Episode 204 – Even More Love? What’s Coming for Our Super-Fans!

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OK More Lovers, Erin and Rebecca had to leave for some undisclosed location this week, but since I have the keys to the studio, this episode is a special sneak peak of what is in store for our super fans. In the coming weeks we will launch an “Even More Love” paid-subscription plan which will give you access to crazy content that is not available to just anyone. There will be more to announce coming soon, but for this week, here is just a taste of what you can expect as a More Love Paid Subscriber. Thanks for your support! – Scott

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Hey, it’s me, Erin.
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Thanks for joining us on the Moore
Love podcast.
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Do not tell Rebecca,
but this podcast is about empathy.
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She likes people
to think she’s dead inside.
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But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler
who has truly helped me
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that empathy is my superpower power.
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Here she comes.
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Hey, bestie.
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I love money, Dylan.
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Just getting ready to host a podcast.
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A podcast about what?
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Our life as best friends
who are more like sisters are.
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I love us, and I can’t wait
to share stories with the world,
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especially the ones that involve us
pushing each other right
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to be our most authentic selves. man.
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Okay. hi.
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So this is what it’s like to sit
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in Aaron’s seat.
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My name is Scott,
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and I am the producer of More
Love the Power of Empathy Podcast.
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Maybe that’s overstating it a bit,
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but I push the buttons
behind the curtain over there.
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And Aaron sits here.
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sits there in the seat that you can’t see
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because I’m not back there
to switch the cameras.
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This week
we don’t have an episode to post,
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but what we do have is a little taste,
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a little sneak peek, if you will,
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of what’s to come at some point very soon.
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When you join the more love
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membership group or subscription group,
we don’t really know
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what it’s going to be called,
but basically you pay us
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and we give you more things, more love,
even more love.
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Glimpses of what
it’s like behind the scenes.
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The four the podcast starts,
and in some cases after
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the podcast is over, those magic moments
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that are not meant for
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the general audience.
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All right.
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Ready to start?
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Yeah. Okay,
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some part.
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Tell me so I can do the Blue Angel.
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Not meant for everyone to see or hear,
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but we’re going to give you
a little taste of that.
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Just a just a little tidbit,
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and then we’ll release more information
at some point in the coming weeks
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about how you can join
the more loved community
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and get those special extras like this
bubble wrap.
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Yeah, whatever.
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Whenever you.
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You probably like to do the pop
rock strike right up in the cards.
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that’d be good, too. That’s definitely.
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Hey, Summer,
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turn it up.
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As far as smart ass
mark here and ask Mark this month.
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How about.
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How about right in the middle
of our marketing meeting today?
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The guy goes in.
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How can you capture the footage?
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And without skipping a beat,
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I said, I’ll just use the video
equipment from my bedroom.
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Turn it
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up like a light switch
so you can hear the day
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that was making a crack at solving
how it is here.
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Isn’t all that like.
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Specifically the whole thing.
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Or just one voice that’s too loud.
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The whole thing.
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The whole thing.
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I don’t want any of your intentions
to start to mess with.
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That’s kind of like,
Shut up by how you shut off my energy.
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I would love to know that.
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I would love to know that.
You know what it is?
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I already ate my chicken nuggets.
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I was hoping I’d choke on them and die.
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Not okay. Say that.
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What should the intention.
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And I got to think of something
that’s, you know, we’re not
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we’re not touching anything with the ten
foot pole that’s happening in our lives.
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We’re just going to talk
superficial bullshit.
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Today is not the day so disappointed.
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do you have a session after this? No.
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Left now.
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Is the plan to go Only 40 minutes.
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Okay. Wow.
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You guys are in rare form.
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And you called it.
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We’re going to Disney in two weeks.
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Should it be something like
are we going to
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have to wait in line
for more than 15 minutes?
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We’re going to meet the mouse.
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Am I going to meet the mouse?
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It’s got to be something lighthearted.
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I be a millionaire by 45.
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I’m not going to want to know the answer.
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How does my life end?
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Nope, Not to ask.
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I’m going
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now. Okay.
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In fact, I’m going to transfer.
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We’re no longer going to use the pendulum.
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I’m going to bring in a magic ball
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that’s going to answer all the questions,
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turn it off.
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my God.
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I can’t.
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no. Turn it off.
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Okay, well,
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I guess we’ll do the best we can,
What’s that mean?
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you mean us?
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For you, I guess. Everyone?
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Yeah. yes.
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One of us gets there,
we get better off today.
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I get it.
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What a potato.
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Hello? Hello.
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Thank you
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for coming to this year’s.
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Please get your ribbons
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situated on the sea this day.
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Thank you for coming.
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Thank you.
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And ballroom.
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And ballroom is that I
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give them some testing going on
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May be a fun day, right?
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No. Minx.
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Red ribbon.
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Green ribbon.
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Everyone with a raise your hand.
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These are the people we avoid.
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But everyone understands it’s the snack
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they sing.
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What are you thinking?
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Everyone with their hand raised is
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whether you like it or not.
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Because that’s all you get.
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Because we know that’s what happens.
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Or your club.
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And not right because you’re
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not there on the down low.
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It’s going to be a new podcast.
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That’s our that’s our intro because we’re
the Girlfriends podcast button.
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They get the attitude exams.
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Wow. I had no idea.
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But now, you know. All right,
good to know.
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Okay, well,
how about before we start, just so I have
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just a little idea in my head.
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Rebecca, when is your birthday?
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December 27, 1981,
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1981 and January
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11th, 1982.
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Such an idiot.
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That’s important because Rebecca was born
a whole nother year than I was.
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Like, She’s older,
she is older, She is older and wiser.
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Yeah, Not so much wiser.
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And that the three
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so feel like
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is she talking in that episode that
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did you bring the kitchen,
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Did you bring all the little.
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my God
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it looks
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so real.
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you know,
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take all the brown Eminem’s up front
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So yeah, I am not wearing a You too tired.
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Yes, you are.
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Happy birthday.
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my God. Yes.
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Where’s yours
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Flippin fart Original And the glitter bar.
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We got to go with the glitter.
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I’m going to give it a try.
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That sounds disgusting.
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That sounds inappropriate.
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And it’s with two fingers.
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You should try that one.
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That does not sound like quivering
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with that.
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Sound like that
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was like jelly to in group jelly. my.
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For multiple reasons.
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I don’t
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immediately call Rebecca,
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and I say,
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Guess who checked me out
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as a staff?
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I was two glasses away.
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Do you work me? We’re close.
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Real close.
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They really good choice with that bagel.
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You know,
I will not expect that Old Faithful,
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but what did you got from what?
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So it was good.
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I think it’s the butter.
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it’s not the sesame seeds.
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No. How mad do I get when they don’t have
the sesame seed bagel or else.
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I don’t know why I like it so much.
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I know. It’s good. Yeah.
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And basically
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toast, like,
almost like borderline and godmother.
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Yeah. Yeah.
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It’s like this kind of kind of toast.
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Kind of English muffin. That’s a combo.
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Yeah, that.
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That was my.
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I don’t.
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I don’t know.
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I just a copy that.
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I just look like.
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But it’s much it’s
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so I go, I have to have this one near me.
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La la la la la la.
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I don’t like that.
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It’s kind of nuts.
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That’s like the Allmans or cashews
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are like the walnuts or something. You.
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What is that?
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Why do you drink red?
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I loved that.
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Me too.
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Isn’t empathy amazing?
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Well, we’re amazing.
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I don’t know about all this empathy stuff.
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That’s fine.
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I accept you wherever you are. God.
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I love you. I love you, too.
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And if you love us, please
like and subscribe to more love
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the Power of Empathy podcast
wherever you get your podcasts.
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See you next time.

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