Episode 208 – An Intro to Hypnotherapy with Kim Guche

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The man at Goodwill confused Erin’s phone conversation with Rebecca as her listening to a self help tape. Erin said it best – “Dear God, please no!” Although Rebecca is typically not “grounded”, the last few weeks have had her flying sky high so the timing could not be more perfect to have Kim Guche, Rebecca’s hypnotherapist on the show! Kim is the owner of Entrancing Inspirations and gives listeners an overview of hypnotherapy, why it’s important, the role of the subconscious, and how hypnotherapy can fast track self-progress.

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;31;10
Hey, it’s me Aaron. Thanks for joining us on the Moor Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Oh, here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. Money dealing.
00;00;31;11 – 00;00;55;05
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what I call life. Our life as best friends who are more like sisters. yay! I love this, and I can’t wait to share our stories of the world. especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay.
00;00;55;07 – 00;01;17;23
Did you want to try my coffee? No, thanks. I’m sure it tastes like nuts. Ehm. These are real good over here. I really like these. What I like. Do you even know what a red is? The woman’s like. Oh yeah. Absolutely. Okay, I’ll take one of those. Thanks. I thought that was just something she made up. Listen, I know a rough.
00;01;17;26 – 00;01;32;02
If people know that, you know, I usually just write down some words of things I want to try and touch on in the podcast. And so I wrote down number one. I wrote down number two. But then I also went to a because I had to add one before one when you walked in and you want to know what it is.
00;01;32;06 – 00;01;50;14
What the what’s in your hair right now? I we need to talk about it now. I thought you were doing, like, some sort of an 80s footloose thing. I wasn’t quite sure. Oh, you got it. Oh, that’s what we were going for. I’m testing out a look for our cruise because we have to dress up on certain days.
00;01;50;14 – 00;02;11;08
And this is one of my pieces. Okay, when you say testing the look for you, you were wondering, like, if anyone was going to mention it or how I like it, how I feel about it, how it oh, how it lays on my head. Okay, so I recognize the feather, so I don’t think I was right. Okay. So just to explain to the listeners who are not watching on the YouTubes, they should watch the YouTubes.
00;02;11;11 – 00;02;37;23
It’s a whole new experience. Me about tubes while you’re there, like and subscribe. Yeah. so you have this, like, very thin, very true color braided. It’s like a headband that goes all the way around the head. Now, did that surprise me? No, that didn’t that didn’t faze me one bit. But you moved a little bit to the right, and all of a sudden I saw feathers floating in the breeze.
00;02;37;24 – 00;03;01;19
Look at that. I even got, I got, wooden feet. Yes. And so the feathers are attached to some incredibly long. Do you remember in the early 90s when boys had rat tails? I do. Does everyone remember when they had to breed? And it was usually just the one rat tail coming down, and it’s a braided rat tail, right.
00;03;01;21 – 00;03;33;03
I just did this with my. Yeah. Sorry. That was me. This is, five braided rat tails, and they come down to her belly button. And then at the bottom there is these wooden beads with these very white feathers. Yeah, I think it’s a wedding. You know what it looks like to me? I don’t know if I’m really aging myself here, but remember when you used to go to carnivals and you could win, like those long feather things with the with the alligator clip at the end?
00;03;33;05 – 00;03;55;05
Yeah. Or those tame, stretched out Pepsi bottles. Yeah. Oh, my God, I know exactly what you’re talking about. That’s right on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wasn’t expecting that. That was like the party in the back that just showed up. But let’s get let’s be real clear. She’s she’s having these reactions in these feelings. And then when we’re on the cruise, she’s going to say, did you bring the headdress.
00;03;55;05 – 00;04;13;21
Because I want to wear it to give me. What’s that? Pirates like, if I know her, she’s like always skeptical and hates everything. And then two days later, she’s like, either gets it herself or says or her me or this safari. When are you wearing that? Tuesday somewhere. And on Wednesday. Right? Right. No, I just to take it off halfway through.
00;04;13;22 – 00;04;29;05
You get it? The rest of. Yeah. Yeah. Right, right. So that was that was a before number one. Number one was this experience. It just happened to me when I was at the goodwill. Because of course, I’m on the phone with Rebecca before the podcast because I have to talk to her a million times, and then I have some extra time to spare.
00;04;29;05 – 00;04;50;09
So I have to stop at goodwill because I have to drop off something that I’m donating. And Rebecca is on the phone with me. And you know, when, like, someone’s on your phone in your car, it’s almost like this. The speaker system, so everyone can hear what you’re talking about just doesn’t matter when you’re driving. But when you pull up to the goodwill little spot where you drop things off, this man comes out.
00;04;50;09 – 00;05;06;19
And I don’t know, you’re no, you don’t even know what to do. I’m actually trying to be discreet about it, because you’re in the midst of talking about something important. And I just want to, like, hand this off and and go. Right. So I pull up to the goodwill, and I see the guy come out. He’s an older gentleman that looks very kind.
00;05;06;21 – 00;05;31;11
And, I take the thing that I’m ready to donate and I pick it up. It’s heavy. So I have to open up the car door. I open it up and he’s looking at me, and you hear Rebecca talking about whatever she’s talking about. And the first thing he says to me is, are you in a meeting? And then pauses for a second and says, are you listening to a self-help tape?
00;05;31;14 – 00;05;47;22
And I said, neither. I’m just talking to my best friend on the phone. I hand him the thing I’m donating. I then get back in the car and he leans in and says, quit. I’m really happier there for her.
00;05;47;25 – 00;06;07;09
And I shut the door away and I say, can you stop for a minute? I got to tell you what just happened. I said, this is what just happened. He is she’s like, even the guy at goodwill knows I’m in a bad place. I’m like, he does. He was like, I’m really happier there for her. Oh, okay.
00;06;07;12 – 00;06;27;27
All right then. So that happened like goodwill. Are you listening to a self-help tape? Are you saying. Yeah. Oh, it’s am I gotta turn that right. So I think that’s the for reflecting on what I think was happening. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Cause I process stuff up to you. And then you were like, this is what I think might be going on.
00;06;27;28 – 00;06;51;13
Right? And are you listening to a self-help take. Dear God, please. Now, please don’t let that be the tape. If I am, I want my money back. I want my money back. So let think. Good thing that Kim is here because we have a guest today and you know all the things about Kim. And I’ll let you introduce Kim here in a moment.
00;06;51;13 – 00;07;07;15
But good thing Kim’s here because she says she’s going to give you an angel symbol. I know I have no idea what that means, but it. I gave you a red and a black rock to really ground your soul today. That’s what we determined. We determined that my. I’m never grounded. And my root chakra is always effed up.
00;07;07;15 – 00;07;28;22
Yeah, but it’s like unhinged. Oh, yeah. It’s actually a house and up. All right. Yeah, yeah. It’s connected. All the balloons. That’s your soul right now. Not just that, but it’s about to enter the tornado or it’s in the tornado from Wizard of Oz. Oh, it’s a house from up in the tornado from sir. Yes. That is ultimately going to land on something.
00;07;28;22 – 00;07;47;22
Yeah. And murdering. Yeah. It’s going to land on the waterfall from up and then just go right down it. Yeah, exactly. That’s where we’re at. So I pulled I pulled a card okay. Which I find really interesting. Okay. Frankly, I don’t think it really has anything to do with anything, but that’s fine. Of course it does. And then Kim’s going to draw that together for us and let us see how it’s related okay.
00;07;47;27 – 00;08;09;04
So it’s the it’s the Ten of Cups and it has ten jellyfish. And they’re yeah they’re looking at each other lovingly. Oh it looks like some of them are in potted plants. I didn’t realize that. They’re solo cups. It’s like beer pong. Okay. Jelly. Okay. Why aren’t some ice? These ones do? Because they’re cute. Little alien hates these cards.
00;08;09;16 – 00;08;24;28
she hates them, so she. She’s gonna hate the way that this is, because I know it’s a red. Yeah. Okay. You ready? Yeah. I did give what you called the Ten of Cups. Yes, I got my new glasses, and I forgot them all. Okay, good. Good job. Okay, fine. That’s not grounded, I got it. It’s fine. Right, right.
00;08;25;00 – 00;08;46;01
Ten of cups. The Ten of Cups is all about transcendent joy and ultimate harmony. But not just generic run of the mill, transcendent Palmer joy and ultimate harmony. No, this card applies particularly to your home and family life. That means if you put a ring on it recently, it seems you’ve made a great choice. If you haven’t, maybe it’s a preview of coming attractions.
00;08;46;07 – 00;09;04;19
Ring or no ring, you’re being blessed by the relationship God. So keep your eyes peeled for some sort of nurturing and rewarding partnership that fills your heart beyond all expectations. Hopefully you can spot it. Affirmation I am finally ready for spiritual partnership that leaves my past in it. In its ever loving dust. Nice knowing you. Less than perfect.
00;09;04;22 – 00;09;22;01
Is this because you called me this morning and called me out on all this bullshit? Yeah. Okay, that’s I put a ring on it and engineering at it. I was like, listen, I need to. I need to just bring this up. We just need to talk about this. And I stop putting it on the countdown. I don’t like it.
00;09;22;01 – 00;09;44;13
I can not put it somewhere. Oh, no. Don’t I? Yeah. Why? Every day. Oh, darn. Sorry. And then I gotta, gotta grab it. I don’t like this I can’t. Oh that like, you really know what it is. I thought you really threw it. I know what squirrel. This is what I don’t like because I. It’s absolutely what happened.
00;09;44;13 – 00;10;00;03
I put a ring on it because I basically called and said, we need to talk about some things that are going on right now that are not okay. And I’m going to start with how I’m feeling, and then I’m going to move into why you’re not okay. And you said, okay. Yeah. I mean no, I’m yeah, I get it, I get it, I get it.
00;10;00;06 – 00;10;18;08
So I’m gonna I’m going to focus in on my. Yeah. We’re we’re going to center a little, rub your rocks, get your rocks up. Would be nice today. It’s a walk in the day. I’m going to walk on the ground with your bare feet. Yeah. It’s a perfect day to have come here. She’s just gonna. Whatever she’s about to do is great.
00;10;18;08 – 00;10;42;24
Nothing. Go. It’s perfect. Okay, so we have a guest. I’m Kim. Hi. I’m so excited, you guys. I’m talking about him so much. I mean, Kim changed my life in so many ways, and, I think it’s been almost five years now. Kim, is that nuts? Yeah. I can’t believe I really can’t, but it seems like yesterday. It doesn’t seem like today.
00;10;42;24 – 00;11;00;03
But I really do think it’s been five years now. This ten minutes ago. But, so my I’ve shared my story where I was not in a good place and I really was trying to focus on sleeping. And so I already have my built in therapist, so I didn’t need talk therapy. It’s not going to be the thing.
00;11;00;03 – 00;11;20;00
She forces me to talk about things that I want to talk about anyway. So I was like, I need something else. And so I, went on, I think it was Psychology Today. And I looked up sleep therapist, like I was thinking that maybe somebody could help me talk about sleep and all these things. And Kim’s name showed up and it said hypnotherapy.
00;11;20;00 – 00;11;41;01
I’m like, what the f is that? So I had reached out to three other people and Kim was the one that responded, not hypnotherapist, just regular old people who do therapy and talk about sleep. And Kim responded immediately with this questionnaire and stuff, and and I filled it out, not wanting to do it the whole time. And I set the consultation appointment.
00;11;41;01 – 00;12;00;17
And I remember driving to the building, not wanting to be there, pulled in, sat in the waiting room and immediately cried, feeling like this is exactly where I need to be. I had the consultation with her and it was like, this is exactly what I need to be doing. I had no idea what hypnotherapy was. I had no idea any of it.
00;12;00;17 – 00;12;29;25
And basically what sold me is she said, you don’t need to talk. Yeah, yeah. Yes. It’s like great words are words to your heart. Reality is, I talked the whole effing time. I was not a silent part of any of it, but it was the invitation to come and heal and grow and learn, expand, rewire, reprogram. And you don’t have to talk about it and you will see shifts, right?
00;12;29;26 – 00;12;53;01
It’s a whole concept of all you do. You can control yourself, right? And the amount of clarity and healing and things that happened in shifts in my life that took place throughout that time and continue to do so because it’s a it’s a practice, right? Yep. Has been transformative. So, I’ve shared that on here. And I just want to give other people options because a lot of people think hippie voodoo is weird.
00;12;53;03 – 00;13;14;07
I get it, I get it. So, you know, Kim came into my life. She used to live in Rochester. That’s how we got connected. And then we formed a relationship, a friendship afterwards, and stayed in touch and she has since moved. So she’s not local. But we’ve done zoom sessions, which has been equally as effective. So yeah, I will let Kim tell her own background and her own story because it’s very interesting.
00;13;14;17 – 00;13;44;25
but I’m super pumped to have her part. Yeah, we’re excited to share her with you. I’ve had Aaron and Kim together socially, so Aaron’s had dinner and stuff with us, but, we didn’t really talk a whole lot about business. No. So that would be great. So, Kim, I’ll let you introduce yourself. So I just have to say that you know how to any two people sharing the same experience get to have two totally different perspectives and remember two totally different things about the same experience.
00;13;45;08 – 00;14;08;24
and she said she thought, that’s funny because, I don’t remember that. You I don’t remember the sleep part. I remember a lot of other things. Yeah, we talked about, but, I and the the the thing that I thought first was like first one, I saw you, I was like, how does she walk in those shoes?
00;14;08;26 – 00;14;33;24
I guess, how do you. Why? I think I asked you that, you know, like I don’t we didn’t even listen to what you said initially because I couldn’t. I’m like, how does she walk so easily in these shoes? First things first. Yeah. I can’t get that out of the way. It’s true. I mean, I am a vibe, I am a vibe, but you’re gonna have you can’t get past the vibe to get to the core until you ask the questions.
00;14;33;28 – 00;14;59;11
Yeah. Once you get past that. Yeah, and it’s fine. Tell me about your rat tail, feathers. And then we can get into the good stuff. Yeah. No. So. Yeah. So that seems like it. It just seems like it was yesterday. But I know my background is that I am a speech language pathologist, and I. That’s my first career.
00;14;59;13 – 00;15;31;06
And, I got to a place in my career where I, you know, I love kids working with kids. And I’ve been a pediatric SLP for most of my career. but then after I got divorced, I moved into, like, a new area of speech therapy where I was, a re a rehab manager. And then I was working with adults like acute care and long term care, and I ended up, and it just got to a place in my life that was like, I felt like the lowest I could go, like my.
00;15;31;06 – 00;15;51;17
My dad died. I’m divorced. I, you know, I don’t have any friends anymore. Just my whole life changed, and then I’m working at this place that seems so foreign to me because kids have been, you know, my joy, my life. And one where I was working at the time. I had wanted to do a past life regression for me.
00;15;51;20 – 00;16;13;14
And I was looking at test in the Rochester area. And so, I walked in to the place where I went, and I saw the, the plaque on the wall that was in decay. And I kept thinking like this. I don’t belong here working in this place, I don’t belong. There’s something more for me. I’m not helping people enough in this career.
00;16;13;16 – 00;16;35;09
Like, I just felt like I’m floating. What am I doing? What am I doing here and on the planet? I mean, when I thought that. And then I see this plaque about, the ways that that hypnosis can change a life. And I didn’t hear a word he said. I just my eyes locked on that plaque, and all I could think of was like, I could learn this.
00;16;35;09 – 00;16;55;10
I could do this. Like, maybe this is what I’m supposed to do. And I didn’t hear a thing he said about past life regression. I just asked him, could I get certified to do this? And he was like, absolutely. So I said, let’s do that then. I mean, I didn’t ever did the past life regression with it, I dropped it.
00;16;55;10 – 00;17;18;14
I just as I remember about that day, was that plaque and thinking, this is how I could help people like this and my heart like instead of crying, I felt elated. And then I went home and went home and told the kids and my. I had two teenage boys at the time, and one of them said to me, you’ve crossed the line this time, Missy.
00;17;18;17 – 00;17;41;09
He says, you said so. Yeah, I’ll never forget that, because Chad said to me, you know, we cut you some slack. When you brought out the tarot cards. We let it go. When you got the ghost rods out and started talking to the dead people, and he said, you know, mom, I think you need to march back in there and tell that guy you want your money back.
00;17;41;16 – 00;18;13;13
And I said, because you’re embarrassed that your mom is going to do hypnosis. And he said, well, yeah. And I said, well, that makes me want to do it even more. Next. After that, you know, all the kids were kind of like my I have four kids. They all kind of made fun of it. But then when they saw how it works and the power of it, I would say like all of them in some capacity started with and I don’t know that they consciously know they do it either, but all of them in some capacity use it.
00;18;14;01 – 00;18;40;23
you know, one of my kids has used it more than the others, but it’s like it’s just been magical. So that’s what happened. So seven years ago, I, I got that certification and I fell in love with learning about the brain, the mind, the unconscious mind, all the things that it can do for people. plus my whole love of the metaphysical and energy work and everything was already there.
00;18;40;23 – 00;19;03;26
And then I just thought, wow, this I saw what it can do for people, kids and adults. and then I thought, well, you know, I had said this all along as a speech therapist working with kids. I remember thinking, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way we I could program your brain to remember this stuff so I don’t have to tell you every Monday again.
00;19;03;28 – 00;19;23;21
And then I didn’t know about the unconscious mind at the time. And then once I learned, I was like, oh, that’s how you do it. That’s how you do it. So I just, you know, why? Why keep taking the long way around to get anything done, any changes in your life when you can turbocharge it with using space conscious?
00;19;23;21 – 00;19;42;19
So I have so many thoughts, questions. So she’s like how do I program my husband. So you know what? If you give me give me the tool you said programing me. That’s track I like that. Thank you. So we’re talking how much doesn’t matter what you can’t change and not you can’t. You can’t program someone else. You can only change your life.
00;19;42;19 – 00;20;13;28
Not what? How? How do I get that certification? I would like that one the way I’d like to fast track some other people’s progress. Yes, well, I have some thoughts and some questions about that. So. Sounds like you in some ways felt drawn to this particular career and that it connected with you. And then once you really dove into it, you were like, wow, I can see this working in a way that’s really helping people and connecting with people and helping people fast track their their progress.
00;20;14;00 – 00;20;48;01
So why hypnosis as opposed to any of the other, you know, talk therapies or play therapy or eMDR or all of the other things that are out there. What is unique about hypnosis in your mind in terms of assisting people? I love that question. I love that question. so the things that eMDR is great. Well, eMDR does help you get connects to the subconscious.
00;20;48;03 – 00;21;17;24
So so I would put eMDR more on the side of, you know, hypnosis because you’re connecting with the unconscious, the right brain, more so the left brained types of therapy like talk therapy or play therapy, like as great as they are for in a in a lot of ways, you are still dealing with the left brain and everybody’s shit is is connected to the right brain.
00;21;17;27 – 00;21;51;11
So and I love this analogy that I’m sure you have seen the, the, the poster with the metaphor with the iceberg. And you can see the top of the iceberg, and you only see a small part of the iceberg. And then under the water is how deep the iceberg really goes, like how massive it really is. And you can compare that to the brain that like when you’re in your conscious mind, you know, people think that they’re going to solve their problem by conscious thought, by rationalizing it, by, applying logic and reason.
00;21;51;11 – 00;22;17;27
You know, the, the part of the brain that you use in everyday life. But the power of the brain is in the unconscious mind, and that controls everything we do. Like 95% of what we do all day is run by the unconscious mind. And so when you can connect with the other side of the brain, which is really like, your, you know, your feelings, your feelings are running your patterns, right?
00;22;17;27 – 00;22;39;23
Because it’s all about, you know, the the negative things are really running us like, like an app that’s running in the background. And you can’t you don’t know the app is running. It’s like your unconscious mind is all those stories, all the things that have hurt you, the things you’re trying not to do. You know, I don’t want to do that again because that was painful.
00;22;40;09 – 00;23;04;17
you know, unconsciously, your mind is trying to keep you away from the things that hurt you. It’s not necessarily doing it the most functional way. And then you look at your life and you’re like, you know, you shouldn’t. You know how many people say, I know I should not be doing this, but I do it anyway, and I don’t know why I’m doing it.
00;23;04;19 – 00;23;30;18
The I don’t know why I’m doing it is the app that’s running in the background, the unconscious mind controlling your patterns and your, your habits and your phobias and the things that you do, the self-sabotage. So, when you when you can unlock that language and you have the key to that side of the brain, and then you can combine it with what?
00;23;30;24 – 00;24;08;17
With the conscious brain, you’re golden. One of those I think there has to be a a combo. It can’t be one or the other. Yeah. Or you got work somewhere in combination. Yeah, yeah. You got to start somewhere. Somewhere where, where did those unconscious experiences come from? Is am I right in assuming that if something happened in my childhood that I was, you know, let’s say five years old and not fully present yet to be able to completely understand how I was rationalizing or feeling about it, I just know that I felt a certain way when, let’s say I had an interaction with my dad.
00;24;08;19 – 00;24;56;11
Is it the case that that would then be imprinted in my brain, and that imprint continues to carry throughout the rest of my life in these subconscious and subliminal ways that I might not even be realizing or playing out in my actions and behaviors today. And through the process of hypnosis, we go back to touching upon that part which is in the subconscious, to just look at it and appreciate it and see what it is and make some peace with it and then by healing that, or by acknowledging that it then is not going to be pushing itself out in as maladaptive of ways in my behavior as it has previously, is that am I
00;24;56;11 – 00;25;32;28
am I on the right track? Yes. Yeah. For sure. So if you if you think about, influence how people are influenced. Right. And I mean, the first, everybody’s first and most significant hypnotist is their parents. Whoever’s raising them, what parent or guardian or whoever is, is whoever this child is living with. So when you know, when, when you’re born, your your brain, you’re, you’re one walking unconscious mind 4 or 5, 6 or 7 years until the critical faculty in the brain develops.
00;25;33;00 – 00;26;12;07
I mean, think about like children have to be absorbent, like a sponge, or they wouldn’t learn all the things that we need to teach them. So you are in a household with people who have very, defined and, you know, prominent feelings about their value system or the, or the, you know, even the genetics that, that people are carrying, they don’t even realize, you know, people, you know, people play out patterns of, you know, your parents, playing out what their grandparents, what their parents and, you know, just on down the line genetically.
00;26;12;13 – 00;26;36;17
So a child is born into this and, you know, kids are absorbing everything that happens with those parents. I mean, before that, before they even have language, just the feelings of the parents anxiety or the, you know, just, visually, they’re taking in the body language, the sounds, they’re hearing everything. I mean, a kid, the kid is a sponge.
00;26;36;19 – 00;27;00;26
So by the time they’re seven now, they can develop some. They have some left brain, you know, in the critical faculties there so they can start rejecting some things. But prior to that, when the brain is just open, they can’t reject what they’re being exposed to. So. So yes. Exactly. Imprinted. Okay. and so that goes pretty deep.
00;27;00;28 – 00;27;35;00
So without knowing it, you know, you. Oh well yes. A lot of your values can change as you become older and you can make choices about your values and what’s important, but without knowing it probably a lot of your values are things that you that you unconsciously aren’t aware of. that maybe degree of trauma matter. So. Is so let’s say, I have a bad interaction with my dad, and I find that he’s just emotionally unavailable.
00;27;35;03 – 00;27;59;26
But let’s say someone else has a, very traumatic kidnaping experience where they’re gone for a long period of time by someone that they do not know. And then as all of a sudden returned on their street, you know, like I would put those two in different categories of trauma imprint, I’m understanding is going to happen in both scenarios.
00;27;59;28 – 00;28;28;06
But does that degree of trauma does would the idea be that that would then potentially play out in behaviors later on in life at a more magnified level? Or does degree of trauma not really matter? It just depends on how it gets imprinted in that person’s subconscious. That’s another great that’s a super question. and and really how you worded it was, was beautiful.
00;28;28;21 – 00;28;52;13
but the degree to which each individual experiences something as traumatic, like, look at what we, what Scott said when, when we first got here, you know that, I don’t know if Scott has kids, but the, you know, the dog dying could be so traumatic to some very feeling, empathic child more than a kidnaping is to another kid.
00;28;52;15 – 00;29;23;15
So it’s really the way you it’s not what happens to you that determines how traumatic it is. It’s the story you tell yourself about what happens to you. So if you choose to believe, hey, I got kidnaped, but I survived it like I’m a hero. You know, if you tell yourself that story, then your kidnaping maybe. Very well, less traumatic to you than what happens with when somebody has a situation with their dad and they maybe start to tell themselves, I am the problem.
00;29;23;15 – 00;29;47;28
I’m not loved. I’m. I’m a child that, you know, doesn’t deserve love or I’m unlovable. It’s all about what the story that you start to tell yourself and then what you believe, and then you reinforce that. Imagine having all these reactions back. This is how we’re real clear. Rebecca needs to be back on her meds for a more consistent period of time.
00;29;47;28 – 00;30;03;26
Okay? Can’t one of two things is about you’re having to. Do you see it? She’s either about to head out the door, or she’s about to put up the sign where she goes like this, and she goes first, and then she sends me another sign that says, I’m not listening anymore, which means she. Can we talk about some hippie voodoo?
00;30;03;26 – 00;30;21;16
She says, but not much. But this, I guess to me, that’s just the perfect day, Rebecca, because we’re going to I don’t know, I know, I know, how could you? I really love that. I know, I really do love that. This is why I was so I had when I sat down with Kim. And this is exactly our consultation.
00;30;21;22 – 00;30;44;02
She literally she’s just talking about what hypnotherapy is and what it can do. And she’s to me, these are all buzzwords. And I was like, oh my God, I don’t want to do it. But I do thinking about I don’t want to do it, I don’t do it, I want to do it. Interesting. You know, I really love about that is that that does really strongly connect to with the forms of therapy that I am most used to doing, which is not the subconscious.
00;30;44;02 – 00;31;02;16
That’s the talk therapy. Right? And right. When we’ve talked in many of these conversations where I’m like, when someone brings something to you as a therapist, I am not judging what you’re bringing to me. You could literally tell me that you broke a nail yesterday and I would be like, tell me more about what that experience meant for you, right?
00;31;02;18 – 00;31;38;20
In that way, there’s a real beauty in the fact that trauma is not this thing that gets defined by society. It’s a combination of your personality, your sensitivity level, your genes, your past experiences, and then the interplay of that with what has happened to you. that let’s be clear, you’re not always aware of it. No, I shared, I shared, you know, I don’t share a lot of things, but I shared that when I uncovered my quote unquote trauma or the things that was triggering me was actually one of my most favorite memories.
00;31;38;21 – 00;32;02;00
Yeah. And that was such an moment, because then once I figured that out subconsciously through the hypnotherapy, everything started to click. It was like, no wonder I make these choices. No wonder I have these values. No wonder we feel this way. No wonder I’m constantly being triggered by this. Yeah, it just made so much sense. And then it allowed me to choose my reactions.
00;32;02;00 – 00;32;22;27
Yeah, it’s like a puzzle piece got put into place that now you’re seeing it more completely. But talk therapy with you never would have gotten no, never. And now thousand years because I couldn’t go there because I would we it was untapped. Isn’t even something that would we would have glossed over it because it’s beautiful actually. Right. So anyway.
00;32;22;29 – 00;33;01;21
Right. Yeah. Yeah, I think that’s I think that’s really interesting. and I really love this idea of tapping into another modality that helps people find some degree of clarity, completeness and connection to that which is themselves. And to be fair, I do always make fun of a lot of your hippie voodoo bio. I am a very big fan of anything that gets us closer to feeling at ease with our sense of self, and as long as it’s not hurting other people in the process, I’m here for it.
00;33;02;01 – 00;33;17;16
you know, we talked about that last week when we were talking about the freeze dried cat situation. Right? And it’s like, okay, well, what is it for you that makes you feel right when we start to maybe go a little overboard in that, or when it starts to get a little whatever. That’s maybe when we need to rein it in a little bit.
00;33;17;16 – 00;33;45;15
But I’m really I really do love the idea of helping people with completeness. And I’ll tell you, can Rebecca didn’t tell me that she was going through hypnotherapy or five whatever years ago. I said to her, what are you doing? What’s different? You’re a different human being. What’s going on? And I wasn’t going to tell her that was the best confirmation for me because I, as a researcher, I have to see it.
00;33;45;19 – 00;34;04;18
I have to you have to prove it to me before I’m going to buy into what we’re talking about. And I saw it and experienced it for weeks before. I was like, what? What is going on? I think maybe I knew you were doing hypnotherapy, but I didn’t know anything about it or like the ins and outs of it.
00;34;04;18 – 00;34;27;24
But I was like, wow, you just reacted very differently to that than you would have. What is this? What’s going on here? and that was premeditation. That was pre everything that was literally just doing the work. yeah. Yeah. It’s so it’s so interesting. But that’s but I see what I love about your podcast more love is really the doing anything unconsciously is about more love.
00;34;27;27 – 00;34;54;09
What really is needed is self-love. Like because what every the, the common thread that runs through everybody is the feeling of I’m not good enough. That’s true for for everybody. my listener, the majority of people and I would say maybe you are the most. Yeah. On love. They just can’t take that. Yeah, yeah. There’s a hypnotherapy, group for you right there.
00;34;54;09 – 00;35;17;29
Specialize in hypnotherapy for narcissists. So the first sessions are real, but after that, maybe we get somewhere. But when you can tell yourself a different story. So that. So this is the power of the unconscious mind, right? The language of the unconscious mind is, is the imagination. So it’s what you see here and also most most significantly, what you feel.
00;35;18;02 – 00;35;35;20
So when I was saying to Rebecca in the first and our consult, you don’t have to say anything. It’s really not about what you say. It’s about what is the feeling that you don’t like? Like how are you feeling? What’s problematic in your life that you know, these feelings that are getting in the way, and how would you rather feel instead?
00;35;35;26 – 00;36;00;25
So it’s really like that’s the bridge to get you from where you are to where you want to be is the feeling. So everybody does that. A lot of people actually don’t know how they want to feel, because they’ve shut down their imagination. And a lot of people are so traumatized that maybe there’s they’re scared to even dream or they don’t know how to dream because it was never allowed, you know, depending on your level of trauma.
00;36;00;28 – 00;36;21;15
But everybody can find something that can get them to a vision of what they want or how they want to feel. And even and even if that’s starting small. So it’s not about, you know, you don’t have to go back and to that moment where your, your dad did X, Y, or Z, you don’t have to go back to it.
00;36;21;19 – 00;37;03;27
It doesn’t have to be. You got to relive that again. It’s really about what do you want? What do you want for your future. And then let’s practice that in the unconscious mind and start telling yourself that when you believe the new thing about yourself and you can practice how you want to behave in, you know, and it let’s take a lot of people now having social anxiety and don’t know why when when you can just imagine in your mind or roleplay, you’re out in a, a social situation and instead of running and wanting to go hide or go home, you can you can stay and talk and feel confident and just practicing
00;37;03;27 – 00;37;20;03
that you know, so it’s it’s actually fun. I mean, I would say, like, I know people get kind of freaked out about it or because they don’t know or scared about, where am I going to go? What am I going to see? I don’t want to go back to those things. And you don’t have to go back to those things.
00;37;20;03 – 00;37;41;14
I would rather have people be in the future, like future pace. What? What do you what do you want? Can you talk a little bit about, and remember, it might even been our first session. I don’t know, but talk a little bit about the actual mind and how you said that. It’s like an app running in the background.
00;37;41;14 – 00;38;25;23
I remember you saying at one point it was like a cassette tape that that is constantly recording and then just running, running, running, running, running constantly. And then what happens when you’re under hypnosis? You will say, I mean, we kind of decided on the affirmations and the words and the things that we were going to work on in that session prior to going under, and then explain how you would almost disrupt that tape recorder or disrupt that pattern, and then rebuild it and reinforce it so that the the new pattern is instead of saying, I’m not worthy, the new pattern is I am worthy and I am and I desire abundance or whatever.
00;38;25;23 – 00;38;47;24
Right? Like just reframing and then reinforcing that over and over. Can you explain that process? Because I think that’s the part that for me was so powerful. It was that cheat like abrupt. You cut the you cut the tape and then you rather stick it together in a different version. You know how, like when you seen the movies, the old movies where they cut out a section and then they reread and then it changes the trajectory.
00;38;47;26 – 00;39;08;24
That’s how I felt after I would got out of the sessions. So can you explain that piece? And I remember you talking about it, and I wasn’t even convinced that that was the thing I was dealing with. But then as we were going through the session, it all made sense. So can you explain that? Yeah. I mean, there’s a lot of ways to get to that.
00;39;08;24 – 00;39;29;13
There’s like a lot of means to that end. but as I’m thinking, like just for example, mine, my one of my apps or things that run in the background and, you know, most people are not aware and I Aaron, I’m sure you know this, if you ask your, your client, how negative do you think you are? How negative is your self-talk?
00;39;29;15 – 00;39;55;11
How or how positive do you think you are? Most people don’t have an accurate judge of most of my clients will say I’m not really that negative, but yet they’ve they’ve just spit out 30 minutes of constantly. Everything’s negative. But they write, you know, people don’t hear themselves. So yeah, if you I’m sure you do this errand or, you know, encouraging your clients to to write down your like if you journal it then you’re looking at it on paper.
00;39;55;11 – 00;40;18;27
So it’s right in your face how you know. And you can see it right there. What what are your typical things that you feel or say or even what you think when you’re looking in the mirror, right? Just really check in with yourself and get an idea of what is your self-talk really like. So when people can more can kind of become more mindful of that.
00;40;19;00 – 00;40;38;19
And so mine is one of mine was, I was told pretty much every day of my life that I’m stupid, that, you know, I’m not. Why can’t you be more like your brother? You know, your brother’s so smart. Where did you come from? You know, just my mom was, relentless with the. You know, how always would say, in one form or another.
00;40;38;19 – 00;41;00;22
How could you be so stupid? So is that a pendulum in your hand? So that’s I mean, so when, when you’re told that that’s like it. Yeah. That’s the tape that plays in the background because it’s not even my voice. It’s my mom’s voice, but then it becomes my voice. So I’m thinking about, you know, a person who wants to go try anything new, taking a dance class, right?
00;41;00;22 – 00;41;24;18
Or, you know, raising their hand in a class. You’re all you’re always hearing in the background. Put your hand down. You’re stupid. Someone’s going to laugh at you. You know, that’s the kind of without knowing it, you you think how many kids in a classroom don’t raise their hand because without knowing it, they’re that’s what they here. So the so how to reprogram that like there’s a lot of ways you can get to that.
00;41;24;18 – 00;41;45;17
But you know maybe following that feeling back to something that you want to try, what’s blocking you? You know what? What’s the what’s the worst thing that could have you ask someone, what’s the worst thing that could happen if you, sign up for this class and then they’ll say, well, I, I people could laugh at me and, you know, follow that back.
00;41;45;17 – 00;42;11;15
Where did that come from? Just keep following it back. But then you could take those words or the feeling and you could change it. Like what? Just it’s so simple. What if you put your favorite color around that feeling, you know, like a, a pink instead of that red that it represents your fear or or what if you make it, what if you make it black and white so it’s not in in bold color in your mind anymore?
00;42;11;17 – 00;42;44;29
What if you turn the volume down on it? Or what if we overlay it with something, you know, a different a different belief? Like a lot of this is very similar, I know, to what you do. Like I’ll use CBT or a cognitive behavioral therapy. If you were to come in to CBT and you were to say, I’ve received, my whole life feelings and messages that I am stupid, what I would say is, and tell me more about those messages and where those messages came from.
00;42;44;29 – 00;43;08;06
And you would say, well, they came from my mom and I would work through the process of trying to understand how they came to be your beliefs, as opposed to belief that someone was putting on you. what’s different because when you talked about the the tape that’s getting cut in CBT, that’s what we do is if we can change your cognition, we can change your behaviors.
00;43;08;08 – 00;43;26;27
And what I would do verbally with you is every time we notice that this fear comes up, are we able to recognize it? Yes. Because this is what happens to me. Right? Great. And when that does come up, sometimes we’ll say we’re going to snap a rubber band and we’re immediately going to think what instead. And then you have an affirmation, right?
00;43;26;28 – 00;43;57;29
I am smart, I am capable, right? What’s interesting to me is that I do absolutely see the limits of the type of client that is necessary to do that type of work. One on you have to be a client that has enough self-awareness and wherewithal to be able to have that conversation. And on the other end of that, if you do have all of that, and then you’ve reprogramed yourself to be thinking something different, we’ve not not tapped into the emotional component of that.
00;43;58;06 – 00;44;18;27
So you have people on CBT as a therapy form fits the people who have enough self-awareness, and the people who are happy with good enough without needing to, you know, reprogram the. Yeah, but what’s under that? And where is this coming from? And there’s still something in my soul that feels disrupted. That’s right. In both of those. Yes.
00;44;18;27 – 00;44;37;07
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where I really love this is again, it’s not this. It’s not feeling this hokey sense of like, I’m going to put you under hypnosis and we’re going to just take away all the bad things that ever happened to you, and you’re going to be an adorable little robot at the end who’s like, this is all really great.
00;44;37;07 – 00;45;12;25
It is work. It’s work. But it’s also I can see what you’re saying, Kim, about using the same strategies and techniques I would use Intox therapy, but tapping into that in a place that people are not able to go through language, through the confines of knowledge, through logic. Yes. Right. Yes. It’s but you have to have the belief in order to participate in hypnosis, that the spiritual intuitive self is equally as important as a part of your body makeup.
00;45;12;25 – 00;45;34;17
I would agree as the chemistry, I would agree. Love your brain. I would absolutely agree with that. And the other piece for me is I’m such a visual person, right? It was so easy to as Kim, as my guide to be able to. I remember being again, I’m that unconscious. What does that word whatever are when you’re under hypnosis?
00;45;34;17 – 00;45;51;07
I distinctly remember our conversations and I remember saying to her, Kim, I see this huge ear. And then she would just ask questions and I would dig deeper and start. And then all of a sudden I would have this epiphany and go, oh my God, Kim, this is what it is. And then we would talk about it and then that is the process underneath.
00;45;51;07 – 00;46;15;05
Or I remember, the colors for me is a really big deal because she would say, what do you see? Right. And I’d say, I see this red blob and I think this is what’s behind it. And so then we would physically change that, and then I’d focus in on that. And then that was a game changer for me to to reframe, redesign, re articulate and then reinforce.
00;46;15;08 – 00;46;31;16
Right. Yeah. Because that is the work. Right. But that was that’s hard. Yeah. Right. That’s really hard. My favorite is when she would do the Reiki and we would do the chakras. Right now I don’t know anything about I, I just like read about it or whatever. Yeah. But it made so much sense when she would talk about it.
00;46;31;16 – 00;46;48;01
And then I would visualize fans. I distinctly remember we would visualize fans going through the body, and I’d say I didn’t know what it was. I’m like the green one stuck. And she would say, well, the green one’s your heart. And then I’d cry and I’m like, oh no. And I’m like, no, it’s going backwards. And she’s like, okay, we’re going to fix that, right?
00;46;48;01 – 00;47;01;14
And then I would distinctly remember it would start to go forward and it would be like sludge and then the next session I’d be like, it’s going a little bit. And then we’d work and we’d work. And then by the end it was like a fan fell on a fan, right? Yeah. I mean, I’m going to get this.
00;47;01;19 – 00;47;26;24
This is not good. People. This is not good. You know, talk about hot dogs or something. You change the tone. Her fans are moving. Her fans are moving. But I remember feeling for me that was like it was the reinforcement in the it was the yes, this is the these are the feelings I have never felt. And this is what it feels like to feel aligned and joyful and happy and not.
00;47;26;27 – 00;47;47;28
My heartburn went away for the first time in 30 years, but it was about the it wasn’t necessarily about that particular thing that you could not identify. You are a very connected person to your mind, body and spirit. And so it didn’t really matter what it was you were talking about. You just had this overall sense of peace.
00;47;47;29 – 00;48;05;27
Yeah. Completeness. Yes. Looks like the peace has whatever it was we were talking about. The peace is now back in place and like, yes. Okay. And so then if I had an, let’s say I had a disagreement with my mom, I reacted differently because I felt safe and secure. Yeah, right. Because you were more complete, right? Yeah.
00;48;05;27 – 00;48;27;12
Or in at work. I felt more confident to speak my mind. Right. That’s what it allowed me to do. Yeah, yeah. I have three questions for you, Kim, that I’m hoping you can go into. and once our more love subscription is live, you will only be able to hear those three questions. If you’re one of our even more love subscribers.
00;48;27;15 – 00;49;12;15
Hey, we’re just trying to prepare you here because that’s what people who give more love do to help people prepare for the love they deserve to receive. So, Kim, I have three questions for you that are coming up as a result of this conversation that I think, people will want to know if they’re interested in hypnotherapy. So my first is explain to me, as someone who has never done hypnotherapy, what I can literally expect from the time I walk into your office, what what can I expect is going to happen during these sessions so that as an anxious person, I have some awareness of what it’s going to be like before I just come
00;49;12;15 – 00;49;43;20
in there and let my mind go free to a complete stranger that I have never engaged with before. Yeah. Great question. so I, always have a plan when someone first does their consult call with me. Like I get an idea of what I want to do or what I think would be beneficial, but I never I don’t hold to too strongly to that because it most times between the counsel in the first session, something has changed.
00;49;43;20 – 00;50;11;23
So so I just really go with whatever, whatever, someone present where they’re at when they walk in. so mostly, I mean, a lot of the things we do are just fun. So they’re active imagination. Like a lot of NLP techniques are quick ten minute things that are I would I would say I call them fun. I think they’re fun because you’re visualizing something that you want instead.
00;50;11;23 – 00;50;31;18
It’s not you’re not doing emotionally hard work. You’re just taking, an example of, okay, so I get really scared, you know, at work, I get really scared in this situation when I have to present something at a meeting. How do you want to feel instead? How would you like to feel in that meeting? I’d like to feel confident and empowered.
00;50;31;21 – 00;50;54;29
And I would like to feel like, a confident speaker. Okay, so then we just practice that. So, so in a very quick ten minute technique, you are imagining through the, through the process how, you know, being your best self in that situation. So there’s that’s just fun because you’re getting to practice being everything’s a mind game.
00;50;54;29 – 00;51;16;06
Everything in life is a mind game, you know, fake it till you make it. you know, just pretend that you’re this person and nobody can judge you because you’re just doing it in your mind. That’s under hypnosis or that’s just an that’s active imagination. Okay, okay. So we’re still carrying around when I first get in there about let’s just imagine what this might be a little bit.
00;51;16;07 – 00;51;39;12
Okay. Yeah. Perfect. So what I do, I end my sessions with hypnosis because hypnosis, the hypnotherapy, the hypnosis part is relaxing. It’s like, it’s like a massage or like, like being in a hot tub for your mind, you know? Yeah, for most people. And by that time, people aren’t nervous anymore because we’ve played these little mind games that are fun.
00;51;40;04 – 00;52;04;00
and we’ve done just. I don’t even just talking about things that are what. Tell me about you. What are your strengths? What would you know if your best friend was sitting here talking, telling me about you? What would your best friend say about you? So it’s just things so people can connect with their has ative traits. I mean, people don’t forget that.
00;52;04;00 – 00;52;23;25
Like they walk in the door, they’re nervous, they’re anxious, and they’ve been focused on so much negativity that they’ve forgotten that they are competent people, that they’re loved, that when they were little, they were, you know, they were really good at X, Y, and Z because they’re focused on that now. And what they don’t have and where they, where they’re, where they aren’t.
00;52;24;17 – 00;53;03;20
so I do a lot of that, like, well, tell me, are you what do you what are you good at? Are you, you know, are you whatever. Are you athletic? Are you a gardener. So we talk about that and then we, then we do some of the maybe NLP active imagination things and then and the, when we get to the hypnosis part now I have a better idea of this person, like, really who they are and how other people see them and what inner strength or what attributes or characteristics, because I’m listening, you know, now I’ve done a consult call with them and now I’ve heard a lot of them, so I
00;53;03;20 – 00;53;26;26
can see so many great things about this person that they’re not seeing in themselves. And then we’ll get to the hypnotic part. And then maybe they’re saying, like, I think of my client who was just here, you know, I feel like, I just feel like I’m doomed. Like I’m cursed, like my, you know, I’m just destined for a life full of crap.
00;53;26;28 – 00;53;45;28
So what? You know, I would just say maybe. Like what? What what do you want instead? What? What would be the most important thing? The single most. If we had a magic wand, what would be the thing that would make the biggest difference in your life? If it was going different right now? And so most people can come up with that.
00;53;46;00 – 00;54;07;01
And so then we start to visualize that. So we set an intention for that. Well let’s focus on that. Let’s build that. You know, and then every you know I try and get everybody to do a a grounding. Like Rebecca said her not grounded. So you, you know, you want to be grounded, to feel grounded and then also safe and protected and loved.
00;54;07;15 – 00;54;30;00
so I in the, in the beginning, I always have people connect with their support who loves them, who’s around them, even if it’s your dog, whatever. Just bring that in and just imagine that level of support there because it’s all about love, right? So and you can achieve anything through love. And I really believe that. Of course, the highest vibration is love.
00;54;30;10 – 00;54;56;11
fear and negativity are so low and that’s where most people start. So I just like to get everybody in a love vibration that feels good, safe and happy. Happy or at least if you can’t get to happy, you can get to happier or calmer and then take them on a little trip in their mind with, you know, Magikarp or whatever, that they’re on the beach, in a forest, or wherever they like to be.
00;54;56;11 – 00;55;20;01
That feels good. And then, you know, when the music and they’re listening to the music and then, I’m just having them imagine, you know, just use your imagination with your all of your senses. It doesn’t matter if you can’t see it. It’s just like, can you know that you’re in a forest because you can hear the you can hear the animals, or you can feel the, the breeze at the beach or whatever.
00;55;20;01 – 00;55;47;06
And so you just take somebody to a different place in their mind so they can get out of their conscious, like the wheel, like the rat on the wheel, because most people don’t know how to get out of that. And then it honestly, people do it by themselves. I don’t do anything. I really just literally hold space and I help them see something that see, hear and feel something that feels better than I’m not good enough and my life sucks.
00;55;47;08 – 00;56;03;24
And then they can review their life remotely. And when you can get out of your conscious mind and you can look at the you over there on the beach, it’s like it’s like magic. Like the problems don’t seem so big when you’re looking at it from a remote view, and you can solve your own problem. I’m not doing it.
00;56;03;27 – 00;56;30;21
Each person is solving their own problems. I’m just helping you get out of your conscious mind and allow your inner. It’s even, this might be, like where an emotional moment happens, like we’re talking about, with the CBT and the you have to be at a certain level of awareness to even, start with an affirmation.
00;56;30;24 – 00;56;49;14
But you could say an affirmation all day long, like, there’s an abundance of money in my life, but if that five year old is the five year old’s calling the shots and driving the bus most of the time, because if the if the child is scared and saying no, it’s not, no, it’s not. Remember your dad always said we don’t have any money.
00;56;49;21 – 00;57;12;02
Your dad, you know, it’s like that is what’s playing in the background. So that’s why you might have, you know, even if you bring in while you’re on the beach and, you know, just asking the question, like, what part of you what part of you needs, needs something what part of you needs love? What part of you is scared and the five year old might show up?
00;57;12;04 – 00;57;35;10
Yeah. So you just kind of joining in that together. And it’s it’s not like it’s not scary really. It’s like it’s more love. It’s all about love. Yeah. And and what you are doing is facilitator all or you’re beautifully facilitating a conversation that that person can have with themself in an unconditional and kind way. And my experience, that’s what a really good talk therapist does as well.
00;57;35;13 – 00;57;54;14
Right. So I would say the same thing. I’m not doing anything in therapy other than guiding. I’m attuned to being able to ask the questions. That’s right. That are going to help facilitate a deeper connection to what you want to get to. And that, for me, is the difference between a good therapist and someone who’s just a good listener.
00;57;54;16 – 00;58;14;24
Right. Like it’s a skill. And so I, I’m hearing one of the things you do really well, Kim, is understand that person, get to know them, get to see them for who they really are, and then help facilitate a conversation with them with themselves that they may not be able to have with themselves, by themselves or with their friends.
00;58;14;26 – 00;58;37;07
And that it really is beautiful, right? It’s a facilitative guide on that journey. One of the most powerful sessions I remember having was once I discovered my quote unquote childhood trauma, one of the next couple of sessions. I remember after we were completely under, you said, so what do you see? And I said, I see a little girl looking in the mirror.
00;58;37;10 – 00;58;59;04
And then we discovered it was me as a child. So we did some inner healing, inner child healing work there. The next session I had, I saw the little girl again, but it wasn’t me in the mirror, it was Taylor. and at that point I was having a really hard time connecting with her. I know it was bumps, really hard time connecting with her, and I realized it’s because she is and was me.
00;58;59;06 – 00;59;23;04
And it was really hard to get there. And I remember after those sessions, within the couple weeks, she came up to me and she said, mom, I feel like we’re really bonding. we can talk about, stop. Yeah. And it’s things like that that I didn’t even realize I had a block there. Yeah, but I was putting up some sort of wall because I saw so many things, and I had these expectations, and I had these demands of her.
00;59;23;04 – 00;59;41;15
And it just that helped me to see it. And they weren’t demands of her. They were demands of you. And until we allowed that to not be a part of the equation, we could accept Taylor for who Taylor was. Yes. Yeah. It’s beautiful, I love that. Yes. And and it just started this new type of relationship with her.
00;59;41;15 – 01;00;02;15
Yeah. I mean she was probably ten at the time. Well then yes she’s going to be 15. So and I noticed I have a different type of relationship with my younger daughter. Now, at that time she was only three, 2 or 3. So it’s just very different. But that was the again, that was the crack I needed and the mirror to be held up to, to feel it and see it and all of that.
01;00;02;15 – 01;00;32;19
Yeah. So it was really powerful. My next question for you, Kim, is what does someone need to have in order to be successful at hypnotherapy? And I asked this question with a little asterisks next to it because. A fake therapist is going to say to you nothing, just bring yourself. That’s completely fine. We’ll be able to get there.
01;00;32;26 – 01;01;04;02
And I’m going to call bullshit on that. Yeah, I’m going to say if you don’t have the ability to self-reflect, if you don’t have some degree, doesn’t have to be full fledged with some degree of self-awareness. If you don’t have some ability to be able to own what is yours versus what is others, I’m going to be very limited in my ability to do work with you, and in fact, I have sat in sessions with clients where I have said, we’ve gone as far as we can possibly go, right?
01;01;04;02 – 01;01;38;25
Because there’s such a block right here. Well, they should probably go to hypnotherapy at that point right now. But even then Kim will tell you such a block that I’m not able to do work with you until you’re able to allow yourself to do work. So that was my Asterix. I hope that wasn’t too leading, but I, I felt myself needing to say that because I do believe that there should be qualifiers on who is a good candidate for hypnotherapy based on whatever those factors are, you think that they might be.
01;01;38;28 – 01;02;10;13
That’s another great question. million dollar question. so typically, assuming that someone has the ability to self-reflect and be honest, like their so someone with a, a diagnosed personality disorder isn’t going to get this isn’t going to get far. Probably. but let’s assume that there is no diagnosis of personality disorder. a high degree of problem.
01;02;10;16 – 01;02;32;12
And like so it’s really impacting your life. Like, this is I, I need to change this because if I don’t, I’m just going to keep getting more of the same. So a high degree of problem and a high desire to fix it. And you can’t be lukewarm. We’re dealing with emotions, remember? So so being lukewarm or being like, oh yeah, whatever.
01;02;32;18 – 01;02;51;09
I could if I could handle this problem for another five years if you’re there. No, you know, I would want to. Yeah, yeah, I was debilitated and I was like, I need an intervention. Yeah. Ready for change? Yeah yeah, yeah. And and like you said, you have to be able to be honest if you’re going to show up in lie.
01;02;51;09 – 01;03;08;27
Well, I wouldn’t take that client. Right. they probably wouldn’t be walking in the door anyway. Honestly, unless they were forced to be there while I’m here because my wife’s making me be here. But I really don’t want to be here. Right? That it’s not going to work. Yeah, that won’t work, right? You have to want it for yourself, right?
01;03;08;29 – 01;03;23;11
For my third question, I think what I’m going to do is a little exciting. I’m going to, actually, I know you’re part of our Facebook group camp, which is wonderful. That’s how people will be able to get in touch with you. But I’d like to continue that part of the conversation by putting my third question in the Facebook group.
01;03;23;11 – 01;03;45;22
So I want to tell you what my third question is. I’ll just put it in there and then we can engage in a discussion. From that point, some of the extra content that some of our listeners are going to get if they’re subscribed to our more love, it’s called even More love subscription service, but will be that they’ll get to see an activity that me, you and Rebecca are all doing together.
01;03;46;09 – 01;04;14;09
and can you just give us a little idea of what that activity is like? What could people expect, to hear during that activity? Yeah, I, I when I did my meditation about this work, very loudly came up for me was, again, I keep hearing your words like, more love, you know, so I would say the one that was in my heart the strongest is, it’s a it’s a hypnotic regression.
01;04;14;09 – 01;04;49;19
So it’s like a this life regression. However, someone could spontaneously go to a past life. You just don’t know where the mind is going to go. But it would be a journey to, backward in time, to a forgotten, happy memory. Because I feel like right now in the world, there’s just so much fear, negativity, and people are at like an all time level of fear and agitation and, and then in any, I mean, in any life, you know, we tend to the negative gets the most power.
01;04;49;19 – 01;05;11;27
We always focus on the negative. So going back to a forgotten happy memory is always fun. It’s fun for everybody. But in that you get, there’s so many good feelings there, but it’s also empowering and you could connect with a part of you that you could love more. More love value. I like that it’s actually probably good.
01;05;11;27 – 01;05;27;02
We’re not going to do this exercise because I can’t emotionally handle it right now. And and I’m not sure Kim’s prepared for both of us to do that same activity together. I know there’s a lot of energy that happens there, so let’s give her a minute and then we’ll just do on a different session. So on my angel card.
01;05;27;04 – 01;05;48;17
Yes, I saw you, I saw her, I saw her holding a pendulum. So okay, let’s meet her today with our angel card. One thing I did want to say is, you know, we haven’t done my affirmation card in a while. But what was interesting is we both picked these independently and yours talked about joy. And my affirmation card today says, I know that a simple shift in perspective can change my reality.
01;05;48;19 – 01;06;12;02
I am choosing joy. I thought that was interesting, so I’m really sorry about that. Yeah, I love that too. All right, so let’s end with your hippie view. Let’s end with your angel card. Whatever. Or, it’s whatever we’re doing here. I’m going to show you. Rebecca knows this book, but I sure do. Okay. The power so symbolic tree.
01;06;12;04 – 01;06;39;11
Yes. The power of this is where two. Now. It’s fine, I must be. I’m all because I can feel my energy and she will give me perspective. Fine. Can I just put the lotion on here? What is in that? This is the grounded roller ball that’s grounded grounding. It’s, I’ll tell you that. It is. Smells like, where’s the a car wash?
01;06;39;23 – 01;07;04;10
it doesn’t say which oils are in this one. It’s cherry. There’s cherry. It’s got a smell, but it’s the grounding oil. It was again for Rebecca because she’s going to float off into outer space here. So let’s give her an angel card. Let’s pull the angel card and see. So what this says it’s a symbol. And I.
01;07;04;12 – 01;07;20;03
You. I’m going to show you how I do it. So I don’t pick it. I don’t pick it. So I have my pendulum. I have my book again I love it all right, I love it. I can this is like, this is how we would start our session. She like she’d be like, I don’t I’m not going to ask you and I’m not going to tell you.
01;07;20;06 – 01;07;35;24
The pendulum would go through her binder and tell me what my problem was. Okay. Always done. That’s okay. Okay. It’s all right. Tell us. Pendulum, where is the angel symbol? Come on. Pendulum, pick a good one. All right. So I’m just going to show you this is how I do it for everybody. So the symbols are on this side.
01;07;35;26 – 01;07;58;16
The words are on this side I do not I don’t look at the words. And I don’t want channeling Rebecca’s energy or so I’m just asking this question so you could see my pendulum. Right. So, is there a symbol that would benefit Rebecca right now? So that’s a yes is a symbol for Rebecca on this page. Did you see that?
01;07;58;16 – 01;08;19;12
It was already going to know it. It was not because I was thinking it, is it on this page? No. So see, that’s what I have. So then she has to go to another one, flip over. It could be multiple pages. Is this symbol for Rebecca on this page? Yes. Is it in the top row? Okay. So it is in the top row.
01;08;19;12 – 01;08;44;29
Is it first box. Top row. First box, top row. Is there any other symbol that goes with this one? No. So this symbol for Rebecca is the one that she needs most at this time. Yes. Okay. Let’s see what it is. Hold your breath. There is a possibility. I feel like a single paper bill. All right, let’s see if it has anything to do with our school.
01;08;45;00 – 01;09;11;10
I can’t this morning. I swear to God, I can’t. What’s the word, Kim? Okay, so this is it. It looks like this. Okay, that’s your next tattoo. Embracing the possibilities. The color is orange. The gemstone is rainbow. Moonstone. And I don’t know if that means anything to you, but. Rainbow moonstone. Okay. Aaron’s. Aaron has one thing you say.
01;09;11;10 – 01;09;36;13
He said rainbow one. What’d you say after that? The color circle body is upper arms. Okay, so I’ll read it to you. Okay. Embracing the possibilities. You sit in the center of a spiral. As you look up, you can see there are multitudes of options. There once appeared to be no way out. However, now is a time to celebrate as you become aware of the glorious possibilities.
01;09;36;16 – 01;10;00;11
What once appeared as tones of gray begin to take on. this is so you a rainbow of colors. Each color brings with it many choices one each one more magnificent than the other. What initially appeared as a maze becomes increasingly more clear. It is a grand time to embrace all possibilities in your life and celebrate the unfolding mystery.
01;10;00;13 – 01;10;24;19
Also, what goes with it, typically, she says, is to release expectations. That’s a different symbol. It’s a beautiful reminder to release and let go and allow the universe to provide for you in even grander ways, and you can begin to imagine what you want to say about that. She has all the things. Your name is Rainbow Moonstone.
01;10;24;21 – 01;10;48;03
From now on. Hey, rainbow Moonstone, how can you not want to call? Come every day and be like Kim, give it to me. I mean, do I want to know my angel symbol now? Yeah I know yeah. Okay, well, I don’t want to do. See you tonight. All right, let me clear the bouquet of your top three words on what she just said about me and cure it.
01;10;48;05 – 01;11;14;05
Interesting and necessary. I have three words. Okay. Aaron Stern, miss rainbow. Moonstone. So I just had to clear the energy off my book so that also would be your drag name. Rainbow. Moonstone. Yeah, yeah. So we’re going on a cruise next week and I my entire wardrobe is rainbow themed and you know, she’s obsessed with rainbows and that is 100%.
01;11;14;05 – 01;11;31;10
If you are a drag queen, your name would be Rainbow Moonstone. Yeah. Now, now, what do you think mine is going to be? It’s I don’t know. Yeah. Okay. Is there a symbol for Aaron right now? Oh, you got an even bigger yes than. Wait. Hold up. Yeah, I got it. You got it. You got your whole point is watching.
01;11;31;12 – 01;11;50;09
Can you see this chart? How big that is? is is the symbol for Aaron on this page? I hope it’s the one. Looks like two boobs. Nope. No, it’s not on that page. Not on this page? No, man, on that page. You know, we’re going to the hippie voodoo shop in my in one. At least. You know, it’s the 18th page.
01;11;50;09 – 01;11;59;20
She goes to. There’s the symbol for Aaron on this page. Okay. Is it the top row?
01;11;59;23 – 01;12;30;07
Is it this first box? Top row. No. That’s mine. Not not yours. Is it the second box? Top row. No. Is it this third one? Oh, can it be the V? No. Is it this one? The fourth box. Top row. I don’t know that symbol. Look at that. Look at that. Going back and forth. So V for the vagina.
01;12;30;09 – 01;12;36;08
Is there another symbol for Aaron? Is there a second symbol that goes with this?
01;12;36;11 – 01;13;00;19
Nope. No. Okay I don’t know what the symbol is, so let’s. Great. This is even better. Oh, great. Great. Here we go. It is, it is. Expression. It’s what? Statue expansion. So I’ll show you. I’ll, I’ll send these to you guys after that. This is what you what it looks like I like that, okay. Expansion is the color gold.
01;13;00;22 – 01;13;22;26
The gemstone is amber, the physical body is the shoulders. And it says, we invite you to be awake and aware, dear one, to new opportunities and new ideas. Be open to experiences which will broaden your vision of the world you live in. You will find a richness opening up to you. In return, your positive thoughts will become your reality.
01;13;23;01 – 01;13;54;24
Celebrate this power of expansion. Like I go, I got so, If I couldn’t be more accurate, I’m not sure what it is, because every single day you come to me and you’re like, okay, black and white, okay, black literal. Okay. Literally. And you’re embarking on some new journeys, but fact that we’re starting our new business, the fact that things are more abstract in your life, that I’m trying I’m trying to be bring in some abstract.
01;13;54;24 – 01;14;18;05
Yeah. There you go. Well, you’ll get your sample. I’ll send it to you, and you can put it on your watch. Much? My what’s my name is first rainbow Moonstone. What’s my name? I don’t have one. It mine didn’t come with a name. Oh no. That was her rack. Mine. What’s this? Yeah. Or what’s your name? Rainbow. I thought you were asking Rebecca to give you a drag.
01;14;18;05 – 01;14;42;22
Name? Oh. Oh, I didn’t know you were doing a moon. Siren. Was the rock. Your name was the Rock? Yeah. My name’s Amber. You’re the stripper, right? I’m sorry. I’m the drunk. That’s green. You’re the. That could not be any more clear for us. I have the most generic, bland, normal. Hey. What’s up? And that I’m like, this is my best friend, rainbow monster.
01;14;42;24 – 01;15;10;27
This, it’s true, is in the in your hippie. Whatever you got going on in your hair is perfect. Rainbow moonstone. And I’m over here. Am I totally amber? My my, thank you, cam, for being on the show today. It was really awesome to have you. And if people want to get in touch with you, what is the best way for them to do that?
01;15;11;10 – 01;15;39;18
my website is in Entrancing inspirations.com, and my number is (585) 708-9923. Also I do have a new I have a new number, but I don’t know what it is because it’s brand new. So we’ll just go with that one. All right. Yes. We’ll make sure it’s on the Facebook group. Thank you for sharing your information, your wisdom and your talents with us today.
01;15;39;18 – 01;16;08;27
We appreciate it as we continue on our journey always for more love. I loved that. Me too. Isn’t empathy amazing? Well we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this empathy stuff. That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are. Oh, God, I love you. I love you too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to more. Love the Power of Empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
01;16;09;03 – 01;16;18;17
See you next time.
01;16;18;19 – 01;16;21;08

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