Episode 213- Heightened Organizer or Heightened Chaos? Which One Are You?

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Rebecca’s lucky to have survived her trip to the “city” (eye roll) and Scott and Erin have a good time razzin’ her fear of being in a “dangerous” area. Because she survived (again, eye roll) she gets to hear Erin’s accounting of her morning, which includes her definitions of people who operate in heightened organization and those who operate in heightened chaos. The show ends with a news story about Albert the Alligator and whether he should be returned to his original owner. Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

00;00;09;09 – 00;00;31;23
Hey, it’s me Erin Thanks for joining us on the Moor Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about company. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Oh, here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;31;23 – 00;00;56;02
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what? Our life. Our life as best friends who are more like sisters. Oh, yay, I love us, and I can’t wait to share our stories with the world, especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh, man. Okay.
00;00;56;04 – 00;01;21;08
I learned something about myself today. Can’t wait. Already? Can’t wait. It’s. It’s real early, and I already learned it. Wait. By the way, how’s that coffee? How’s that coffee? Was it $0.79? Actually it was. It was $1.59. Yeah, but then I had to spend $7 on windshield washer fluid. Yeah, I was like, why is my bill $10? Yeah, $7 for windshield washer fluid.
00;01;21;09 – 00;01;42;05
I guess because they have a monopoly captive audience right there. I pulled off of the three 90s or whatever for 90s. Yeah. The quickest. Right there. Popo. Everything. Everything’s happening. Yes. But I couldn’t see. So. Yeah, that I’m surprised that you didn’t have Sawyer in the back getting whatever possible snow she can find and being, like, throw it on the windshield.
00;01;42;06 – 00;01;58;13
Yeah, but that would have been an option. But we were only halfway here. And then I knew I had to get back on the highways, which is a long way. And, you know, that shit’s just going to dry out and everybody’s splatter. So what happened when you put up your, hood in the, in the middle of the hood.
00;01;58;17 – 00;02;17;23
Well normally because we live, because we live in gates I normally let her stay in the car. Yeah. yeah. You know, it’s borderline scary as it is. Yeah. But because we know there are people. Yeah, right. So this is a city. I said you have to come in with me. So she comes in with me, and, we get outside and I say to her, I’ve never done this before in this car.
00;02;17;23 – 00;02;42;23
So this may be a little bit of an adventure. And she says, I’d rather not stay in the car. I’d rather stand right next to you. I said, okay, would you get off the Mount Reed or something? Nope. what’s the one after winded by the Wegmans? Culver. Maybe. I can’t remember after went by Highland. Oh wait a going east coming here.
00;02;42;23 – 00;03;10;27
Yeah. Oh. After when. I think so. After when? There’s nothing. Highland after. After winning. You’re you’re pretty good. Yeah. You’re pretty clear. Nope. This is where Midtown Athletic Club is. Yeah. Oh, yeah. What’s that? Okay. I, I could not love you. And so you out for 590, though. She is. She is talking to us. Got like she was in she was on Avenue day.
00;03;11;01 – 00;03;31;19
That’s that’s what that’s basically like she’s in front. You know where she was. She’s a frickin bright. And she’s next to the Wendy’s. The most amazing Wegmans ever. Just has really crappy parking. You could have stopped by Radio Social and had yourself some brunch. Oh, no no, no. Before you carry a shit, you got Gary’s girl serious car shop on street.
00;03;31;20 – 00;03;49;28
Are you at? It was right next to Wendy’s. Yeah, I was the Winton and, University. Right by DiBella. Do you remember when we did our concern Center retreat? That’s the table that we ate at before we went to the escape room? Yeah. The story I read along. Did you get attacked by too many artists? Musicians? Yeah. Yeah.
00;03;49;29 – 00;04;11;05
There was someone, you know, pushing a Wegmans cart. there was a homeless man on the side of the road. Did he have his dog with him? There’s one over there. There’s a dog with them. I can’t. No. So she’s. Seriously Scott. I’m not. I’m not joking. The way she described it was like it was. It was like there was bullet holes in, like the side of people’s cars near where she was.
00;04;11;05 – 00;04;36;11
She’s a frickin bullet to Jefferson. You have to tell I did not grow up around here. There’s, I don’t know, the thing off the street. There is a Starbucks right up the road. Well, oh my gosh. So the police is in there taking a statement from the cashier. And so I buy my windshield washer fluid and my coffee because I didn’t have time to stop, because I had to stop at tops and get Sawyer some medication because she’s sick.
00;04;36;14 – 00;04;54;13
And, if so, I go to pay. And right before me is a man, buying, two 40s of Bud Light and a twisted tea. Okay, great. At 830, 30 in the morning, and then I go to buy my coffee and my, jug of windshield washer flew over. There was $10. I’m like, oh, what’s that crazy?
00;04;54;18 – 00;05;06;19
So then I go outside and Taylor says, I need to stand with you. And I said, okay. And I go, I’ve never done this before, this car. I said, it doesn’t look like I can just put my fingers under the lid and pop it. She’s like, what are we going to do? I go, I think there’s a button in the inside.
00;05;06;20 – 00;05;23;06
Go ahead. So I went in and I saw it. Thank God for pictures. Yeah. There’s a picture with a with a hood and the nun. No arrow. So I click it and she’s like, whoa. So we open it and as I’m opening it, there’s a man sitting in his car getting ready to leave next to us. And, I’m going to open it.
00;05;23;06 – 00;05;41;07
And she’s going, wow, that’s really dirty in there. I go, yeah, and I go to put it up. And he rolls down his window and he says, do you need any help? And I turned to him and I’m like, oh no, no, I’m good. I’m thank you. And he goes, are you are you sure? And I go, yeah, just two women doing women things.
00;05;41;09 – 00;06;04;23
And he goes, men can do things too. And I’m like, okay, I go for him. I go, it’s labeled washer fluid. So I was just trying to be nice. Yeah, just trying to be neighborly and. Okay. Turn. Okay. We’re in the ghetto gender. We’re not in the car. So he leaves. He leaves. I finish doing what I’m doing, and I turn to Sawyer, and I say, listen to me.
00;06;04;25 – 00;06;26;01
That’s an example of when someone is nice to you. They’re really just trying to steal you. So do not steal you engage like God, right? Then you just say thank you, but no thank you. Then I got him, ten year old Sawyer, that you are putting this away for fluid in your car in the middle of ghetto, which is Brighton.
00;06;26;03 – 00;06;52;13
That’s. You’d be where the man who stops to ask you nicely if you would like some assistance. He’s trying to steal you. Yeah. Listen, my experiences with people approaching me or at the Child at Walmart parking lot. Okay? Okay. Fair enough. Thank you. Yeah. So my favorite story about the child at Walmart when I lived out there was that there was a big fight that ensued in the Walmart daily occurrence.
00;06;52;13 – 00;07;12;19
Someone ran back and got a baseball bat, and some woman grabbed every canned goods you could possibly imagine and was throwing like cans of green beans and corn. I can’t, I can’t, and I’m like, that would have been me. I wouldn’t have thought to go back and get the bat what I would have been like, you know what’s coming at you waxed beans.
00;07;12;19 – 00;07;32;23
I can’t, I cannot. So about that time when I gave birth to Taylor, I just moved to that area and I had given birth to Taylor and my mom, who’s not from here, goes to Walmart to get something. She comes out and there’s four men spread a blanket on top of her hood, and was eating McDonald’s like a goddamn picnic.
00;07;32;27 – 00;07;56;11
Well, and she’s like, I didn’t know what to do. My moms were Saratoga. Definitely not. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. What did she do? She called up. Taco Bell and felt like, you got to tell him to get off. And so she went over and she’s like, hey. And they’re like, oh, I thought this was my friend’s car.
00;07;56;13 – 00;08;15;07
Holy crap. Yeah. Oh, like, do I still go there on the weekly? Oh, absolutely. You probably go there after 9 p.m.. Sure. Which is the safest time we go there? They did. They’re no longer open 24 hours. No, I’m sure they’re not. No, no, they’re not under the guise of oh, Covid shut us down. No I’m sorry. This was pre-COVID.
00;08;15;07 – 00;08;40;20
It was the regular people are going to get oh yeah, my my kids. And whenever we go there, they’re like, why does this Walmart always smell skunky? I’m like, yeah, yeah. Right. Yeah, yeah, I don’t know. Get in the car. Oh yes. Do I go to any other Walmart I could. No you won’t. No, no I know where everything is I get out.
00;08;40;20 – 00;09;00;03
No. Nope. You. That’s you pulling one out of my buck right there I know, I know, not switching it up. It’s too much further to go to Brockport. Oh, I heard the Henrietta. I know, and I hate the green one. That’s not a super Walmart. Oh, well, that’s it, but the important things in life. But no, for real, I stop.
00;09;00;03 – 00;09;29;02
I learned something about myself today. Okay? So what I learned was there are people in the midst of. So everyone’s like aiming for neutral, right? Just like, let’s just like, call me out. Stacey. Yes. I just want to be in a homeostasis state. Okay? Right. And then there’s people when they get heightened, like myself, who become a heightened organizer, like, okay, if things have to be in a row, I have to have the plan.
00;09;29;02 – 00;09;56;03
I have the whole thing figured out. Right? Okay. And then there’s people that I like to call go to heightened chaos, and then they marry each other. Okay. Marry each other. Okay. So, today, usually the morning routine is Marc will get up, he’ll bring the kids to school. I will get ready, do whatever it is that I have to do, I will work, he will come home.
00;09;56;03 – 00;10;16;29
Right, and everything’s fine. It’s just a real simple couple of steps that need to to take place today. I did drop my Kia off at the Kia dealership and then had to come to the podcast. And the kids still had to make it to school. Okay. Just right there we’re, we’re we’re too far gone.
00;10;16;29 – 00;10;34;14
Oh at that just because it’s changed so many things. Oh okay. Because you got to remember my sensory family right. Oh my God. That’s the name of that has to be the name when people come in and want to view. Yep. What do they call that. You know like when they used to go into people’s houses and like, what am I talking about?
00;10;34;16 – 00;11;01;25
You know, this, I guess that’s like a sitcom, but like, it’s like, reality TV. Yeah. Great. Like that wife swap. Yeah. Yeah, like white swap. Yeah. Great. Sister lives. Sister sister lives. Yeah. When they come in it’s called my sensory life. That’s, that’s the name of our, our sitcom. So essentially I say to Mark I need you to bring me to the Kia Kia dealership, follow me to the dealership.
00;11;02;01 – 00;11;27;11
And then I need you to drop me off at the podcast. And he is like, well, who’s going to bring the kids to school? And I’m like, I already asked my parents if they could bring the kids to school today, right? So what has ensued here is mass. It’s mass chaos, right? Just because it’s not the routine, I think it’s the processing of the things that are having to happen is too much.
00;11;27;11 – 00;11;46;12
Okay. So in my mind, because I’m a heightened organizer, right? I’m like, I’m aware that all these things have to happen. What do I need to do? I need to put everything in its little spot. So I need to be like, kids are taking care of Kia, taking care of I need a coffee. It’s across the street. I need I had texted you yesterday.
00;11;46;12 – 00;12;05;10
Will you bring me home after the podcast? Right. So I’ve got that all taken care of. I’m a heightened organizer, so now I’ve calmed the chaos. But Mark doesn’t do good if you tell him in advance what we’re doing, because then he’s a heightened chaos person and he’s all over the place, and then he’ll ask a zillion times, what time are we leaving tomorrow?
00;12;05;17 – 00;12;29;19
And what about this? And what about that? And who’s doing this? And oh, he also doesn’t like to be late. You. So he. If you have to add in more steps that is a calculation. Right. And he gets very anxious about that and then he is already over it. Right. So here we are. I say maybe at like 750, hey, we’re going to be leaving at 815.
00;12;29;22 – 00;12;48;07
You’re going to bring me to the Kia dealership, I’m going to get a coffee, and then we’re going to go to the podcast. My parents are going to take care of the kids. Well, then we’re like, who’s bringing you home from the podcast? And I’m like, listen to me. You don’t need to worry about that. I got that, I got I got that all taken care of.
00;12;48;09 – 00;13;05;27
And he’s like, I’m not worried about it. I mean, I’m actually feeling I’m actually feeling very like put together and calm right now. And I’m like, oh yeah, I can tell oh no, how I know. So I, I decide to push the envelope a little bit. Oh, morning. Not great. Oh and as you know, the kids are all sad.
00;13;05;27 – 00;13;26;23
I’m like, hey kids, to see, you know, grandma and grandpa are going to bring you to school today. They’re like, we already know, right? Because they don’t care. We don’t care. Whatever. Yeah. Mark. So I have to drive in my car right. Because again, heightened chaos. I said, you do need to drive in your car because if you don’t drive in your car and we drop my car off at the dealership, we’re both stranded at the Kia dealership.
00;13;26;23 – 00;13;49;15
Yeah, right. And this is exactly how you talk to him? Yes. We’re we’re I would be like, are you stupid? You’re so goddamn stupid. Yes. What the hell is wrong with you? You’re so dumb. Oh, this is so true. But it’s every little letter I know to be right or I to give to look like that cat meme.
00;13;49;21 – 00;14;15;20
When the Catholic. I’m really serious. Are you serious? Right. So? So, right before we leave, I have to say we’re going to the Kia dealership. We’re not going to the Chevy dealership because he’s such a crazy because you have a Kia. We know because we went to the Chevy dealership last week because he just said no, neither of us have a Chevy.
00;14;15;20 – 00;14;36;15
Oh, okay. Just like Paul over there. okay, I can’t, I can’t I your car. So of course that comes out that of course I got a guy at the Chevy dealership that I like. So anyway, I’m like, we’re not going to that dealership, right? Well, the look of panic is right there because in his mind, he had again tried to organize the chaos by thinking, we’re going back to the Chevy dealership.
00;14;36;15 – 00;14;52;09
I’m like, we’re going to the Kia dealership. Well, he doesn’t want to follow me there because he doesn’t like to follow people. He wants it on his jeeps. He wants to know where he is going. Right? He’s really big on on all of that. It’s too much. What is too much, Scott is this you do this every single day.
00;14;52;09 – 00;15;20;21
I was relating up until that point. Oh, okay. Okay. And then, okay. He lost me. Okay. So we’re driving down the street, and I got to drive a certain way, right? Because you got to make sure I’m not going through, yellow light. And then he stopped, and then that just creates more chaos. And so I’m driving down the street, and I pull in, and I say to him over, I call him, there’s a Dunkin Donuts right across the street from the Kia dealership.
00;15;20;24 – 00;15;31;27
Why don’t you stop and get my Dunkin Donuts? I’ll text you my order while I drop my car. Right.
00;15;31;29 – 00;15;54;28
Now, I want to be real clear. This is normal, right? This is a normal request. This is something normal that normal married couples would ask of each other like this. It’s not weird. It’s not. I swear to God. He handled it so well. He said okay, but inside he is. He is. Why? Because it’s not your normal volcano.
00;15;54;28 – 00;16;12;13
I just threw another monkey. No. You told you that was part of the plan, right? But. Oh, but it would have been when you were together. We were together. So now I’m going to need you. I’m going to drop the car off. You’re going to keep driving to Dunkin Donuts. You’re going to go through the drive. You’re going to get the the coffee.
00;16;12;13 – 00;16;27;07
You’re going to come back and you’re going to pick me up because I’m thinking it’s going to take a minute to drop my car off. Turns out it doesn’t take a minute for 30s drop it off, give her the key, go to walk out. And so I think I’m being helpful. And I walk up to the Dunkin Donuts.
00;16;27;09 – 00;16;45;07
Oh. The street. Jesus. But he’s not there. because he’s already back in business already? Oh, my. The Kia dealership. Okay, so I call and I say, where are you? And he’s like, I’m sitting by service, which is exactly what you supposed to do here I am. I thrown another wrench into the plans because I’m trying to be helpful.
00;16;45;07 – 00;17;10;08
We’re just constantly missing each other. And I’m like, I walked up the street, I met Dunkin Donuts. He’s like, oh my God, Jesus Christ. Okay, I’m coming, I’m coming. Right? He’s he is so anxious. I’m relating to and so that part I can understand, I’m relating to himself as like, why the hell did you walk to. Yeah, I know I’m trying to be helpful.
00;17;10;08 – 00;17;41;09
I’m trying to be helpful. So I basically I go and I walk up and he is coming up behind me because I’m almost at the at the parking lot and he honks his horn. Are you surprised that he’s done that? No, no. You’re not surprised at all that he’s honked his horn now. So when he’s honking his horn, I stop walking and I go to reach my hand out to get in the car because I think him honking is meaning I’m going to stop right here in the street.
00;17;41;09 – 00;18;01;21
There’s no one beside me. Get in the car. Right, right. I would have thought that he kept going. Oh, so now I feel like an idiot because I’m standing there. It’s snowing and I got my hand out trying to get the stupid car. And he continues going. I’m now seething. He is beyond himself. He’s now in his in the Dunkin Donuts parking lot.
00;18;01;21 – 00;18;23;12
I swear to God, this is all happened in like the series of 20 minutes. Okay, he’s now not far enough. He so he’s blocking the entrance into the, drive through. And so he. Now someone’s trying to get in, and now he is just anxious central. So he pulls into a parking spot and he I get and he’s like, it’s all too much.
00;18;23;14 – 00;18;48;13
This is all too much. He’s like, I can’t, this is this is a nightmare. This is all right. And and what I learned about myself was that one. I’m I’m organized. I’m a heightened organizer. He’s a heightened chaos. So when we get into these types of situations, he is always going to respond as if someone just chopped his arm off.
00;18;48;15 – 00;19;11;18
Any time you change the smallest little bit, it’s an anxiety response and he is beyond himself. I am going to get cool, calm, collected and I have a certain way things need to be done, and if they’re not going to be done that way, we’ve not. Common anxiety. The fact that we ended up together is not good for anyone because we were in the car.
00;19;11;20 – 00;19;33;00
He’s like, oh my God, right? He’s losing his shit. I’m like, oh my God, it’s fine. Everything’s fine. We’re just we got to get until I think he’s about to get on for 90 West. When he supposed to get on 490 East and out of nowhere I go, you’re coming the wrong way. You’re going the wrong way. You gotta get four nine East.
00;19;33;02 – 00;19;54;04
And he is like, I know, oh, I know I’m following that, JP yes, because, you know, the GPS is important for him. I said, you look like you were going for 90. Was just like I was like I was just getting in the middle lane. And I said, I can’t have you go for 90 West because you already missed the turn, and now I’m going to be late if you don’t end up.
00;19;54;04 – 00;20;17;00
And so we at this moment just start cracking up. Oh, to start, crack it up. Because I could have gone bad. I got real bad. It could have been real bad. Yeah. Call it over. I’m over it. Right. Pick me up. Yeah. Right, right, right. Pick me up like I’m in the gutter right now. I can’t find you I can’t, I don’t know where you are.
00;20;17;02 – 00;20;37;14
And I just realized in this moment. We all have our own unique ways of responding. When one depends how much stimuli pushes you over the top, which for both of us, to be fair, is not it’s not a lot. It’s it doesn’t take much to push us over the top. But then you add to that that we’re both responding very differently to that stimuli.
00;20;37;22 – 00;20;55;18
And you have him in in chaos and me and organization. And those two things don’t always go well together. They got it resolved with us laughing about it. And then he he does what he does. It just changes the topic. Right. So he’s like, my good thing it’s spring, right? And I’m like, oh my God, that’s nothing. Let me think.
00;20;55;25 – 00;21;18;27
But he’s like, well, you just went down the street. And I thought, okay, I learned something about us. I learned something about myself. I learned something about him. Back to our conversation that we had last week. with you and Scott about different family dynamics. These are the things you have to know about your partner, about your family, about your child, about how are they and God.
00;21;18;27 – 00;21;48;12
Sometimes they really come together in some really mischievous ways. So, oh my God. Yeah. So so that happened today. Well, something about myself. You can relate. Scott, which one are you? Oh, I you’re 100% the heightened chaos or, 100%. There’s no doubt in my mind. No, but he’s he’s the people pleaser, so he’ll he’ll I can I can roll with just about anything when it comes to that stuff.
00;21;48;19 – 00;22;11;11
As long as what changes in plans. Yeah, as long as is. We’re not losing sight of logic. As long as we’re not doing stuff like you going to Dunkin Donuts didn’t make any sense to me, or I didn’t understand the you’re trying to help. Oh her physically going there walking there. Yeah yeah yeah that was that was a bad I’m putting so bad.
00;22;11;11 – 00;22;25;11
So I’m putting myself in Mark’s position. Keep your ass where you’re going to be. You asked me to go there so I would go there. Why would you still go there? Because I was trying to be help. But she didn’t think. I’m going to call him and say, hey, where are you at? Because I’m going to start walking.
00;22;25;11 – 00;22;41;03
Yeah. No, because they don’t talk on the phone. They only text, which is also weird. No. When do not talk. Yeah. See that would. So if you had you said hey if you’re not a Duncan yet I’m. I got done early so I’m going to walk over. Well I could see Duncan from the Kia dealership. That’s how close it was.
00;22;41;03 – 00;22;58;19
So I could see you so you clearly didn’t see where he was located? I did not, but that’s what confused me. I was like, where is his vehicle? And then, because, you know, we all have our our things, I immediately think that Mother Effer went to a different Dunkin Donuts. He didn’t see the one right across the street.
00;22;58;21 – 00;23;14;14
No, right. Which is not fair. But that’s my self-talk. I’m like, he didn’t see the Dunkin Donuts right across the street. Where do you go? They stop at the gas station. First is my own self-talk, right? So then when he says that he said, I said, we pick up the phone and call him and say, where the hell are you?
00;23;14;18 – 00;23;34;28
Correct, correct, correct. Now we have this thing on our phones. It’s called life 360 and you can see exactly where everybody is. Yep. we live our lives by that. So. So you’re just got a new phone and she. Now that’s her favorite thing to do. I’m like, you are straight up on us. She’s like, yeah, like it.
00;23;35;00 – 00;23;56;13
Oh my kid. Yep. So the more of that story is know who you are and then don’t marry someone who is the exact opposite. My my favorite story is when two years ago, when you, me and Mark and Philip went to Florida. We had no plans. No plans. It was one of those vacations that we literally rented a house on the beach, which we’ve never done before, is so cool.
00;23;56;16 – 00;24;23;06
And we went to, Walmart when we first got there. Got a shit ton of food, shit ton of booze. Three waters because Erin only drinks three waters in their whole lifetime. And we got, little kid fishing poles and shrimp, and we would just drink beers on the beach and and do whatever. Yeah. And so we decided one time we were going to go exploring, and we get into the car and we were going to head to Dustin.
00;24;23;12 – 00;24;42;04
We’re just heading to this area. And so we’re driving down the street and their nails marks. Driving your nails? there’s an antique shop. We gotta stop there. Mark’s like, no, no. Do you want to go into Dustin? I’m like, what are like, we know Mark when we get to stop along the way. But what do you get to?
00;24;42;04 – 00;24;55;14
Dustin? What are we doing there? He’s like, I don’t know, but the GPS says we’re going to Dustin. We’re like, fuck, we just wanted to stop at that store. And he’s like, we’re not doing that. Couldn’t do it. And it was on the other side of the road. And there was no there was a medium. I means you couldn’t.
00;24;55;20 – 00;25;17;16
Oh yeah. And then there’s my husband who’s like, Mark’s right, and Mark’s right. He’s the driver. And we’re not going there because you ladies are annoying. Okay, fine. Mark, just do what you do. Mark. Everything you’re doing is fine. He’s like a curtain. Yeah, there’s a hole. And then I just sit in the back. I’m like, I can’t, I can’t, and I.
00;25;17;16 – 00;25;31;20
And I could be hit or miss. I’d be fair. I’d be like, we’re not going. We’re going to Dustin, we’re going to Dustin, going to Dustin. Or it could be like, oh, I love antique shops, right? No you weren’t what mood you were in the mood of. Mark up. We can deviate. Yeah. We don’t have an appointment gap.
00;25;31;23 – 00;25;54;01
We don’t. We live a certain time. We have to be home now. We’re it went all downhill was when we did go to Dustin the next day and rented a pontoon. and Mark decided he was going to drive, emphasis on the wrong syllable. A pontoon. Erin really liked that song so much. Nobody better play it right now.
00;25;54;01 – 00;26;15;07
I hate it. So what? What song is that on the pontoon? Nothing. On the pontoon? Nothing. Scott, do you know any. Any. So. Hey. So we go and we read this pontoon, and Philip has a boaters license, but Mark’s got to drive. Right. Do you want to know why Mark’s going to drive it? Not because he has a boaters license, but because Mark Luke grew up on a river.
00;26;15;07 – 00;26;36;08
Right. Okay. And he’s so anxious. He even has the GPS for the goddamn boat. It doesn’t work. Oh, yeah. It’s just a straight shot. Oh, yeah. It’s fine, it’s fine. Yeah. He hits the dock numerous times. Oh, my God, he’s trying to back out. He’s trying to figure out how to put it in in reverse and fill up the whole time.
00;26;36;13 – 00;27;00;18
Jerk ambient in there. Just all the confidence whatsoever in his body. And so I’m looking at fill up like take the wheel. This is not okay. Because again he mark is chaos. And I it’s like, it’s fine, I got this. I can drive this thing. And I am organized and there’s nothing organized about this, and it’s actually making me highly anxious.
00;27;00;18 – 00;27;18;13
And then you have me and Philip. We’re just like, whatever. We’re going to be spending ten grand on this pontoon at the end of the day, because Mark wrote it into something. But then, because I’m an empath, I’m aware that I don’t want Mark to feel like I don’t have confidence in his abilities, but I don’t have confidence in his abilities.
00;27;18;13 – 00;27;32;12
But I got I also know him well enough to know that if I point out that I don’t have confidence in his abilities, he’ll double down. Yep, he’ll double that. He’ll go faster, right, right, right. So I’m trying to tend to all these things I sort of God felt the whole time is probably just hanging out on the boat.
00;27;32;13 – 00;27;50;16
He was in the bath, smoking and yes, rocking a cigaret, a cigaret. Oh no, he was going to do it. God. And then just to just to piss her off. She’s highly anxious. I’m in the front drinking my truly. And then I play that song and she was like, I’m a goddamn. I’m kind of like little big town love little big town.
00;27;50;20 – 00;28;10;09
Oh well, oh my God. But we get to a Crab Island. I think it is. It’s not an island. It’s just. It’s just this area by a bridge. So go in and hang out. These boats all dock, and we’re we’re laying there. We rented a, one of those big blue Matt. Big blue Matt. Like he got for free in the in the type door.
00;28;10;09 – 00;28;25;17
But this one was huge. And so I have to buy it with chicken. No no no no, this came this this came with the pontoon. Came with the boat. So we and of course that’s the other thing. We have this gigantic thing rolled up in the middle of the pontoon that we can’t move into. It was just a sunshine.
00;28;25;23 – 00;28;47;00
So we get all the way there. And, this is this is a well known place. So it’s like the Caribbean, but in Destin and it’s like blue water, all the things. And there’s all these boats docked, there’s floating restaurants. There’s, we discovered there was a pizza delivery service. Oh, yeah. On the on my favorite part. My favorite part is all of a sudden because, you know, I’m hungry.
00;28;47;00 – 00;29;05;29
Every 15 minutes we’re laying on this map, we’re legit on the mat. And I go, what’s that right. Does it does that pizza that pizza delivery. I’m like, we are totally getting pizza delivery on our pontoon boat. So we call the the lady over, right? And we’re like, come on, come on, come on. We’re like, what you got there?
00;29;06;00 – 00;29;25;17
Yes. Yeah. Some pizza there. She’s like, yep I got pepperoni. You know we had to order it. Oh that’s right, she said she goes I’m just the delivery girl. Yes. Here’s the phone. Here’s the phone number. So Mark takes no Mark does he did. Yeah. He got it all ready. And he goes and that’ll be $100. And we’re like whoa, I said you were in the water.
00;29;25;18 – 00;29;43;21
What the heck did you order? He’s like a large pepperoni. I said, for $100 of all the other fees and stuff. Yeah I know, no. Yeah, we’re going to be hungry. I do not for a couple Pringles. We did not. We’re not doing that. But there was a really cool bar. It was a floating bar. And he would go, you would swim over there, you’d climb up.
00;29;43;27 – 00;29;58;07
It was like a barge. Oh my God, we had the best time. I know we have the strap. It was really great. We did so many cool things. And the best part was we had no plans. No, we went and we did, trivia one night and that was me. Great. I came up with that and I was really proud.
00;29;58;07 – 00;30;15;16
And even when Phillip Phillip doesn’t like he is social anxiety, so he doesn’t like doing anything. He prefer to be on the beach with the fishing. Just we we did that. We did. We did a shopping a couple times. They did finally allow us to go to an antique shop. Yep. It was a great trip. That was a lot of fun.
00;30;15;18 – 00;30;34;26
And then we would go at night and watch a Dahmer. Oh yeah, we would watch Dahmer. Yeah, it was great. Go! That was the best. It was great. It was really great on TV. That was the time that, because we made all of our own food. Once again, I’m super cheap, right? So I say to Erin, if we’re going to get this house on the beach, I’m cooking the whole week, right?
00;30;34;28 – 00;30;53;27
We’re not going out to eat. So I make all this food, and she’s lay it in the pool because we have a pool on the beach, whatever. And it’s a it’s a community pool for the, condos or whatever. Yeah. And she’s like, I’m hungry. And she’s laying in the middle. I’m like, I got you. I go upstairs, I get her some macaroni salad ready salad.
00;30;53;27 – 00;31;15;15
So you’ve got to imagine I’m in this and the two piece bathing suit in a tiny, tiny pink tube that is for kids because it cost less money. And I’m sitting there with my arms out, but the rest of my body in the tube, and she hands me this plastic container full of pasta salad and a fork. And so I’m just shoveling in the pasta salad while I’m floating in the pool.
00;31;15;22 – 00;31;32;29
And I remember in that moment thinking, this is heaven. This is heaven. Yeah, this is heaven. The man who knows where they were, it was just a two with a whole bunch of other randos. Yeah, yeah, it was great. It was a lot of fun. We had a great time. I will 100% do that again. Speaking of beaches, beaches make me think of alligators and crocodiles.
00;31;32;29 – 00;31;51;09
Oh, yeah. Did you see that video? I sure did hear this morning, I sure did. We have to talk about that I love it. Okay, so there’s this alligator called Albert the Alligator. He’s 34 years old. I don’t know if that’s old for a crocodile, I don’t think. Get it honest. No clue. I don’t think it is. I think they live to be the old they like.
00;31;51;10 – 00;32;06;12
They look like dinosaurs. So that’s what makes me think. Okay, they lived to be okay like that. Deductive reasoning. They’re so really good. They are. They’re like scaly. Yeah. And if you’re scaly, you get to be. They have teeth like dinosaurs. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. Okay. And they walk like perfect. They walk like. Yes. Now this is, this is a big boy.
00;32;06;12 – 00;32;29;06
Oh he big. He was a big boy right. He cute. He was very sweet. And so this Albert the alligator is owned by this man named Tony. And Tony has had Albert the alligator since. I feel like I’m reading a kid’s book and has had Albert the alligator since he was 34. Okay. And the neighbors refer to Albert the Alligator as the gentle giant.
00;32;29;07 – 00;32;49;10
Wait, since he was 34 or the alligator? Alligator since a baby? Yes. He’s had the alligator for 34 years. Since he was just a baby. Baby, baby. Little Ali. According to, Mr. Google, the average lifespan is at least 30 to 40 years, and in some cases, the larger species 60 to 70 years. Oh, there you go.
00;32;49;13 – 00;33;07;14
So time my reasoning, Albert, could be have no way out. I don’t know, he looks pretty large. I know he was one of the big ones. I know he he looked like if an elephant alligator worked out at the gym, that. Yes, he looked like what was an alligator or a crocodile? I it was an alligator. Albert the alligator.
00;33;07;16 – 00;33;29;01
Okay. It would have been Connie. The crocodile was the crocodile. But like this man went so far as to build an indoor. Yeah. Swimming pool. He built an indoor enclosure for him to make sure that he was safe. There was a video of this man. Like rubbing the alligator on the nose. Like they look like their friends. Yes, they look like they’re buddies, you know?
00;33;29;03 – 00;33;51;11
And so they were saying that Albert the alligator got taken from Tony. Somebody must have reported him up. Sure he didn’t be. Not okay. You’re not supposed to have an alligator in a residential area. Is it? Outrun in the streets? Well, this is what I need to ask about. How are you? And is it out in the streets in which a parabola.
00;33;51;12 – 00;34;12;27
It’s so fascinating to me. And so they’re now asking people to sign a petition to get Albert the alligator back in his in his righteous home, where he’d the only home he’s he’s ever known. Yep. For me, this is a case of applying empathy in a really weird place. Why? Because this is animals. You know how I feel about that.
00;34;12;27 – 00;34;34;01
I know the only thing I care about. So many feelings. You know, I, you know, I created 17 email addresses to sign the petition. Yeah, I probably did. You probably did tell him. So I just found out that the alligators, live around 50 years. So he’s still got he’s got some time. So he’s gonna come out. He’s in 50 live.
00;34;34;01 – 00;34;55;21
Tony. Tony was. No, he was not. Tony was probably in his mid to late 50s. Yeah. Yeah maybe early 60s. But they live in Hamburg New York which I think is is the craziest thing ever. Yeah. You know where Hamburg is like on the way to Buffalo the most roundabouts lake per capita. You could have possibly fine. I freaking love Hamburg.
00;34;55;22 – 00;35;16;02
Right. And then I’m thinking to myself, oh my God, did I ever passed by the house when I was out that way? That had maybe maybe to do in the wintertime? He’s got an enclosure. He’s in. He’s in their house. So that’s my that’s my feeling. It’s like the woman who had the, the gorilla or whatever, like if you, your person are going to take your life into your own hands, that’s your choice.
00;35;16;04 – 00;35;39;28
Go ahead. Does he have a permit for the alligator? Probably not, because I don’t I don’t think that’s legal. I don’t think they have residential permits for alligators. So, Oh yes. Because you’d have to have there’s probably a law that says if you’re going to have one of those type of animals, you have to live in a certain amount of land and or the enclosure or something like that, like because people can legally own tigers and lions and stuff.
00;35;40;04 – 00;36;00;18
But, there’s still that. It depends on the state. Yeah. I mean, I learned that from the Tiger King. Oh, yeah. Pretty sure think those are state rules, but, but but again, you know, if you choose to own a black widow as your pet. Now that’s just stupid. That’s a black widow spider that bites you when you die immediately.
00;36;00;21 – 00;36;30;18
I think so. Or a brown recluse. A recluse. Yeah, but those those are they can be found in your home. Yeah, yeah. And they they can kill you. Scorpions are found in Texas. They’re just like wild animals. Like whatever. Remember? Remember that person who lived in your hall? Who was. Was it you? It was you. I don’t know when you you they were extracting the poison from the, scorpion and injecting it into their body because they wanted to become immune.
00;36;30;19 – 00;36;52;28
That was you all day long. What the hell? That was your president. What, like under, no supervision? They just decided that that’s what they were going to build. Build up a tolerance? Yes, that had to have been. Maybe it was Margaret. Maybe it was Margaret. There was no way that was happening in Perry Hall. There’s no way I must have been at MC you.
00;36;52;29 – 00;37;09;29
I gotta call Margaret now. I gotta call Margaret. How you doing on Margaret? Apys the heck out of that person. It must have been MK then. So yes, this this kid, somebody I know you had to dig a hole, had this pet scorpion. Had you been had to have an MK because I don’t think you were allowed to have pets.
00;37;10;05 – 00;37;31;27
And so that was confiscated and they were claiming it was like a therapy thing. Yeah. I got a call. Margaret, I love that scorpion. I know he was building up his immune tolerance. Why are you going to go as maybe he wanted to be in the circus. I think he has a mental health problem. Maybe he really was one of those people that wanted to have, like, a snake in scorpion experience.
00;37;31;27 – 00;38;02;04
Sure it wasn’t you? A positive shirt, do you remember? I remember my experience with that time of year where you could come in petition to be let out of your res hall, contract, and this guy came in an all black and sat in my office and he said, the reason why I need to be let off out of my, commitment for the rest of the year is because it’s the exact same amount of money as a circumcision, and that I need to have that breath, that I was like you, why you let him go till you not.
00;38;02;04 – 00;38;22;03
Finally, you know what? More power to you, man. You brought me all these Bible verses. Yeah, it was real weird. Weird. I’m like, right, okay. He picked the right resident for that. Don’t care. No we can’t. I think that I just I’m not going to hear some weird, outlandish crap. Oh, Scott, hang on for the right here. Oh, we we’re just getting started.
00;38;22;06 – 00;38;38;26
We’re just getting started getting. Wait till season three. Oh. Know. Right. I know that’s when the real shit’s going to hit the fan. Oh, we have stories all day long. So what’s your thought, Scott, about Albert the alligator. Appropriate. Not appropriate. Is signing the petition. You think it’s okay for Toni to keep the alligator? What do you think?
00;38;38;26 – 00;39;07;22
So I’m, I’m a I’m a law guy. you know, if if the law allows, then then. Yeah, sign the petition. If the law doesn’t allow. I’m sorry. I feel bad for him. He’s got this alligator and. But. You’re not supposed to have it in the first place, so a petition really doesn’t matter. you can’t sign a petition to tell people to, you know, to give you an excuse to abide by the law.
00;39;07;22 – 00;39;36;12
It doesn’t work that way. If he’s within the law, then I’m totally 100% in favor of signing a petition for him to keep the alligator. But if he’s within the law, how can they remove it? Correct? Yeah, exactly. And is that a unless there’s rules that he didn’t follow within the law. Right. Or or don’t you mean like you to have an alligator, have you in an 800 square foot room or you need to have this permit or, you know, whatever.
00;39;36;12 – 00;39;54;14
And and it maybe it’s not a state or local law, but it’s a homeowner’s association law or rule that says, like, you can’t have chickens in my at my right here. I’m so pissed off that I can’t have chickens. Yeah, I want chickens. Yeah, we can’t have chickens and gates either. And I think the whole town is banned.
00;39;54;16 – 00;40;17;08
Oh, you know who still had them? Hill house down the street from me with the saddle. Oh, that a house I almost forgot. Yeah. Saddam Hussein, the Commons. Oh, yeah. They had, they had an entire room in the whole base for this whole chicken politic full of chickens and then a seven foot tall swivel Hussein run and never have to run up to the store to get eggs.
00;40;17;10 – 00;40;41;08
Yeah, I’m not sure what they were doing for chicken. Not sure what they were doing. Oh, I really like what you said there, Scott. I actually really like what you said there. So you were like, let’s go to the the letter of the law. What is allowed? What is what is not allowed. And then let’s see if Tony here has played by the letter of the law.
00;40;41;10 – 00;41;09;02
So let’s say that Tony has not played by the letter of the law. And Tony took it upon himself to get himself an alligator. And he feels really great about having this alligator in his home. He’s doing all the things he’s supposed to for this alligator. Should we still be having empathy for Tony that he took it upon himself to have Albert the Alligator, but he did it illegally in the beginning?
00;41;09;06 – 00;41;30;24
Absolutely. There’s no reason to not have empathy, but it can only go so far. I feel bad that he’s grown attached to this alligator. It’s his body and he can’t have it because unfortunately, he was not. He did something outside of the law that you know what I mean? It’s like I feel for him. I feel for the guy.
00;41;30;25 – 00;41;58;09
All right, I feel guilty. Fine. What are you going to let in New York? Summary of the law. It is unlawful for a person to possess a wild animal. A wild animal is defined as all members of the federal family except domestic cats. Okay, you say that for day, whenever all members of the canine family except domestic dogs, all bears, all non-human primates, venomous reptiles and crocodiles, is that.
00;41;58;12 – 00;42;25;25
Well, that’s funny, but he’s alligator. But he’s an alligator. It’s not the same. That’s. That’s nonsense. That’s in New York. That’s not an alligator, is it considered? Well, it’s not venomous. It’s not venomous. Is it a reptile? It’s a reptile, yes, but it’s not venomous. It’s not venomous? No. Now, this one says New York City. If for me, do you think that these laws exist because of fear of harm to someone like Tony himself?
00;42;25;25 – 00;42;47;28
Like. Okay, well, Tony, maybe not the best idea, right? Or if all of a sudden Albert gets out or someone goes in because he thinks that it’s okay to show Albert to someone else. And then Albert eats a kid, is, oh, is that is that what we’re worried about? Here’s the article. He’s 750 pounds. Oh, yeah. He big boy, 750 pound pet alligator seized from New York man’s home.
00;42;48;04 – 00;43;12;15
This happened yesterday. I know the look that. Yeah. I didn’t realize this was yesterday. Oh, yeah. Cutting edge. that’s right here was doing there. He says he was keeping it illegally. The Environmental Conservation Police officer seized the 11ft alligator from the home yesterday, but he had built an addition and installed it in-ground swimming pool. This is what’s fascinating is the level of empathy that you both have.
00;43;12;22 – 00;43;38;03
I feel anger, okay, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. It’s saying the man would allegedly let spectators get in and swim with the alligator in the pool. Okay, okay, okay. Oh, it says it says the owner had a license for the alligator, but it expired in 2021 and he did not renew it. The owner says, well, I’m boat dad and I can do what I want.
00;43;38;10 – 00;44;03;11
Well, yes or no? You can’t. I’m Albert’s dad. I’m do what I what? Yes, he’s suffering from numerous health related issues, including he’s blind and full time. Albert. Yeah, and he has spinal complications. I think it’s time he does have another 15 years in. The reptile was turned over to a licensed caretaker who will house and take care of the animal so it can be properly transported for permanent care.
00;44;03;14 – 00;44;28;10
Do you think Albert knows he’s been transported? And is he experiencing any psychological distress? Well, he’s blind, so he can’t see anything. Why? He doesn’t know the place, but. But then maybe his other, like, heightened senses. Maybe Tony had specific centers in New York. Owning any animal classified as a dangerous animal, including alligators, is illegal unless the owner has a dangerous animal license out there.
00;44;28;10 – 00;44;54;14
It is. There it is. That’s that’s the rules. And he let it expire. He signed a letter to expire. so, I mean, that’s a good point. This is such a great point about social media because what you’re doing here with the Albert the alligator tick tock that I sent you is that we’re building this whole hubbub right around the fact that this man, man still at alligator taken away, you know, and I back to your point, Scott.
00;44;54;14 – 00;45;21;04
I think there’s rules for a reason. I’m not saying that all rules are correct rules or don’t stand to be, you know, changed at some point or pushed forward at some point in favor of the general public not being allowed to carry or to have animals that can go great. I agree with that. I don’t I don’t think the general public is reasonable and responsible enough to be able to agree.
00;45;21;07 – 00;45;42;18
They can’t even go. I mean, clearly the woman who was eaten by an alligator that we talked about before, wow, I forgot we talked about, you know, I mean, clearly people can’t even be in public with these kinds of things because they don’t know the dangers. Maybe it’s it’s fascinating. So I was saying that I had a sense of feeling of anger and my gosh, based on based on what that propaganda showed you.
00;45;42;25 – 00;46;00;12
Well, know, my anger still, I still have the same level of anger. Okay. Well, I guess maybe it’s not the same level of anger, because they did think that he took Albert the Alligator from a very early age and like, just kept him for himself. And my anger was about, don’t do that, don’t do that to the alligator.
00;46;00;12 – 00;46;19;12
If that wasn’t fair for the alligator from the very beginning. So now, 34 years later, we’re going to have to uproot the alligator. But we wouldn’t have had to do that had you not taken the alligator in the beginning. Now, that was under the assumption that he stole this, or he took this alligator or bought this alligator, whatever, and did it illegally.
00;46;19;14 – 00;46;36;25
Now that I know that it was an apparently illegal transaction, now I feel bad. Now. Now I have some some empathy about this, but I really don’t like when people set themselves up in a situation because they did something shady in the beginning. Why didn’t you just see it? Your license expired in 2021. Why didn’t to renew it?
00;46;36;25 – 00;46;57;13
I know, yeah, because you got away with it for so many years. Like, first of all, don’t let people come swim in your pool with the alligators. I mean, you’re really putting yourself up there, and I’m pretty sure you’re homeowners. You sure you have liability insurance? I don’t think that that’s covered in the umbrella policy. No, I don’t, so I’m not even sure.
00;46;57;13 – 00;47;16;18
Dog bites are for the most part, but come on, I know. Come on, tell me if this kind of brings full circle back to when we went to, SeaWorld a couple weeks ago, and we’re laying in bed, and you still don’t know what the world is. And I mentioned to you, Blackfish, that that thing. And so, of course, we go down the damn rabbit hole.
00;47;16;24 – 00;47;39;23
Oh, of all of that. And we talk about the idea of an animal being taken from the wild. Yep. And put into captivity versus an animal born into captivity. Who doesn’t know any different, or an animal that is injured and is then taken into captivity to kill. Yeah, rehabilitate and then transport it back. Whatever. So we had so many conversations about that and I find it really interesting.
00;47;39;23 – 00;48;04;12
Again, we are not educated. All we’re reading is what we’re reading. We’re consuming what wants to be, portrayed to us, yada yada yada. But at the end of the day, I still can’t get over how they train a dolphin. Know? Here you go. 25 circles you go, you’re all of a sudden you point and that thing’s doing 16 flips in the air.
00;48;04;13 – 00;48;22;25
I know that was the next level. I know, I know, I like that. Well, this is good. This wasn’t at all when I thought we were going to talk today. I got four I got listed on here. I just want to do my my thing because I find this to be interesting. I did pull the I did pull the card and I love this.
00;48;22;27 – 00;48;43;11
it’s the hermit. Okay. Look. How cute. Is this, a hermit crab? These are your favorite cards. It’s the hermit crab. And I think this is. If it was an alligator today, that would have been hilarious. Wow, that would have been hilarious. Nuts. I mean, that’s kind of a reptile, right? It’s got claws. I actually do not think that the alligator in The snail, a hermit crab, are at all related.
00;48;43;12 – 00;49;05;12
They’re not. But no. Well, they’re. But depends what you’re about to tell me, though. And I’m sorry. So the hermit back. Back when we were going through some life transitions. then we went to Darnell’s Journals party. Yes, lady. That lady with the hat? Yeah. She, She pulled the hermit for both of us, which I thought was really interesting.
00;49;05;12 – 00;49;29;20
Yeah, and that’s generally not what what we do at all. So it’s coming up again, which is also interesting because for me, I’m feeling like this is part of why I’m not getting better physically, because I’m avoiding all things that you don’t mean mental health, I mean, and that’s all I just want to clarify for everyone. She she means she’s getting over a cold flu forever.
00;49;29;23 – 00;49;51;08
And I think part of it is because of that. So the hermit says this curious character is the universal mascot of meantime, who knows what life has handed him? The important thing is, he knows that the best way to deal with it is to retreat to a place of quiet reflection and fly solo for a bit. The hermit encourages you to clear your social calendar and fill your time with meditation, walks through nature, and possibly some journaling.
00;49;51;11 – 00;50;13;27
A little chapter of solitude where reset your mind, open your heart, and if you’re anything like this old soul, lead to some life altering wisdom. Dress code, a long white beard and gnarled staff. You hate this, I hate this, this bad part. Affirmation I quiet my noisy mind and look within. To know myself is to realize I’m pretty okay with myself.
00;50;13;29 – 00;50;40;04
Yeah, so I need to listen to that. Because when you were talking earlier about the chaos, I am 100% organized chaos. I’m a combination of the both. I can roll, but I can also be super, super organized. And what I notice is, I create systems and then I never follow through with them. I have 25 post-it notes, and then I derail and then something comes up and I’m like, oh, I handle that.
00;50;40;04 – 00;51;00;29
So I’m noticing there’s just and there’s a lot of pressure right now in my life because I have two huge events coming up for my work, that one I’ve never done before, and the other one is a slight, pivot, which is exciting, but it’s also new. And so I’m not it’s not it’s not a confidence thing. It’s, I want to nail this kind of thing.
00;51;00;29 – 00;51;23;27
And so I want to be ten steps ahead. But then when that happens, it’s just, you know, it’s a lot going on. Yeah. So, I think that if I can, which this is not what I’m good at. Step back. Breathe. Organize. Prioritized. Put away. you know, I also have Slayer’s birthday this weekend, which, you know, me, I go above and beyond.
00;51;23;27 – 00;51;51;13
I haven’t even ordered anything. So I’m. You know, there’s a lot of things happening. so, anyway, I appreciate appreciate today’s session. The hard part is you have to do that little hermit thing right there. But while you’re in the hermit thing, you, you and Scott, if you are both in the freaking hermit thing together, I swear to God, you’re supposed to be using the time for rest and relaxation and reflection and thinking of how you’re doing is different.
00;51;51;19 – 00;52;08;05
Why watching shows on Netflix? Because you and Scott are both like, I got a new idea, and then you come and land that shit right at my door. I now know 18 different ideas in solitude, meditating, and I’m watching a new series on Netflix. And then I finish the whole thing. Yeah, I know there’s a whole look at that.
00;52;08;05 – 00;52;32;05
I really hermit and back to my post-it notes. I need a guide. I need a spiritual guide. Yeah, yeah, you need something that is very true and right now, but I, I loved that me too. It is an empathy. Amazing. Well we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this empathy stuff. That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are.
00;52;32;10 – 00;52;44;26
No. God, I love you. I love you too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to More Love the Power of Empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts. See you next time.

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