Episode 215-Even More Love – The Deets

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The girls mayyyyy have caused some undue stress by teasing the Even More Love Subscription Service and then failing to share any additional details about price, future direction, and our ultimate goals for the subscription plan. Whoops! This session is dedicated to the deets. You’ll hear why we decided to go with Supercast as our platform of choice, what subscribers will get at each unique level, how “we” came up with the subscription level names (a Rebecca fail), and much more. If you are interested in being one of the six people who try out the Chakra Aligner or Voodoo Visionary levels for FREE for 3 months, please email us at themorelovepodcast@gmail.com.

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;22;14
Hey, it’s me Erin. Thanks for joining us on the More Love podcast. Do not tell Rebecca, but this podcast is about empathy. She likes people to think she’s dead inside. But the truth is, she’s a big time feeler who has truly helped me uncover that empathy is my superpower. Oh, here she comes. Hey, bestie. Hi, love. What are you doing?
00;00;22;14 – 00;00;48;27
Oh, just getting ready to host a podcast. A podcast about what? Our life. Our life as best friends who are more like sisters. Yay! I love us, and I can’t wait to share our stories of the world, especially the ones that involve us pushing each other right to be our most authentic selves. Oh man. Okay. You know how you just let it rip?
00;00;48;29 – 00;01;21;18
You know what that reminded me of? I wonder if you’re gonna remember this. When we were in life together and Joel Franek was welcoming all of the res via one of his speeches, and it was like one of those, you know, rally was going to have a great year, you know? I think. Yeah. I don’t know if you remember this, but during his speech, he’s standing up there and he says into the microphone in front of these 18 year, 20, 21, 22 year olds.
00;01;21;20 – 00;01;47;19
Let it wrap this year. This level of laughter that came over. I remember the audience. Do you remember? I sure do. You sure? Talk about an empathy moment where I’m like, I want to die. Because he had no idea. Bolivia. Bolivia? Yes. Yeah. He was also retirement. He might as well have gone up there and said, blow some gas.
00;01;47;22 – 00;02;06;17
Yeah. This year, let it rip and let it rip. Oh my gosh. That was. That’s what I just. I thought you were going to talk about the time that, you and my husband were farting into the flames. The blue angels. The blue angels. And by the way, I put a bunch of candles out on my Ottoman this weekend.
00;02;06;18 – 00;02;27;22
Yeah, and Sawyer was lighting them, and I said, you know, it’s like it’s level. I go, so you don’t fart near these candles. She’s like, why I go? Because I look up your butthole. Doesn’t she go right over and try it? I’m like, what? She goes, I was like, all I remember about that is Phillip going upstairs and putting on some soccer shorts so that he could get some better wind?
00;02;27;23 – 00;02;51;15
Yeah, cause his jeans were not allowing for a full stream. That is so screwed up. What is wrong with that? I don’t know. What about locked it down? I don’t. There’s no Friday night in our life. People listen to it. Oh, I don’t know, but. But the fact that that was just a normal thing that we’re going to do.
00;02;51;15 – 00;03;06;22
I know, I know. I gotta die. Die? No. You’re not going to believe. Hit us. Hit us with a car. You’re not going to believe this. What? So I did two different decks. Oh. Oh, no. Oh, that was almost booed. It was almost. You almost wrecked the blue. I would have been. I mean, be like Scott. Oh, God.
00;03;06;27 – 00;03;29;23
All right, so I did it. Yes. So step. So now let’s go. All right, so I did two different cards. The first not amused. The first one I did was the high priest. Okay. And it’s wisdom. And then the second one is the Emperor. Oh, wow. That’s a lot of right power. Energy right there. Right. I think I mean, I don’t know what that means, but.
00;03;29;25 – 00;03;55;13
Okay. You’re not I can’t what? Can’t wait. We’re going to start. We’re going to start with the high priest okay. The high priest is a spiritual leader of the oceanic realm. The crook in his left hand shows his role within the church. He is the shepherd of his flock. like the spiritual partner, the High priestess, he stands at a portal between the realm of the divine world of mankind.
00;03;55;15 – 00;04;15;02
His right hand is open and he’s offering wisdom and knowledge. This is 100% for the last podcast, okay? Because you are the. You are this person. And you did say this was your card. Okay. Yeah. So this emperor must be my heart because you just tried to school me and me and Scott in our last session. Whenever there’s no change our lives, there is no schooling.
00;04;15;02 – 00;04;35;21
So wisdom. This is you. Marriage and ceremonies, wisdom and powerful leadership are the gifts of the high priest. Oh, I’m trying to manage. Oh, yeah. A man of learning. Yeah. The high priest suggests to education may be an option for you now. Oh, good. Yeah, yeah. So we need to go back to school. We need to get schooled on how to be more structured.
00;04;35;24 – 00;04;54;13
Okay, he also predicts insanity in two ways. With your body, your mind and your soul and your soul. So you feel connected to your intuition and close to your guides. And then secondly, he represents the unity of two people as they come together as one. An additional meaning the card is convention and tradition. But if this isn’t for you, you may feel restricted by another’s traditional beliefs.
00;04;54;16 – 00;05;13;26
That’s really interesting because how spot on that is, right? And and in our last session we talked about how our energies and our, the way of doing things and then also incorporating how other people feel. And those kinds of things need to be merged into one so that everybody has a a clear understanding and feel seen in all those things.
00;05;13;26 – 00;05;31;03
But yeah, we forgot to read the card. So I just left it out and decided I’m going to pull a second card to see how these two sections are going to relate, so that my card is the Emperor instead of Ram. I think it’s a ram that has a crystal. magic ball. Oh, yeah, that’s a water buffalo.
00;05;31;04 – 00;05;49;18
It’s one with the water. Oh, it’s an ox. It’s an. Oh, it’s not one of those cute Highland cows. No, no. But I did go down the rabbit hole and watched a woman, style a Highland cows hair. Oh, I love that milk. I would love that. It’s adorable. Okay. The cutest thing I’ve ever seen, right down to curling irons and everything.
00;05;49;18 – 00;06;14;00
Oh, yeah. Cracked me up. All right. The emperor. The emperor, a wise father figure of the tarot, has invited you into his study for a sniffer of brandy and a frank chat about what you want from life. Snifter, snifter for a sniff or snifter? I’m brandy. Yeah. His influence can help you distill your many vague and overlapping dreams into a few concrete goals.
00;06;14;02 – 00;06;40;05
He’s the real success and power deal, and he’s carrying around a golden orb. Oh, that’s. It’s not a magic ball. The golden orb, to prove it. Admired the determination and the steadiness it takes to achieve such sway. Then find those qualities within and bring them front and center. If you do the work, you can accomplish anything. Just know it might take decades until you happen to find the exact right this is for me kind of orb.
00;06;40;08 – 00;07;14;14
It’s my advice, I think. I know I can, I think, I know I can, I think I am totally, definitely positive I can do these cards. Oh yeah. But think about it. I know that’s a good one. Agreed. That was me and you. I know, and you feel really closely connected to that card, don’t you? I know, just as strongly connected as I feel to me, standing between the divine in the presence.
00;07;14;17 – 00;07;38;07
That’s the correct. Okay. That’s good. That’s really interesting. I think that’s going to be very interesting. And how we talk about this next session. I think so too, based on what just transpired in the last session, because of how I need to start this part of the session, which is I think we’ve caused some, unnecessary anxiety in some of our listeners.
00;07;38;10 – 00;07;57;21
Oh, yeah. I mean, they probably should be anxious a lot of the time when we’re talking, because they’re not really sure what the heck we’re about to talk. Was it the fart jokes? No, no, not at all. Okay. It’s, it’s about the subscription service. Oh, yeah. Okay, okay. And so I want to spend some time talking about the subscription service and what that’s going to mean and what that looks like.
00;07;57;21 – 00;08;14;15
And I would love for us to just provide the real and raw behind the scenes of how this has all gone down with subscription, so that those people who are listening, well, they just learned at the last session is gonna learn the last session how it went down. And when we say it’s coming out next week, it won’t be for like three months.
00;08;14;17 – 00;08;28;16
It’s true. I didn’t mean those details. Oh, I thought you were gonna see. I thought you were going to, Therapy. The price. Yeah, right. Part two.
00;08;28;19 – 00;08;48;26
but still, I think it’s it’s cool to talk about the idea of the subscription service, where it came from, where it originated, why we’re thinking that we’re going to be using super cast in those types of things. And some of the ways in which I think we still feel ill prepared to be venturing into this, but other ways in which we’re like, really ready to go with this.
00;08;49;02 – 00;09;08;20
Okay. because I do think we’ve, I might know that we’ve caused some undue stress for some of our listeners who have come to me and said, I need to know how much the subscription service is going to cost because I need to put my money aside for it. Oh my God, that’s really sweet. Like, it’s going to be like a vat, right?
00;09;08;22 – 00;09;33;23
Like, oh, I know, I know it is. I mean, that’s the quality of this podcast for our partner. Anybody. Right? I mean, the stuff we give away for free, we’re going to some goodwill prices. That’s what we’re offering here. So so let’s start first by talking about why subscription. you know, why do people do subscriptions. What the heck is a subscription rate.
00;09;33;25 – 00;10;05;25
and why did we decide to go this way? So I really can’t remember back far enough as to why we decided to do the subscription, except for the fact two things one, we wanted better track of our listeners and what our listeners were interested in receiving or engaging with for us. because, gosh, the there’s an old lack of ideas of things that can happen with this podcast.
00;10;05;25 – 00;10;31;29
We’ve talked about merch, we’ve talked about full on retreats. We, Scott talked one time about going on a more Love cruise, and just basically a bucket and plan all the details. All right. Great. You all know where we’re going or where. Yeah, either will you, but it’s fine. we’ve talked about doing some, sessions around different aspects of empathy.
00;10;31;29 – 00;10;55;13
Right. Some workbook kind of stuff. I mean, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that could possibly be created out of this. And so one of the things we wanted to do was establish, we know through Spreaker how many listeners we have, which has been growing exponentially and is really awesome. Yeah. to see every much. I think it’s July, remember?
00;10;55;13 – 00;11;14;26
I don’t know. Scott probably knows better than we do. He’s been dealing with this this long, but it’s like it’s been ten years and more like not in a year. Don’t tell me it hasn’t been a year. Yeah. Definitely not. Do not tell me that. But it’s so validating to see that number go up. It’s so validating to hear from people.
00;11;14;26 – 00;11;38;22
Oh my gosh, I loved XYZ episode. I still have people text messaged me. Great episode today. That was really awesome. I’ve heard people refer to it as their weekly therapy. Like, it’s just really cool to know that we can come together, have our very normal everyday conversations and that people can take things from that. First three episodes were dropped on July 27th, 2023.
00;11;38;25 – 00;11;55;05
Out of it here. Wow. That’s crazy. So July, August September October, November December January, February. Couple months out, eight. Eight months. Wow, we haven’t even cooked a full baby yet.
00;11;55;07 – 00;12;20;02
So I don’t recall trying to make one, but I don’t. You don’t remember that? Scott, where are you? I hate to tell you, but it ain’t going to work. Ooh. Oh my gosh. So that’s where originally it came from. And then second, it came from gosh, we I don’t know if people know this, but we pay to do this podcast.
00;12;20;02 – 00;12;41;26
So we, talk really closely to us like that’s our top dollar. we work very closely with Scott. We’re a bank, huge promoters and fans of rock facts. We talk about rock facts as much as possible. I’m not realizing in this moment that maybe some of your fame, Scott, is coming from us all the ways in which we talk about, rock.
00;12;42;01 – 00;13;02;03
Oh, it’s all white, leading to the chaos. And so actually, we’re the problem, so that’s fine. Well, it’s funny because I was on my staff call the other day and, Sarah for for Raddatz. Yeah, she’s like, Scott’s basically part of the show. I’m like, oh yeah. But even for her to acknowledge that, I’m like, yeah, we’re pretty much a threesome.
00;13;02;03 – 00;13;29;23
Like, you know, yeah. Right. You know. Right, right. Two blonds and a dude. Yeah. Right. Oh, by the way, we put our radio names. Oh, kind of no, I think it’s hilarious. Right? You’re, like, actually changing your names. the name of a show or something? No. Like, you know how you said that if we do end up on the radio, that we have to have, like, a rite of passage just to give people their radio names.
00;13;29;25 – 00;13;56;04
Do you remember talking about that? Yeah, yeah. So, I gave Rebecca her name, and, it’s cabbage, cabbage, cabbage, cabbage. And she had the professor cabbage. So we had the guy. That’s a morning show, if I remember right. Cabbage with cabbage in the is right now again, we spend our weekends farting into candles and coming up with the shit.
00;13;56;07 – 00;14;25;04
Like, for a dream. A pipe dream or something. Yeah, but I had no idea what I signed up to do this podcast that I was going to be doing a podcast with to like 27, 20 something. you know, looking pretty. Yeah. I’m sorry. I appreciate that reference of our agents. I very much don’t tell people our age is something frat bros.
00;14;25;06 – 00;14;53;07
yeah. So cabbage in the professor. Cabbages. those are our writers. I do like it. I think it’s brilliant. Is it doesn’t match our personality. Oh, yeah. Oh. That’s it. Yeah. Bitch. I’m pitching. Bitch. Sign my thing. Sign my shirt. Cabbage. I got it right here. All right. You’re the professor at the professor over there. And I’m pretty sure we designed a logo.
00;14;53;10 – 00;15;17;07
Wait. Got you again. You just right. I’m not. Again, this is another structure. You want to be a part of the subscription? We just gave you a little teaser. Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah, we’ll see if that’s going to make the cut. Yeah. Okay. So I what I was talking about is how we love Rock Fox, but and also Scott treats us super well here, but we also pay to do who are podcasting.
00;15;17;09 – 00;15;38;03
And, everyone knows you broke as a joke. So I’d like to say I’m sorry. I’m the one paying for the dirt. I’ll call it and talk about that. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Between the two of you and your 18 jobs, you know, I don’t know, 18 jobs. Well, we got 18 bank accounts because these certain things come out of each one of them.
00;15;38;04 – 00;16;09;06
I don’t know why either. You can’t, you know, spring up some funds for the podcast. But let’s just be real clear. Aaron’s paying for the podcast. And so, actually, it’s Aaron Scott. I’m still here and answer Rebecca and just shows up. So, I thought to myself, you know, there has to be if there is any potential way of being able to monetize the value and bring this community together in a way that can be a beautiful synergy for everyone.
00;16;09;06 – 00;16;29;24
How would we do that? Right. And to be fair, I had no clue about Patreon. I had no clue about Super cast. I had no clue about any of these things. Now that shows that we are older than 27, because anyone who is in their 20s is real clear. This is just a thing that that everyone is doing.
00;16;29;27 – 00;16;47;13
Right. This is if you have a podcast, if you have any type of content that you sell, right. You use these systems all the time. Side note I also thought that OnlyFans was something that I could join to do therapy with people like coaching, sort of separately and have my own exclusive community. That’s not what OnlyFans? No.
00;16;47;20 – 00;17;12;08
Okay. Yeah, yeah, that would be very upset if that’s all the marks like you can, but you better be naked with people, right? yeah. I just therapy with pasty hurry this. I think that is breaking some ethical codes. So you think. Okay, so we then had to jump into figuring out what type of subscription service we wanted to go with.
00;17;12;13 – 00;17;36;03
And Scott, you really did a lot of research and sort of looking into all this. Can you talk a little bit about that process and how we decided on Super Cast? Well, there’s a lot of different options, and the way I decided was based on how much it was going to cost us to use it. some of them are monthly and there’s certain rate for how many.
00;17;36;05 – 00;18;03;27
you know, what you how big your audience is or how much content you have. And the one that, that I thought was best was super cast. mainly for the idea that if people are subscribing, the people who are subscribing there, the podcast episodes will still be available in their podcast player that they use. So if you listen on Spotify, you can still listen to them spot the other ones.
00;18;04;00 – 00;18;28;11
You have to have a specific player, you have to go to that site. So yeah, you have to go to that site, to our page and listen from that site to our page after you log in. Whereas with Super Cast, if you listen on Spotify, it’s there. You do have to run an app. You do have to like kind of get it set up, but once you get it set up and go, you can find those, those episodes right in the app that you use, which I thought was very important.
00;18;28;16 – 00;18;51;04
That’s cool. Yep. Yeah. And plus we have the video part of it, which is still kind of a new thing outside of YouTube. Of course, you know, everybody on YouTube, at least the big YouTubers they have that, you know, wrapped up. we don’t have the, the, you know, the followers yet. We have 68 people. We have 68 people out.
00;18;51;06 – 00;19;23;10
So, so we’re so we’re we’re about 69. I don’t even know all of them from 69. So about like 900 and, you know, 38 people shy of what we need. Oh okay, guys, sorry, I’m on the YouTube. I mean, 9038 people. Oh. So okay. Well off. Yeah, I will say that I’m not a, I’m not a, an expert by any means on the YouTube stuff for content creators as far as making money, the monetization, I never really looked into that because I it never interested me.
00;19;23;12 – 00;19;41;09
I was all about helping other people create their content, but not about the, you know, them making money off it. Which, you know, maybe I should have, but it also changes all the time. But yeah, you know, I figured if we wanted to go, if we saw the trend happening, that we could go that way, then we could easily find the information that’s everywhere.
00;19;41;14 – 00;20;03;29
Yeah, yeah. and the part that you brought up about the pay, I think is an interesting component of all of this, though there are some of the subscription services that you, as the person putting on the subscription service, have to pay a monthly amount based on the number of followers the different tiers have. Yeah, absolutely. And that was something that was not super exciting to us.
00;20;03;29 – 00;20;38;02
One, because again, it’s just money out with no money coming in potentially, or we’d have to wait for a certain amount of time. And then the one that we ultimately ended up going to, I think it’s important to just transparently say that there is a fee, but the fee is associated with when the person subscribes. So when the person subscribes to a certain model or plan, you know, x, y, z $0.15, $0.20, you know, $0.90 is essentially taken one one part of it is taken by stripe which is the company that accepts the credit card payment.
00;20;38;07 – 00;21;09;20
And then the other is taken by the actual company itself. That’s right. Yeah. Pfizer Supercash I’m sorry. That’s how they essentially make their money. Right. So, that came into play when we were trying to decide on our money levels and on how much we should charge and what the content should be, because if you are essentially giving everything away for free and doing a subscription service, you’re it’s still costing you money because you are getting charged for that new member that’s being added.
00;21;09;23 – 00;21;27;19
again, not tons of money again, 15 $0.20 whatever per person. but are not making any revenue associated with that. Right? I think that part’s important, because I would want to know that if I was on the other side, I would want to be like, why is there a free or why is it a dollar? How come it’s $2 instead of $1?
00;21;27;19 – 00;21;52;25
Right? Well, because if XYZ present, it’s all math, right? Is being taken for whatever reason, I can’t math. Yeah yeah yeah. With both of you cannot math. This is why at least one handled that part of it. What’s that? Like 75% of us can be right, 22.3% repeating. But anyway, continue. So. So we decided to go with super cast.
00;21;52;25 – 00;22;10;11
And then what that meant is we needed to go in and we needed to set everything up. And so we had to then determine what are the types of things that we would think more love subscribers actually cared about, wanted would see as a value add, and more importantly, would add value to their life or would be something that they would be excited about.
00;22;10;11 – 00;22;26;23
So enter into the conversation, the shared the Google doc that again you want to talk about a behind the scenes. I’m pretty positive I created the Google doc. I wrote the entire Google doc. I asked everyone to go in and use a different color to add to the Google doc. Rebecca had one thing to do which was name the subscription levels.
00;22;26;23 – 00;22;48;19
She did not do it and Scott did go in and added a couple of notes here and there. And then both of us. We all participated on a zoom call together, where I successfully led us through the entire joint document where they both added their thoughts on the fly. Correct. From the accurate. It’s yeah, that’s thank you pretty much.
00;22;48;22 – 00;23;10;01
You pretty much. Thank you again. Have some empathy for Aaron here. Think of that when you subscribe. Thank you. The theme of the day. If I’m real clear right now Aaron’s paying for the podcast. Aaron is doing the work for the podcast. He’s reviewing the podcast. He’s also reviewing the Google doc. I feel like next time I need a day off, I need to ask you, oh my God, yeah, you do.
00;23;10;02 – 00;23;36;02
You do everything. Everything. But yeah, I never been denial of that. Thankfully, that’s all I’m looking for in life is validation. Thank you. I am denial that you two run the show. Thanks, I feel great. I feel really so right now. Thank you. I just push the buttons. So, Scott, can you are we decided to start? Oh, also, look at this.
00;23;36;02 – 00;23;59;16
And Rebecca did send some articles for people to review and read, as well as some some sample Patreon examples. Examples? Yes. And a marketing plan. Did you read any of that or look at any of those? Yeah. Stop it right now. Not for this podcast, for someone to read I did I cannot I have exactly what happened. That’s what I signed.
00;23;59;23 – 00;24;18;18
Did I read that article? I highlighted that article. You tried it out right in and I became a subscriber of the woman who provided the content because I thought to myself, she really provided valuable content. And she said, five times in here, if you find this content valuable, subscribe to me here. I absolutely did, right? I took valuable notes.
00;24;18;18 – 00;24;46;07
I put that on the Google doc, and she said, you do not want to have any more than three subscription levels to start. Okay, so what did we do? We created five, let’s say athletes. And I’m telling you, we had all the things covered. You know, we put all the things out there. And then I gave the, the Google sheet, you know, the behind the curtain to two listeners.
00;24;46;09 – 00;25;11;04
Stacy and Rene, thank you guys. And I said, please look at this and give me your feedback on it. And they provided really great feedback and thoughts. And one of those pieces of feedback was I would start with three levels. It’s a lot less complicated. And then you’re going to get a general sense of where people are, what they want to commit to, how they want to commit to you and sort of build it from there.
00;25;11;07 – 00;25;29;19
Okay, so I went back in again and redid some of the math and redid some of the, you know, we could offer this or we could offer that. We also came up with some really good names. I thank you. And now what you did contribute to that was during the meeting, that we had first you said, I don’t like us, Nate.
00;25;29;21 – 00;25;50;26
And then the original was something they want to do. Something like specific to the podcast stand to be like, yes. So now you tell up to the minute, you know, they need to hear something like whatever, which is when you then got assigned the task of naming the themes and then just didn’t do it. So then I named them myself and you nailed it.
00;25;50;26 – 00;26;11;07
And, you know, I wouldn’t put it past you to come back and be like, I don’t like those names either, because you just have all the audacity in the world to be able to do that. But however, I must have nailed it. It’s the shape they perform. Nailed it. So we have three tiers, and the first tier is a free tier that is essentially a tier where you’re going to get what you have been getting.
00;26;11;08 – 00;26;33;09
That’s not that’s not right. Was that a little promotional? That’s a pop to you, but from what you’re about to hear is brought to you by rock facts. They did all the work on the Scott that day. The day. So then you’re going to have access in the free version to the More Left podcast, official Facebook page, occasional live episodes, as we talked about and the limited guest interview content.
00;26;33;09 – 00;27;01;17
So our hope is that you, even if you want the free version, are still going to go in and subscribe. Because if you subscribe, we then are able to know that you are an active member of our more live community. Where are we able to follow? You will be able to talk to you about different offers or specials or opportunities that we have so this will help us again start to create the more loved community that, we are hoping to do a lot of really awesome things with in the future.
00;27;01;19 – 00;27;29;19
So after the free version, we move up to a $5 a month version. I call this the Chakra Aligners. Let’s did you do to redo all seven stone? Yes. Beautifully displayed. One to read or Is it? Yeah. On purpose. That was not on. I never even looked at that. I look at you. In fact, I didn’t even read it yet.
00;27;29;20 – 00;27;53;21
Right. We’re back. Is finding out for the first time, just with all of you what is in the $5 subscription per month? No. So the $5 per month are for anyone who listens to the podcast that wants a little extra from Rebecca and Erin. some extra perks, including one early access to episode content, which we have heard from a few listeners.
00;27;53;21 – 00;28;17;27
They have said, wouldn’t it be great if we had early access, for instance, even 24 hours earlier? So, with $5 a month, you will get early access, and as Scott had said, it would be available on your actual place where you listen to the podcast. by Wednesday at 7 a.m.. this is kind of a cool ad.
00;28;17;27 – 00;28;53;18
So people who are on our chakra aligners level are going to have their name added to a credit. Real at the end, identifying you as a chakra aligner, that’s pretty awesome. so that you get some credit that you deserve for being a part of our community there. still not going to be full on interviews with guests at this level, but you will be provided some additional highlight reels of the extra content that you would not be seeing unless you were at the, third level that I’ll talk about here in a moment.
00;28;53;20 – 00;29;17;24
But these highlight reels are going to give you some of the tips, tricks, perks, sort of highlight information of some of the guests that we have coming on the show. I think it’s probably an appropriate time to say that we have identified 8 or 9 guests that will be coming on the show over the next few months if Rebecca’s schedule is found to be on the podcast.
00;29;17;26 – 00;29;45;00
Otherwise, don’t worry about the highlight reels because we don’t have any guests. So, also with the chakra aligners, because you’ll be in our super cast community, you’re going to have the access to exclusive feed and comments in the super cast. So, this is a new one for me as well. But why I’m excited about this is we’ve had a lot of you say there’s so much content that we want to further discuss.
00;29;45;02 – 00;30;11;01
We need a safe place where people can come together and say, I love that this was said in the episode What Do People think? Or so-and-so said this and it really pissed me off. Was I the only one who had that reaction? and so it’s going to be exclusive. It’s going to be a safe place where people can come to contribute to a thread associated with content, material.
00;30;11;04 – 00;30;32;21
Whereas the more loved podcast Facebook group is going to be reserved for more friendly. We put some memes on there, some videos on there, some thought provoking questions. the more of a deep dive in the yes into this middle level I keep wanting to record super guest. Oh yeah, we’ll be more of a deep dive into some of the discussions.
00;30;32;23 – 00;31;00;02
So that’ll be, interesting, I think, to participate in and just, I think cool to hear how some people are reflecting on episode content. you’ll receive some early drop notifications. So if we’re going to be going live, if we’re going to be adding any additional content, you will get first access to knowing about that. you will be able to enter any of the super cast only contests that will we will be offering.
00;31;00;09 – 00;31;19;10
Do we know what those contests are? Absolutely not. No. But we’ll make them. I will promise to add some contests, so I’ll be in charge of the giveaways, some free stuff, which would be pretty cool. and one of the cool things I’m excited about is, at the $5 chakra aligner level. You’ll get the More Love newsletter once a month.
00;31;19;10 – 00;31;45;07
At the beginning of the month, we will have a pretty cool branded and templated email that has some interesting information, maybe some quotes, maybe, some thought provoking questions. Just a whole bunch of really cool stuff that will be included in this newsletter to start your month off on the right side. So again, everything I just talked about is included in the chakra aligner level, which is going to be $5 a month.
00;31;45;09 – 00;32;17;10
What is that? What’s five times 1260, $60 a year, right. And 50, 60, $60 a year. So for $60 a year. Oh, we are the surprised. That doesn’t work when you click on that. Yeah, that’s what I was wondering. Oh, well, so for $60 a year, you can get access to all of that. Our third level, our voodoo visionaries.
00;32;17;12 – 00;32;58;03
Is going to be $9 a month. and $9 a month is what? Oh, God. Nine times 1263 is definitely not 63. 108108 so for $100, $108 a year, you could be part of the Voodoo Visionaries. And I like to say the the yearly amount, because when I think about the fact that I spent $6.78 on this coffee just today and I probably go 4 or 5 times a week, that adds up real quick, in my little bank account.
00;32;58;07 – 00;33;29;14
So, for $108 a year or $9 a month, the voodoo visionaries are going to get everything I just talked about in the chakra aligners. And in addition to that, you’re going to get videos of Aaron and Rebecca’s life, absolute ridiculousness around town. So if any of them are old, who got to see? Oh yeah, you can see some of our past.
00;33;29;16 – 00;33;54;22
Yeah, past them interactions. If anyone got to see the goodwill hunting video, that is a small preview of what poor Scott has to do when he follows us around to different places around town, we have some birthday footage. We have some old footage from before Scott came in our life. One of my favorites is the spear Chuck Championships that occurred at Rebecca’s house for her daughter’s birthday.
00;33;54;23 – 00;34;18;12
Where we there for the birthday? Yeah. Did we celebrate the birthday? No. What we did was do spear chuck throwing championships every year. Rebecca’s grandmother sang the national anthem as we paraded around the backyard. I was in the front. Why? Because whenever champion, you win every year. The champion. This was standard practice. Yes. They have so for many years.
00;34;18;12 – 00;34;39;04
Many, many years. Yes. Happy birthday Taylor. Yeah. By the way, grab a bunch. It’s time for the spirit of the beer. Beer spirit checking National championship sprint right down to my brother in law doing a whole. Yeah, he would do interviews. Yep. And he would do the interviews. He would be like, here I am sitting with the spear shark champion Aaron again this year.
00;34;39;04 – 00;35;01;19
Aaron, how does it feel? And then I would go to answer and I literally give three seconds out and he’d be like, that’s really great. I’m so all right. So that kind of does a lot of fun. But there’s a lot of I there’s also content in there of when Rebecca and I decided to do hotel roulette. Oh, which if you’re not familiar with hotel really got you, you will be at the voodoo visionary level.
00;35;01;22 – 00;35;22;15
and so there will be a lot of antics and ridiculousness of stuff from us around time around around town. there will be surprise live virtual meetups for when I run the other groups without my glasses. I thought it said sunrise and I’m like, not a chance. Yeah. I’m not. I don’t out on that. I’m not signing you up for any of that.
00;35;22;17 – 00;35;44;10
That’s my son, right? You know he’s not on yet. Yeah. At that point. Now surprise live virtual meet ups. You will also get full access to the entirety of the interviews that we have with the guests from beginning to end. And this is kind of cool. it’s going to say incorrectly on here that you get a personalized more left postcard.
00;35;44;10 – 00;36;09;11
But Rebecca, I will give her some props here. Really upped that game. Quite a blessing. You know, postcard friends. It’s a it’s a virtual experience. Yes, it’s a virtual it is experience. Experience that I created which. Yeah I mean if you if you want to look at my current not lying, I was very impressed. Thank you. And I actually think it really establishes both of our personalities.
00;36;09;11 – 00;36;28;08
Well, I’m like here’s a flat postcard. It’s an actual hard copy postcard. I’m going to sign it with this pen and we’ll send it to people with the pen, because I’m sure they want they want that patent right? Like, oh my God, you smell it. All right, I got it. That’s pen. And then of course, Practical Pete over here is like, do you know how much it costs?
00;36;28;08 – 00;36;45;06
And these things in the mail again, things are going to get cost, just like I got that. Don’t worry about it. So then she goes and takes 15 minutes and does her a little voodoo magic that she does. And she comes back and tell them what you came up with. Are we are we doing that? Well, yeah. What a surprise.
00;36;45;07 – 00;37;11;05
We’re supposed to be promoting each of our levels right now. Like if you sign on for $9 a month, wait till you see what you get. Though I might not be cool, it might be a really. No. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, I actually created a, interactive tarot card reading. it’s an empathy tarot card reading. Yeah. That you will be able to go in and we’re going to pose some questions.
00;37;11;05 – 00;37;27;28
Or you can ask Karen. I mean, you do you boo. Yeah. I mean, I would never think to just ask her own question if there was one post, but there’s examples and, you know, and then you go in and you click and it shuffles the deck and then it will give you your reading. Yeah, I love it.
00;37;28;00 – 00;37;49;07
I love it so much. And it will evolve through time. We’ve already talked about creating our own, empathy card. So we’ve already talked about we’re going to create our own Etsy in 2027. Right. It might contain four cards. We might. That’s right. We’ve already thought about to doing our own artwork. No, not a chance. It is not going to happen.
00;37;49;10 – 00;38;14;19
There’s your stick figure. All of us over there. At the time I call that oh my cabbage. Oh. Or tune. Could you really. Yeah. Cabbage is showing up. It says the professor. Yes. Yeah, yeah, I do like that. Yeah. So, those are the three offerings. There’s free, there’s the $5, and then there’s the $9 subscription level. That’s what you’re getting now.
00;38;14;22 – 00;38;44;14
Then each of those options, and then we will grow and move and shake and change from there. So that is how we’re going to be starting, what we will be reaching out to six listeners, and identifying you as what we call an early adopter. And so an early adopter is someone who says, I want to try out one of your subscription levels, and I want to do it for free for the first three months.
00;38;44;16 – 00;39;08;08
So in exchange of getting the subscription service for free for three months, you will provide us with feedback about what you like. Was it easy to access? What did you want more of essentially giving us feedback on the subscription so that when we roll it out to our gigantic fan base, you all just stared at me like, no, I’m in my mind.
00;39;08;11 – 00;39;26;19
Let’s just stay in my mind. That’s a zoom call, what with those six people. So now you get live access to us to give us your feedback. Great. How fun would that be? Great. Look at us dropping a live right there. Look at us. Hey, this is my chat with us guys again last session. This is what happened with me.
00;39;26;24 – 00;39;48;18
Nope. This is going to get it with Rebecca. Yep. Off the cuff. This is what happens. This is why I’m in the moment. I’m like, that sounds like a great idea. That’s great. So we need six listeners. Just six. Three for the $5 level, three for the $9 level, who will get access for free. And in exchange for feedback on what was clunky, what could have been done differently?
00;39;48;20 – 00;40;05;01
Scott will be a part of that as well. I only accept compliments. What’s that? We. No. You don’t want any negative feedback? No. Oh, okay. No, no, just just praises. Okay. It’s like when we do an escape room, I only want to hear the positive things. That’s right. For at least 20 minutes. Yeah. At least you tell me.
00;40;05;01 – 00;40;19;15
I need to continue. And you’ve decided that you’re done hearing good things about yourself. All the things we did good does sound about right. That’s what we want to hear. You just cover your ears for the part that wasn’t working, because I would like all the feedback. I want to make sure that this is not clunky as shit.
00;40;19;17 – 00;40;49;22
Okay. So okay, so, if you are interested, please either just hit us up on the Facebook page. feel free to send us an email at the More Love podcast@gmail.com. Again, only six people we’re looking for to try out the first two. Yes, Scott. Wow, Scott freaking Scott on the screen boss. Incredible. Hold it and we would love to include you and have you give us a test drive.
00;40;49;25 – 00;41;12;28
So I hope that this helps to calm some anxiety. because to be fair, I’m going to blame this on both of you. We launched this subscription model and we’re, like, dropping it like it was hot way back in December. We’re like teasing the subscription model. Guess what? Subscription models coming. I can’t, but I can’t wait to hear about the subscription model.
00;41;13;01 – 00;41;30;28
And then our listeners who are empathic and also at times anxious are like, when’s the subscription model coming? I went to the website. It’s not on the website. How much is it going to cost? Do I want to continue to be is actively engaged in more love? What if it costs $100 a month? I can’t afford that and so should I.
00;41;30;28 – 00;41;58;03
Just stop listening now? This is what happens right when it’s not in $100 a month credit check. Yeah, right. Right. No, no. See? Nothing you saying is worth $200 a month? Not exactly. Now, unlike other podcasts, they charge that. No. Oh. Unlike other podcasts who have a team of unseen people in the background doing all this stuff. Yeah.
00;41;58;06 – 00;42;25;13
You’re looking at the team. Yeah, right. Yeah, this is it, I hope. I hope you just panned to a picture of me. Right. There we go. This is the team looking at the team. There’s the there it is, there it is. Yeah that’s great. So yeah. So there it is. Yeah there is. So my podcast team, the more podcast team.
00;42;25;16 – 00;42;48;23
Yes, exactly. I wanted to spend some time today to alleviate any anxiety or concern we bring. Can anybody’s bank here. We’re trying not to break mine is really well what we’re doing here with this whole thing. and again, who knows where it will go from here. But with any good business, I think the part that I love the most, whether it be with Concern Center or More Love Podcast, is we create, we figure it out.
00;42;48;23 – 00;43;09;16
Some things are going to work, some things aren’t going to work. I know it’s real ironic that I’m the one that’s saying this. but I want this to be something that creates a really beautiful community of people that can connect, can grow, can learn, can push. That’s it. At the end of the day, ask the questions that maybe there wasn’t a safe place to be able to ask previously.
00;43;09;19 – 00;43;32;07
So that’s what this subscription is all about. We really hope you will join the more love community. We’re excited to have you be a part of us even if it’s in the free version. Oh yeah. and to grow with us as we continue to make this a resounding crazy success. All right. Last, last thing is my card.
00;43;32;09 – 00;43;58;19
Okay? Okay. My card, my affirmation card. I know that life is only limited by my imagination. I am dreaming bigger. Look at you. My favorite part is we always pick these before. Before we. You didn’t just pick that now before we even know what we’re going to talk about. Minus the, the broad headline. But that’s so cool.
00;43;58;20 – 00;44;21;19
We’re all dreaming bigger. I’m just the only one is doing anything about it over here okay. High priestess okay. Wisdom. Wisdom. There you are. Tell it down there. Kill them. That’s what I think. in the professor in the morning show to we out.
00;44;21;21 – 00;44;58;06
I loved that. Me too. It is an empathy. Amazing. Well, we’re amazing. I don’t know about all this empathy stuff. That’s fine. I accept you wherever you are. Oh, God, I love you. I love you, too. And if you love us, please like and subscribe to more. Love the power of empathy podcast wherever you get your podcasts. See you next time.

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