them.
00;20;44;08 – 00;20;46;04
I ask them questions, right?
00;20;46;04 – 00;20;47;23
I got to walk into the target bathroom.
00;20;47;23 – 00;20;49;19
pounding their head on the on the wall.
00;20;49;19 – 00;20;52;15
I got to know
I know what’s going on there. Right.
00;20;52;15 – 00;20;55;17
And so it almost in some ways
creates this environment
00;20;55;17 – 00;20;59;11
where you get to feel your feelings
and you get to put your feelings out
00;20;59;11 – 00;21;00;21
in other people.
00;21;00;21 – 00;21;02;26
And you also get to control.
00;21;02;26 – 00;21;05;13
In a way,
control has a negative connotation.
00;21;05;13 – 00;21;08;13
But if you think of it
in terms of having been so hurt
00;21;08;22 – 00;21;12;26
and so stifled, your desire to control
that reaction
00;21;12;26 – 00;21;17;04
is your desire to manage the feelings
that you are going to have.
00;21;17;06 – 00;21;18;06
Yes, right.
00;21;18;06 – 00;21;19;06
Does all of this make sense?
00;21;19;06 – 00;21;22;10
Is that it’s like this is like extra
smoking today?
00;21;22;19 – 00;21;23;12
00;21;23;12 – 00;21;26;17
But then we talked about how it parallels
with the savior complex and how
00;21;26;17 – 00;21;27;05
all of that
00;21;28;04 – 00;21;31;04
control is such a hard word to use.
00;21;31;08 – 00;21;33;09
It’s it sounds vindictive.
00;21;33;09 – 00;21;33;25
Yeah. Yeah.
00;21;33;25 – 00;21;36;13
And the same thing with like counseling.
Go to counseling.
00;21;36;13 – 00;21;39;01
It just has this. Yes. Attachment to it.
00;21;39;01 – 00;21;42;08
But I guess at the end of the day,
that’s that’s what it is.
00;21;42;08 – 00;21;46;28
It’s a control of
I don’t want my children to feel
00;21;46;28 – 00;21;49;28
any pain,
so I’m going to control this situation.
00;21;50;00 – 00;21;53;00
we create a codependency kind of thing.
00;21;53;00 – 00;21;53;28
00;21;53;28 – 00;21;56;28
You know, I don’t want to,
00;21;58;09 – 00;21;59;21
you know, whatever it is
00;21;59;21 – 00;22;03;04
with a domestic partnership,
all, all of that,
00;22;04;12 – 00;22;07;26
I it’s fascinating,
00;22;08;23 – 00;22;11;06
but codependent before
00;22;11;06 – 00;22;14;06
reading this book to me meant
00;22;15;18 – 00;22;17;19
so enmeshed with each other
00;22;17;19 – 00;22;21;21
that you can’t even go to the mailbox
to get the mail by yourself.
00;22;21;21 – 00;22;22;13
Right. Right.
00;22;22;13 – 00;22;25;27
Or I have to text you 37 times
00;22;25;27 – 00;22;28;27
because I just experienced something
and you need to experience it. Yes.
00;22;29;06 – 00;22;31;23
And again, we’ve determined
that’s bonding obsession. Brad,
00;22;32;24 – 00;22;35;06
when I sent you the double sided toilet
00;22;35;06 – 00;22;38;27
and then you said that the other day,
there’s two toilets and one bathroom
00;22;39;11 – 00;22;42;11
here, like this is how I would
go to the bathroom from now on.
00;22;42;15 – 00;22;46;09
You said I’d the stuff that was the meme
about the driver’s license picture.
00;22;47;21 – 00;22;48;23
They’re not close enough to you.
00;22;48;23 – 00;22;51;23
I’d like to be with you
on your driver’s license.
00;22;52;04 – 00;22;53;17
That’s just obsessive bonding.
00;22;53;17 – 00;22;54;21
Right idea.
00;22;54;21 – 00;22;57;06
Yeah. That’s part of what you do there.
00;22;57;06 – 00;22;59;21
And it’s just that actually feels
right on time. Right? Right.
00;22;59;21 – 00;23;01;08
Feels absolutely right.
00;23;01;08 – 00;23;04;11
But you and I,
we are not code dependent with each other
00;23;04;16 – 00;23;07;03
because I don’t try and control
what you do at all.
00;23;07;03 – 00;23;11;02
In fact, I prefer you just do
the craziest shit ever.
00;23;11;02 – 00;23;14;02
And then I’ll just shake my head
and be like, This is absolutely nuts,
00;23;14;22 – 00;23;17;21
right? Yeah. So it’s not about that.
00;23;17;21 – 00;23;18;17
But but I think it’s
00;23;18;17 – 00;23;22;13
fascinating that this came about
in the chemical dependency field.
00;23;22;13 – 00;23;27;02
However, it is not just in chemical
dependency situations that this occurs.
00;23;27;15 – 00;23;30;25
In one example they provided
it was a woman who had zero chemical
00;23;30;25 – 00;23;33;14
dependency background in her family or her
00;23;34;12 – 00;23;35;13
husband’s family.
00;23;35;13 – 00;23;38;01
Her family and her husband
had no chemical dependency.
00;23;38;01 – 00;23;40;19
It was just nonexistent in their family,
she said.
00;23;40;19 – 00;23;44;16
However, this woman just felt so enmeshed
00;23;44;19 – 00;23;49;19
with the feelings of her significant other
that if he was happy, she was happy.
00;23;50;04 – 00;23;54;12
If he wasn’t happy, she wasn’t happy,
she would try incredibly hard
00;23;54;12 – 00;23;56;11
to make him happy. He would get annoyed.
00;23;56;11 – 00;23;57;29
She would be defeated.
00;23;57;29 – 00;24;03;12
That is me
that that whole scenario is me to a T,
00;24;03;24 – 00;24;06;16
It is a enmeshment
00;24;06;16 – 00;24;11;08
of taking on the feelings
and reactions of other people
00;24;11;25 – 00;24;14;29
and it is highly alert
00;24;15;02 – 00;24;19;02
in my family and closest friend unit.
00;24;19;06 – 00;24;23;11
so if I notice that you’re not responding
00;24;23;11 – 00;24;27;07
to text messages,
it’s almost as if I become one with you.
00;24;27;07 – 00;24;29;07
And I’m like,
okay, what is going on with her?
00;24;29;07 – 00;24;29;28
Is everything okay?
00;24;29;28 – 00;24;30;14
Is it not okay?
00;24;30;14 – 00;24;34;08
Says that it triggers an anxiety reaction,
and then the anxiety reaction
00;24;34;08 – 00;24;37;17
just triggers
this downward spiral of like, is she okay?
00;24;37;17 – 00;24;38;11
Is she not okay?
00;24;38;11 – 00;24;41;11
I see this with Marc Daily.
00;24;42;05 – 00;24;46;25
Daily to the point
where I’m obsessively saying to him,
00;24;47;29 – 00;24;49;06
I noticed that you weren’t
00;24;49;06 – 00;24;52;08
as quick to step up
and help out with that scenario.
00;24;52;08 – 00;24;54;26
Is there a reason for that?
00;24;54;26 – 00;24;59;12
Or I notice that you haven’t
00;24;59;12 – 00;25;03;02
been talking as much at the dinner table
as you usually are.
00;25;03;02 – 00;25;04;24
Is everything okay?
00;25;04;24 – 00;25;07;06
It’s an embarrassment with the energy.
00;25;07;06 – 00;25;08;03
Here’s that.
00;25;08;03 – 00;25;11;26
Really, after part of all of it,
Marc’s also codependent.
00;25;12;16 – 00;25;15;28
So he’s watching my every single move.
00;25;16;07 – 00;25;20;29
He’s an adult child of an alcoholic,
so he has codependency tendencies.
00;25;21;07 – 00;25;25;09
He is now connected with me in such a way
00;25;25;09 – 00;25;30;12
that if my energy is off, he’s
now super in tune with that.
00;25;30;13 – 00;25;31;13
And then what we’re doing
00;25;31;13 – 00;25;34;19
all the time is constantly playing off
of each other’s energy changes
00;25;34;19 – 00;25;37;19
because I didn’t realize my energy off,
but now I’m reacting to his energy.
00;25;37;19 – 00;25;39;26
That’s off because my energy was off.
00;25;39;26 – 00;25;43;22
So this constant, it’s wavering
tint cycle.
00;25;43;22 – 00;25;47;21
That’s why when it’s great
and everyone’s happy and everyone’s
00;25;47;21 – 00;25;51;16
in a good mood and right,
it couldn’t be any better.
00;25;51;24 – 00;25;55;18
But when one tiny thing starts to
00;25;55;29 – 00;25;58;23
and how many times
does that happen over the course of a day.
00;25;58;23 – 00;25;59;08
00;25;59;08 – 00;26;04;17
I’ll give you this tiny little interaction
or thought that maybe some things off.
00;26;05;00 – 00;26;07;27
It triggers the codependence response
00;26;07;27 – 00;26;10;24
and then the enmeshment comes up
and then I need to fix that.
00;26;10;24 – 00;26;13;05
And what do we do? As codependence?
00;26;13;05 – 00;26;15;24
We get quietly defensive.
00;26;15;24 – 00;26;20;01
So what we do is we pull back
and then we start to do things like,
00;26;20;13 – 00;26;22;11
All right, well,
I’m just going to step back and watch
00;26;22;11 – 00;26;25;20
what he does in this scenario,
because I have to watch and see,
00;26;25;20 – 00;26;28;19
was this just a one time thing
or is this now a pattern?
00;26;28;19 – 00;26;29;20
00;26;29;20 – 00;26;30;22
So instead of
00;26;30;22 – 00;26;32;02
because we haven’t been people
00;26;32;02 – 00;26;35;22
who grew up in relationships
where it was safe to say,
00;26;36;29 – 00;26;38;01
what’s going on with you
00;26;38;01 – 00;26;41;01
right now,
why are you reacting in that way?
00;26;41;02 – 00;26;44;04
we’ve been trained and conditioned to
00;26;44;25 – 00;26;46;25
put on a smile
and everything’s totally fine.
00;26;46;25 – 00;26;48;16
But what are you doing the whole time?
00;26;48;16 – 00;26;51;16
Assessing the shit out of the situation.
00;26;52;00 – 00;26;55;24
But when you’re always doing that
in your entire family, right?
00;26;55;24 – 00;27;01;12
You’re just one big walking
assassin in time bomb all over the place.
00;27;01;28 – 00;27;04;02
Yeah. I mean,
00;27;04;02 – 00;27;07;01
there’s not a lot of
00;27;08;00 – 00;27;11;00
detoxing is not the right word, but what,
00;27;11;20 – 00;27;13;04
what does, what does that mean when you.
00;27;13;04 – 00;27;16;23
Maybe it is detoxing,
but when you are just out loud
00;27;16;23 – 00;27;19;26
to just be yourself and just have emotions
and have all those things
00;27;20;06 – 00;27;22;06
without being questioned about it.
00;27;22;06 – 00;27;22;12
00;27;22;12 – 00;27;23;29
Every 5 minutes. Yeah. Yeah.
00;27;23;29 – 00;27;25;03
That doesn’t exist.
00;27;25;03 – 00;27;26;04
No, not.
00;27;26;04 – 00;27;28;26
Not in many environments.
00;27;28;26 – 00;27;31;27
Or if it does exist, decompress.
00;27;32;10 – 00;27;33;11
Yeah, that’s the word. Yeah.
00;27;33;11 – 00;27;35;05
Not detox, the same thing.
00;27;35;05 – 00;27;37;02
It’s just I find the same thing.
00;27;37;02 – 00;27;37;18
00;27;37;18 – 00;27;41;05
When it does exist,
this is where the safety comes in
00;27;41;08 – 00;27;45;26
because you want to be around people
that you know if they’re having a problem
00;27;45;26 – 00;27;48;26
or if their concerned about you,
they’re going to speak up
00;27;49;13 – 00;27;53;02
so that you don’t have to be the one
to constantly be managing.
00;27;53;26 – 00;27;55;05
Is she upset about something?
00;27;55;05 – 00;27;58;23
Can I trust she’s going to say something
if she’s upset that if I did, I just annoy
00;27;58;23 – 00;27;59;15
her, right?
00;27;59;15 – 00;28;02;17
You love to be around people
00;28;03;07 – 00;28;06;12
who in the moment are going to say,
00;28;07;13 – 00;28;10;03
my God, I’m totally having a reaction
to what you just said.
00;28;10;03 – 00;28;10;29
You will love that.
00;28;10;29 – 00;28;11;22
I prefer that.
00;28;11;22 – 00;28;14;22
Yes, I prefer that. Yes.
00;28;14;25 – 00;28;17;16
Because you’d rather know. Yes.
00;28;17;16 – 00;28;19;03
And know where you stand. Right.
00;28;19;03 – 00;28;20;22
And know that you said something. Right.
00;28;20;22 – 00;28;23;06
Because it’s
never coming from a bad place.
00;28;23;06 – 00;28;26;05
So you want to acknowledge in that moment,
my God, I didn’t mean it that way.
00;28;26;05 – 00;28;27;25
I’m really sorry about that. Right.
00;28;27;25 – 00;28;30;25
And in many ways,
I provide that safety for you
00;28;30;26 – 00;28;34;09
because if I’m upset about something
or have a reaction or something,
00;28;34;13 – 00;28;35;29
I have to talk about it.
00;28;35;29 – 00;28;36;23
But is that so?
00;28;36;23 – 00;28;40;14
I just had this Or sitting here, I’m
thinking to myself, all the times where
00;28;41;04 – 00;28;45;11
we’re together five, six,
seven days traveling or whatever, and
00;28;47;09 – 00;28;49;09
or even if you come over to my house
and you end up falling
00;28;49;09 – 00;28;52;16
asleep on the couch, like
I don’t think to myself, she mad at me.
00;28;53;02 – 00;28;56;08
like I’m never I’m never in that flow.
00;28;56;08 – 00;28;59;18
Yeah, I never feel that way because is it
because I just trust
00;28;59;18 – 00;29;02;20
that you’re going to express
00;29;02;26 – 00;29;05;03
anything when you need to or even
00;29;05;03 – 00;29;10;01
even when we get into some sort of tense,
ten tense conversation.
00;29;10;01 – 00;29;14;04
I know deep down that if it crosses a line
00;29;14;04 – 00;29;17;04
or this that you’re going to say, okay,
I got I got to talk about this right now.
00;29;17;04 – 00;29;17;10
00;29;17;10 – 00;29;19;28
And when that doesn’t happen,
I can sit and go, okay,
00;29;19;28 – 00;29;24;02
that was just a tough conversation
and we don’t need to discuss it
00;29;24;02 – 00;29;26;04
because it just is what it is
and we can move on.
00;29;26;04 – 00;29;27;21
Yeah, absolutely.
00;29;27;21 – 00;29;34;06
That feels so genuine
and it doesn’t make the feeling go away.
00;29;34;09 – 00;29;34;29
That really sucked.
00;29;34;29 – 00;29;35;26
I don’t like how that feel.
00;29;35;26 – 00;29;38;26
It feels much better
when we’re always in a line and yeah,
00;29;38;26 – 00;29;43;29
but it’s not a I’m having a reaction to,
you know, never.
00;29;44;03 – 00;29;46;19
It’s just sometimes
topics are just what they are.
00;29;46;19 – 00;29;48;29
You and I just think so differently
and we are so different
00;29;48;29 – 00;29;50;13
and there’s nothing wrong with that. So
00;29;51;12 – 00;29;53;21
that must be the trust and safety.
00;29;53;21 – 00;29;55;02
That must be the difference.
00;29;55;02 – 00;29;58;00
And why?
00;29;58;00 – 00;30;01;00
why do you not feel the need
00;30;01;11 – 00;30;04;11
to convince me to be different?
00;30;05;05 – 00;30;08;05
Because when you say you’re
because we’re not codependent.
00;30;08;11 – 00;30;09;06
00;30;09;06 – 00;30;13;23
Because when you say a codependent person
has this need to control and to manage
00;30;13;23 – 00;30;18;22
and to, you know, all the things
Now, in the beginning, before you were
00;30;19;13 – 00;30;23;09
fully embraced me, there was you, weren’t
we weren’t codependent.
00;30;23;09 – 00;30;25;10
You just didn’t include me
00;30;25;10 – 00;30;27;06
in things, correct? Right.
00;30;27;06 – 00;30;30;04
Which was my form of control,
Correct. Right. Right.
00;30;30;04 – 00;30;32;10
I mean, we’ve talked about
that talked about this before.
00;30;32;10 – 00;30;34;01
We were friends probably ten years before.
00;30;34;01 – 00;30;36;17
You let me meet any of your other friends.
00;30;36;17 – 00;30;38;00
00;30;38;00 – 00;30;38;25
00;30;38;25 – 00;30;41;10
In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s
when you got married and met your friends
00;30;42;20 – 00;30;44;05
and even
then, I’m sure you were like this.
00;30;44;05 – 00;30;45;21
You were all bridesmaids together.
00;30;45;21 – 00;30;47;13
Then you’re all like, who are you? Right?
00;30;47;13 – 00;30;48;15
I’m pretty sure.
00;30;48;15 – 00;30;50;09
I’m pretty sure you even contemplated
00;30;50;09 – 00;30;53;25
not having me as a bridesmaid
because you knew I would understand
00;30;53;25 – 00;30;57;00
and I would be sad,
but I would get it right.
00;30;57;26 – 00;30;59;07
00;30;59;07 – 00;31;01;28
Most people are like,
You’ve been friends for 20 years.
00;31;01;28 – 00;31;05;23
Yeah, actually, not only friends,
but like you did different.
00;31;05;26 – 00;31;07;11
So because they don’t know that,
they’re like,
00;31;07;11 – 00;31;10;11
Well, you guys got bonded
real quick, right? Yes.
00;31;10;19 – 00;31;11;14
Wow. Right.
00;31;11;14 – 00;31;14;26
Just like when we talk about the fact
that you held my 14 year old daughter
00;31;14;26 – 00;31;17;16
right in the hospital for the first time
before I even knew
00;31;17;16 – 00;31;20;08
we were already knee
deep into the relationship.
00;31;20;08 – 00;31;21;11
But that was 14.
00;31;21;11 – 00;31;23;29
Yeah. And, you know, like,
I just pulled up.
00;31;23;29 – 00;31;27;22
I just pulled up a text message
or a Facebook memory of you saying
00;31;27;22 – 00;31;30;22
something about me ruining your life
and not having a baby.
00;31;31;06 – 00;31;31;14
00;31;31;14 – 00;31;34;12
So, like,
there’s just there’s this depth and length
00;31;34;12 – 00;31;37;13
of a relationship,
but and I never pushed it.
00;31;37;13 – 00;31;40;16
I was I never said to you, why don’t you
include me with your other friends?
00;31;40;21 – 00;31;47;01
Because I know you well enough that if
I put that pressure on you, it’s not okay.
00;31;47;11 – 00;31;49;25
That’s a spiral. That’s a
how am I going to manage?
00;31;49;25 – 00;31;52;08
It’s too much, so I’ll just let you.
00;31;52;08 – 00;31;54;02
You know what? It’s okay.
00;31;54;02 – 00;31;54;12
00;31;54;12 – 00;31;56;14
I’ll let you do what you need to do.
00;31;56;14 – 00;31;58;20
Test the waters, all the things.
00;31;58;20 – 00;32;01;10
But why didn’t I want to control you?
00;32;01;10 – 00;32;03;04
Why? Why now?
00;32;05;09 – 00;32;06;29
Okay, let me think this through.
00;32;06;29 – 00;32;11;14
So if now we go back to say
you’re embarrassed.
00;32;12;24 – 00;32;15;24
no, you don’t get angry, get fed,
00;32;15;27 – 00;32;20;16
and you’re like,
What is that you doing daily?
00;32;20;17 – 00;32;23;16
Right, Right.
00;32;23;16 – 00;32;24;16
Especially especially
00;32;24;16 – 00;32;27;25
when the
the thing just came up the other day
00;32;28;03 – 00;32;31;24
from Rebecca Gates, who was like,
we went and visited her at Yale.
00;32;31;25 – 00;32;33;03
This was years ago.
00;32;33;03 – 00;32;34;28
Probably wouldn’t. Taylor was born.
00;32;34;28 – 00;32;38;13
We went to visit her at Yale
and we were walking around
00;32;38;13 – 00;32;41;13
the Yale campus
and decided to join in a tour.
00;32;42;13 – 00;32;44;13
And we get to the library.
00;32;44;13 – 00;32;45;29
And what did they say?
00;32;45;29 – 00;32;49;07
This is these books behind
the glass are like,
00;32;49;24 – 00;32;53;01
they bring them out to showcase them or,
you know, you know, they’re
00;32;53;03 – 00;32;56;01
they are vintage like like original.
00;32;56;01 – 00;32;58;09
Touch it. It’s
going to disappear type of thing. Yeah.
00;32;58;09 – 00;33;00;28
And then we get to this open area
and she’s like,
00;33;00;28 – 00;33;02;25
and this is where we have all the parties
00;33;03;24 – 00;33;04;16
and this is
00;33;04;16 – 00;33;07;17
where students come for parties, right?
00;33;07;17 – 00;33;10;08
And we’re like, and party in the library,
00;33;10;08 – 00;33;13;08
We just look at each other
and then everybody’s just standing there.
00;33;13;08 – 00;33;17;12
And I do it is all I have to this test.
00;33;17;15 – 00;33;23;06
I have to say this All of the people
who are here have an IQ of like 400.
00;33;23;11 – 00;33;26;17
yeah, these people are brilliant.
00;33;26;20 – 00;33;29;10
They’re talking that you can actually come
here, get into.
00;33;29;10 – 00;33;30;28
All right. Yeah. All right.
00;33;30;28 – 00;33;32;25
We just we are just like, cool.
00;33;32;25 – 00;33;34;18
We love higher education.
00;33;34;18 – 00;33;36;12
We want to take institution.
00;33;36;12 – 00;33;39;06
And I’m thinking
they’re asking intellectual questions.
00;33;39;06 – 00;33;43;02
They ask some question about some
what version of some book was available
00;33;43;02 – 00;33;45;29
in the library. We’re like,
What are these people talking about?
00;33;45;29 – 00;33;48;21
And in my mind,
I’m obsessed with Gilmore Girls now.
00;33;48;21 – 00;33;51;03
And I know she went there
and so I’m crying and I’m like,
00;33;51;03 – 00;33;52;20
that’s right, she did blah, blah, blah.
00;33;52;20 – 00;33;54;10
Like, that’s all I care about. Yeah.
00;33;54;10 – 00;33;55;17
So the tour guides us,
00;33;55;17 – 00;33;57;06
and this is where they have
all the parties
00;33;57;06 – 00;33;59;28
and everybody is just standing around
like this, you know, in a circle.
00;33;59;28 – 00;34;04;05
It’s a circle and everybody is looking
and I go and I just go.
00;34;05;06 – 00;34;07;07
I do the move from SNL
00;34;07;07 – 00;34;10;07
when the lady, you know,
smells their armpits and then goes
00;34;11;06 – 00;34;12;23
down. Arms me down, arms up.
00;34;12;23 – 00;34;15;23
I go over to me,
00;34;16;28 – 00;34;18;28
00;34;18;28 – 00;34;21;28
this was everybody
00;34;24;08 – 00;34;28;05
And you gave me I’ll look around.
00;34;28;08 – 00;34;29;24
I left the circle.
00;34;29;24 – 00;34;33;05
I went to go touch a book,
but I had no clue what it was
00;34;33;05 – 00;34;37;16
because I was so mortified in that moment.
00;34;37;19 – 00;34;38;18
Yeah. Yeah.
00;34;38;18 – 00;34;40;20
No one skipped a beat. Nope.
00;34;40;20 – 00;34;42;24
No one said anything.
00;34;42;24 – 00;34;46;19
They were just like, So let’s carry on
into this part of the library.
00;34;46;28 – 00;34;47;16
So we got up.
00;34;47;16 – 00;34;50;22
Then you get up,
I look at you, you’re like, What?
00;34;51;29 – 00;34;54;11
But I know.
00;34;54;11 – 00;34;54;21
I know.
00;34;54;21 – 00;34;56;05
That was not okay.
00;34;56;05 – 00;34;59;05
You know, that was great.
00;34;59;07 – 00;35;01;22
But now, now here’s
what would happen if that happened.
00;35;01;22 – 00;35;04;00
No one I would know, right?
00;35;04;00 – 00;35;07;24
She’s about to rationale
in the middle of this circle.
00;35;07;24 – 00;35;08;02
00;35;08;02 – 00;35;12;04
And she’s going to say to people first,
as you can see it coming down the pike,
00;35;12;04 – 00;35;14;10
No, if you would give me the look,
you would. You would.
00;35;14;10 – 00;35;16;20
You would
then you’d be like this with your hands.
00;35;16;20 – 00;35;18;15
I know I do this.
00;35;18;15 – 00;35;19;26
They point a point right at your.
00;35;19;26 – 00;35;21;26
And then I only like, look at me. Look.
00;35;21;26 – 00;35;24;16
Now I got a place, right? Not the place.
00;35;24;16 – 00;35;25;14
And then you’d be like a
00;35;27;12 – 00;35;27;26
who would do it?
00;35;27;26 – 00;35;29;07
Now I’m going to do it.
00;35;29;07 – 00;35;31;14
And then I would just know
because I would feel it.
00;35;31;14 – 00;35;33;11
I feel all of the energy next to you.
00;35;33;11 – 00;35;36;16
I would turn to Rebecca Gates
and I would be like, It’s coming.
00;35;36;19 – 00;35;38;09
Yes, it’s coming.
00;35;38;09 – 00;35;39;14
But she would know it, too.
00;35;39;14 – 00;35;40;27
yeah. my God.
00;35;40;27 – 00;35;41;23
It’s funny.
00;35;41;23 – 00;35;43;14
Not good. It’s funny.
00;35;43;14 – 00;35;45;09
That’s pretty sure.
00;35;45;09 – 00;35;47;21
Pretty sure you didn’t
speak to me for a little bit.
00;35;47;21 – 00;35;48;13
I always.
00;35;48;13 – 00;35;51;18
I’m going to get my my book
touching some random
00;35;51;18 – 00;35;54;26
book to make myself
feel like a little bit better.
00;35;55;06 – 00;35;58;29
You then come up to me after and I said,
Get out of here.
00;35;59;18 – 00;36;00;18
And you said, What?
00;36;00;18 – 00;36;03;07
And I said, I do not want to be seen
with you right now.
00;36;03;07 – 00;36;04;15
You’re going to walk in front of me.
00;36;04;15 – 00;36;06;09
You’re like, This is a prestigious place.
00;36;06;09 – 00;36;09;08
I’m like, I’d like to see you.
Just happy to get in here.
00;36;09;08 – 00;36;10;06
And I’m like, That’s everything
00;36;12;17 – 00;36;12;29
that it means.
00;36;12;29 – 00;36;16;14
That kind of party. God.
00;36;18;00 – 00;36;22;11
So, by the way, read the book Codependent
No More.
00;36;22;11 – 00;36;24;06
We’re reading it right now.
00;36;24;06 – 00;36;27;25
I am needed to read that
because I’m reading Paris
00;36;27;25 – 00;36;30;25
Hilton’s biography, which is all the time.
00;36;30;25 – 00;36;33;17
Very good.
00;36;33;17 – 00;36;35;24
but we’ll have more insights that as well.
00;36;35;24 – 00;36;38;09
But that that’s that is next.
00;36;38;09 – 00;36;39;08
That was game changer.
00;36;39;08 – 00;36;42;08
Welcome 2024. So.
00;36;42;19 – 00;36;44;08
All right, get us off your hippie veil.
00;36;44;08 – 00;36;46;05
You needed to pull this card for you
00;36;46;05 – 00;36;48;17
I did, but I don’t think it’s for me.
00;36;48;17 – 00;36;49;19
no, I think it’s for me.
00;36;49;19 – 00;36;52;02
Yeah, I’ve had that one before
as the freaking store of sorts.
00;36;52;02 – 00;36;54;03
but then again, it could be for me too.
00;36;54;03 – 00;36;54;28
It’s the two of swords.
00;36;54;28 – 00;36;57;04
It’s the alligator with the two
00;36;58;09 – 00;37;00;12
swords in his tail.
00;37;00;12 – 00;37;02;12
00;37;02;12 – 00;37;03;29
Caution, double edged sword.
00;37;03;29 – 00;37;07;20
Meaning this card may mark a time of solo
indecision for you.
00;37;07;20 – 00;37;08;12
Or it could mean
00;37;08;12 – 00;37;12;21
you need to reach some sort of compromise
with someone else in either or both cases
00;37;13;06 – 00;37;16;27
indicates and joyful jog
on the hamster wheel of little progress.
00;37;16;27 – 00;37;18;13
And you know what? That’s okay.
00;37;18;13 – 00;37;19;23
Take a pause and chill for a minute.
00;37;19;23 – 00;37;22;11
It’s better to wait in the wings
until you know what role
00;37;22;11 – 00;37;25;22
you want to play than to rush and rush
on stage and blurt out the wrong lines.
00;37;25;23 – 00;37;27;20
So buy it your time, player.
00;37;27;20 – 00;37;31;02
Be patient, maybe find a friend
to help you wield that sword.
00;37;31;02 – 00;37;34;22
And while they’re at it, maybe the other
one too, because those suckers are heavy.
00;37;35;18 – 00;37;38;19
So the affirmation is
I patiently I patiently glide
00;37;38;19 – 00;37;41;29
through this time of inaction
without worry or stress.
00;37;42;08 – 00;37;43;04
It is an option.
00;37;43;04 – 00;37;45;00
I get a free ticket to a lazy river.
00;37;46;09 – 00;37;47;07
00;37;47;07 – 00;37;50;25
I mean, I can see that for parts of me
too, just because of only transition by.
00;37;51;18 – 00;37;53;26
It’s for both of us. Yes, for both of us.
00;37;53;26 – 00;37;54;27
You professionally?
00;37;54;27 – 00;37;56;27
Me personally, Yeah. Yeah.
00;37;56;27 – 00;37;59;27
That card makes perfect sense. Yeah.
00;37;59;27 – 00;38;01;25
Although it is weird, this transition.
00;38;01;25 – 00;38;04;25
I’m in is just. It feels so weird. Like,
00;38;05;17 – 00;38;08;17
as much as I buck back buck
00;38;09;00 – 00;38;12;00
schedules and, like,
knowing what’s going on,
00;38;12;21 – 00;38;16;00
I much prefer to know what’s going on
and then decide if I’m going to do it.
00;38;16;27 – 00;38;18;22
00;38;18;22 – 00;38;21;22
I have just been running like
00;38;21;26 – 00;38;23;04
I have been.
00;38;23;04 – 00;38;26;05
Well, we had this major project
that we were working on my other
00;38;26;05 – 00;38;30;26
my other job, and I’m excited to say that
some really great things came out of it.
00;38;30;26 – 00;38;33;12
So it feels like, yes,
you know, we’re other times
00;38;33;12 – 00;38;35;19
you’re working on things
and then they just don’t pan out.
00;38;35;19 – 00;38;36;26
So that feels really good.
00;38;36;26 – 00;38;39;06
But at the same time,
I’m looking at my to do this that’s like
00;38;40;07 – 00;38;42;00
and then my husband’s working nights.
00;38;42;00 – 00;38;45;12
So it’s it’s
just there’s a lot of pressure right now,
00;38;46;21 – 00;38;48;12
you know, because
00;38;48;12 – 00;38;49;20
the weather the weather also.
00;38;49;20 – 00;38;54;06
So not only is he working nights but then
yesterday with the whole storm situation.
00;38;54;06 – 00;38;56;06
So yeah, it’s
been it’s just been a lot at home.
00;38;56;06 – 00;38;57;09
00;38;57;09 – 00;38;59;11
you know how I am
when I start looking at things
00;38;59;11 – 00;39;01;07
and I’m overwhelmed
with Christmas decorations
00;39;01;07 – 00;39;03;27
and then I decide not only do
I need these Christmas decorations to go,
00;39;03;27 – 00;39;06;27
I need to redo my dining room
because it’s annoying me.
00;39;07;00 – 00;39;10;11
And I’ve already purchased and returned
three different curtains.
00;39;10;11 – 00;39;12;12
I mean, you know,
you know how it is. Yeah.
00;39;12;12 – 00;39;16;20
Although I did throw out my 20 year
old Keurig.
00;39;17;05 – 00;39;18;12
Wow. I know.
00;39;18;12 – 00;39;21;12
Did Did you get a new one?
00;39;21;12 – 00;39;21;29
Yeah, I did.
00;39;21;29 – 00;39;24;24
And it’s pink. Yeah, of course it is. Old.
00;39;24;24 – 00;39;26;28
He comes up and he’s like, Really?
00;39;28;04 – 00;39;28;26
He’s like
00;39;28;26 – 00;39;32;21
the house is becoming a Barbie house.
00;39;33;00 – 00;39;35;08
I’m like, Well, that’s what I like.
00;39;35;08 – 00;39;37;14
And you don’t drink this coffee,
So what do you care?
00;39;37;14 – 00;39;39;25
Right? You don’t use it anyway. Exactly.
00;39;39;25 – 00;39;44;20
So, you know, he he’s so he again,
he just knows me.
00;39;44;20 – 00;39;46;13
So on Saturday,
00;39;46;13 – 00;39;48;25
when all the Christmas stuff is coming
down, we’re halfway through that.
00;39;48;25 – 00;39;52;14
And I decide I don’t like this big cabinet
with my coffee bar on it anymore.
00;39;52;22 – 00;39;55;22
I need to go get something else
halfway done.
00;39;55;23 – 00;39;58;22
Wearing the same clothes
from three days in a row, whatever.
00;39;58;22 – 00;40;00;26
I know that
I have to bring Sawyer to dance class.
00;40;00;26 – 00;40;04;10
And I look at Taylor and I go, Taylor,
we need to go find a cabinet.
00;40;04;10 – 00;40;06;24
She’s like, Yes, antiquing.
00;40;06;24 – 00;40;09;24
And so we go antiquing, but she’s rigid.
00;40;09;28 – 00;40;11;27
I gave her the budget, okay?
00;40;11;27 – 00;40;15;05
And so we found three different things
within the budget
00;40;15;06 – 00;40;16;16
that weren’t quite right.
00;40;16;16 – 00;40;19;11
And then she would
manipulate the situation.
00;40;19;11 – 00;40;20;23
So I didn’t pull the trigger.
00;40;20;23 – 00;40;22;25
Okay. However, yeah.
00;40;22;25 – 00;40;24;17
What do you do when you go home?
00;40;24;17 – 00;40;27;16
when on the Amazon now when we at home,
00;40;28;17 – 00;40;31;09
Sawyer has to change
and then I have to go back out to Greece
00;40;31;09 – 00;40;34;05
because she has soccer,
which means I’m just going to head up
00;40;34;05 – 00;40;35;17
some more antique shop. Correct.
00;40;35;17 – 00;40;38;03
And so Taylor refused to go with me.
00;40;38;03 – 00;40;41;01
Did I buy one double the budget?
00;40;41;01 – 00;40;42;00
Okay. All right.
00;40;42;00 – 00;40;43;18
Did I know whose fault that is?
00;40;43;18 – 00;40;47;10
Taylor, Did I send the picture to fill up
and say, Look, fill up it.
00;40;47;10 – 00;40;49;17
This is. And I told them the budget.
00;40;49;17 – 00;40;51;03
Yeah, that’s true. Yeah.
00;40;51;03 – 00;40;53;21
And he’s like, yeah,
that’s a great in fact,
00;40;53;21 – 00;40;56;05
are there any manly things in there
for my man.
00;40;56;05 – 00;40;56;22
00;40;56;22 – 00;40;58;12
And do I immediately call Taylor.
00;40;58;12 – 00;40;58;21
00;40;58;21 – 00;41;01;23
And I say, we have a problem
and that’s you.
00;41;01;23 – 00;41;04;05
She goes,
What do you mean I go, Your fault.
00;41;04;05 – 00;41;05;13
Look what happened when you weren’t here.
00;41;05;13 – 00;41;07;17
Not only that, but be in the driveway
when I.
00;41;07;17 – 00;41;09;07
When I get home. You got to carry.
00;41;11;02 – 00;41;11;29
But it’s very cute.
00;41;11;29 – 00;41;12;26
It’s very cute.
00;41;12;26 – 00;41;15;26
And I’m very happy with all the other one
on Facebook Marketplace.
00;41;16;07 – 00;41;18;26
Now, I put it downstairs
outside of Phillip’s
00;41;18;26 – 00;41;21;23
and we’ve turned it into his closet.
00;41;21;23 – 00;41;24;20
so not only did I gain a dresser upstairs,
00;41;24;20 – 00;41;27;22
but now he has all of his clothes
right where he takes a shower.
00;41;27;28 – 00;41;30;15
perfect. Like, what is the point of him
showering in the downs?
00;41;30;15 – 00;41;33;00
He has his own bathroom,
full bathroom downstairs
00;41;33;00 – 00;41;35;22
because he’s a man that no one
wants to be near that grossness.
00;41;35;22 – 00;41;36;17
Plus, we all know.
00;41;36;17 – 00;41;39;07
Does he still air his balls?
00;41;39;07 – 00;41;41;03
I was the hand towel.
00;41;41;03 – 00;41;42;22
I was just as say everyone else.
00;41;42;22 – 00;41;44;19
In fact,
my sister in law said the other day,
00;41;44;19 – 00;41;47;17
we all know nobody uses the hand towel
in the newsroom.
00;41;47;17 – 00;41;49;26
No, not in Phillip’s bathroom.
Not in any bathroom.
00;41;49;26 – 00;41;52;10
Not in the bathroom either,
because we all share the lake bathroom.
00;41;52;10 – 00;41;54;11
Everyone knows the one in your upstairs
00;41;54;11 – 00;41;55;29
Is that one okay? Yeah. He doesn’t go.
00;41;55;29 – 00;41;57;22
He doesn’t shower. Okay.
00;41;57;22 – 00;41;58;19
Whether that’s good.
00;41;58;19 – 00;42;02;09
So he it just doesn’t make sense
for him to shower
00;42;02;09 – 00;42;05;21
and then come all the way upstairs
to get dressed like that’s no right.
00;42;06;04 – 00;42;09;03
He’ll just move into the basement
right down there.
00;42;09;03 – 00;42;09;14
00;42;09;14 – 00;42;13;25
So he transformed that into his closet,
which actually worked pretty good. But,
00;42;15;08 – 00;42;17;12
you know, that ugliest rug that I bought?
00;42;17;12 – 00;42;20;11
Yeah. For how much?
00;42;20;12 – 00;42;22;14
Seven. Correct. $7.
00;42;22;14 – 00;42;22;25
My gosh.
00;42;22;25 – 00;42;24;23
And you said to me, No way.
00;42;24;23 – 00;42;26;22
I have to tell this story.
00;42;26;22 – 00;42;30;23
You for whatever reason, whenever you post
something, it just shows up in my feet.
00;42;31;20 – 00;42;32;17
It just does. So.
00;42;32;17 – 00;42;37;18
But I’m seeing you with your new manicure,
so I know it’s a recent photo with.
00;42;37;18 – 00;42;41;19
This rug on your floor
with the Christmas tree in the background.
00;42;41;19 – 00;42;43;07
And all I thought was
00;42;43;07 – 00;42;46;19
she is so want a gift
she just got from the frickin marketplace.
00;42;47;01 – 00;42;48;16
That’s what I thought. I’m like this.
00;42;48;16 – 00;42;50;19
She got this, and she’s like, This is ugly
00;42;50;19 – 00;42;53;01
because it was the ugliest thing
I’ve ever seen. Wow, this is so great.
00;42;53;01 – 00;42;54;07
Thank you so much.
00;42;54;07 – 00;42;56;22
Market place I thought you were doing.
00;42;56;22 – 00;42;59;29
I mean, you said it was no again,
under nails.
00;42;59;29 – 00;43;03;11
I can’t under deals and thunder deals
00;43;03;11 – 00;43;08;12
that a restock
while Nina and I were there and outcomes
00;43;08;12 – 00;43;13;27
this gigantic garbage bag
full of this huge
00;43;14;12 – 00;43;17;23
rug huge ugliest rug I’ve ever seen.
00;43;17;26 – 00;43;20;25
I mean,
it is a contender with your Amish rug.
00;43;20;25 – 00;43;21;15
Yeah, I agree.
00;43;21;15 – 00;43;23;23
And you can see that on our website.
00;43;23;23 – 00;43;25;22
Yeah, right in the timeline. yeah,
00;43;25;22 – 00;43;27;19
Yeah. That was the ugliest thing
I think I’ve ever seen.
00;43;27;19 – 00;43;31;12
But this one, this one is right up there
it is.
00;43;31;12 – 00;43;35;17
That’s why I thought you were selling
Jen blue and gray.
00;43;35;17 – 00;43;38;28
And it is almost borderline, but painted.
00;43;39;10 – 00;43;40;14
Exactly. It was bad.
00;43;40;14 – 00;43;44;15
Yeah, it does look like speckled paint,
but how much did I buy it for? $7.
00;43;44;15 – 00;43;46;03
And how much did I put it online for?
00;43;46;03 – 00;43;48;16
$100. Did I get an offer?
00;43;48;16 – 00;43;50;08
Yes, absolutely did.
00;43;50;08 – 00;43;50;28
00;43;50;28 – 00;43;53;15
I can’t. Absolutely. Dead still stupid.
00;43;53;15 – 00;43;54;27
They’re coming to pick it up tomorrow
00;43;55;25 – 00;43;58;06
as we’re talking around crappy
rugs, right?
00;43;58;06 – 00;43;59;18
I mean, I Sure. It’s a nice rug.
00;43;59;18 – 00;44;01;15
It’s just ugly. Exactly.
00;44;01;15 – 00;44;04;16
But that that’s how you thrift right
00;44;04;16 – 00;44;07;23
You’re not picking it for your house,
but you picking it
00;44;07;23 – 00;44;12;02
because you know someone wants a nine
by 11 rug.
00;44;12;05 – 00;44;14;17
Huge. Those things are expensive.
00;44;14;17 – 00;44;19;13
They are because I just bought one
off the Amazon and it wasn’t that big new.
00;44;19;14 – 00;44;21;17
It was maybe if I buy seven
and it was 100 bucks.
00;44;21;17 – 00;44;22;24
00;44;22;24 – 00;44;27;28
So the fact that I sell it in a nine by 11
rug for $100, I could sell it for 20.
00;44;27;28 – 00;44;29;21
Which is funny because in your house,
00;44;29;21 – 00;44;32;16
the way the picture was,
it looked like a four by five.
00;44;32;16 – 00;44;33;19
Now it looks small.
00;44;33;19 – 00;44;35;07
No, I’m surprised it was that big.
00;44;35;07 – 00;44;37;21
Actually, because it’s from Thunder
Road deals. I think it was
00;44;38;29 – 00;44;40;15
11 feet
00;44;40;15 – 00;44;43;23
by like eight feet, ten inches.
00;44;45;01 – 00;44;48;01
So some odd like so little
and nobody cares.
00;44;48;04 – 00;44;49;29
But again,
I could have sold it for 20 bucks.
00;44;49;29 – 00;44;50;29
I made 13 bucks.
00;44;50;29 – 00;44;53;07
Still turned myself a profit.
00;44;53;07 – 00;44;56;04
So as we know this now,
my sidekick sees what I do.
00;44;56;04 – 00;44;58;20
The difference is you again,
this is empathy.
00;44;58;20 – 00;45;00;25
You’re like, there’s a person out there
who would like that.
00;45;00;25 – 00;45;01;18
And in my mind I’m like,
00;45;01;18 – 00;45;05;11
No fucking person would ever buy that
because it’s hideous.
00;45;05;23 – 00;45;07;00
I’m not good at that.
00;45;07;00 – 00;45;08;19
I only like what I like. Yeah.
00;45;08;19 – 00;45;11;06
Now we’ve decided
if I was going to design houses,
00;45;11;06 – 00;45;13;09
they would only be in my style, correct?
00;45;13;09 – 00;45;14;03
I’m not good.
00;45;14;03 – 00;45;15;24
That’s why we can’t go into that business.
00;45;15;24 – 00;45;18;18
I’m not good
at going outside of my stores.
00;45;18;18 – 00;45;22;07
We would need to tell people you’ll leave,
we’ll take care of this.
00;45;22;17 – 00;45;24;19
And then when you come
home, we’ll show it to you.
00;45;24;19 – 00;45;26;15
Don’t Tell us your opinions,
because we don’t care
00;45;26;15 – 00;45;28;06
how you feel about it
and then we’ll leave.
00;45;28;06 – 00;45;30;02
And you can do whatever you want. Right?
00;45;30;02 – 00;45;31;26
But this isn’t about you, right?
00;45;31;26 – 00;45;32;05
00;45;32;05 – 00;45;33;19
I know I’m not going to do that.
00;45;33;19 – 00;45;35;28
I know that. Our time. Nope.
00;45;35;28 – 00;45;37;23
We still got a couple more minutes.
00;45;37;23 – 00;45;41;05
We got five more questions. So. Yes. Okay,
00;45;42;10 – 00;45;43;04
I do.
00;45;43;04 – 00;45;47;06
I wanted to tell you, this is kind of
sort of an empathy problem.
00;45;47;10 – 00;45;48;21
00;45;48;21 – 00;45;52;29
But I needed to tell you
about this situation that happened to me
00;45;52;29 – 00;45;57;12
on one of these Facebook groups
and what my reaction was to it.
00;45;58;02 – 00;46;01;02
And I wanted to know if this was normal.
00;46;01;02 – 00;46;04;02
I’m already going to preface it
by saying no,
00;46;04;09 – 00;46;07;07
but I want to know if this is a normal
person’s reaction to Scott.
00;46;07;07 – 00;46;10;07
I’d like to know
if this is a normal person’s reaction.
00;46;10;08 – 00;46;12;13
I should probably ask a normal person,
but I’ll try.
00;46;12;13 – 00;46;13;12
00;46;13;12 – 00;46;16;09
Well, me, I’m normal, so go ahead. Okay.
00;46;16;09 – 00;46;18;24
So I’m on this group on Facebook
00;46;18;24 – 00;46;21;24
and it is called
00;46;23;10 – 00;46;25;12
Weird and wonderful
00;46;25;12 – 00;46;28;19
Second hand finds
that just need to be shared.
00;46;29;20 – 00;46;33;20
3.1 million members.
00;46;33;20 – 00;46;36;20
1 million. Okay. Okay.
00;46;37;12 – 00;46;41;16
Now the things that are posted on
this group make me so happy.
00;46;41;16 – 00;46;44;16
They are. They range
00;46;45;05 – 00;46;46;11
from things that people
00;46;46;11 – 00;46;49;11
found a thrift
shop, things that people found antiquing.
00;46;49;11 – 00;46;55;02
Like I said, my gosh, can you believe this
is being sold, you know, kind of thing.
00;46;55;02 – 00;46;56;17
So you have to join the group
00;46;56;17 – 00;46;59;17
in order to really appreciate
what people are finding.
00;47;00;07 – 00;47;02;23
So when you and I were antiquing
00;47;02;23 – 00;47;06;02
the other day, like right here,
this one is a pig phone.
00;47;06;15 – 00;47;07;28
Stab it.
00;47;07;28 – 00;47;08;27
00;47;08;27 – 00;47;13;00
This is a this is a phone
that is in the shape of a pig.
00;47;13;01 – 00;47;15;00
Somebody had that in their kitchen.
00;47;15;00 – 00;47;16;13
00;47;16;13 – 00;47;21;04
And like there is a lot of couches
found this beautiful couch.
00;47;21;16 – 00;47;24;16
No, that’s not
that’s not pretty. It’s not.
00;47;24;16 – 00;47;29;10
But people the things that people
find on here, they absolutely love.
00;47;29;19 – 00;47;32;17
And then because I don’t know
where this group originated,
00;47;32;17 – 00;47;35;20
but they always compare
the items to the size of a banana.
00;47;37;00 – 00;47;38;13
So. All right.
00;47;38;13 – 00;47;40;27
So, so for instance, here’s one right
00;47;40;27 – 00;47;42;03
Here’s a picture.
00;47;42;03 – 00;47;44;25
And it will always say banana for size.
00;47;44;25 – 00;47;45;27
Okay. Okay.
00;47;45;27 – 00;47;50;03
So they’ll have a picture of a banana next
to whatever the item is.
00;47;50;05 – 00;47;50;12
00;47;50;12 – 00;47;51;00
And sometimes
00;47;51;00 – 00;47;53;29
when they don’t have a banana,
they’ll say, sorry, didn’t have a banana
00;47;55;08 – 00;47;56;03
00;47;56;03 – 00;47;58;24
The other thing that they do is
everyone has a house Hippo.
00;47;58;24 – 00;47;59;26
Have you heard of this?
00;47;59;26 – 00;48;01;00
I think it’s Canadian.
00;48;01;00 – 00;48;01;25
I don’t really know
00;48;01;25 – 00;48;05;22
a house hippo, but they’ll say the animal
finally found my house.
00;48;05;22 – 00;48;07;13
Hippo found my house hippo
00;48;07;13 – 00;48;11;07
in an estate sale
because apparently hippos will bring you.
00;48;11;07 – 00;48;13;19
Good. We have two. Two hippos.
00;48;13;19 – 00;48;16;11
Okay. Are you seriously is in the garden.
00;48;16;11 – 00;48;18;05
But did you get it? Because it’s a house.
00;48;18;05 – 00;48;19;25
Hippo came with the house.
00;48;19;25 – 00;48;22;06
Okay. Someone else had a house. Hippo.
Yeah, right.
00;48;22;06 – 00;48;23;01
We inherited their.
00;48;23;01 – 00;48;23;26
We bought their house.
00;48;23;26 – 00;48;26;26
Hippo house, Hippos, statue them.
00;48;27;00 – 00;48;28;24
Goodbye. look at you would like this
00;48;31;28 – 00;48;34;04
because you can’t order it.
00;48;34;04 – 00;48;34;16
This is.
00;48;34;16 – 00;48;34;27
This is.
00;48;34;27 – 00;48;36;18
I need to have that person.
00;48;36;18 – 00;48;39;11
But it’s. I don’t know. It’s so stupid.
I need to have.
00;48;39;11 – 00;48;41;17
The house loves these so much,
and it’s not okay.
00;48;41;17 – 00;48;43;14
I did get rid of
00;48;43;14 – 00;48;45;09
the one with the blue eyes.
00;48;45;09 – 00;48;46;10
You did?
00;48;46;10 – 00;48;48;02
What do you do with it in the car?
00;48;48;02 – 00;48;49;14
Wow. You’re good. Welling it.
00;48;49;14 – 00;48;51;10
Wow. Congratulations.
00;48;51;10 – 00;48;51;29
Big day for you.
00;48;51;29 – 00;48;54;11
You know you’re leaving Dallas, man.
00;48;54;11 – 00;48;55;08
So you want to.
00;48;55;08 – 00;48;56;21
You want to join this group, okay.
00;48;56;21 – 00;48;58;17
Because it’s just absolutely fascinating.
00;48;58;17 – 00;49;01;19
So you and I are out
Thrifting the other day.
00;49;02;04 – 00;49;03;26
What do I find?
00;49;03;26 – 00;49;08;08
Something that I feel
is worthy of the group.
00;49;10;05 – 00;49;10;21
00;49;10;21 – 00;49;12;05
Okay. Okay.
00;49;12;05 – 00;49;14;16
So the first thing
the first thing I found was
00;49;14;16 – 00;49;19;24
this mug set
that is in the mushroom pattern.
00;49;20;00 – 00;49;21;25
That’s why you were taking these pictures.
00;49;21;25 – 00;49;23;11
Yeah. Hilarious.
00;49;23;11 – 00;49;24;16
What do you think? I wanted it.
00;49;24;16 – 00;49;26;08
I thought you were a mushroom.
00;49;26;08 – 00;49;29;05
You know, I thought you were sending it
to your sister in law.
00;49;29;05 – 00;49;30;13
Yeah, I did.
00;49;30;13 – 00;49;31;00
She got it.
00;49;31;00 – 00;49;33;13
I like it because she’s on the weird,
wonderful page, too.
00;49;33;13 – 00;49;35;09
Yeah, but I figure she’d want it now.
00;49;35;09 – 00;49;37;11
No, but that that goes.
00;49;37;11 – 00;49;39;06
They are a hot commodity.
00;49;39;06 – 00;49;42;08
Those anything that’s in that mushroom
pattern from Sears,
00;49;42;18 – 00;49;44;20
it’s like a canister sent my mom had it.
00;49;44;20 – 00;49;46;21
They go for hot cakes self.
00;49;46;21 – 00;49;48;16
But this thing was 150 bucks.
00;49;48;16 – 00;49;50;11
I’m like,
that’s about you would get for it.
00;49;50;11 – 00;49;53;00
So you want to find it at a thrift store
for like two or $3.
00;49;53;00 – 00;49;55;11
So again,
you can make some cash off of it.
00;49;55;11 – 00;49;59;06
Okay, So next episode on American Pickers.
00;49;59;10 – 00;50;02;05
That’s right. I do love that show. Yeah.
00;50;02;05 – 00;50;06;01
So I say to Shannon,
00;50;06;03 – 00;50;06;19
because I
00;50;06;19 – 00;50;09;19
got to talk to Shannon about this
because I’m starting to have some fields.
00;50;09;21 – 00;50;10;04
00;50;10;04 – 00;50;11;28
And she’s on the group
00;50;11;28 – 00;50;15;02
I just posted on the weird and wonderful
second hand Facebook group.
00;50;15;06 – 00;50;18;27
I am having an anxious stomach, dot,
dot, dot, she says.
00;50;19;00 – 00;50;20;06
LOL. Why?
00;50;20;06 – 00;50;23;06
I said, What if my post not good enough?
00;50;23;18 – 00;50;25;27
But she’s like,
Does it have to be approved?
00;50;25;27 – 00;50;27;05
I said, Yes.
00;50;27;05 – 00;50;29;01
It’s just like, what item did you post?
00;50;29;01 – 00;50;32;01
I said, my God, I can’t show you why.
00;50;32;05 – 00;50;35;22
I said, What if you hate it
and you tell me you hate it?
00;50;35;22 – 00;50;40;16
I won’t sleep all night except I said,
But what if it gets approved
00;50;40;16 – 00;50;43;16
and people hate it
or they don’t think it’s funny?
00;50;43;16 – 00;50;48;04
They think I’m a loser
and not worthy of being in the group?
00;50;49;00 – 00;50;52;14
She said, Well,
I said, my God, talk about vulnerable.
00;50;52;26 – 00;50;55;26
And I said,
And then this post makes me feel better.
00;50;55;26 – 00;50;57;29
So then I screenshot this post.
00;50;57;29 – 00;51;01;00
Now this is a picture of,
00;51;01;00 – 00;51;03;17
I don’t know, some some Hutch cabinet.
00;51;03;17 – 00;51;06;23
Now I’m thinking about how many weird
or wonderful nobody cares about that.
00;51;06;23 – 00;51;08;22
I found that on the side of the road,
00;51;08;22 – 00;51;12;15
And I’m like, My post is better than that,
so I can’t be too bad.
00;51;12;15 – 00;51;15;07
So I said my name that bad?
00;51;15;07 – 00;51;16;12
And she says, Ha ha ha.
00;51;16;12 – 00;51;18;18
I said that one only had 26 reactions.
00;51;18;18 – 00;51;21;08
If I get 25, I’ll die. And my God.
00;51;21;08 – 00;51;24;01
And so she is like,
That ain’t weird or wonderful.
00;51;24;01 – 00;51;26;08
I said, That’s right, that’s right.
00;51;26;08 – 00;51;27;29
So I said, I will straight up die.
00;51;27;29 – 00;51;29;24
Exactly. It’s so boring.
00;51;29;24 – 00;51;30;29
You got it off a free grope.
00;51;30;29 – 00;51;33;08
Nobody cares. Move along.
00;51;33;08 – 00;51;34;02
I’ll send you the pic.
00;51;34;02 – 00;51;37;17
The one that I didn’t post,
but I still thought it was good for group.
00;51;37;17 – 00;51;40;06
And then I posted the picture to her.
00;51;40;06 – 00;51;41;20
The next is the mushroom.
00;51;41;20 – 00;51;44;20
Said. Okay, so here’s mushroom set now.
00;51;44;20 – 00;51;45;21
This is my tester.
00;51;45;21 – 00;51;48;00
Those were $100, $150.
00;51;48;00 – 00;51;51;27
Remember how you made me
put the DVD next to it so that I could see
00;51;51;28 – 00;51;56;20
from the side what you said was,
I need something that’s an average size.
00;51;56;20 – 00;51;57;24
Yeah. And I’m thinking,
00;51;58;26 – 00;52;00;11
okay, here’s the.
00;52;00;11 – 00;52;03;10
Do we want these little teeny
tiny cups right now?
00;52;03;10 – 00;52;06;04
Yes, I said that DVD is four sizes.
The cutest little set.
00;52;06;04 – 00;52;08;16
She’s like, my gosh,
did you buy that question mark?
00;52;08;16 – 00;52;10;13
Exclamation point, question
mark, exclamation point.
00;52;10;13 – 00;52;11;26
Those go for a lot.
00;52;11;26 – 00;52;13;01
I said, I know people love that.
00;52;13;01 – 00;52;15;21
She no, it was something like $150.
00;52;15;21 – 00;52;16;24
She’s like, yeah, it’s too much.
00;52;16;24 – 00;52;19;24
But there are cute.
00;52;20;00 – 00;52;22;13
So yesterday
00;52;22;13 – 00;52;25;11
I say, Why hasn’t my post
00;52;25;11 – 00;52;28;15
been posted till weird and wonderful yet
00;52;28;21 – 00;52;31;20
I am starting to twitch.
00;52;33;04 – 00;52;33;26
I can’t.
00;52;33;26 – 00;52;36;10
She’s like, It’s
okay. The groups are slow.
00;52;36;10 – 00;52;37;01
Okay now.
00;52;37;01 – 00;52;39;25
Yeah, because these people
probably have day jobs,
00;52;39;25 – 00;52;42;07
but things keep getting posted.
00;52;42;07 – 00;52;45;07
So things
keep getting posted to the group.
00;52;45;14 – 00;52;46;08
00;52;46;08 – 00;52;49;08
And the moderator doesn’t like you.
00;52;49;25 – 00;52;51;00
That’s what I he’s thinking.
00;52;51;00 – 00;52;53;00
Scott style.
00;52;53;00 – 00;52;55;00
I need you to validate for me.
00;52;55;00 – 00;52;59;10
This is this is don’t be mean to me
because I am having a hard time with them.
00;52;59;18 – 00;53;01;15
This is what’s going on. You know?
00;53;01;15 – 00;53;03;19
Do you know, like the worst person,
00;53;04;24 – 00;53;06;01
potentially one of the worst
00;53;06;01 – 00;53;10;07
people in the world
are those group moderators
00;53;10;16 – 00;53;14;22
because they wield their power
like they’re these despots
00;53;14;22 – 00;53;18;20
that can they’re like
they’re like the secretary of the DMV.
00;53;18;24 – 00;53;20;02
00;53;20;02 – 00;53;21;10
All right.
00;53;21;10 – 00;53;25;02
Like, no,
that bitch didn’t just post that she is.
00;53;25;10 – 00;53;26;12
You know what I’m going to do?
00;53;26;12 – 00;53;29;12
I’m going to wait
four days to approve her post.
00;53;29;28 – 00;53;31;08
Do you think that’s what’s happening?
00;53;31;08 – 00;53;33;25
This is this is what’s making me nervous
00;53;33;25 – 00;53;35;26
Okay, so this is what I want to know.
00;53;35;26 – 00;53;39;19
If this is if this is normal
or just crazy, feel this.
00;53;39;19 – 00;53;42;25
And then they just don’t
talk about this stuff, right?
00;53;42;29 – 00;53;45;00
I’m not kidding.
I can’t stop thinking about it.
00;53;45;00 – 00;53;46;24
I think about it
three times a day and I’ll go
00;53;46;24 – 00;53;49;18
and I’ll check the post and I’ll be like,
Do you think it’s posted? Yeah.
00;53;49;18 – 00;53;52;05
And then when it does post,
she’ll better watch out.
00;53;52;05 – 00;53;56;11
I’m going to have cramp attacks
because I’m going to need to know.
00;53;56;14 – 00;53;58;22
I think it’s fantastic.
00;53;58;22 – 00;54;00;23
But talk about vulnerability.
00;54;00;23 – 00;54;01;24
What if people hate it?
00;54;01;24 – 00;54;08;07
What if it doesn’t get me post what some
of these posts get 2.5 thousand likes.
00;54;09;07 – 00;54;12;06
I even wrote a catchy
00;54;12;06 – 00;54;15;00
like comment on it.
00;54;15;00 – 00;54;17;25
Now I’m being serious equivalent.
00;54;17;25 – 00;54;20;28
You just describe the problem
with our youth today.
00;54;21;21 – 00;54;23;10
That is what you did.
00;54;23;10 – 00;54;28;15
What the problem is, you’re
you’re equating your self-worth
00;54;28;15 – 00;54;31;24
with what people think of you
and how many likes you get.
00;54;32;03 – 00;54;34;21
Who the hell cares?
00;54;34;21 – 00;54;36;19
my. It’s not really my self-worth.
00;54;36;19 – 00;54;39;16
then what is it? I just want acceptance.
00;54;39;16 – 00;54;40;28
And you want to be seen.
00;54;40;28 – 00;54;45;13
I just want people to think
that what I found at
00;54;45;13 – 00;54;48;22
the store
is as good as what I thought it was.
00;54;48;22 – 00;54;52;05
And what happens
when they don’t fit for the group
00;54;52;05 – 00;54;54;12
and what happens when they’re like that
in it?
00;54;54;12 – 00;54;58;04
I’ll remove myself from the group
because I will feel like I.
00;54;58;16 – 00;55;01;01
I must have missed something. Right.
00;55;01;01 – 00;55;03;14
Which means you can join another group.
00;55;03;14 – 00;55;06;10
This is what I meant the other day
when I said there are winners
00;55;06;10 – 00;55;09;04
and there are losers,
so I would be a loser in that case.
00;55;09;04 – 00;55;10;20
00;55;10;20 – 00;55;14;12
Scott, post my post place.
00;55;14;12 – 00;55;17;10
Post the picture of what
I’m putting up there.
00;55;17;10 – 00;55;20;09
You sure you want me to
do this? No, Scott.
00;55;20;09 – 00;55;21;04
Not sure.
00;55;22;10 – 00;55;24;22
that’s cute.
00;55;24;22 – 00;55;26;25
That my friends.
00;55;26;25 – 00;55;32;01
When I saw it, I immediately
thought the weird and wonderful group.
00;55;32;05 – 00;55;32;21
yeah? Yeah.
00;55;32;21 – 00;55;33;21
No, that’s easier.
00;55;33;21 – 00;55;36;21
Yeah, actually,
that is actually kind of cool.
00;55;36;28 – 00;55;38;23
It’s an Elvis lamp.
00;55;38;23 – 00;55;40;23
Or Elvis freaks.
00;55;40;23 – 00;55;42;09
That would go nuts for that thing.
00;55;42;09 – 00;55;42;29
00;55;42;29 – 00;55;45;29
Did I second guess if it was Elvis? Yeah.
00;55;46;09 – 00;55;47;13
Yeah, I did.
00;55;47;13 – 00;55;51;09
I’m like, my God, that level of anxiety
that I have because.
00;55;51;09 – 00;55;54;06
But it’s probably Elvis Presley. Yes.
00;55;54;06 – 00;55;57;06
I think my first line of my sentence
was this hunk, a hunk
00;55;57;06 – 00;56;00;08
of burning lamp. Ha!
00;56;00;29 – 00;56;03;29
I feel really you guys laugh.
00;56;04;09 – 00;56;05;12
Least you feel better.
00;56;05;12 – 00;56;07;26
Is that I said something like
00;56;07;26 – 00;56;09;03
this is making me feel better.
00;56;09;03 – 00;56;12;26
Then I like him in his blue suede shoes.
00;56;13;02 – 00;56;18;04
He stayed at the antique store
where I found him in upstate New York.
00;56;18;19 – 00;56;21;00
And then at the very end,
I said, Thank you very much.
00;56;24;00 – 00;56;24;23
that’s great.
00;56;24;23 – 00;56;26;23
So you liked that? Yeah.
You like that? Yeah.
00;56;26;23 – 00;56;30;09
Well, this time I don’t question
whether you’re quite comfortable
00;56;31;15 – 00;56;32;27
in the bunker.
00;56;32;27 – 00;56;34;16
Burning lamp is great.
00;56;34;16 – 00;56;35;12
Thank you.
00;56;35;12 – 00;56;38;21
I’m gonna go burn in lamp, so. Okay, I do.
00;56;38;21 – 00;56;40;04
Thank you for validating me.
00;56;40;04 – 00;56;41;18
You guys, because I feel better.
00;56;41;18 – 00;56;45;05
Because I was taking a risk
of putting that lamp out there
00;56;45;05 – 00;56;46;23
and also taking a risk.
00;56;46;23 – 00;56;48;17
Try and be a little comic.
00;56;48;17 – 00;56;51;16
And I think if, if,
if that’s not appreciated
00;56;51;16 – 00;56;54;22
on this weird group,
then it’s living up to its name.
00;56;55;09 – 00;56;58;03
It’s the it’s the group’s fault. yes.
00;56;58;03 – 00;56;59;10
yeah. Time to go.
00;56;59;10 – 00;57;00;15
Thank you, guys.
00;57;00;15 – 00;57;03;11
another one who’s going to appreciate you
00;57;03;11 – 00;57;05;25
for a for who I could probably find.
00;57;05;25 – 00;57;06;23
I’m funny.
00;57;06;23 – 00;57;09;18
Yes, we could probably find all
of us Laugh group.
00;57;09;18 – 00;57;10;05
00;57;11;28 – 00;57;13;22
Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
00;57;13;22 – 00;57;16;22
They were much
00;57;17;15 – 00;57;18;29
00;57;18;29 – 00;57;19;12
Excuse me.
00;57;19;12 – 00;57;22;12
I got to go sit on the toilet.
00;57;22;15 – 00;57;24;11
00;57;24;11 – 00;57;25;05
I’ll tell you about one.
00;57;25;05 – 00;57;28;04
I went to Graceland.
00;57;28;12 – 00;57;31;12
Did he die on the toilet?
00;57;31;20 – 00;57;35;19
He died on the ship.
00;57;36;05 – 00;57;37;29
I really appreciate that. I feel better.
00;57;37;29 – 00;57;41;25
Anyway, I’ll keep you up to date with
what happened there, but that’s.
00;57;41;27 – 00;57;43;28
That’s all a story about the weird,
a wonderful group.
00;57;43;28 – 00;57;45;04
And maybe you should join it.
00;57;45;04 – 00;57;48;07
And also, when you’re doing it
and you see that that could be posted,
00;57;48;23 – 00;57;51;23
maybe like it ship the coin guy.
00;57;51;23 – 00;57;53;04
Yeah, I see. Yeah.
00;57;53;04 – 00;57;55;12
Thank you. Thank you very much.
00;57;55;12 – 00;57;55;28
it’s the last.
00;57;55;28 – 00;57;57;05
It’s the last thing you’ll do
00;57;57;05 – 00;58;01;01
in your forties, in your, in your free
in my 41 years.
00;58;01;01 – 00;58;03;12
Get my post improved. Yeah. Maybe. Yeah.
00;58;03;12 – 00;58;07;06
Maybe it’ll be your birthday Birthday
it might be Happy birthday.
00;58;11;12 – 00;58;12;12
We ended right.
00;58;12;12 – 00;58;15;12
Right. Okay.
00;58;15;12 – 00;58;18;12
I loved that meeting.
00;58;20;13 – 00;58;21;07
00;58;21;07 – 00;58;22;24
I don’t know about all this.
00;58;22;24 – 00;58;30;13
Did you buy that at a store
And I’ll go in the lamp too.
00;58;30;26 – 00;58;34;26
And if you love us, please
like and subscribe to more Love
00;58;34;27 – 00;58;38;27
the Power of Empathy podcast
wherever you get your podcasts.
00;58;39;04 – 00;58;39;25
See you next time.

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